Fushigiboshi no Futanarihime by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Softening Diamond When Fine and Rein knock on the guest room belonging to Altezza, the Jewelry princess answers wearing nothing but a white silk nightie that exposes her shoulders and falls to mid thigh, most of her jewelry removed. Leaning against the doorframe and barely staying civil towards her fellow princesses, the blonde asks, "What do you two want?" "We want to help you relax." comes the reply from the pair of pajama-clad twins, and before Altezza can muster a reply, Fine and Rein are flanking her, hugging the blonde between them as Rein plants a kiss on Alteza's lips and Fine attacks her neck. Eyes widening in surprise by how scandelously forward the twins are being, Altezza is unable to resist as she's pushed back into the room and one of the twins uses their foot to push the door close, the lock clicking in place. When Rein breaks the kiss to mirror Fine's actions on the opposite side of Altezza's neck, the blonde cries out, "What are you two doing!?" "We're helping you relax." is the only verbal reply she recieves before each twin drops a hand to Altezz'as rear, Fine and Rein each fondling a half moon through the white silk. "Hey, don't touch my butt!" protests Altezza with a choked off moan, only for the twins to ignore her as they use the hands not caressing the foreign royal's bottom to guide the blonde's hands to their respective crotches. Altezza tries to pull her hands back, but the twins manage to hold them in place and it doesn't take long for Altezza to notice something seems off. "Wh-what are those bulges in your pants!?" cries Altezza in confusion even as she unconsciously strokes the unfamiliar protrusions tenting the blue and pink silk beneath her fingertips. Moaning from the jewelry princess's touch, the twins are as confused by Altezza's question as the blonde is by their bulges, "Huh? They're our erections of course." "Yo-your erections?" replies Altezza, unconsciously giving the unfamiliar bulges a light squeeze. Not sure why Altezza seems so confused by their reply, but deciding showing is better than telling, the twins step back, and grabbing their waistbands, both Fine and Rein yank their pajama pants and panties to their knees, exposing their little stiffies to Altezza.. Eyes growing wide as saucers, Altezza puts more distance between herself and the twins as she points an accusing finger at the pair and cries out, "You...you two are boys!? No wonder you don't act like princesses should!" "No, we're girls." reply the twins, parting their thighs and using their fingers to spread their pussies, "See, no balls and cute, little cunnies!" "Bu-but... girls aren't supposed to have...to have...to have those things!" cries Altezza, still pointing as her back hits a wall, the blonde unable to bring herself to speak the name of the erect sex organs pointing at her in turn. "Huh, what are you talking about?" asks Fine. "Yeah, aren't all girls like this?" adds Rein. "NO!" cries Altezza, forgetting any thoughts of modesty in her shock as she grips the hem of her nightie, and with a cry of, "Girls are supposed to look like this!" she yanks up the garment to expose herself from the bottom of her ribs down. Its the twins' turn to be shocked by what they see, or rather don't see. Altezza clearly sleeps without underwear, but it isn't the lack of silky covering that has Fine and Rein's eyes widening at the sight of the blonde's perfectly smooth mound, "Where's your dick!?" cries the twins in unison. "I told you, girls aren't supposed to have those!" replies Altezza, continuing to expose herself, even as the twin dicks before her twitch at the sight of her in her near full glory despite their owners' shock at the blonde's lack of one. "But how do you pee?!" asks Fine. "Does Bright-sama at least pound your pussy regularly?" adds Rein. "Wh-what!? Me and Onii-sama? Of-of course not! Siblings aren't supposed to do those kinds of things with each other!" Cries Altezza, hiding her blush behind the hem of her nightgown, completely ignoring the question about her toilet habits. "No dick to play with and her brother won't play with her?" asks Fine as she turns to Rein. "No wonder she's so grumpy." replies Rein, "She needs our help more than I thought." With that, the twins wriggle out of their bottoms the rest of the way, kicking their panties and pants aside and starting to unbutton their shirts as they start to close the distance, the seamingly happy and innocent expression on their faces as they approach only adding to Altezza's unease. "Wh-what are you two doing?" asks the jewelry princess as she's flanked by the now naked twins, but instead of a verbal response, the Sunny princesses make quick work of yanking the white nightie over the blonde's head and tossing it to join their discarded pajama tops. As if just realizing she's exposed herself, Altezza claps both hands over her crotch as she stammers out, "St-stop th-this!" But the blonde's protest falls on deaf ears, and her sudden bout of modesty does nothing to shield Fine and Rein's true targets, Altezza letting out a gasp of pleasure as a pair of perfectly synchronized mouths latch on to her nipples, talented twin tongues teasing the twitching tips of tiny titties. As Fine and Rein work over the blonde's budding breasts, they each grab one of her wrists, the jewelry princess too overwhelmed by their oral assault to resist as her hands are guided to the twin's throbbing futahoods, the blonde absent-mindedly stroking them even after the twins release her wrists. Though Altezza is inexperienced, having never touched a cock before, the novelty of being touched by someone other than themselves or their twin is enough to get the sunny princesses moaning around the jewelry princess's diamond hard nipples, the vibrations only adding to Altezza's pleasure. It isn't long before both Fine and Rein can feel their respective climaxes approaching, and not wanting to waste their seed by splattering Altezza's hips and thighs, they pop their mouths off her nipples and start kissing down the blonde's lithe body, soon falling to their knees and pulling their girlcocks out of reach of the haughty girl's hands. Whimpering at the loss of stimulation to her breast buds, Altezza whines, "Why...why did you stop?" But the twins ignore the question as Rein kisses down Altezza's trim tummy and Fine Kisses around her hip, the twins eventually coming to kneel at the blonde's crotch level, the blunette in front of her pubic mound and the redhead admiring the blonde's beautiful butt. Placing their hands on the front and back of Altezza's knees, the twins caress the silky smooth skin of the jewelry princess's thighs, slowly working their way up. Rein reaches Altezza's hips first and as the blunette uses her thumbs to part the blonde's folds, the virgin girl comments, "Hey, what are you doing!?" Ignoring the question, Rein comments, "Altezza-chan has a very pretty pussy!" before noticing something protruding at the forward most extent of the jewelry princess's slit, "Huh? What's that? It kind of looks like a third nipple." Before Altezza can muster a response to the blunette's question, fine's hands find the blonde's buttocks, and giving the plump half moons a gentle squeeze, the redhead spreads them apart, prompting another protest, "Hey, leave my butt alone!" "What a lovely rosebud!" Is Fine's only reply, and before the blonde can regain her composure, she's being tagged teamed by the twin's tongues once more, Fine burying her tongue in Altezza's anus as Rein presses her pink appendage to the unfamiliar nub protruding from where the dickless princess's prick should be. Having never touched herself down there beyond what was necesssary for personal hygiene, Altezza is completely caught off guard by the twin jolts of electricity that shoot up from her clit and anus, the initial sensation of having the twins' tongues in such intimate places making what they did to her breasts feel like a gentle breeze compared to the mightiest storm the combined efforts of the Windmill and Waterdrop kingdoms could muster. Encouraged by the shout of pleasure that escapes Altezza's throat, Fine and Rein start to eat out their fellow princess in earnest, Fine burrowing her tongue as deep as possible into Altezza's anus and Rein alternating between prodding at the blonde's virgin pussy and sucking on the little nub that seems to be as sensitive as the tip of either twin's erection. Despite her initial reluctance, Altezza soon gives into the pleasure the twins are giving her, fisting a hand each in red and blue lockes to prevent either girl from pulling away and shamelessly moaning loud enough to alert half the castle if not for the walls being soundproof. With the twins' experience at orally pleasuring each other and Altezza's lack of experience recieving pleasure, it isn't long before the blonde can feel something unfamiliar starting to coil in her tummy, and though she has no idea what's happening, Altezza is certain it's something desireable, pushing on the back of Fine and Rein's heads to encourage the pair to conntinue their ministrations, and when that coil finally snaps, Altezza lets out her loudest cry of pleasure yet, her entire body trembling as her very first orgasm crashes over her, her internal muscles clenching tightly around both twins' tongues, trapping them in her holes. As her orgasm subsides, Altezza's grip on Fine and Rein's heads goes slack and her legs turn to rubber as they fold up under her. As the jewelry princess collapses to the plush carpet, panting in afterglow, the twins rock back on their heels to admire their handiwork, smiling in satisfaction, certain their uptight peer should be much less grumpy after that. When Altezza finally recovers from her climax, she pants out, "Th-that... that was incredible!" "Knew you would enjoy it." replies Rein. "But you know what's even better?" adds Fine, "The feeling of having a dick inside you!" ""Having... one of those..." Altezza gestures lazily at the twins' little stiffies, "inside me will feel even better?" her tone laced with an under current of disbelief. "Sure will!" declare the twins in unison before each throwing one of the blonde's arms over their shoulders and walking the Jewelry princess, her rubbery legs still not ready to support her weight, over to the four-poster and laying her atop the silk sheets. "So, which one of us do you want to pop your cherry?" Asks Fine. "I promise to be extra gentle," adds Rein, "Fine is rather rough when she gets into it, but I know how to take things slow and steady." "More like torturously slow," retorts Fine, "I'll give your pussy a workout that will leave your toes curling, Rein will just drag things out." Not sure she can handle a repeat of the oral assault the twins had subjected her to, much less anything that might be more intense, Altezza gestures towards the blunette, "I think Rein's gentle treatment sounds preferable." With a big smile, Rein crawls between Altezza's legs as Fine pouts over having to wait her turn. As the blunette slides her tip along the blonde's slit,, she comments, "It hurt the first time Fine stuck her dick up my pussy, but the pain didn't last long and it felt incredible once the pain faded." and while Altezza processes that warning, Rein presses her tip against the Jewelry princess's opening, gently pushing in until she meets resistance and then steadily increasing the pressure until, with a gasp of pain from the blonde and a moan of pleasure from the blunette, Altezza's maidenhead gives way and Rein sinks hilt and cervix deep in her first, non-incestuous cunny. Savoring the sensation of a snug snatch that isn't her sister's, Rein leans over, planting an open mouthed kiss on one of Altezza's diamond hard nipples before trailing kisses up the blonde's flat chest and neck, nibbling at an earlobe as she whispers, "Altezza-chan has a very cozy cunny... does my dick feel good inside you?" Head swimming from the new sensations she's experienced this evening and blushing from Rein's compliment, Altezza stammers out a response, "It...it hurt when it went in... but... it feels kind of nice now." Rein's smile widens at those words, but before she can say anything else, Fine butts in, "Hurry up and fuck her already!" Glancing over her shoulder to spot her kneeling twin stroking her cock, Rein comments, "Fine is so impatient." but despite the mild admonishment, the blunette nonetheless pulls her hips back and then slides home once more in Altezza's pussy, soon establishing a slow, but steady pace that leaves the blonde moaning loudly, at least until Rein leans in to capture Altezza's lips in a kiss, swallowing the jewelry princess's moans as the pair embrace and Altezza wraps her legs around Rein's waist. Fine tries to merely watch as her twin makes love to another girl, but her own hand stroking her throbbing girl cock just isn't enough for the redhead, especially with the tempting holes laid out before her. Fine knows that claiming her twin's twatty or butt would feel amazing, but her eyes are drawn lower to the pink rosebud peeking out from below where Rein's cock is sliding into Altezza, that virgin anus glittering like a gem with the girl juice drooling from the Jewelry princess's cunny. With the other two girls lost in a sensual embrace, Fine sneaks up and rubs her tip, leaking precum against that irresistable rear entrance, prompting Altezza to break the kiss to exclaim, "Hey! What are you-" Only to be cut off as Fine hilts herself in the blonde's bottom. Whereas Rein tried to give Altezza time to adjust to having a cock in her pussy and had been slow and sensual with her strokes, Fine offers no such courtesy, immediately working her hips into a frenzy, her thrusts so fast and furious that her trim tummy colliding with Rein's rear is enough to force the blunette cervix deep within the blonde. Between Fine's relentless rate and the way the redhead's motions have rendered Rein's motions more erratic, Altezza is unable to think straight as both her ass and pussy are ravaged by girl cock, the blonde not even hearing when the twins announce in unison, "I'm gonna cum!" and her mind going completely blank as twin shots of semen erupt from the twin's dicks to flood the blonde's bowels and womb, triggering a second, stronger climax in the jewelry Princess. When the twins come down from their simultaneous orgasms, they find that Altezza has passed out. "Guess we over did it a bit." Comments Fine. "Guess we did." Adds Rein, "but if that smile on her face is any indicator, I think it's mission accomplished for helping her be less grumpy." "At least there's that," replies Fine, "but her butt feels too good to pull out." "And her cunny is quite cozy." adds Rein. And with that, the twins decide neither of them is pulling out as they carefully roll Altezza on her side and lay down themselves, sandwiching the blonde between them and letting sleep claim them as well.