Content warnings specific to this chapter: Futa transformation, FutaLoli on loli, Dubious consent, incest between sisters, watersports. Author's Notes: this chapter starts getting into the meet of what this story is about(lots of futaloli goodness). Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Big Sister's Lust Doremi awakes in the middle of the night to a burning sensation in her crotch. Getting out of bed, the witch apprentice makes her way through the quiet house to the bathroom. Taking a clean wash cloth, she runs it under cold water from the sink and wrings it out before lowering her pajama bottoms and panties. With her feet and knees spread shoulder width apart, Doremi brings the cool, damp washcloth to her girlhood, and begins slowly wiping herself in hopes of washing away whatever is irritating her delicate bits. At first, she shivers from the coldness, but her shivers quickly turn to ones of pleasure as the washcloth warms to body temperature and the contact with the fabric begins to arouse the young woman. With her legs threatening to collapse under her, Doremi sits on the toilet, her pajama pants and undergarments pooling around her ankles. No longer feeling the burning sensation that woke her, Doremi discards the washcloth and brings her fingers in direct contact with her girlhood. Spreading her labia, Doremi can feel that her clitoris is unusually swollen, about a half inch in diameter and protruding from her clitoral hood by nearly a full inch. She also notices swelling around her pee hole, though none of the swollen tissue hurts when she places pressure on it, quite the opposite in fact. Pinching her engorged clit gently between her thumb and forefinger, Doremi begins stroking the little protrusion, basking in the waves of pleasure this sends through her body. Lost in her pleasure, doremi barely notices as her clitoris continues to thicken and elongate, fusing with the bulge surrounding her pee hole in the process. Before Doremi realizes what is happening, she is no longer stroking an oversized clit with her thumb and forefinger, but instead grasping an erect penis with her entire hand. Her hand furiously moves up and down the four-inch shaft, the girl turned futanari to busy enjoying her new penis to give any sort of conscious reaction . With one final jerk of her hand and several twitches of her penis, Doremi shoots her first load of semen into the toilet bowl below her. As she regains her senses after experiencing her first male orgasm, Doremi thinks to herself, 'I don't know how I suddenly grew a cock, but that felt incredible. I wonder if it felt that good for Akatsuki-kun when I made him cum.' Noticing that she is still erect and thinking devilishly, Doremi continues, 'I think I want to stick it in a pussy, and I know just which pussy I want to fuck first.' Standing up, she pulls up her panties without bothering trying to stuff her throbbing erection into the tight undergarments before pulling up her pajama bottoms to conceal her new bit of anatomy. Leaving the bathroom, she makes her way not to her own room, but to the room where her little sister Poppu is currently sound asleep. Entering Poppu's bedroom and closing the door behind her, Doremi makes quick work of removing her pajamas and panties before walking over to Poppu's bed. The odango-headed girl finds her younger sister sprawled out, the covers kicked aside and the slightest hint of white panties peeking out from under the younger girl's eighth note print nightgown. Noticing that the sleeping girl is sucking her thumb, Doremi can't help thinking, 'Poppu sure looks cute when she's asleep.' Doremi's penis throbs in anticipation as Doremi continues, 'be patient, I'll give you what you want soon enough.' Crawling onto the bed, Doremi positions herself between Poppu's legs as she reaches under her sister's nightgown and hooks her fingers under the waistband of the younger girl's panties. She slowly removes the undergarment to expose Poppu's virgin girlhood. Leaning down for a closer look at Poppu's girlhood, Doremi inhales deeply of her younger sister's scent before thinking, 'I wonder how she tastes.' Sticking out her tongue, Doremi gives the younger girl's slit a slow tentative lick. Liking the taste, Doremi begins lapping hungrily at Poppu's folds. Before long, a throbbing sensation between her own legs reminds Doremi of her own pressing sexual needs. Sitting up, she places the tip of her erection at the opening of the sleeping girl's now soaked vagina. Resisting the urge to violently rip away her little sister's virginity, Doremi pushes in slowly, taking an entire minute to completely hilt herself within Poppu's virgin passage, all the while thinking, 'Damn, her insides are so warm and tight.' As Doremi takes the time to savor the sensation of a vagina wrapped around her penis, the sleeping girl unconsciously wraps her slender legs around Doremi's waist as if to tell the older girl not to pull out while still sucking her thumb. The absolutely adorable display makes Doremi's penis twitch in anticipation within Poppu's love tunnel as Doremi thinks, 'I knew Poppu was a heavy sleeper, but I didn't think she would sleep through having her virginity taken. I wonder what she's dreaming about.' Doremi begins to slowly withdraw from within her sister, only to slowly sink within Poppu's depths once again. Despite being only a few thrusts into fucking her little sister and doing so at a pace arguably too slow to qualify as thrusting, Doremi can already feel her orgasm building. Not wanting to cum too quickly, Doremi resists the urge to increase speed as she lowers herself to rest on top of her sleeping lover, supporting her weight on her elbows to avoid crushing the smaller girl. Doremi's efforts to delay her orgasm prove futile, however, as only a dozen strokes in and with gritted teeth, she releases a spurt of semen into her sleeping sister's prepubescent womb. Buried deep in her sister's depths and trembling from the sensations, several more spurts of cum erupt from her tip as the sleeping girl's internal walls pulse and constrict around the older girl's member as if trying to suck out every last drop. When her orgasm subsides, Doremi makes no attempt to withdraw from within her sister, choosing instead to savor the post-orgasmic bliss of being buried within a female who just recieved one's seed. Placing a kiss on Poppu's forehead, Doremi thinks to herself, 'Cumming in your cunny felt incredible Poppu.' It is at that moment that Poppu's rapidly filling bladder sends a message to the sleeping girl's brain to wake-up and empty the golden lake growing in her lower abdomen. As she begins to stir, Poppu can tell that someone or something has her pinned to the mattress. She finds it strange that anything other than a full bladder could wake her before morning when a bladder spasm reminds her that it was indeed her bladder that woke her, and as usual with just enough time to keep her 3-year streak of not wetting the bed intact. Focusing on holding back the golden flood beating against her spincter, Poppu senses that in addition to the need to pee, her girlhood is being overwhelmed with the sensation of an unfamiliar intrusion. Trying not to panic, Poppu opens her eyes to drowsily observe her surroundings. She can tell that she is still in her bedroom, and the silhouette of whatever has her pinned appears human, around her sister's age. Seeing the outline of two large odango, Poppu Eyes go wide as she whispers in a mixture of fear and agitation, "Doremi, is that you?" Hearing Poppu's words but not her tone, Doremi replies affectionately, "Is my sleepy-headed little sister finally awake?" Fully awake and clearly agitated, Poppu replies, "Yes, I'm awake. Now what the hell are you doing in my room?" Deciding that actions speak louder than words and hoping that some carnal pleasure will calm Poppu enough before she starts yelling loud enough to wake their parents, Doremi wraps her arms around the younger girl's ribcage and shifts position so that Doremi is sitting cross-legged with Poppu in her lap. Before Poppu has time to react, Doremi quickly pulls the younger girl's nightgown over her head, tossing it to the floor, and grabbing her little sister's buttocks begins raising and lowering the little girl on her renewed erection. Though the only penis she has seen before was their father's during bath-time, Poppu quickly realizes that not only is a penis the source of the intrusion in her girlhood, but its attached to her sister's crotch. In a shocked tone, Poppu manages to ask between pleasured gasps, "Since when does Doremi have a penis? I thought only boys had penises." Doremi replies matter-of-factly, "My clitty started swelling and next thing I knew, it had turned into a cock and was demanding I stick it in a cunny." Shifting to a tone of elation, she continues, "And by the way, my cute little sister has a very nice cunny. Its so warm and cozy, and I love the way you've started squeezing me since you woke." Her voice now a mixture of agitation and lust, Poppu replies, "Damn you Doremi. You're lucky my body is enjoying this so much, or I would be screaming for Okaa-san and Otou-san to come rescue me. You could have at least woken me up first instead of stealing my virginity while I slept, and just so you know, the reason I am squeezing so tightly is that I'm trying not to wet the bed." Teasingly, Doremi responds, "Does my cute little sister need to go potty? Did she forget her pull-up when getting ready for bed?" Anger clear in her voice, Poppu says quietly, "Hey, I'm not a baby anymore, I'll be starting Elementary School tomorrow! I haven't had an accident since I started Kindergarten!" Not skipping a beat, Doremi responds, "What about that time Okaa-san sent you on a errant alone and you wet your panties right outside of a public restroom?" Shocked, Poppu replies, "How did Doremi know about that?" Calming down, she retorts, "How about not long after that when Doremi wet the bed as a 3rd Grader?" Doremi replies, "Playing the role of the protective big sister, I trailed you using magic. That Washing Machine that appeared out of nowhere was my doing. As for the bedwetting incident, it was Dodo." Poppu replies, "Like I am going to believe you blaming it on your fairy! Anyways, if you don't let me go soon, I'm going to pee all over you." As she says this, she can feel Doremi's penis undergo a sudden growth spurt stretching her internal walls further and drilling deeper within her than the young girl thought possible. As the increased pleasure causes the agitation to drain from her body, Poppu speaks, her eyes wide open and starting to glaze over, only lust left in her tone, "Did Doremi's cock just get bigger?" Smiling, Doremi replies, "Yes it did, and considering how good it feels having Poppu's cozy little cunny wrapped around it, I think being peed on would be more than worth it." Before Poppu can utter another response, Doremi places a hand on the back of the smaller girl's head and gently presses Poppu's mouth against one of Doremi's nipples. Instinctually, Poppu latches onto the nipple and begins suckling like a newboarn recieving her mother's milk. Thinking to herself, Poppu muses, 'I kind of wish Doremi was making milk...' After a minute or two of enjoying the twin sensations of Poppu's passage around her cock and Poppu's mouth around her nipple, Doremi exclaims, "I'm going to cum soon!" before grabbing Poppu's rear with both hands and redoubling her efforts. Releasing Doremi's nipple with an audible pop, Poppu says in a frightened voice, "Don't cum inside me! I don't want to have my Sister's baby!" Doremi manages to reply through panting breaths, "I already came in you once while you were still asleep. Besides, it should be a few more years before you produce your first egg." Before Poppu can reply, the bladder she was trying to ignore gives one final spasm as she exclaims, "Its coming out!" At the same time, Doremi reaches the point of no return, exclaiming, "Its coming out!" At that moment, their respective dams break as two powerful rivers rush along their urethras. A river of white shoots up Doremi's cock before erupting from her tip to join the pond in Poppu's womb, turning it into a lake of semen. Meanwhile, a river of gold gushes from Poppu's girlhood just in front of where her sister's cock is buried deep within her, forking almost immediately as the torrent strikes Doremi's waist before cascading down the older girl's hips to ultimately pool on the mattress where it is indented from the sisters' combined weight. The sensations Doremi's cock were sending through Poppu's girlhood were enough to send the young girl into her first orgasm, but releasing her overfilled bladder made it all the more intense. Exhausted and trembling from her orgasm, Poppu sits limply in Doremi's lap, not bothering to halt the flow as her bladder relaxes enough to force more urine out. Doremi sits with her arms wrapped around her sister, gently rubbing the younger girl's back while enjoying the sensation of Popu's quivering girlhood trying to milk every last drop from her penis and the unexpectedly pleasant warmth of being drenched from the waist down in Poppu's pee. As she regains her senses, Poppu begins to sob. Looking at Doremi with tear-filled eyes, she says bitterly, "Doremi, you idiot! Had you just let me go to the toilet, I could have relieved myself properly, and my streak of having no accidents would be in tact. Its all your fault!" Wiping away Poppu's tears, Doremi replies, "You're right, it is my fault, but you can't count it as an accident if someone else made you wet." Holding Poppu tightly, Doremi stands, making sure to keep her softening member deep within the younger girl and trying not to drip pee anywhere. As Doremi carries her towards her bedroom door, Poppu asks, "Where are you taking me?" With a smile that gives the vibe of both a caring lover and a protective older sister, Doremi replies, "Since I made you wet yourself, and myself, I figure it is only fair that I help you clean-up. First we can take a relaxing bath together, then we can use magic to clean your bed before Okaa-san or Otou-san find out. We can keep this incident our little secret, just like that time I saw you wet in public and summoned that washing machine." By the time Doremi finishes speaking, the sisters are entering the bathroom. As Doremi kneels to set Poppu on the toilet, Poppu asks, "Do you promise never to tell anyone about this?" As she pulls her now flaccid cock from her sister's depths, Doremi declares, "If I ever let the secret slip, you may use magic to inflict whatever kind of bladder torture you deem appropriate." As her tip slips out of Poppu's vagina, a torrent of semen spills into the toilet bowl. As Doremi stands, both girls geta good look at the penis that was just inside the smaller girl. While completely flaccid, at roughly 6 inches long and 2 inches accross, neither can believe that something so big actually fit inside Poppu. Recovering from her surprise at seeing Doremi's cock, Poppu says, "Okay, I trust you to keep this secret, but you will be sorry if anyone ever finds out." More shyly, she continues, "May I lick Doremi's cock clean?" Barely giving Doremi time to nod her consent, Poppu sticks out her tongue to lick Doremi's tip before taking the cock head into her mouth. The pink-haired girl swirls her tongue around the red-headed futa's cock head to remove the left over semen and girl juices before taking more of Doremi's member into her small mouth. Doremi moans softly as Poppu continues to lick their combined juices away, taking more and more of the futa's penis down her throat. Doremi places her hands on Poppu's head, saying "That's enough." as she tries to withdraw from Poppu's mouth. The younger girl instead wraps her arms around her sister's waist as she continues to greedily suck on the thick member in her mouth. Unable to remove her little sister from her prick, Doremi gives herself over to the pleasure, and its not long before she says, trying not to yell, "Poppu, I-I'm going to cum!" This only causes Poppu to suck harder, and it is only a matter of seconds before Poppu feels a torrent of semen rushing down her esophagus to eventually pool in her stomach, which begins to swell from the shear volume Doremi is ejaculating. Feeling the beginning of a stomach ache, Poppu starts pulling away from Doremi's still-erupting member, swallowing to avoid choking on the semen deposited in her throat. She pauses with her lips around Doremi's tip long enough to get a decent mouthful of sperm before completely releasing her Sisters futahood, letting Doremi spray the rest of her semen all over Poppu's face and frontside. After taking a minute or so to swish around the contents of her mouth, Poppu decides to let it drain from her lips instead of swallowing and contributing to her bellyache as she says, "If I didn't need a bath before, I certaintly do now." Doremi responds, "You certaintly do." With that, the elder girl lifts her little sister bridal style and moves towards the bathtub, trying not to let any of her semen drip off of Poppu's skin. Standing Poppu in the tub, Doremi runs the shower long enough to rinse the bulk of the semen from Poppu before switching the water to the tub faucet and plugging the drain. Sitting down in the tub as it fills, Doremi grabs a washcloth and invites Poppu to sit in her lap. As Doremi uses the washcloth to clean her sister's body, she can feel her penis growing erect once again. This doesn't go unnoticed by Poppu, who begins grinding her girlhood against her sister's futahood, pressing her thighs together to hold it in place. Poppu says teasingly, "Does your cock want another round with my cunny?", all the while hoping the bath water conceals the flood of her own juices. Doremi thinks, 'Of course I want to fuck your cunny again!', but instead says, "I don't know, you seemed pretty mad about me fucking you earlier, and even if you want it, why should I pleasure a brat who is so disrespectful to her older sister?" Too horny to care about Doremi's jabs and not having enough leverage to force herself onto the older girl's cock with how Doremi is holding her, Poppu results to begging, using the cutest tone she can muster, "Please, Onee-chan, ram your hard, thick cock into my cozy little cunny! Stir up my insides nice and good and give me a hot, gooey creampie! Make your cute little sister into your personal cum dump!" Losing what little self-control she has left at Poppu's words, Doremi loops an arm under the younger girl's legs and lifts her up out of the water. Poppu shivers in delight as the relatively cold air of the bathroom hits her wet girlhood. Lining up her tip with Poppu's opening, Doremi slams the smaller girl down, impaling her upon the futa's erection once again. Throwing restraint out the window, Doremi begins fucking her little sister with reckless abandon. With her arms pinned to her sides and her knees pressed against her chest, Poppu is completely at the futa's mercy. Pinching the young girl's clit between her thumb and forefinger, Doremi begins to roughly stimulate her younger sister from the outside as well. It is not long before this rough, almost painful treatment sends Poppu into the tremors of another orgasm, the pink-haired girl's eyes glazing over and rolling back, but the little girl has no time to rest and recover from her climax as Doremi repositions the two of them, draping Poppu's arms and upper body over the side of the tub as Doremi kneels on both knees and holding the smaller girl's legs about her hips begins thrusting once again. Just when Poppu thinks she is about to pass out from the pleasurable abuse her older sister is putting her small body through, she feels Doremi slam her cock within her depths and keep it there. Her tip pressed tightly against Poppu's cervix, Doremi's cock erupts, flooding the younger girl's small womb once again, millions of sperm embarking on a journey to find an egg that isn't there. As a slight bulge forms on Poppu's abdomen due to her womb swelling with incestuous semen, the pink-haired girl finds herself once again in the throws of orgasm. As their orgasms subside, Doremi lets go of Poppu's hips as she slumps against the tub's inner wall. Released from her Sister's grip, Poppu slides off the futa's now flaccid cock, clinging to the side of the tub to avoid slipping underwater. In unison, the sisters say, both sleepiness and contentment in their tone, "That was incredible." ### After cleaning up, drying off, and putting on fresh night clothes, the two sisters walk back to their bedrooms. Stopping outside her door, Doremi asks, "Would Poppu like to sleep with me tonight?" Poppu responds, "No thank you, Onee-chan. I'll just use a bit of magic to dry my bed and sleep in my own room. Besides, if we shared a bed, I have my doubts we would get any sleep." With that, the sisters enter their respective bedrooms, both of them saying "Goodnight." as they close their doors behind them.