Touya and Sakura by Imouto Kitten Touya Kinomoto is sitting on his bed reading when a cry of "Onii-chan!" breaks his concentration. Lowering his book, he's about to ask how the kaiju got in his room and what she's doing there, but is rendered speechless as his eyes rest upon his little sister. Though he'd deny any such accusations, Touya had long thought his little sister absolutely adorable, a goddess given the flesh of a little girl, and the outfit she was currently wearing seemed made specifically to emphasize her divine beauty. Sakura wore a pale pink nightie made from the finest silk that gave the impression it had been seamlessly woven from thousands of cherry blossom petals. The gown was held by full straps that left her shoulders only partially exposed and had a V-neck that would show only the slightest bit of cleavage if Sakura had any bust to speak of. Overall, it somehow managed to exude both childish innocence and nymphomatic sensuality. Looking to his sister's face, Touya notices that her vibrant, green eyes had been offset by the lightest dusting of cherry blossom pink blush upon her cheeks, and instead of her usual hairstyle, her chestnut tresses hang loose with a wreath of the girl's namesake flowers encircling her head like a crown, no more like a halo, and the angelic imagery is only enhanced by a little wing ornament perched over each ear. Glancing down, he finds that the nightie is just short enough to play peak-a-boo with a pair of matching panties, and following his sister's athletic legs to the floor, he finds her perfectly pedicured feet bare except for a pair of anklets made of rose gold and adorned with the same wings. In short, she was dressed like a lolicon artist's interpretation of what the kami of a blossoming cherry tree might look like and she could only more closely resemble an angel if she was currently wearing the wings of The Fly Card. Touya knew of their cousin's habit of using Sakura as a model for the clothes she makes and had long suspected Tomoyo harbored a crush on Sakura much as Tomoyo's mother had harbored feelings for the siblings' mother and that the dark haired girl was a bit of a voyeur, but he never thought she'd go so far as to make Sakura an outfit so obviously intended for seduction. Touya is brought back to reality as Sakura climbs on to his bed and answers one of his unvoiced questions, "I wanted to thank you for saving Yukito-kun and Yue-san, and Tomoyo-chan thought this would be the perfect way for me to thank you." Before the high schooler can respond, his little sister is kneeling in front of him on the mattress and leaning forward, unzips his pants and takes out his member, already hard from seeing her in her latest costume, quickly engulfing it in her warm, wet mouth. Part of him knows he should stop her, that its wrong to do something like this with his little sister, but she's far more skilled with her tongue than any 11-year-old has any business being, and though he's never admitted it to anyone, not even Yuki, Sakura is the only female to ever star in one of Touya's wet dreams. So, as Sakura bobs her head up and down on her brother's cock, instead of pushing her away, Touya runs his fingers through her hair, gently massaging her scalp even as he avoids messing up her halo of cherry blossoms. Enjoying her brother's gentle touch, Sakura starts humming around his cock, enhancing his pleasure as she does so. When Touya announces, "Sa-Sakura... I-I'm gonna cum!", the fifth grader makes no attempt to pull away, instead taking his member deeper into her mouth, wrapping her arms around his waist as his tip slides down her throat and her chin comes to nestle between his balls. Sucking greedily and swallowing around him repeatedly, it isn't long before Sakura makes Touya erupt deep in her throat, his thick, gooey seed shooting down her esophagus to fill her waiting tummy. It's only when she can no longer feel her brother's urethra bulging under her tongue that Sakura halts her sucking motions, pulling back until only Touya's tip is in her mouth as she makes sure to lick away every last drop of his seed, going as far as trying to tongue fuck his peehole. When she finally lets him slip from between her lips, Sakura looks up, her lips curled in a gentle smile as she asks, "Did you enjoy that, Onii-chan?" Giving her head one last pat, Touya replies, "That was amazing..." causing her to beam at her brother, "...for a kaiju! I thought you were gonna bite it off and eat it for a moment there." only to be replaced with a pout. "I'm not a kaiju!" cries the girl, barely restraining her anger. Calming her with more head patting, Touya asks, "You seemed quite experienced at that. You haven't been practicing on that Chinese brat have you?" "Li isn't a brat!" cries Sakura, before blushing and growing quiet, "but the truth is, that's the first time I've done it with a real ochinchin. I've been practicing with bananas to get ready for today." "Was that Tomoyo's idea as well?" asks Touya, his sister nodding in confirmation. Rising to a kneeling position, Sakura grows shyer still as she declares, "Um... Onii-chan, there was more I wanted to do to thank you." and before Touya can react, she lifts her nightie to expose her naval and reveal that her panties are adorned with a wing right below her belly button and that they're tied in bows to either side of the Card Mistress's hips. Clearly nervous, Sakura implores, "Go...Go ahead and untie them." swaying her hips a bit as she does, Touya having no idea if its from her nerves or if she's trying to be seductive despite said nerves. Hesitantly, and fearing that he might wake at any moment to find his boxers plastered to his groin, Touya reaches out, pulling the loose end of first one bow and then the other, the knots coming undone easily and the silken unmentionables fluttering to the bedspread. Now naked from the waist down, Sakura grabs her own ankles and leans back, years of cheer leading allowing her spine to gracefully bend into an arc as she brings her shoulders to the mattress, her trim tummy thrusting towards the ceiling and her glistening petals now on full display for her brother. Breathing deeply to settle the butterflies in her belly, Sakura says in a near whisper, "Go...go ahead, Onii-chan, go ahead and sample the nectar of your little sister's cherry blossom." Dropping to all fours, Touya brings his face close to his sister's most sacred treasure, the forbidden fruit that, as her older brother, it's his duty to keep away from any man, himself most of all, his sister's sweet scent stripping nearly all reason from his mind, but he manages to keep enough of his senses to ask, "Are you sure about this?" Nodding, Sakura replies, "Yes, Onii-chan,, please eat out my cherry blossom!" declares the card mistress, her tone much more confident and filled with desire than before. Reaching under his sister, Touya gently uncurls her fingers from around her ankles so he can throw her legs over his shoulders, and cupping her butt, discovering her silky smooth half-moons, round and firm from a childhood spent doing athletics, to each be a perfect handful as they rest in his palms, the highschool senior brings his mouth to his little sister's crotch. At first, he simply traces kisses up the inside of one thigh, across her mons, and down the inside of the other thigh, but he only does this to lure the young girl into a false sense of security before parting his lips and latching on to her immature clit, sucking hard on the tiny bundle of nerves and forcing Sakura to clap both hands over her mouth to muffle a pleasured scream, the card mistress fearful of alerting either Kero or their father to the sibling's current actions. Deciding to give the young girl's clitty a rest before it becomes overstimulated, Touya slides down to bury his tongue in Sakura's folds, enjoying both the taste of her sweet nectar and the sound of her melodic moans tremendously and swelling with a sense of pride that he's the one making his sister produce such sensual sounds. As Touya pleasures the pretty, preteen pussy before him, his member quickly grows to full erection once more, and as much as he's enjoying eating his sister out, the urge to do something they'll both find even more enjoyable is overwhelming. Touya pulls his mouth away from Sakura's treasure and lowers her rear to the mattress, the card mistress struggling to catch her breath as she half asks, half begs, "Wh-why di-did you st-stop, Onii-chan?" Pulling his arms out from under her legs to get a firm grip on her hips, Touya rubs his tip against Sakura's entrance as he asks, "Because I thought you might want to try something even better." Her face flush from a combination of embarrassment and arousal, the card mistress asks, "Is...Is Onii-chan going to stick his ochinchin in my cherry blossom?" Prodding her opening, barely resisting the urge to claim her virginity then and there, Touya replies, "Would you like that, Sakura? If not, I could go back to licking you down there." Nervous once more, Sakura replies, "I think... I think I'd like to try having Onii-chan inside...inside me." With those words, Touya throws all restraint out the window, burying himself balls deep in Sakura's passage in one swift motion, his tip bumping against the entrance to her young womb. Luckily for the young card mistress, the same years of athletics that had granted her flexibility and toned muscles had also torn her hymen long before this day, allowing her to immediately bask in the pleasure of having a man's cock filling her pussy. Seeing none of the pain in his sister's expression that he had feared he would cause taking her virginity, Touya pulls her onto his lap and once more palming her positively perky, pleasantly plump, perfectly pert, and all round, downright pretty posterior starts to raise and lower the girl upon his shaft. As pleasure radiates from her core and sets her every nerve on fire, it only takes a few thrusts from her brother to convince Sakura to put her well toned thighs and legs to good use and she soon has her hands fisted in Touya's shirt as she bounces in his lap, moaning loudly, too lost in her pleasure to care if they are over heard anymore. Looking down at his sister's face, her eyes glazed over in lust, her cheeks practically glowing from her blush and her glistening sweat, her mouth open with her tongue slightly protruding as she pants from exertion, Touya comments barely above a whisper, "You're the cutest little kaiju I've ever seen." Too lost in pleasure to get properly mad, Sakura replies, "I'm not a kaiju, but I don't care, Onii-chan can call me whatever he wants as long as he keeps making me feel this good!" Leaning down, Touya captures his little sister's lips in a kiss, swallowing her moans as he teaches her tongue how to tango. At the same time, he removes a hand from one of her buttocks to run a finger along the cleft of her ass before continuing up along her spine, the young girl arching her back in an attempt to press herself harder against her big brother's chest as his other hand cups the back of her head, fingers running through her chestnut locks while leaving her crown of cherry blossoms undisturbed. As the kiss continues, the siblings inhaling each others exhalations, Sakura's mind, already quite foggy from the pleasure pulsing from her preteen pussy grows even hazier and the lack of oxygen soon leads to her relaxing her grip on Touya's shirt and slowing in her bouncing upon his member. When Touya notices this, he breaks the kiss suddenly, the card mistress reflexively taking a deep breath as fresh air floods her lungs, relieving the burning in her chest she hadn't notice was there. As Sakura recovers from the overly long kiss, even as both siblings ache to resume their lip lock, Touya takes advantage of her distraction to grip the straps of her nightie, pulling the silken garment resembling the petals of his sister's namesake flower over her head in one quick motion before discarding it to the floor. The cool air hitting her overheated and sweat slickened skin seems to reinvigorate Sakura as she starts bouncing anew on her brother's hard cock, but Touya barely notices as his gaze drinks in every detail of his naked sister sitting upon his lap, from the slightly paler skin that her school swimsuit would conceal to the tiny indentation of her navel in the middle of her trim tummy, to the hardened pebbles of her nipples, resting upon the miniscule mounds of her barely budding breasts. Touya's trance is broken as Sakura clumsily claws at his shirt, trying to undo the buttons but too uncoordinated in her current state to manage it. Pretending that her attempts to return the favor of being undressed are more uncomfortable than they actually are, Touya complains, "Watch those claws, Kaiju!" as he reaches up to pinch her hardened nipples, making his sister let out a mixed gasp of pain and pleasure that cuts off any possible retort even as her cozy cunny clenches his cock and she grips his wrists in her much smaller hands. Showing mercy, he releases her nipples, causing her to relax in his lap and easily breaking her grips starts to unbutton his shirt. Sakura stares transfixed as her brother's hairless, well-toned chest is slowly revealed to her, and as Touya fully removes his shirt and it joins her nightie on the floor, the young girl, curious if his nipples are as sensitive as her own, wraps her arms around Touya's torso and her lips around one of his nipples, sucking like a starving infant at its mother's teat. Finding his sister's ministrations surprisingly pleasant, Touya gives Sakura a head pat as his other hand snakes between them to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants, and thrusting his hips upward with enough force to make the card mistress gasp around his nipple manages to get his slacks down far enough to kick them off completely. With his boxers now the only garment between them and the siblings silently agreeing separating long enough to remove them isn't worth it, Touya sits crossed legged, his sister straddling him and returns his hands to her butt, helping to lift and lower her on his cock as she wraps her legs around his waist. Before too much longer, Touya can feel his balls tightening up in preparation to shoot their load once more, and torn between wanting to shoot his sister full of his seed and wanting to look out for her well-being, he reluctantly asks, "Sakura, I'm about to cum again. Should I pull out so I..." Much to his surprise, Sakura tightens her grip on him, interleaving her fingers between his shoulder blades and hooking her feet over his butt as she cuts off the rest of his question with the declaration, ""Don't you dare pull out, Onii-chan! I haven't had my first period yet, so it's okay for you to shoot inside!" Those words are more than Touya can take as he slams Sakura's hips down to meet his and he erupts balls deep in his sister, that first spurt of incestuous seed sending the young card mistress over the edge as well, Sakura muffling a scream of ecstasy against Touya's chest as her very first orgasm washes over her and her preteen pussy pulses powerfully, almost painfully, around her brother's prick. As he finishes emptying his balls within his sister's depths, Touya collapses backwards, his head landing on his pillow while a panting Sakura lays limply upon his chest. Running his fingers through her hair, pushing her bangs away from her sweat glistening face, Touya teases, "That's a incredibly tight cunny you've got, Kaiju. I thought you were going to crush my cock." Still out of breath, Sakura pushes herself up on to all fours, Touya's member sliding out of her pussy followed by a trickle of incestuous seed as she opens her mouth to protest only to be cut off by Touya declaring, "Looks like you could use being licked clean." Eager to feel her brother's tongue lapping at her pussy once more, Sakura forgets her displeasure at being called a kaiju and turns around, all but sitting on Touya's face. As the highschool senior grips the elementary schoolgirl's hips and buries his tongue in her no longer virgin folds, Sakura stretches her spine to try and suck on her brother's cock once more, and Touya is more than willing to help out by lifting his hips and curving his torso to account for their difference in height. As the siblings use their mouths to clean each other of their mixed juices, the card mistress can feel her arousal growing once more, her body heating up as she longs to feel her brother deep inside her once more. Pulling her mouth off Touya's member to stroke it with her hands, Sakura shakes her butt in her brother's face as she says huskily, "Onii-chan,i...I need it... inside me again!" Letting go of her hips to let her take what she wants, Touya stares mesmerized at his little sister's butt as she crawls forward, pulls the waistband of his boxers up and over his still rock hard cock and pushes the garment down his thighs before straddling his waist and sinking down on his shaft once more. As Sakura starts to ride Touya reverse cowgirl, she exclaims between moans, "I...I think...I think I'm becoming Onii-chan's ochinchin!" Reaching out to fondle her perfect, little half-moons, Touya teases, "Well, I guess I have no choice but to feed your addiction. Though you'd better be a good little kaiju or I might have to make you go cold turkey." Placing her hands on the bed between Touya's thighs and picking up her pace, pushing her hips and thighs as hard as years of being the fastest runner in her grade will allow, panting as she replies, "I'll...I'll be good! Just keep...just keep stuffing that wonderful ochinchin in my cherry blossom!" Sitting up, Touya reaches under Sakura's legs, pinning her arms to her sides and pressing her back to his chest as he lifts her up and stands, letting his boxers fall to the floor. Cupping her budding breasts and rubbing her nipples between his fingers, Touya carries his incredibly sexy and absolutely adorable little sister over to the full-length mirror hanging on his closet door, whispering in her ear, "Look at what a naughty face you're making, kaiju." She opens her mouth to protest, but all that comes out is a squeak as he pinches her pebble-hard nipples and twists them to produce the perfect balance of pain and pleasure, her toes curling as she writhes in his arms. Feeling himself growing close once more and wanting to ensure she cums with him, Touya releases one of his sister's nipples to reach down and capture her nearly hypersensitive clit between thumb and forefinger. This is more than the card mistress can take as her entire body starts to tremble in orgasm, her preteen pussy once again tightening like a vice around his member, which makes him erupt in turn, flooding her young womb for the second time that evening. Once he's recovered from having his cock throttled by the tightest twatty he could ever dream of fucking, he notices that Sakura is fast asleep in his arms, and feeling quite drained himself, he decides the best course of action would be to just let her sleep. Not bothering to pull out, He walks back over to the bed and gently lays down with his sleeping sister, spooning up behind her and whispering, "Sweet dreams." before pulling the covers over both of them and letting sleep claim him as well. ### A few days later, Sakura is at Tomoyo's house watching as the aspiring fashion designer reviews some recent footage she took of her beloved Sakura-chan, only for the card mistress to go red as a tomato upon seeing footage of her naked in Touya's lap. "Where did you get footage of that, Tomoyo-chan?" Asks Sakura, in shock more than anything. "Didn't the hidden cameras Kero-chan help me set up in your brother's room capture just the most adorable shots of Sakura-chan?" Asks the dark-haired girl, clicking through the various clips of the siblings making love, the hand not operating the mouse slipping pass the waistband of Tomoyo's uniform skirt to pet the kitty. Seeing her best friend shamelessly masturbating to what is essentially a sex tape of the card mistress and her brother taken without the sibling's knowledge is more than Sakura can take and she passes out from embarrassment.