Fushigiboshi no Futanarihime by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Hot Shower The next morning, the twin princesses are torn from very pleasant dreams, Fine's involving her eating various desserts off Rein's naked form and Rein's involving Fine modeling designer lingerie in a rather intimate fashion show, by the yelling of Camelot, their Royal Tutor and nanny telling them they should've been up hours ago. As naked as when they went to bed, both girls stand before the stern older woman as she berates them for their behavior unbecoming of proper young princesses. Neither girl is really paying attention to the lecture, however, both distracted by the night's worth of pee demanding release from their bladders and the rather obvious case of morning wood caused by their interrupted dreams. When their tutor finally finishes her ranting and leaves the twins with instructions to make themselves presentable for the arrival of the Royal delegations from the other kingdoms, they decide to take a shower together to save time. "I just need to tinkle first." says Rein, heading for the toilet in the Princesses' private bathroom, only for Fine to grab her wrist and drag her into the shower and turning the water on, drenching both of them under the hot spray, both of the twins' tinkle tanks throbbing in need at the presence of running water. "That can wait a while." declares Fine, pouring a liberal amount of Rein's blueberry-scented body wash into her palms before hugging the blunette from behind to wash her chest and tummy, the redhead's stiff futahood coming to rest in the cleft of her twin's butt. "Fine, I really nee-" Protests the blunette, only for her words to be cut off by a moan as her redheaded twin starts suckling at the most sensitive spot on Rein's neck while wrapping a soapy hand around the less energetic twin's erection. As Fine continues using her free hand to caress Rein's flat chest and trim tummy, the blunette bucks against her sister's hand. Rubbing her twin's taut tinkle tank, Fine whispers in Rein's ear, "Rein's moans are so darn cute!" before suddenly leaving the blunette hanging as the redhead starts to massage the body wash into her sister's shoulders. Fine works her way down Rein's back, and upon reaching the blunette's butt, lingers longer than strictly necessary on her twin's half moons before pouring more body wash into her palms and using it to slick up her own throbbing futahood. Without warning, Fine grips Rein's hips and hilts herself in her twin's tight twatty, thrusting cervix deep in one stroke, making the blunette gasp in pleasure at the sudden penetration. "Time to clean your cunny!" announces Fine, starting to furiously drive her futahood repeatedly into Rein's passage as she once again hugs her sister to her chest and resumes suckling on the blunette's neck, this time attacking the opposite side. The redhead's hands again make their way to Rein's girlcock and bladder bulge, this time actually pressing on the blunette's protruding piddle pot and vigorously stroking the blunette's futahood. gripping Fine's elbows and barely able to speak through her moans, Rein squirms in her twin's embrace as she declares, "Fi-Fine, if-if you keep doing that...I-I'm not going to be able to hold it in!" "Ah ah ah, no cumming or peeing before I do, Rein!" teases Fine, increasing the intensity of her thrusts, aiming her futahood to batter the blunette's bloated bladder from within. Fortunately for Rein's strained self-control, Fine is a bit overeager this morning and it isn't long before the redhead is spilling her seed in the blunette's belly, and while this is enough to make the penetrated princess's pussy pulse powerfully in orgasm, milking Fine's futahood for all the redhead is worth, Rein manages to avoid wasting her seed on the shower floor and to keep her pent-up piddle from pouring out. Done with her sister's snug snatch, Fine pulls out, and spreading the blunette's buttocks, the redhead presses her tip to her twin's backdoor, announcing, "I need to clean this hole as well!" before burying herself in the blunette's bowels. However, Fine doesn't seem interested in even attempting to live up to her excuse as almost immediately, Rein can feel a hot liquid flooding her rear, and even if it wasn't too soon for Fine to be cumming again, it's much too watery to be semen. "Fine...are...are you... peeing in my butt?" Asks Rein, not sure whether the sensation is pleasant or disgusting, but the only reply she gets is a sigh of relief in her ear as the contents of her twin's throbbing tinkle tank torrentially pours into the blunette's bowels. Once empty, Fine pulls out of her sister's rear, Rein reflexively clenching her butt to keep the redhead's pee from leaking out. The combination of her own full bladder and having her bowels filled with her sister's pee weighs quite heavily in Rein's lower abdomen, but the blunette can't bring herself to relax and just let it all pour out and be washed away by the shower. Turning to her twin, one hand on her clenched butt and the other squeezing the base of her futahood, Rein whines, "Fine, no fair making me hold both our pee." Ignoring the blunette's complaints,, Fine bends over, placing her hands on the shower wall for support and shaking her booty as she says, "Okay, Rein, your turn to clean me" Staring at her twin's tempting twatty, Rein forgets her annoyance at being used as a urinal and reaches for the bodywash, grabbing the strawberry scented bottle the redhead prefers. Already quite aroused from Fine squirting in her pussy and the redhead's handjob, Rein immediately slathers her girlcock with the sweet smelling soap, and walking up behind the redhead, the blunette slides smoothly inside her sister's snug snatch. Rein simply savors the sensation of her sister's silky smooth insides squeezing her futahood for several minutes before she starts using the strawberry scented bodywash to massage Fine's back as the blunette starts to slowly slide in and out of the redhead's slick passage. Though Rein's thrusts are quite languid, Fine isn't about to let the blunette draw things out, the redhead using her internal muscles to give the hard, little cock crammed in her cozy, little cunny a good working over. Knowing she won't last long at this rate, Rein reaches around to play with one of Fine's nipples and return the handjob the redhead gave her mere minutes earlier, trying to distract the more energetic twin, but with the distraction of keeping her own pee in her piddle pot and her twin's tinkle in her butt, Rein isn't really able to concentrate on the task at hand, and all too soon, the blunette is spilling her seed in her sister's snug snatch, shooting spurt after spurt of incestuous semen as the redhead's sucking sex organ milk's Rein for all she's worth. Once spent, Rein lays back, panting in afterglow, her back against the shower wall the only thing holding her up. Taking advantage of her sister being out of it, Fine pulls off Rein's futahood before spreading her butt cheeks to impale herself upon the blunette once more, this time taking it up the butt, but before Rein can even respond to this, Fine is pushing back, forcing the blunette's butt against the shower wall, the redhead grinding her butt into Rein's bloated bladder, putting plenty of pressure on the more passive princess's protruding piddle pot, pressure Rein does not need, and also pushing on the pee Fine deposited in her sister's bowels. "Fi-Fine!" whines the blunette, "If you don't stop, it...it's all going to come out!" Smiling devilishly, Fine continues to grind against her twin's tremendously taut, terribly trembling, torturously throbbing tinkle tank as she says, "Go ahead, Rein, let it all out!" "Bu...But I could...I could never do such a shameful thing!" cries the blunette, wishing her twin would have mercy on her, but instead, Fine reaches back to grab Rein's half-moons, parting them to expose her puckered, straining rosebud to the steamy air of the shower. "No, don't spread my butt-" cries the blunette, but its too late as Fine's actions stretch her rear entrance past the point of maintaining its water tight seal, a jet ofFine's pee, now slightly shaded brown spraying against the shower wall behind Rein. As the blunette tries in vain to shut off her anal discharge, her bloated, bulging bladder takes the opportunity to force its contents past her urinary sphincter, Rein's own pent-up piddle pulsing along her penis to fill Fine's waiting rectum. As Rein's face goes red enough to match her twin's hair from the embarrassment of her double accident, Fine simply signs in contentment at recieving a piddle enema. Once Rein is empty from both sides, Fine pulls off her member and the blunette slides to the floor, too exhausted to care that she's sitting in a puddle of her own pee mixed with her twin's tainted tinkle, which would normally disgust her even if the shower spray is making quick work of washing it down the drain. Placing her hands on her knees, Fine bends forward to look at Rein through her legs, commenting, "Rein looks so cute when she's so overwhelmed with relief." Before the redhead can say anything else, her gut gurgles, and keeping her hands on her knees, she drops into a squat before relaxing her butt to give her twin a dirty golden shower with the blunette's own tainted tinkle. Their morning pees and morning woods taken care of, the twin princesses make quick work of actually washing each other properly with those distractions out of the way and are soon ready for the Princess Party. ### After the party, the twins are very excited, having met many lovely young princesses from the other Kingdoms and can hardly wait to take advantage of the fact that they'll all be spending the night in the wing of Sunny Castle reserved for visiting Foreign Royals. "The Flame Kingdom's Princess Lione was quite cute and shy, but i bet she'll be a lot of fun once we draw her out of her shell." Comments Fine as she lets her formal dress drop to the floor. "Yes, and Princess Mirlo of the Waterdrop Kingdom seems much the same." Adds Rein, her own gown hitting the plush carpet of the twin's shared bedroom. "Sophie of the windmill Kingdom seems much more outgoing though, I wouldn't be surprised if she's rather kinky and just waiting for a willing partner to experiment with." "And what about that adorable, little Milky-chan from the Moon Kingdom?!" gushes Fine, "I bet her tiny twatty would make for a tremendously tight fit." "Speaking of tight fits, do you think we'd even fit in any of the seed princesses?" ask Rein. "I don't know, but that stuck up blonde from the Jewelry kingdom, what was her name?" replies Fine. "I think her name was Altezza." answers Rein. "Yeah, her. She seems like she could really do with a good lay." finishes Fine. "I agree. Maybe we should approach her first" concludes Rein. The twins finish changing into their night clothes in companionable silence, donning matching sets of silk pajamas that differ only in that Fine is wearing pink and Rein is wearing powder blue, both leaving their bare feet exposed. Once done, they give each other a look over and deciding they're both as irresistibly cute as possible, they share a quick kiss, more intimate than a kiss between sisters should be, but not quite as passionate as the kisses that usually lead to the twins making love to each other before exiting their room, hand-in-hand, with the Royal Guest Quarters their destination.