Sango and Kohaku by Imouto Kitten It had taken all of her skill at tracking a target and several retreats to avoid one of Naraku's incarnations being privy to their meeting, but Sango finally stood within striking distance of her little brother, Kohaku with no one else close enough to interfere. The preteen boy had been reduced to a mere shell of the kind soul Sango had known growing up thanks to the machinations of Naraku, and she needed their meeting to be as private as possible for what she had planned. Stepping into the clearing where Kohaku is sitting, staring off into space, Sango deliberately gets her brother's attention in order to bait him into attacking. She easily blocks his thrown Kusarigama with her Hiraikotsu, letting the smaller blade's chain wrap around the gigantic boomerang before thrusting one end of the massive weapon into the soft dirt. Before the less experienced slayer can compensate for his primary weapon being so effortlessly disabled, Sango has closed the distance between them, knocked the chain from his hand, and dropping to her knees,wrapped the much shorter boy in an embrace so tight he has no hope of unpinning his arms from his sides. Once the boy stops struggling, realising his attempts to escape are utile, Sango risks moving a hand up to undo the straps holding his gas mask in place, letting the protective item fall to the ground and giving her the first up close look of her brother's entire face since that horrible day when he had been tricked into slaughtering their entire village, a day that feels like it was an eternity ago. Running her fingers through Kohaku's hair as she examines his face, so familiar, yet completely devoid of the warmth she remembers, she can't help shedding tears as she comments, "It's despicable what Naraku has done to you. I can only hope the kind boy I remember is still in there and that this will reawaken him." With that, she captures her brother's lips in a kiss, his eyes going wide in the first sign of emotion he's displayed since she found him. Interpreting his apparent shock as a good sign and capitalizing on it, Sango uses her teeth to crack the capsule of aphrodisiac she'd been hiding under her tongue and quickly pushes it past their joined lips, keeping her tongue in his mouth long enough to ensure the drug has time to be absorbed through the lining of his oral cavity. By the time she breaks the kiss, there is nothing for Kohaku to spit out except the inert capsule, and while Sango can feel the aphrodisiac having an affect on her, her brother, between longer exposure, a greater area of exposure,,,,,, and significantly lower body mass should've gotten at least ten times the effective dose she did and is soon showing the signs of just that. "Wha-What did you do to me?" asks the boy, holding his head as some of his old self breaks through the monotone that is one of the symptoms of Naraku's control. "I just gave you something I hope will help me remind you of who you use to be." Replies Sango before pulling Kohaku against her, his head coming to rest between her breasts. Reaching down, she finds him tenting his bodysuit, and undoing the concealed fly, frees his boyhood and starts to stroke him. Between the drug and her ministrations, her brother is helpless to break free of Sango's grip, and Kohaku is soon moaning at his sister's touch, pleasure partially overriding Naraku's influence. Using her other hand to tilt Kohaku's head up, Sango smiles down at her brother as she asks, "Do you like that, little brother?" Kohaku is unable to give a coherent reply, but Sango interprets his moans and the way he's starting to buck his hips against her hand as affirmation. Without any warning, Sango removes her hand from Kohaku's young cock, making the boy whine in need, but before he can voice any protest at the loss of stimulation, Sango has dropped to her knees, turned him around to face her once more, and taken his preteen prick balls deep in her mouth, making him moan even louder as she starts sucking as if trying to outdo Miroku's Wind Tunnel. Another crack in Naraku's control makes itself known as Kohaku cries out, "Some...something is happening!" mere seconds before he shoots his load down Sango's throat. As the boy recovers from what Sango suspects is his first orgasm since his disaster of a first hunt, Sango finds a soft spot in the ground and lays down, undoing the hidden fly of her own bodysuit to expose her femininity before commanding, "Come here, Kohaku, make love to your dear sister." Driven as much by instinct as passion thanks to Naraku's residual influence, Kohaku obeys his sister's summons, and once he's kneeling between her parted thighs, she guides his tip to her opening before placing a hand on his butt and pushing him inside her. Once buried in his sister's folds, instinct takes over and Kohaku is soon fucking his sister like a wild buck rutting a doe at the height of mating season, both siblings moaning loudly as they give in to their shared desire. Before long, Kohaku cries out, not a trace of Naraku's control in his voice, "San-Sango! I'm...I'm gonna cum!" "Yes! Do it Kohaku! Flood your sister's womb with your incestuous seed!" cries Sango in a combination of ecstasy and triumph, the former from getting a hard fuck for the first time in far too long, the latter from seeming to have succeeded at breaking Naruku's hold on her brother. Curling her spine to account for the height difference, Sango captures her brother's lips in a kiss just as the siblings reach their climax in unison, Kohaku flooding his sister's womb for the first time in what feels like forever as her pussy tries to milk his balls dry. Breaking the kiss, Sango declares, "I love you, little brother." As her consciousness starts to fade from such an overwhelming climax after months of involuntary abstinence. The last thing Sango hears before she passes out is Kohaku saying, "I love you, too, Onee-chan." ### When Sango comes too, she is alone in the clearing, the only sign that Kohaku was ever there his seed seeping from her well fucked pussy. Though she apparently failed to free her brother from being Naraku's puppet, she's hopeful that brief moment of lucidity she saw from Kohaku as they shared an orgasm is proof that she can get through to her brother and that she's on the right track with trying to remind him of the fun they had together prior to that terrible day.