Liza and Tate by Imouto Kitten Tate sat on his bed in the room he shared with his twin sister, Liza, trying and failing to meditate. For as long as either twin could remember, the Mystic Duo had shared a very strong telepathic and empathic bond, able to share not only thoughts and emotions, but even physical sensations across all of their senses, and at the moment, Tate was recieving some very distracting sensations from his sister. So strong was the bond, and so easy the sharing of thoughts, emotions, and senses as though they were one person with two bodies instead of two individuals communicating via their shared gifts, that it often took a concerted effort on the part of both twins to keep anything private from each other. One result of this was that they often did things together, as the more similar their respective sensory inputs were, the less dissonant their combined sensations tended to be. This had included a tendency to bathe together, which was where Tate's current problem began. For recently, what had been an innocent activity shared between siblings had taken on a different mood as Tate started to notice Liza not as his twin sister, but as a girl on the cusp of blossoming into womanhood and their last few showers together had burned every line and curve of his sister's slender frame into his mind and lead to the pubescent boy more than once waking up with sticky underwear, more than once popping a boner at an inappropriate time, more than once being stricken with guilt after jacking off to thoughts of his sexy sister, and more than once giving himself a nasty case of blue balls for denying the urge to touch himself. Insisting that Liza shower without him hadn't helped at all, for while he wasn't being forced to stare at Liza in all her radiant glory and hope she didn't notice his arousal, he was having no luck blocking the senssations she was currently broadcasting over their bond. Despite knowing he was perfectly dry, he couldn't help feeling the hot water run through his sister's hair and wash over her every curve. He was aware of every caress of soft hands gliding across supple flesh as Liza coated herself head-to-toe in body wash as though he was washing his own feminine body, the mossy scent of the organic cleanser she prefers as real as if the open bottle was held under his nose, and when he feels an unfamiliar tingling between his legs and the phantom sensation of his fingers traceing a bit of anatomy he lacks, the young boy can't stop unbidden thoughts of his sister masturbating from filling his mind and his immature boyhood from growing erect. Giving up on meditation, Tate gives into his baser desires, pulling down the front of his blue pants and wrapping his hand around his member. As he starts to stroke himself, his mind drifts to visions of Liza performing a rather intricate Tai Chi routine wearing nothing but her white hair bow, showing off her nubile form from every angle in the process. Lost in his boyish fantasy starring the cutest girl he knows, Tate is barely aware of the sensations that come with Liza halting her own self-pleasure, rinsing off, and turning off the water before drying off and wrapping herself in terrycloth. Tate is still lost in his own world as Liza enters the room, her dark blue hair hanging loose and still damp and nothing but a towel the same color as their signature garb to protect her modesty. Leaning against the door frame, Liza speaks directly into Tate's mind 'Does my little brother like jacking off while thinking about me that much?' Blushing so his face makes a great contrast with his hair and clothing, Tate tries to cover his erection with his hands as he replies verbally, "Liza, its not what it looks like, and how do you know what I was thinking about anyways?" the boy so flustered that the telepathy that usually comes so naturally to him falters. Closing the door and approaching her brother's bed, Liza replies, 'My little brother is so cute when he's all flustered and embarrassed... but to answer your question, you aren't half as good at blocking me from your private thoughts as you think. I can feel it everytime you stroke that cute, little stiffy of yours whether I want to or not, as well as every time you deny yourself relief and leave those cute, little balls feeling like a pair of overcharged voltorb that are ready to explode but can't!' her mental voice raising to a yell and mirroring much of the sexual frustration that has plagued Tate recently. 'and I know I'm the only girl that's shown up in your fantasies!' Shifting to her physical voice, she continues, her voice nearly breaking as tears come to her eyes, "I know I tease you a lot, but it kinda hurts knowing that I'm causing you such distress but your reaction is trying to avoid me instead of asking for my help." Still blushing and regaining his mental voice, Tate asks in confusion, 'What are you saying?' "I'm saying," starts Liza, letting her towel drop to the floor, "That I feel the same way you do and I'd like for us to stop hurting ourselves and each other on account of society's misguided beliefs." "But-" Before Tate can voice any further protest, Liza reaches her hand down and gives her clitty a very firm pinch and twist with her thumb and forefinger, letting out a cry of pleasure at the jolt of electricity this sends up her spine and broadcasting the sensation over the bond she shares with her twin as loudly as possible. Tate is blindsided by sensations far stronger than any he felt from Liza as she teasingly touched herself in the shower, collapsing backward, his head landing on his pillow as he fists both hands in his bedsheets and lets out a cry to match his sister's. Smiling at how easily she shattered her brother's defenses without even touching him, Liza sends Tate a teasing thought, 'So, you really did feel that full force, didn't you?' before crawling onto the foot of her twin's bed, stopping with her head hovering over his exposed crotch. Leaning down, she comments mentally, 'You really do have a cute, little, stiffy and balls. I'd love to spend all night sucking and caressing, and kissing all over them.' To illustrate her point, she cups Tate's testes in one hand, gently fondling them as her mouth approaches his tip. Kissing his tip and sticking out her tongue to swirl around it just long enough to make her brother moan before pulling away and adding mentally, 'Ah, but I wouldn't want to make my little brother waste any more of his hot, sticky seed.' Before Tate can recover from his twin's teasing touch, Liza channels her psychic energy into a low powered variant of psycho cut to shred his clothing before using an unfocused burst of telekinesis to scatter the scraps, leaving the boy bare to his sister's appreciative gaze, a gaze he can't help returning with his incredibly cute and sexy sister poised over him. After what feels like an eternity of the twins simply admiring each other's bodies, their features so similar yet subtlely different, Liza breaks the mental silence, 'Has anyone ever told you you're cute enough to be a girl, brother?' Blushing, Tate shoots back, "Has anyone ever told you you're cute enough to be an angel, sister?' Causing Liza to match his blush. Trying to hide that Tate finally managed to fluster her, Liza replies aloud, "Shut up and kiss me." before capturing her twin's lips in a passionate kiss, sliding up to straddle his waist in the process. 'Did you forget we can talk without using our mouths?' Asks Tate over their bond with a mental giggle. Wanting to reassert herself as the dominant twin, Liza simply responds by wrapping her arms around Tate's neck and deepening the kiss, her tongue forcing its way into her brother's mouth. Her distraction in place, Liza partitions off part of her mind before using telekinesis, far more focused this time, to part her own netherlips and gently guide Tate's little stiffy to the entrance of her own tiny twatty. Once certain everything is lined up and that Tate is clueless about what she's about to do, Liza drops her hips, impaling herself upon her brother's cute, little cock, driving him balls deep in her cozy, little cunny. Liza had torn her hymen years ago in Tai chi practice, so there is no pain, and their pleasure is doubled thanks to their bond letting Liza feel her snug snatch squeezing her brother's boyhood and Tate feel his cock stretching his sister's tight twatty, the pair breaking their kiss to let out matching cries of ecstasy as their eyes widen in surprise of just how good it feels. "Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza!" cries Liza, starting to bounce upon her brother's boyhood, "It feels so good!" Tate can only send an impression of agreement as his little stiffy is worked over by a girl's internal muscles for the first time, moaning softly as his sister starts trailing her hands all over the boy's androgynous, borderline feminine, chest and abdomen. Before long, Liza can feel something building in her brother's small cock, something she recognizes from when she felt him masturbating. Interleaving her fingers with his, the elder twin crashes her lips upon her brother's, rubbing their tiny nipples together in the process as she scolds him mentally, 'I can feel you straining to hold it in, little brother. Go ahead and let it out. Go ahead and shoot all that hot, sticky seed straight into your sweet, sexy sister's snug snatch!' Regaining his mental voice, Tate responds, 'but what if I get you pregnant?' his entire body tenseing up from the effort to hold back his impending climax. Sitting up and increasing her pace, Liza continues her mental dirty talk while her mouth is preoccupied with moaning in pleasure and panting in exertion, rubbing her belly as she broadcasts, 'Don't you think I'd look cute with my tiny tummy all swollen with my little brother's baby?' Cupping her barely budding breasts, rolling her nipples between thumb and forefinger, she adds, 'Or how about with my tiny titties swollen with lots of sweet milk for our baby?' Squeezing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth, hands fisted and toes scrunched so hard the knuckles on both his hands and feet have turned white, Tate tries to muster up a mental plea for his sister to climb off of him before it's too late when Liza delivers the coup de grace, projecting how she imagines she'd look with her belly fit to burst with her brother's baby and her tiny titties leaking nourishing milk directly into her brother's mind. No longer able to fight his reproductive instincts, most of Tate's body goes limp as he thrusts up into his sister, his cock erupting with plenty of creamy cum right against Liza's cervix, Feeling through their bond that her brother is having a far stronger orgasm than any she felt from him when he masturbated, her own orgasm washes over her, her cozy cunny convulsing in an attempt to milk Tate for all he's worth. The twins cry out in their shared ecstasy, their climaxes reinforced by their bond letting them feel each other's euphoria. When their shared climax passes, Liza collapses against her brother's chest, barely managing to not slam her forehead against his as her loose hair, now matted with her sweat, falls down to conceal both their faces. Panting too heavily to speak, Liza declares in a mental whisper, 'that was amazing, little brother.' Tired from the workout his sister just gave him, Tate can barely manage putting annoyance into his mental voice as he replies, 'I just pumped you full of my swimmers, possibly knocked you up, and you're still bragging about being older when the difference in our ages is like ten minutes?' Giving Tate a kiss on the cheek and pressing her forehead against his, Liza replies, 'Even if you're my lover, the papa of my baby, and eventually become my husband, you'll always be my cute, little brother.' Placing her hands on his shoulders and pushing herself up enough to place a hand over her womb, she adds with a sleepy smile, 'I hope one of your swimmers catches my first egg. Mama told me about periods, and they sound like they'd be very unpleasant for both of us.' Laying back down and rubbing her cheek against Tate's chest, she adds, 'and speaking of unpleasant, if I feel you trying to give yourself blue balls again, I'm hunting you down, telekinetically pinning you to the nearest flat surface, and milking those cute, little balls of yours dry. Feeling like a Cacturne had sucker punched me between the legs and not even being able to rub the affected body part was one of the worse feelings I've ever experienced!' Growing hard again within Liza's depths at her threat, Tate replies, 'My sister sounds like a naughty, little nymphet, casually threatening to rape her brother like that.' 'And yet I feel you getting hard at the thought,' shoots back the female half of the Mystic Duo. Using telekinesis to place Tate's hands on her butt, she adds, 'but if you think I'm so naughty, you're welcome to punish me, and you're welcome to try sneaking up on me and proving you can be dominant anytime.' Giving his sister's silky half-moons a squeeze, Tate starts thrusting up into his twin's tight twatty, the two soon losing themselves in their shared pleasure once more as Liza captures her brother's lips in another passionate kiss. Channeling his psychic powers into his palms, Tate pulls a hand away from Liza's butt before bringing it down hard on her pale flesh, leaving a bright red hand print as a smack and Liza's cry of mixed pain and pleasure fill the room. Thanks to their bond, Tate can feel the sting his strike causes, but enjoying Liza's reactions more than he finds the phantom pain in his own bottom unpleasant, he continues to spank his sister. 'YES!' screams the girl mentally, 'Spank your slutty sister! Punish her for being a naughty nymphet who gets off on sexually dominating her brother! Spank her so hard she won't be able to sit for weeks!' Sensing that the butt cheek he's been smacking with his telekinetically reinforced palm is going numb, Tate switches to the opposite buttock, causing Liza's cries to renew. By the time both of Liza's half-moons are as red as a pokeball, both twins can feel their impending shared climaxes approaching again, but this time Tate makes no effort to hold back. In fact, as he squeezes his sister's reddened rear, he uses telekinesis to help flip them over, Liza's head pressing into Tate's pillow as she suddenly finds herself beneath her brother as he drives his little dick repeatedly into her preteen pussy. Slamming his lips upon his sister's, Tate whispers telepathically, 'I hope you have twins, a boy and a girl, and that your belly gets so big you need the Baltoy generating a zero-gravity field to move on your own.' as his balls explode, his cock shooting another load of seed deep in his sister's snug snatch as it convulses in an effort to milk him dry. Wrapping her arms and legs around his chest and waist, making it impossible for him to pull out even if he wanted to, she replies, 'I like the sound of that, assuming you're willing to be the dutiful, doting husband once my belly gets so big with our babies.' as the twins ride out their second shared climax of the evening. As they come down from their orgasmic high, not bothering to break their lover's embrace as they bask in afterglow, the twins sleepily say to each other telepathically, 'I love you, brother/sister.' before working together to telekinetically pull the covers out from under them to wrap them up. As the twins snuggle together for some much needed sleep, Liza asks aloud, "I know we've been innocently sneaking into each other's beds for years, but I wonder if we can convince Mama and Papa to let us trade in our twin beds for a double bed we can share without pretense of having separate beds." Kissing his sister on the forehead, Tate replies aloud, "I like that idea." before the pair close their eyes, their heartbeats and breathing synching and evening out as they drift off to sleep and shared dreams of raising a family.