Content warnings specific to this chapter: Cum Inflation, Shower sex, some light watersports, futaLoli on loli, futaLoli on futaLoli, a variation of selfcest, knotting. Author's notes: The second chapter written for this story, and the first of what I hope to be a series of the Ojamajo getting intimate with their fairies. I don't bother writing out the exact "wording" of Fairy speak or providing a translation of what the fairy is saying. Also worth noting is that the last scene of this chapter is something I had originally planned, decided not to write because I felt the chapter was getting too long, and went back and added after "Hazuki's Bathtime" from Cathouse MAHO-Dou convinced me to not put an upper limit on chapter length. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 6: A Girl and her Fairy Doremi lays on her bed, her stomach still swollen to tremendous proportions by the collossal load of semen Poppu had deposited in her womb. The prone girl tries to grab at the erection her younger sister left her with, only to discover that her arms are too short to reach her crotch given her cum inflated condition. Weighted down with at least a dozen liters of semen, it takes a significant effort for Doremi to stand, only for her to nearly fall flat on her face due to now being so front heavy. Hugging her massive belly as best she can, she waddles over to her desk where Dodo is sleeping in the crystal sphere that renders her invisible to those without magic. Using the desk to support the extra weight, Doremi brings the translucent sphere to her face and calls to her sleeping fairy. "Dodo, wake up." The tiny creature half-opens its eyes and stretches, its noodle like arms before speaking in a sleepy tone. While the fairy's speech sounds like its own name said repeatedly, her human partner seems to understand her intuitively. "Sorry for waking you, but Poppu just left after using her new cock to inflate my womb with cum and left me with a raging hard-on I cannot take care of, would you mind helping me out?" At this Dodo springs to life and lets out an excited response before flying to the middle of the room and glowing a bright pink as she starts growing. When the pink light subsides, a second Doremi is standing in the middle of the room, though this one is completely naked and lacks both the bloated belly and penis. Now a doppelganger of her partner, Dodo helps the real Doremi back to the bed, and after removing the human's pajama top, lays her on her back before lying down herself and cuddling up close to her partner, the fairy's front pressed against the human's side. Looping the arm beneath her around Doremi's neck, Dodo captures the human girl's lips in a passionate kiss as her other hand begins exploring Doremi's body. The fairy starts by caressing the human's flat chest, pausing to draw circles with her fingertips around Doremi's erect nipples. Continueing lower, she rubs Doremi's inflated belly in a soothing circular pattern, practically massaging the tightly stretched skin and abdomenal muscles. Dodo then reaches below Doremi's Tremendous Tummy and grabs the human's erect penis. At the first stroke from her fairy's hand, Doremi lets out a moan, and Dodo takes this opportunity to have her tongue invade the human's mouth. After a minute or two of tongue wrestling as she gives her human partner a handjob, Dodo breaks off the kiss and makes a request in her manner of speech which is unintelligible to anyone other than doremi. Doremi replies, "Sure, I want you to enjoy yourself as well." Dodo lets out a joyful reply before leaving Doremi's side and moving to kneel with her knees either side of Doremi's head. She lowers her vulva towards Doremi's mouth, wet with anticipation of whats to come. Doremi brings her hands up and massages Dodo's buttocks before using her thumbs to spread the fairy's labia exposing clitoris and vagina. Doremi takes a long, deep inhale of Dodo's natural scent before reaching out her tongue to give the fairy a slow, long lick from clitoris almost to buttcrack. This first lick sends a wave of pleasure through the fairy's body that causes her every muscle to go limp and she collapses forwards onto Doremi's inflated stomach. As the fairy recovers from this first wave and finding Doremi's belly quite comfortable as a make shift body pillow, she wraps her arms around the bulge in what she hopes her partner finds as a comforting hug. Doremi responds by placing her lips around Dodo's clitoris and sucking on the little nub like bundle of nerves. The fairy tightens her grip on Doremi's belly and has to bite down on her lower lip to avoid letting out a scream that would wake the entire household as tremors rock her body from Doremi's treatment. After a minute or so, though it seems much longer to the fairy, Doremi shifts gears, removing her lips and gently sliding a finger into Dodo's vagina. While still pleasureable, Doremi's tender massaging of Dodo's insides is far less intense, allowing the fairy to regain some semblance of coherence. Her wits once again about her and wanting to please her human partner, Dodo wraps both of her hands around the shaft of Doremi's erection and begins pumping. She tries bringing the tip of Doremi's penis to her mouth, but the cum-filled balloon that is Doremi's womb and lower torso prevents her from reaching it given her current position. As if sensing the fairy's disappointment, Doremi's member starts to elongate, stopping at a length that allows Dodo to comfortably take the head into her mouth. Licking doremi's cockhead as if it was the sweetest of lollipops and stroking its shaft as quickly as her arms will allow, Dodo is rewarded for her efforts by Doremi slipping a second finger into her pusssy while the human uses her thumb to rub the fairy's clitoris. Upon finding Dodo's g-spot and using both fingers to deeply massage that bundle of nerves, Doremi once again sends her fairy into convulsions from the pleasure to which Dodo redoubles her efforts, not wanting to come before her human partner. From this mutual increase in intensity, it does not take long for both to reach their orgasm. Dodo does not squirt much, but her virgin passage, already quite tight around Doremi's fingers constricts to the point that Doremi cannot remove her fingers. Meanwhile, copious amounts of semen begin filling Dodo's mouth, which the fairy does not hesitate to swallow while continueing to pump the shaft of Doremi's cock to prolong the flow of ejaculate. By the time cum stops erupting from Doremi's tip, the fairy has greedily guzzled down at least a full liter of her partner's essence, not allowing a single drop to spill from her lips. After a few minutes rest, Doremi asks Dodo, "Are you ready to take my cock up your pussy?" to which Dodo replys with a happy squeal and quickly repositioning herself so she is straddling Doremi's waist. Spreading her labia with her left hand and using the other to line up Doremi's penis with her vaginal opening, Dodo impales herself on her partner's member, not even allowing it time to shrink to something more reasonable for the fairy's virgin passage. While she feels no pain, Dodo does let out a loud gasp from the sensation of being stretch so wide so quickly. After giving herself a minute or so to adjust to Doremi's girth, Dodo starts moving her hips up and down at a leisurely pace. Leaning forward in an attempt to wrap her arms around Doremi's neck and capture the human's lips in another passionate kiss, Dodo finds her partner's cum inflated belly once again hindering her efforts. Settling for embracing her partners tummy, Dodo adopts a rocking motion, moving backward and forward on a pillow of cum as Doremi's penis continues to slide in and out of the fairy's tight passage. Desperate for more stimulation, Doremi tries thrusting her hips up to meet Dodo's, but finds herself too weighted down to do so. Noticing Doremi's struggles, Dodo speaks again in her monosyllabic language, a mixture of curiosity and mischieviousness in her tone, all the while maintaining the same relaxing, yet torturous pace. When her fairy finishes speaking, Doremi respondes, "It was scary having so much cum pumped into me as I thought my womb might rupture, but it felt really good, and even now, it feels really comfortable having a cum inflated bellly, though it does kind of get in the way. Honestly, given how monsterous Poppu's cock was, I was expecting my pussy to be gaping and to have a flood of cum soaking into my carpet, yet my cervix seems to have tightened enough to hold back the flood. Dodo speaks again, with Doremi replying, "That might work for draining my womb, but I think we should move to the bathroom in order to minimize the mess, but first, could you please stop torturing my poor dick and let me release inside you?" agitation apparent in her voice as she finishes. Smiling widely, Dodo finally increases her speed sending her partner into a flurry of moaning with the occasional "so good", "more", and "oh god" thrown in as Doremi's senses are overwhelmed. A minute or two later, Doremi exclaims, "I am about to cum!", to which Dodo, wanting another taste of Doremi's semen, quickly removes her vagina from Doremi's penis only to replace it with her mouth, taking Doremi's entire length into her oral cavity and down her throat. With Doremi too lost in pleasure to notice what she did, Dodo begins bobbing her head up and down at a rate faster than she was moving her hips previously, with a hand gripped firmly around the base to prevent Doremi from shooting the impending load down Dodo's throat before the fairy can taste it. It is not long before Doremi announces "I'm cumming!" prompting Dodo to pull back until just the tip is left in her mouth and shifting her hands from constricting to stroking just in time for another fountain of semen to pour into Dodo's mouth. By the time the fountain runs dry, Dodo has drank another 2 liters of cum, her stomach feeling quite full from drinking so much. She goes back to deep throating Doremi, wanting to suck out every last drop, just as the human is coming to her senses after that earth shattering orgasm. Noticing what Dodo is doing, Doremi realizes what happened and states angrily, "HEY, I wanted to cum in your pussy!" Removing her mouth from Doremi's member, Dodo says something that seem to placate Doremi for the time being. The fairy stands and then helps her human partner do so as well, wrapping both of them in Doremi's bedsheet. Leaving Doremi's bedroom, they head down the hall to the bathroom, Dodo ensuring that Doremi does not fall from being unbalanced by the huge load of Poppu's semen that is still inflating the human's womb. Entering the bathroom, they let the sheet fall to the floor before moving towards the shower. Dodo helps Doremi step accross the sidewall of the tub without falling. Placing her hands against the wall for balance, Doremi stands with her back to Dodo, her feet roughly shoulder width apart. Stepping into the shower as well, Dodo pulls the curtain close before sitting on the floor of the tub between Doremi's legs. Looking up, Dodo has a good view of Doremi's buttocks, vulva, and the underside of her penis. Extending the fingers of her right hand and placing them together, Dodo reaches towards Doremi's crotch, slipping her entire hand into the human's vagina. Doremi lets out a pleasured moan at the intrusion. Although Doremi's walls stretch without effort to accomodate Dodo's hand and forearm, they still hug the appendage tightly. Reaching deeper into Doremi's most precious hole, Dodo soon finds her fingers brushing against Doremi's cervix. Moving slowly as to not cause Doremi any pain, Dodo curls all but her index finger before pushing said index finger into the opening of Doremi's cervix. Feeling no resistance, Dodo's finger enters Doremi's womb, making contact with the semen sealed within. In a similar manner, Dodo inserts her remaining fingers into Doremi's womb, each added finger pulling another moan from the human's throat. Once she has all her fingers within her partner's womb, instead of pushing the rest of her hand in, Dodo spreads her fingers apart, stretching Doremi's cervix wide open. This causes Doremi to let out a loud gasp and for Poppu's semen to spill out onto Dodo's hand. However, Doremi's passage is still too tightly wrapped around Dodo's arm for the semen to fully escape. Noticing this, Dodo slides her left hand up the exposed portion of her right arm before slipping it into Doremi's vagina as well pulling another gasp from the human. As she slides her left arm up Doremi's passage, Dodo closes her eyes and opens her mouth wide in anticipation. Once her left hand reaches where her right is holding Doremi's cervix open, the fairy pulls her arms apart to give the cum a way to exit doremi's body. A torrent of ejaculate erupts from Doremi's vaginal opening, propelled not only by gravity, but by the girl's womb actively trying to return to its original size like it was an actual balloon. The cascading semen hits Dodo square in the face, and despite the fairy's best efforts to catch as much in her mouth and swallow it, she ends up completely drenched in Poppu's essence. As she feels the flow slow to a dribble, Doremi reaches her right hand to feel her tummy and discovers to her surprise, that instead of the stretched skin hanging loose and baggy that it has returned to its original size. Meanwhile, Dodo removes her left arm from Doremi's passage and begins licking cum from it, but instead of doing the same with her right, the fairy decides to have a little more fun with Doremi's girl parts. Slipping her right hand into Doremi's now empty womb, Dodo makes a fist before pulling her arm out. As she expected, Doremi's cervix makes a tight seal around Dodo's wrist, resulting in the human's womb being pulled along with the Fairy's fist. Doremi shouts, "What are you doing, Dodo?" to which Dodo's only response is thrusting her arm elbow deep into Doremi. As Dodo continues to repeatedly punch Doremi's womb, the human can't help but think, 'her arm and fist is much smaller, but this feels a lot like when Poppu's cockhead got stuck in my womb.' After a few minutes of fisting, Dodo decides that Doremi has had enough, and with one strong pull, manages to remove her fist from Doremi's womb and vagina with a single motion and an audible pop. After recovering from the rather rough fist fucking Dodo gave her, Doremi turns around to see how messy her fairy has become from draining the human's womb. "Looks like someone desperately needs a shower." Doremi comments upon seeing Dodo's cum-drenched form. "Good thing we are already standing in the shower." With that, Doremi turns on the hot water, Water erupting from the shower head in a pattern wide enough to cover both girls. Doremi helps Dodo to her feet and removes the elastic bands holding the fairy's cum soaked hair in the pair's signature odango, letting the long red hair fall down to Dodo's butt. As the water starts to rinse the cum from Dodo's form, Doremi feels a twitch in her penis and thinks 'washing can wait for a little while.' Catching Dodo off guard, Doremi pins the fairy between her own body and the wall before catching the fairy's lips in a passionate kiss. Dodo respondes by wrapping her arms around Doremi's neck. When the two part a minute or so later to catch their breath, Doremi says seductively, "You look damn sexy with your hair down and water running down your body" which causes a blush to appear on Dodo's cheeks. Smiling at how cute Dodo looks with the blush, Doremi lifts the fairy's right leg, bringing it to rest in the crook of Doremi's left arm. Brushing her tip teasingly against the fairy's lower lips, Doremi asks, "Does my cute little fairy want a pussyful of cock?" The blush on her face deeper and desire evident in her voice, Dodo only speaks her name once in response, but that is all Doremi needs as she buries her member to the hilt within Dodo, the fairy letting out a loud moan at once again being filled with her partner's penis. After the first few thrusts, Doremi lifts Dodo's other leg, leaving the fairy's entire body weight supported by the human girl and the wall her back is pinned against. Tightening her arms around Doremi's neck, Dodo whispers something in Doremi's ear, to which the human replies, "You want to wrap your legs around my waist? I think we can manage that." Removing her left arm from under Dodo's right leg, Doremi moves her left hand to the fairy's right buttock before repeating the motion on the opposite side. At the same time, Dodo brings her legs into a tight embrace about Doremi's waist. Realizing the greater control she has over Dodo with the change in grip, Doremi squeezes the fairy's butt as she begins thrusting with greater force and speed. As the waves of pleasure from the increased intensity crash into Dodo's senses, the fairy places her mouth to Doremi's neck to muffle the moans that have become too loud to be drowned out by the shower. This response only encourages Doremi to redouble her efforts as she pulls Dodo away from the wall. A few minutes later, without giving the fairy any warning, Doremi slams Dodo down on her throbbing erection one last time as a powerful jet of semen erupts from the human's tip and begins filling the fairy's womb. Feeling a penis ejaculate within her for the first time is enough to send Dodo over the edge, releasing a pleasured screem into Doremi's neck as her vaginal walls clamp down on the member within her as if trying to milk every last drop of semen. As both of their orgasms subside, Dodo shakily stands, holding on to Doremi's shoulders for balance. Doremi pulls her length from Dodo's depths, a river of cum following it, though no where near the deluge that had rained down on Dodo when she had drained Doremi's inflated womb. Their mutual lust saited for the time being, Doremi speaks, "I think its time we washed-up, and I think I will start with your hair." As Dodo turns her back to Doremi, the human girl grabs a bottle of shampoo and a comb from an indentation in the wall. Starting at the scalp and moving down, Doremi works the shampoo into Dodo's long, red hair, using the comb to prevent tangling and making sure all the cum has been rinsed from the strands. After reaching the bottom, Doremi swaps the shampoo and comb for a bottle of body wash, and foregoing a washcloth, squeezes a liberal amount into her palms, coating her hands completely in the slippery liquid. Parting Dodo's hair into two to expose the fairy's back, Doremi begins massaging the bodywash into Dodo's back, starting at the shoulders and working her way down. Upon reaching the fairy's butt, Doremi cannot help using washing as an excuse to fondle Dodo's buttocks a little, even playfully swirling a soapy finger around the fairy's anus. Instead of continueing down Dodo's legs, Doremi stands back up, and after applying more body wash to her hands, tosses the fairy's long hair behind herself, pulling the fairy's soapy backside flush with her own front. As she does so, Doremi's cock slips between Dodo's thighs, grazing the fairy's vulva in the process. As Doremi begins massaging the body wash into Dodo's flat chest, gently pinching the fairy's nipples as she does so, Dodo begins grinding against the penis sandwiched between her thighs, even bringing her thighs together as she does so As Doremi moves down to wash Dodo's tummy, she begins thrusting her own hips in time with Dodo's grinding. Moving even further down, Doremi resists the urge to stimulate their genitals with her soapy hands, instead opting for massaging the body wash into Dodo's thighs. After reaching as far down as possible given how the two are positioned, Doremi moves back up to tease Dodo's slit with her soapy fingers, gently working the body wash into the exposed portion of her erection with the other hand. "I think its time I washed your pussy" Doremi says as she pulls her hips back before adjusting the angle of her erection and thrusting forward, burying her penis within Dodo's depths once again, this time with a film of body wash to act as lubricant. Moving her hands to the back of Dodo's thighs just above the knee, Doremi lifts Dodo's legs, bringing the fairy's knees to chest height. As Doremi begins thrusting, Dodo is hit with the sudden need to urinate, which is only made worse by Doremi thrusting at and angle that has the human's erection poking at the fairy's bladder, and starts squirming in Doremi's grasp. "Something wrong, Dodo?" Doremi asks at the fairy's squirms, and upon hearing the fairy's response, replies, "Sounds like all that semen you drank is catching up with you." shifting to a more devilish tone, Doremi continues "but I have no intention of letting you go until I finish, so you will either need to hold it, or pee as I fuck you." Letting out a whine, Dodo does her best to relieve pressure on her bladder, but the way Doremi is holding her prevents her from crossing her legs, grabbing at her crotch, or even shifting so that each of Doremi's thrusts doesn't feel like a punch to the bladder. With no other alternatives and being unwilling to let it go in the middle of intercourse, Dodo focuses all of her energy on contracting the muscles of her pelvic floor and keeping them tight. Feeling Dodo's passage tighten around her due to the fairy's attempts at holding, Doremi increases her pace, a part of her wanting to see the fairy lose control of her bladder. A few minutes later, another orgasm sends tremors through Dodo's body as another stream of Doremi's semen begins shooting into the fairy's womb. Her focus shattered by these sensations, Dodo loses the last of her bladder control as a powerful stream of Urine erupts from the fairy's urethra. Seeing her fairy lose it, Doremi cannot resist the temptation to forceably empty her own bladder into Dodo's womb. As the streams of pee and cum come to a halt, Doremi slumps against the shower wall, letting Dodo's legs fall. As she regains her footing, Dodo pulls herself off of Doremi's deflating erection and begins rinsing off. ### When the pair return to Doremi's room, Dodo's hair is back in their signature hair style and both are wrapped in towels that cover from the armpits to the knees. Letting her towel drop to the floor and deciding to forego pajamas, Doremi lies naked on her bed before offering to Dodo, "Want to sleep with me tonight?" Dodo respondes by letting her own towel fall, running over to the bed. Straddling Doremi's waist, she strokes Doremi's flaccid member to another erection before impaling herself on it. Shocked, Doremi says "I meant actual sleeping, not another round of sex!" Dodo's only response to Doremi's outburst is to lay down on top of the human girl and whisper something in the human's ear before nuzzling into Doremi's neck and drifting off to sleep. "I guess she just wanted to sleep with me inside her." Doremi says with a yawn before pulling the blanket over both of them and drifting off to sleep herself, smiles plastered on both their faces. ### The next morning, Doremi wakes to the sensation of her penis sliding in and out of a vagina. Opening her eyes, she sees Dodo, still in the form of Doremi's doppelganger riding her cock like a wild animal, not that Doremi is surprised considering the position they fell asleep in and knowing she would probably had woken the fairy in a similar manner if she had woken before Dodo. What Doremi does find surprising is that Dodo now sports a penis of her own, which while much smaller than Doremi's at the moment, appears to be rock hard and in need of stimulation. While Dodo is still lost in the bliss of riding her witch's penis, unaware that the owner of said penis is now awake, Doremi quietly reaches her hands down to grab Dodo's cock and start stroking it. The fairy's eyes shoot wide open, an expression of shock on her face. As the fairy locks eyes with Doremi's, a more lustful expression on the latter's face, Doremi says, "Good Morning Dodo. Since you decided to help relieve my morning wood even before I woke up, I thought I would return the favor." Not wanting to cum before Doremi or in this position at all and being too inexperienced to have any chance of holding back a male orgasm, Dodo pulls Doremi's hands away from the fairy's penis and lays them instead on the fairy's rump. Laying down on top of Doremi, sandwiching her penis between their bellies, Dodo says in a perfect imitation of Doremi's voice, "A fairy is supposed to put her Witch's pleasure before her own. It would be inappropriate for me to jack myself off, much less recieve a hand job before milking Doremi-chan's cock dry." Doremi replies, "But I want Dodo to enjoy herself too... wait, since when can you speak Japanese while taking my form?" Dodo replies, "If I had to guess, my speech has something to do with us becoming lovers last night. As for my pleasure, you could stop stalling and give my pussy the fucking it deserves from a witch's cock." With that, Dodo capture's Doremi's mouth in a passionate kiss and resumes bucking her hips against Doremi's massive erection. Taking the hint, Doremi grips Dodo's buttocks tightly and begins thrusting her own hips upward to meet Dodo's. Maintaining lip contact for fear of attracting Poppu or Doremi's parents, the two swallow each other's pleasured moans as the two rut like wild animals. Doremi can tell that her penis has swollen to greater size than ever before and possibly even larger than when Poppu knotted within her older sister the night before. Thinking to herself, Doremi muses, 'I guess this is what happens when a ever growing penis has half the night to gradually stretch a pussy.' While Doremi's entire shaft is being tightly clenched and massaged by Dodo's internal muscles, Doremi can feel a particularly tight ring of muscle around the collar of her penis and deduces that her cock head is within Dodo's womb. After a minute or two, Doremi breaks the kiss to exclaim, "Dodo, I'm gonna cum!" The fairy replies excited, panting from exertion, "Yes, Doremi-chan. Flood my womb! Blow me up like a water balloon with your semen." Needing no further encouragement, Doremi slams Dodo's hips down on her penis, the base swelling within the fairy's stretched girlhood as a torrent of semen erupts from Doremi's tip. Being knotted and inseminated sends Dodo over the edge, her internal muscles contracting strongly around Doremi's penis. As the fairy convulses in pleasure, her womb expands to great volume with Doremi's seemingly endless load of cum. When their orgasms finally subside, Dodo's abdomen appears even more bloated with cum than Doremi's had the night before. The fairy tries to remove herself from Doremi's member, but the cantalope-sized knot prevents her from doing so. Glowing a bright pink, Dodo begins shrinking to her original form, but instead of her body returning to being little more than a tube of dark pink fabric, the young fairy more closely resembles a small beach ball with a head and little noodlely arms on top. Unable to float in her cum-inflated state, the proned fairy lands on the matress between Doremi's legs. Glowing once again, Dodo assume's Doremi's form again, her tummy still swollen to enormous proportions. Getting a good look at Doremi's Penis, which is easily longer than her arm and thicker than her thigh not counting the massive knot, Dodo comments, "I can't believe I had such a thing inside me." Looking down at her fairy and her erect, knot-swollen penis, Doremi replies, "I can't believe I could fit something like that in you either." Remembering her own, unattended erection, Dodo surprises Doremi by lifting the witch apprentices legs and ramming her own cock into the human's pussy. Though tiny compared to Poppu's or even Akatsuki's penis, Dodo finds Doremi's pussy no less willing to squeeze her length and before Doremi can voice a response to Dodo's sudden intrusion, the fairy is squirting a relatively modest load of semen into Doremi's pussy. Speaking embarrassedly, Dodo says, "Sorry about that, I know I came much too quickly for Doremi-chan to have gotten any pleasure from my cock. I promise I'll do better in the future." Doremi replies, "Its okay, after milking so much semen from my penis, I don't need a vaginal orgasm to be satisfied. Though, if this penis of mine continues to get aroused so easily, I have a feeling this is going to become a regular occurrence." Smiling ear-to-ear, Dodo replies, "I would like that Doremi-chan. Though you might want to transform and use magic to clean us up before your mom comes trying to get you out of bed."