Cardfucker Sakura by Imouto Kitten Shuffle 01: Mirror "Your name is mirror!" As Sakura shouts this declaration, the Clow card baring her likeness breaks from perfectly mirroring the young girl's actions, her arms dropping to her side, the illusionary copy of the Clow Staff slipping from her slackened grip only to shatter into sparkles before it can hit the ground. As Sakura closes the distance between herself and her doppelganger, Mirror licks her lips and rubs her thighs together in anticipation. Though she wouldn't admit it aloud, Mirror was among the naughtiest nymphets in the deck, and the realization that her and her siblings would have an irresistably cute girl, practically a young goddess given flesh, as their new mistress had only fuelled the fire burnning in the shapeshifter's loins, her desire nearly running wild as she took on the form of her new mistress, free to explore a perfect copy of the girl's body that was the perfect blend of toned athleticism and youthful femininity. ; even now Mirror longed to drop to her knees and wrap her luscious, loli lips around the lollipop she knew was hidden under the skirt of the girl whose form she had stolen and keep sucking until she had swallowed so much of her mistress's hot cream that her belly and bladder would both be fit to burst. But no, the seal her thriced damned old master had placed upon the deck as part of ensuring she and her siblings would outlive him forbade her from simply throwing herself at the girl before her. Despite a thirst that has gone unsated for decades, Mirror needed her new mistress to dominate her physical form and claim her power for her own before she could offer to serve the new mistress the way she so desperately longed to. That was why she had stuck to minor mischief that would attract attention without hurting anyone, some of her more aggressive siblings would rather reign destruction than bow to a new mistress, but Mirror wished she could skip the conflict and go straight to pledging herself heart, body, mind, and soul to the new mistress. Mirror's turbulent thoughts regarding her desire for the new mistress and the compulsions left behind by the old master are quieted as Sakura takes the final step into the conflicted card's personal space, the Cardcaptor's lips meeting her doppelganger's in a soul searing kiss. Mirror's head spins and her knees start to bukle from the kiss and the scent of cherry blossoms and natural girl musk radiating off Sakura filling the card's nose. Mirror wants to wrap her arms around the girl who's likeness she's borrowed, to deepen the kiss and do so much more, but the best the compulsions of Clow Reed's seal will allow is for her to put up no resistence as Sakura pins her to a tree and invades Mirror's mouth with the same tongue that had spoken the card's name for the first time in decades. After what feels like an eternity of bliss for Mirror, Sakura breaks the kiss to orally assault her doppelganger's neck, Mirror tilting her head to give her new mistress better access even as the compulsions of the seal prevent her from crying out her desire for more. Mirror feels something poking her between her thighs, and when Sakura pulls away from the manifested card,, Mirror glances down to confirm her suspicions as Sakura lifts her skirt and pulls down the front of her panties to free her throbbing futahood. Though tiny compared to many of the futanari Mirror had seen among her old master's collection of hentai, Sakura was rather nicely endowed for a human of her age, the erect penis jutting out above her hairless vulva at least four-and-a-half inches, perhaps even five inches in length and of a girth that would nicely fill either girl's small hand. Mirror ached to reach out and touch her new mistress's fleshy wand, to stroke it, lick it, suck it, milk it of every last drop of fresh cream, but her body refused her orders. As much as Mirror wished to ravage the futanari before her, she had to wait. With more timidity than Mirror cares for, Sakura reaches out her hands to lift Mirror's skirt and pull down the card's panties, revealing a perfectly plump and completely hairless mound of venus. Although Sakura had been endowed with a girlcock to assist in her task of bringing all the cards to heel, Mirror could only copy Sakura's natural form, a fact that seems to surprise the cardcaptor briefly if her widening eyes are any indicator. However, Sakura's surprise doesn't last long, and Mirror puts up no resistence as Sakura cups a hand over Mirror's mound and turns the card to face the tree, the cardcaptor's cock coming to rest between Mirror's perfectly plump half-moons. As Sakura resumes her oral assault on Mirror's neck, being gentle to stimulate without risk of leaving a hicky, Mirror longs to beg the girl she's masquerading as to give her a mating bite, and when the hand over the card's cunny starts to run fingers along Mirror's folds, the card wants to scream for Sakura to hurry up and fuck her, her girlhood gushing copious amounts of girl juice before the cardcaptor ever grows bold enough to slide a finger inside her doppelganger's pussy as she wishes the futahood grinding against her butt was buried within her. After several minutes of what Mirror can't help but think of as agonisingly excessive foreplay, sakura finally pulls her hips back to let her throbbing erection slide from between Mirror's buttocks and line it up with the card's cock-craving cunny. Bringing the hand that had been masturbating the eager Clow Card to Mirror's lips, Sakura makes Mirror suck on the index and middle fingers drenched with the card's cunny cream as she whispers in the card's ear, "I'm sorry Mirror, but this has to be done." Mirror's mental scream of 'Shut up and fuck me senseless already!' her tongue still compelled by Clow's final seal to not repeat her thoughts is punctuated by a sharp pain between Mirror's legs as Sakura sinks to the hilt in Mirror's pussy. Though Mirror was no virgin and was almost certain a few of her brothers had ravaged their new mistress before being brought to heel, Clow had created her such that, whenever she copied a girl's form, it would come with an in-tact hymen that would remain until she was properly deflowered while wearing that girl's face. Fortunately, between how aroused Mirror was from finally having the new mistress within her and how gentle the cardcaptor was despite the situation, Mirror was soon overwhelmed with pleasure the likes of which she hasn't experienced in decades, the pain soon forgotten. Although Sakura seemed to express guilt over her belief that she had to rape another Clow Card, the sensation of Mirror's pussy clenching around her girlcock coupled with the thrill that she was, in a sense, literally fucking herself soon had the cardcaptor moaning into Mirror's shoulder to prevent drawing the attention of anyone passing by, and while Clow's compulsions prevented Mirror from speaking her true desires, she was soon moaning around the fingers in her mouth, the natural reflexes to being driven to the heights of pleasure by a lover unaffected by the seal. Far too soon for Mirror's liking, Sakura announces, "Mirror... I...I'm going to shoot! Pl-please forgive me!" 'Yes!' screams Mirror mentally, wishing she could speak aloud, 'Pump my pussy so full of Mistress's hot cream my belly bloats up like a beach ball! Breed me like your personal broodmare! Make me-' Mirror's stream of mental encouragements are cut off as Sakura shoots her seed deep inside her doppelganger's clenching cunny, the card returning to her sealed form just shy of joining her mistress in climax. Catching Mirror's card as it fully materializes, Sakura can't help feeling a bit disgusted as she comments, "I hope Mirror isn't too upset about me raping her." before putting the newly captured card away and wiping the extra bit of anatomy that has brought her so much pleasure and guilt over the last several months with a hankerchief before putting her skirt and panties back in their proper place and heading home. ### As Sakura returns home and is about to place the cards within the Clow Book, she notices one of them glowing, and upon investigating, finds it to be Mirror. Bracing herself for her newest capture to be upset with her, Sakura summons the card, who manifests wearing her new Mistress skin and not a stitch of clothing. "Hoeee!" is all the cardcaptor can get out before she finds herself on the ground, pinned under her completely naked Doppelganger, arms wrapped around her neck and legs wrapped around her waist. "Hello, Mistress, nice to meet you!" greets the Clow card happily as she rubs herself against the surprised cardcaptor. "Wha-What are you doing!?" cries Sakura, "I thought you would be mad after I raped you into submission." Sitting up, giving the girl she's straddling a good view of the youthful, athletic curves she copied, the cardcaptor blushing brightly at having her form shown off in such a manner, Mirror replies, "I'm not mad mistress... if I'm upset about anything, it's that you were so reserved while you were sealing me." Despite herself, Sakura can't help as her fleshy wand grows, tenting her skirt, a fact that doesn't go unnoticed as Mirror feels the bulge of Sakura's girlcock pressing the cardcaptor's skirt into the Clow card's butt crack, the doppelganger smiling as she adds, "Oh, feels like Mistress is ready for round two." grinding her butt back against the tent in Sakura's skirt. "Ah," cries Sakura in a mixture of pleasure and discomfort as Mirror all but sits on her shaft, "That's not necessary, Mirror, and you don't need to call me Mistress, just Sakura will do." "Okay, Sakura-chan," replies the card, Smiling widely before asking, "may I suck on your lollipop?" "Uh, sure..." replies Sakura, somewhat confused by the odd-sounding request, and before the cardcaptor can make any attempt to figure out what she just agreed too on reflex, Mirror has moved between Sakura's spread legs, flipped up her skirt, and pulled down her panties to expose the cardcaptor's fleshy wand,, though not for long as Mirror shows absolutely no hesitation in taking all five inches of the throbbing, fully-erect futahood in her mouth, not even gagging as the cockhead is wedged in the opening of the Clow card's throat. "Ah Mirror!" cries the cardcaptor in a mixture of surprise and pleasure, digging her fingers into her carpet as her doppelganger starts to bob her head enthusiastically, Mirror using the tongue she copied from her new mistress to expertly stimulate every square millimeter of Sakura's sensitive girlcock. As Sakura's moans grow in volume, Mirror can feel her own pussy growing warm and wet with her own arousal and starts to worry about someone overhearing them. Though the thought of her mistress's brother, or even her surprisingly fit for a middle-aged professor father joining them for a threesome excites her, Mirror isn't sure her siblings have managed to prepare their mistress for such quite yet. Keeping up her blowjob, Mirror pivots about Sakura's futahood until her knees are bumping Sakura's shoulders before reducing the intensity of her ministrations just enough to allow her mistress the presence of mind to notice she now has her doppelganger's fully female crotch staring her in the face. Eyes glazed over in lust and breathing heavily, Sakura manages to ask, "Yo-you want me to lick you too?" Mirror's only reply being a shake of her borrowed butt and a nod of the head that turns into a bob thanks to her still having a mouthful of delicious, loli futa fuck meat. Far too gingerly for Mirror's liking, Sakura places her hands on her doppleganger's tight tush, gently kneading that well-toned girl butt that was forged through an active childhood and love of sports, the cardcaptor trying not to think about how she's massaging a copy of her own butt. When Sakura finally works up the nerve to stick out her tongue and give Mirror's pussy a tentative lick, the cardcaptor is rewarded with her doppelganger moaning around her futahood. Despite her reservations, Sakura soon has her tongue wriggling deep within Mirror's passage, the cardcaptor losing herself in the sweet scent and tangy taste of her reflection's most precious place, the Clow Card doing her best to reciprocate as Mirror lavishes her tongue all along Sakura's shaft and even reaches down to slide a dainty finger into her mistress's dewy petals. For several minutes, the only sounds in the bedroom are those of the two nearly identical girls' muffled moans until Sakura pulls her tongue from her doppelganger's depths as she announces, "Mir-mirror... I...I'm going to..." But before Sakura can finish that sentence, Mirror suddenly extracts her mistress's futahood from her mouth and rises to a kneeling position, prompting the futanari to groan, "Why...why did you stop all of a sudden!?" Looking over her shoulder to give Sakura a sultry smile, the card climbs to her feet and jumps on Sakura's bed, laying crossways, her head against the wall and her butt hanging off the side as she takes advantage of how flexible her borrowed form is to interleave her fingers and toes and spread her limbs wide to show off her mistress's youthful yet athletic curves. As Sakura sits up, she can't help blushing at the sight of Mirror showing off a near perfect copy of her own body even as her girlcock throbs in need thanks to the aborted blowjob. "I didn't want you wasting your seed down my throat." replies Mirror to her mistress's question, "If you're going to shoot, you should do it in my pussy." Crawling over to the bed and kneeling next to it, Sakura lines up her tip with Mirror's opening as she asks, "Are you really okay with this?" "Of course!" cries Mirror, "Besides, you sealed me before I was able to climax, so please, finish what you started." "O-Okay, then." replies Sakura as she slides forward, hilting herself within her doppelganger once again. However, with how close Mirror had gotten the cardcaptor with her mouth, this simple action proves too much for the young girl, Sakura shuddering as she squirts her load into a perfect copy of her own pussy for a second time. Collapsing atop Mirror, her arms unable to hold her up as her orgasm washes over her, Sakura apologizes, "Sorry Mirror... I mean for shooting just from sticking it in." "That's okay, Sakura-chan," replies the card, "Feel free to spill inside me as many times as you like." Giving her mistress a mischievious smile, the card reaches for the hemn of Sakura's shirt and waistband of Sakura's skirt, pulling both garments up and over their owner's head. "HOE!" cries the cardcaptor, straightening up and crossing her arms over her chest as her face goes crimson. Giggling at her mistress's reaction to being stripped, Mirror replies, "No need to be shy, I've already explored every square millimeter of your body... Not like I had much better to do while I waited my turn to test you." With that, the card reaches up, pulling her shocked mistress's arms from the flat chest she copied and pulls the shy girl into a hug, Mirror wrapping her legs around Sakura's waist as she captures the futanari's lips in a kiss even more intense than the one they shared as part of the card's sealing." Before long, Mirror is bucking her hips against the cock that is the one part of her mistress she is unable to copy, breaking the kiss as she pants out, "Please, Sakura-chan, make love to me, fill me with your seed until you have none left to give and bring me to the height of ecstacy." Complying with her doppelganger's request, Sakura starts thrusting in time with Mirror's bucking hips, and soon both girls are so lost in their shared pleasure that Sakura buries her face in the crook of Mirror's neck out of fear of her father or brother overhearing, and though Mirror enjoys the sensation of her mistress moaning into her neck, it isn't enough for Mirror. Bringing her own mouth to Sakura's ear, Mirror whispers, "It's okay, you are more than welcome to leave your mark on my neck... I'd even welcome a proper mating bite." Though uncertain about Mirror's strange-sounding request, Sakura is too lost in the act to really question it, and is soon suckling like a starving infant at her mother's teat upon the supple flesh of her doppelganger's neck, and when the cardcaptor feels her climax approaching once more, instead of pulling away to announce the fact, Sakura instead bites down, the little bit of pain in her neck sending Mirror over the edge, tightening her arms and legs around Sakura as her cunny clenches around the fleshy wand within, Sakura unleashing her third load of the day. The pair lay there in a mutual embrace, simply basking in the after glow for several minutes before one of them lets out a yawn. "That was quite a work out." Comments Sakura, pushing herself up on her elbows. "Yes it was," replies Mirror, "and while I'd love to go another round, I think a nap might be in order first." "I think you're right." replies Sakura, slowly withdrawing from Mirror's pussy so they can turn down the covers and properly crawl into bed. Although it's only a twin bed, the pair don't mind as they laydown face-to-face, Sakura pinning Mirror against the wall as the cardcaptor slides her now wilted futahood between her doppelganger's warm thighs, the two snuggling close together before pulling the covers over them and drifting off to sleep in a mutual embrace, neither girl having the energy to care about their nakedness.