Usagi and Shingo by Imouto Kitten Usagi Tsukino, still in her superheroine guise of Sailormoon, was returning to her home after she and the other Sailor Senshi dispatched the latest monster of the week. As her parents had grounded her for failing her latest test at school, she was forced to climb through a window to enter the house. Not paying attention to her surroundings, she reaches for her brooch to undo her transformation when the voice of a young boy snaps her back to reality, "Sa-Sailormoon!? Wh-what are you doing in my room!?" Looking around the room, the odangoed blonde quickly realizes this isn't her bedroom, and spotting her little brother Shingo sitting on the bed, concludes she made the mistake of climbing in his window instead of her own, rationalizing it as an easy mistake to make since their bedrooms are right next to each other and grateful that her brother doesn't seem to recognize her, but still finding the situation awkward and not sure if it would be better or worse if she had untransformed before entering. Trying to think of an excuse why a famous superheroine would've climbed in the window of a total stranger, she notices what Shingo was doing before she invaded his private space. The boy had his shorts and briefs around his ankles, one hand curled around his little stiffy, and an open book spread accross his lap, a book that, even from this distance, she can tell is an H-doujinshi of some sort. Deflecting his question, she grabs the book off his lap and asks, "What is this you're reading?" Going red as a tomato, Shingo is too embarrassed to respond, not that Usagi can see his reaction as she takes a closer look at his fap material. As she does so, her eyes go wide, her cheeks turn pink, and the crotch of her leotard grows damp with arousal as she comes face-to-face with illustrations depicting a steamy sex scene between herself and Tuxedo Mask. While she had long gotten use to the exploits of her and the other Sailor Senshi making the news, she never imagined that there would be anyone perverted enough to make porn of the Sailor Senshi. Adding to her flustered state was the fact that, though they were madly in love and knew they were destined to be the parents of Chibi-Usa, Mamoru had made it clear that he wouldn't do anything overtly sexual with Usagi until she graduated from high school, and despite her pleading, she hadn't even gotten him to budge enough to slide a hand under her skirt or up her blouse when they made out, and here she was being presented with a scene beyond her wildest, frustrated virgin, wet dreams. At the same time, she was kind of flattered that her little brother was jacking off to her likeness even though she was sure he had no idea that Usagi Tsukino and Sailormoon were one and the same, and though her underdeveloped intellect knew it was wrong, the dominant thought in her mind was whether she could seduce her little brother and lose the virginity her boyfriend refused to take. So, it is only half-hearted when she starts scolding him like she would a villain, "Such filthy reading material is completely unsuitable for a young gentleman. You should be ashamed of yourself for being such a naughty, little boy rotting your mind with such perversions instead of going out and earning the respect of girls your own age. In the name of the moon, I will punish you!" Shingo gulps loudly as the superheroine he put on a pedestal as a living goddess of love, justice, and sexuality closes the distance between them and looms over him. "What do you have to say for yourself, you naughty, little boy?" Asks Usagi, enjoying the power trip she's getting from watching her brother tremble in fear at being the target of his favorite superheroine's wrath. Rising to his knees, Shingo then bows deeply, his palms and forehead pressing against the mattress, his cute, little butt sticking up in the air as he grovels, "Please forgive this lowly soul, oh powerful Moon Goddess, daughter of Tsukiyomi. I shall be your humble and obedient servant if you shall grant me mercy." Though Luna had once told her the royal lines of the Silver Millenium were descended from the Gods that inspired the mythology of the Greeks and Romans, Usagi was still taken aback to see someone directing words of worship in her direction. Placing a gloved finger under his chin, Usagi lifts Shingo's head so she can look him in the eye as she declares, "I, Sailormoon, guardian of love and justice, in the name of the moon, acknowledge your apology and your vow to serve me." Smiling mischieveously, she adds, "I will forgive you, and perhaps even reward you, if you can prove to me that you have what it takes to be a gentlemanly lover and aren't just interested in the pleasure you can get from women. Now, rise so I may get a better look at your equipment." As Shingo rises to his knees, Usagi wraps one gloved hand around his shaft and cups his balls in the other, her little brother exclaiming, "What are you doing!?" as soft moans escape him as she strokes his cock and fondles his balls. She can't help mentally comparing his testicles to a pair of grapes and is pretty sure the handle of her favorite hair brush is slightly thicker and longer than his little cock. "A bit small," she says teasingly before adding, "but I'm sure you'll grow nice and big as you mature." Letting go of his cock and balls, she lifts the front of her blue skirt, and guides one of Shingo's hands to the crotch of her leotard. As she rubs his palm against the damp fabric covering her virgin girlhood, she declares, "Your first test is to pleasure me with your hands." Cupping the womanhood of the superheroine he's worshipped from afar for months, her juices coating his palm as her leotard fails to hold them and being able to feel that, as he had dreamed, Sailormoon wore no panties under her costume, was nearly enough to fry the young boy's brain, but he manages to stammer out, "Do-do you really want me to touch you... like this?" Nodding, she replies, "Yes. I may be a warrior, but I am also a woman who has long sought a man's touch." Giving him another mischievious smile, she adds, "But proving your worth won't be that easy, young man. Unless I give you permission, you may touch me only with your hands," reaching out to grab his cock once again, she continues, "and you must be able to hold back your own climax until you have satisfied me." As she resumes stroking him, he continues rubbing her through her leotard, no longer guided by her hand. However, kneeling on the bed face-to-face proves a rather awkward position. Standing up, she commands, "Lie down." to which he immediately obeys. She removes his shorts and briefs from around his ankles to leave him in only a t-shirt and socks before discarding her own skirt. As she straddles her little brother, giving him an excellent close-up of how her leotard conforms to every contour of her ass and girlhood, Shingo can't help commenting, "There's a beautiful moon out tonight!" Squeezing his balls enough to be uncomfortable without actually hurting him, she replies, "I'll let that one slide since it was a rather nice compliment, but any more corny lines like that and I'll be tempted to give your voice a permanent falsetto." Releasing his balls and resuming her stroking, she adds, "Now, if you don't want to be punished for failing to put your partner's pleasure before your own, I suggest you get busy, and remember, you're only allowed to use your hands." Trying to ignore the pleasure from having Sailormoon jack him off and fearing that he'll wake at any moment to discover that this was all a dream, Shingo starts running his hands all over Sailormoon's thighs and butt, oblivious to the fact that he's fondling his own sister. In response, Usagi moans softly at her brother's caresses, which are far more intimate than any Mamoru has given her and far more tender than she thought her little brother capable of. After a minute or two, Shingo's hands converge at the spot between Sailormoon's legs. Pulling the leotard to the side, Shingo gets his first look at a real pussy. Usagi's labia are puffy and pink, swollen with bloodd due to her arousal, and glisten with her juices. Shingo immediately decides the doujinshi one of his friends managed to swipe from an older brother are a pale imitation compared to the beauty of the real thing. He inhales deeply, finding the scent imminating from his heroine's most precious place to be both heavenly and intoxicating and can't help wondering if she tastes as good as she smells, but fearful of what punishment would befall him if he disobeied the commandment to use only his hands, he settles for running a finger along her slit, and smiles to himself when he feels her shiver in pleasure at the touch. A few more swipes along her slit with increasing pressure, Shingo finds the opening to Usagi's vagina and slides his index finger inside her, managing to get all the way to the third knuckle without trouble and marveling at the warm snugness surrounding his digit. Enjoying the sensations as her brother's finger starts sliding in and out of her and wondering if he's attracted to her, or just attracted to sailormoon, she asks, "Do you have any sisters, young man?" The question catches him a bit off guard, but fearing that he'd be punished if he doesn't answer, he replies, "I have an older sister named Usagi." "What is she like?" "She's really annoying, but I think she might be one of your fangirls since she wears her hair in a similar style." A bit annoyed at being accused of copying her hairstyle from Sailormoon since she's been wearing her hair in pigtails with odango long before she ever met Luna and knowing Shingo should know that, Usagi bites back her annoyance as she asks, "Is your sister good looking?" "She'd be beautiful if she didn't have such a grating personality, but even if she was nice, she'd be nowhere near as beautiful as you, Sailormoon!" "Have you ever peeped on her when she was in the shower or changing?" Getting nervous at her questions, he replies, "N-no, of course not." Squeezing his balls again, she replies, "You're not lying to me, are you?" "Okay, I'll admit that I've been tempted to peep on her in the shower, but I swear on my manhood that I never actually did it out of fear she'd crush my balls if I got caught!" Admitting to herself that she probably would've crushed his balls if she ever caught him peeping on her, she replies, "I'm glad to hear you have some decency." Thinking a bit, she asks, "What do you think of the other Sailor Senshi?" "All of you are beautiful in your own ways, but you're by far the most beautiful, and only Chibi Moon beats you for pure cute factor." Curious if her brother has been lusting after his niece, she starts to ask, "Do yo-" when his exploring fingers locate her G-spot and clitoris and she's forced to cover her mouth with a hand to avoid letting out a moan that would be loud enough to draw the attention of their parents. Noticing the strong reaction that got from her, Shingo tries to replicate it and before Usagi can recover from that initial shock, her brother's index finger and thumb are vigorously rubbing at two of her most sensitive spots and she completely forgets about jacking off her brother as she tries to contain the waves of pleasure washing over her. This proves to be Shingo's saving grace as Usagi had him right on the verge prior to his discovery. Before long, Usagi is experiencing the strongest orgasm she's ever known, both hands clamped over her mouth the only thing muffling her pleasured scream enough to not have her parents barging in and having Sailormoon arrested for molesting their son, her pussy tightening like a vice around her brother's finger. As soon as she's recovered her senses enough, Usagi bends over, giving Shingo an even better vantage point for looking at her nether regions before she engulfs his stiff, little cock and is almost immediately rewarded with a mouthful of salty, pubescent boy essence. Once done swallowing the first load of cum she's ever milked from a boy, She straightens and says, "You performed admirably, young man. Are you sure this was your first time pleasuring a girl?" "I swear I've never touched a girl before!" Blushing, he adds in a near whisper, "Besides, other than my mom, sister, and cousin, I have trouble even talking to girls." "You said earlier that you thought your sister was annoying. Is that despite being nice to her, or do you annoy her in turn?" Looking abashed, Shingo replies, "Well, I guess I'm a bit of a brat to her sometimes." "Would you like to lick my pussy?" She asks, thinking of how she can get him to better behave. Taking the sudden change of topic in stride, he exclaims, "I'd love to!" Smiling at his enthusiasm, she declares, promise me that you'll be nice to your sister from now on, and I'll let you lick me to your heart's content." "I promise!" cries the boy, and being as eager to be licked as Shingo is eager to lick her, Usagi doesn't hesitate as she pulls her leotard to the side and sits down on her brother's face, moaning in ecstacy as he plunges his tongue deep within her. She's not sure if it's due to her lack of experience, Shingo being a natural at cunnilingus, or if the boy actually picked up some tips from the hentai he's been reading, but she enjoys being eaten out even more than being fingered, and it isn't long before Shingo is bringing the blonde to orgasm once more, her juices spraying all over the boy's face. As she catches her breath, Sailormoon comments, "Not bad, kid... I think you've earned the ultimate reward." As she gets off the bed, the body of her uniform glows brightly as she wills the garment to vanish, leaving her in only her gloves and boots, the sight of his goddess in such a state of undress nearly making the young boy lose his load without being touched. Noticing him staring and thinking his erection looks a bit straighter than before, she strikes a pose and asks, "Like what you see?" Nodding vigorously, he replies, "I love what I see!" Smiling widely, she pulls him to his feet and pulls his t-shirt up over his head to leave her little brother completely nude before her. Sitting on the edge of his bed, she lays back, placing his pillow between her head and the wall before spreading her legs wide and using her gloved hands to spread her labia. "Now, I want you to stick your little stiffy in here," she declares, pointing at her virgin opening, "but there's one rule. You aren't allowed to cum inside me. When you feel like you're ready to squirt, I want you to pull out so I can swallow your cum again." Walking up to the bed to find that Sailormoon's pussy is at the perfect height for him to enter her while standing, he lines up his tip with her opening and declares, "I promise I'll pull out!" Before thrusting his hips forward to bury himself in his sister's folds. Usagi had expected losing her virginity to be painful, but thanks to Shingo being so much younger, and thus smaller than a boy her own age, his slender cock manages to slip through an opening in her hymen without tearing it, allowing her to enjoy having a boy's cock inside her from the beginning. As Shingo unknowingly hilts himself in his sister, his member is engulfed in a warm tightness beyond his wildest dreams and it takes all of his will not to break his promise immediately. After recovering from the overwhelming sensation of losing his virginity, Shingo slowly withdraws before sinking balls deep within the woman he idolizes once more. The slow pace Shingo sets out of worry that he won't be able to stop himself from cumming inside is agonizing to Usagi and she shouts, "Fuck me faster!" as she wraps her legs around his waist and starts bucking her hips in time with his. That's all the encouragement he needs and soon the siblings are frantically pulling apart only to slam their hips together again over and over in sync, both working hard towards a much needed climax. And then it happens. As Shingo feels himself nearing the point of no return, he freezes and tries to pull out, but Usagi, still lost in lust, continues bucking her hips and her legs are hugging him too tightly to allow him to escape. Desperately trying to hold off his orgasm, the mental images his mind conjures of what she'll do to him if he cums inside doing little to dampen his arousal or dissuade his penis from fulfilling it's biological imperative of delivering life-making seed to the likely fertile womb before it. Terror in his voice, Shingo pleads, "Sa-Sailormoon! I need, I need to pull out!" His voice breaking in panic, he continues, "If you don't let me pull out right now, I'm going to shoot my load inside you!" But his words fail to penetrate the fog surrounding Usagi's mind, her own body too focused on her own impending climax as she pulls her little brother into a hug, smothering his face between her breasts just as she starts trembling in orgasm. Her pussy tightens like a vice around his small member, trapping him within her even if he wasn't trapped by her limbs. This is too much for Shingo as his cock erupts deep in the heroine he worships, the heroine that, unbeknownst to him is his own sister. It is by far the most intense orgasm Shingo has ever had, but even as his sister's pussy repeatedly clenches around him, milking his cock and balls for every last drop of sperm-filled semen and sucking it all into her womb, he is unable to fully enjoy it as thoughts of 'Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" run through his mind. 'I'll be lucky if she gives me a quick death, but she'll probably torture my cock and balls until I'm begging for death!" As Usagi returns to her senses and finally releases Shingo from her grasp, the boy stumbles back, terrified of how she'll react. Glancing down and noticing her brother's seed dribbling from her no longer virgin pussy, she starts to tear into the boy, "I told you not to cum inside and you promised you'd pull out!" Deciding groveling and the truth are his only chances of getting out of this with his boy parts in tact, Shingo drops to the floor and begs, "Please forgive me! I tried to pull out, but your majestic legs are as strong as they are beautiful! I couldn't break free of their grip and you seemed to not hear my pleas to let me go! I tried to hold out, but my mortal manhood was no match for your Goddess Girlhood!" Thinking back and half remembering him saying something she was enjoying herself too much to pay attention to, the heroine looks abashed as she declares, "Well, I guess you can't be blamed if I was enjoying myself too much to let you uphold your promise." Crossing the room, she kneels before him and gives him a kiss on the forehead, a kiss on each cheek, and finally a kiss on the lips. Giggling at the blush this produces in him, she says, "Now, don't go bragging to your friends about this encounter. A gentleman never kisses and tells, and we did a lot more than kissing." "Of course I won't tell anyone!" he replies, silently adding, 'not that anyone would believe me if I told them I lost my virginity to Sailormoon.' Not bothering to rematerialize her costume, Sailormoon heads for the window, saying, "If you're nice to your sister, she might offer you the same pleasures you've enjoyed tonight." Before giving him a wink and jumping out the portal. As she creeps along the wall to her own window, Usagi is torned between hoping she doesn't get pregnant from what just happened and thinking it would serve Mamoru right if another boy knocked her up because he was too noble to give her what she wants. Either way, she can't help wondering how she can arrange another such session with her little brother without letting her secret slip.