Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 4: Young Lovers Poppu's first grade class is in the middle of a game of Girls versus Boys basketball when she feels a burning sensation in her crotch. Fumbling the ball mid-dribble, the youngest ojamajo grabs at her lower abdomen and shouts, "Sensei, may I be excused to use the restroom?" Not waiting to hear the teacher's reply, Poppu bolts from the gymnasium and rushes down the hallway to the girl's room. As gym class is wrapping up and Poppu's classmates change out of their gym clothes, the teacher sends Sayaka to check on Poppu who never returned after being excused. Entering the girl's restroom, the pig-tailed girl shouts, "Poppu-chan, are you okay?" In an uncharacteristically shakey voice, Sayaka hears Poppu reply, "I-I'm fine, Sa-Sayaka-chan." Not convinced by her friend's reply, the young girl walks to the stall she heard Poppu's voice coming from. Reaching to place her hand on the stall door, Sayaka asks, "Are you sure?" As the first-grader's palm makes contact with the painted wood, the door drifts open, Poppu having failed to properly latch it when she rushed into the stall. As the door swings out of Sayaka's line of sight, she bares witness to a rather unexpected scene. The pinkette setting on the toilet, buruma and panties around her ankles isn't anything unusual given the location, and Sayaka has seen her best friend in a state of partial undress many times, but what comes as a surprise to the pig-tailed brunette is the 4 inch penis that is jutting out from Poppu's crotch and which is being firmly gripped in Poppu's hand. After an awkward silence, Sayaka is the first to speak, "Since when does Poppu-chan have a boy's thingie?" Before the pink-haired girl can respond, Sayaka steps into the stall, closes the door, making sure the latch is properly secured, and squats in front of her best friend to get a better look at the throbbing new girlcock. Finding her voice, Poppu exclaims, "Wh-what are you doing, Sayaka-chan?" Showing more confidence than usual, Sayaka replies, "I'm taking a look at your boy thingie. Afterall, it's the only one I've seen aside from my Papa's. Besides, you never answered my question, how long have you had a boy thingie?" Embarrassment over the situation fading, Poppu replies, "It just sprouted out of nowhere shortly after I made it to the restroom. I think the burning sensation that prompted me to leave the gym was a signal it was about to start growing out of me." Subconsciously, Poppu lets the hand gripping her erection fall to her side, giving Sayaka a better view of the throbbing organ. Seeing how much Poppu's girlcock is throbbing, Sayaka asks, "Does it hurt?" Poppu replies, "A little bit, but..." she's cut off mid-sentence as Sayaka's petite fingers wrap around her shaft. Strangling a moan, Poppu hisses, "Wh-what are you doing!?" As she starts stroking the futa's shaft, Sayaka replies, "Papa says it feels really good when a girl plays with a boy's thingie, but that it's something one should only do with someone they love enough to marry." Between her pleasured moans, Poppu replies, "What are you saying?" Blushing slightly, Sayaka declares, "I've had a crush on you for a while now, but thought it was wrong for one girl to love another, but now that you have a boy's thingie, it's like a dream come true!" With that, she surprises the young ojamajo by flicking her tongue accross the tip of the futa's cock before opening wide and taking a full two inches of girlcock into her mouth. Biting her lower lip to avoid letting out a pleasured scream that would alert half the school, Poppu buries her hands in the brunette's pig-tails and begins thrusting into the smaller girl's sucking mouth, a little more of the penis going down the other girl's throat with each thrust. As she nears her first male orgasm, Poppu tries to pull Sayaka off her twitching girlcock, but the pig-tailed girl insists on keeping her lips firmly wrapped around the cock head, tongue swirling the whole time. Barely giving the natural cocksucker any warning, Poppu exclaims, "I'm gonna cum!" as the first glob of sperm splatters on Sayaka's tongue. Poppu's fears that she'll drown Sayaka in sperm prove misguided as the little brunette proves more than capable of keeping up with the torrent of ejaculate erupting from her best friend's member. Once Poppu's orgasm subsides and Sayaka is satisfied that she's sucked out every last drop, she pulls the futa's cock from her mouth and asks, "Did Poppu-chan enjoy that? Your boy milk was a lot saltier than I expected, but it was still quite yummy." Catching her breath, Poppu replies, "That felt incredible!" Noticing that Sayaka has not only turned her back to Poppu, but has lowered her panties and is lowering herself towards the futa's still erect cock, she adds, "You don't need to do that Sayaka-chan!" Looking over her shoulder, eyes glistening with tears, Sayaka replies, "But I want to, or does Poppu-chan not want me as her girlfriend?" Not wanting to hurt the girl's feelings and finding the display too cute to resist, she answers by grabbing Sayaka's hips and forcing the petite girl all the way down on the futa's throbbing cock in one motion, unaware of the magical properties of futa precum that saved Sayaka from a world of hurt. Wrapping one arm around Sayaka's waist and using her other hand to turn Sayaka's head, Poppu declares, "I love you Sayaka-chan, and I would be honored to have you as my girlfriend." before capturing her lover's lips in a passionate kiss. As they break the kiss, Sayaka begins moving up and down in Poppu's lap, the futa's stiff member sliding easily in and out of the first-grader's pussy. After a while, Poppu decides to take control and stands up, forcing Sayaka to place her palms of the wall of the stall to keep her balance. With Poppu's buruma and both of their panties pooling around their ankles, Poppu places her hands on her lover's hips and begins thrusting madly. Before long, Poppu can feel herself building towards another climax, and leaning forward, she whispers in Sayaka's ear, "I'm gonna cum again, Sayaka-chan!" Inbetween moans, Sayaka manages to gasp, "D-d-do it, Poppu-Chan! Squirt all of your milk in my belly!" Sayaka's words sending her over the edge, Poppu hilts herself within the smaller girl and wraps her arms tightly around her lover as another torrent of thick, white semen erupts from her girlcock. As her orgasm subsides, cock still burid deep in her lover and arms still holding the brunette in a tight embrace, Poppu asks, "You sure seem to know a lot about this kinda stuff for someone so young, Sayaka-chan." Squirming in the pinkette's grip, Sayaka replies, "Well, I walked in on mama and papa once, and while they wouldn't tell me much, Mama did say that for a girl to let a boy stick his thingie in her pee-pee and squirt his milk in her belly was the greatest expression of love a girl could give a boy." "I see. Well, just so you know, I'm still mostly a girl, I just have the most important of a boy's parts as well, and you're free to play with my girl parts as well." With that, she begins to pull her wilting penis from Sayaka's passage. "Wait!" the pig-tailed girl exclaims, "I don't want any of your milk spilling out of me." Bending over further, Sayaka adopts a posture that allows her to look up through her own legs at where she's joined to Poppu, an arm wrapped firmly around each knee. "Okay, you should be able to pull out without spilling any now and can stuff something in me to serve as a plug." Finishing her withdrawal, Poppu looks around for something to serve as a plug. Not finding anything better, the pinkette grabs a roll of toilet paper and begins wrapping a large wad of the 1-ply tissue around her hand. Satisfied with the size of the wad, she removes it from around her hand and twists it into something resembling a makeshift tampon. Being gentle so as not to hurt Sayaka, she inserts the tissue paper plug into the brunette's passage, even briefly inserting her entire hand to ensure it's as deep inside as possible. Grabbing Sayaka's panties from around the girl's ankles, she begins raising them, stopping at mid thigh height long enough to plant a quick kiss on each of the girl's soft buttocks and one right on Sayaka's tiny clitoris. When Poppu finishes putting Sayaka's panties back in place, the girl quickly straightens up before turning around and kneeling to lick Poppu's futahood clean before raising the futanari's panties and Buruma. With both girls fully clothed, they share one more passionate kiss, both being sure to lick away any traces of each other's love juices that remain on their lips. As they break the kiss, they speak in unison, "I love you, Sayaka/Poppu-chan!" Walking out of the stall, both girls wash their hands and faces, and once done, they head back to class, walking hand-in-hand.