Lelouch and Nunnally by Imouto Kitten As I lay in bed awaiting sleep, I hear a soft moaning coming through the wall at the head of my bed, the wall my room shares with the room belonging to my brother, Lelouch. The sound is so soft that I suspect most sighted people wouldn't notice it, but thanks to my efforts to hone my other senses in the years since I was blinded, it was clear as a whisper spoken directly in my ear. This was not the first night I had heard such sounds coming from my brother's room, mere inches of wall between us, and though I had no proof, I had suspicions that what I was hearing were my brother's moans of self-pleasure and that he was unaware that the sounds he was making were audible, if barely, to his favorite sister. Thinking of what my brother might be doing just opposite the wall shared by our two rooms, I could feel my cheeks grow hot in embarrassment and my petals grow moist in arousal. As it had done on many a night before, one of my hands started trailing it's way towards my femininity. Reaching the waistband of my silken undergarments, my fingers tip-toe across the smooth material to discover the gusset already soaked through with my juices. Trailing the edge of the fabric that runs along the valley between my mons and my thigh, I move up to my hip, where I tug on a loose end to undo the bow there, giving me better access to the inside of my underwear. As my hand returns to my hidden treasure, my useless legs refuse to part at the command I instinctually send them, and I suppress a huff of annoyance as my other hand unceremoniously reaches down and I use both hands to manually part my thighs. While I'm at it, I undo the bow on my opposite hip and flip the crotch of my panties between my thighs, exposing my petals to the cool, night air. As one hand starts to trace the folds of my femininity, my other trails its way up my torso, under my nightgown, ultimately coming to rest upon one of my budding breasts. As my fingers tease me intimately, I imagine my brother laying on his bed, a hand wrapped around his member. He was still a mere slip of a boy when I could last gaze upon his form, and I remember him having the cutest, little cock the last time mother had bathed with both of us, but I let my imagination extrapolate. I knew he had shot up since our mother's death just from how much higher the source of his voice had become, but I couldn't help imagining a lean, slightly muscular form to go with that growth spurt and a proportional increase in the size of his manhood. I slip my index and middle finger past my nether lips to enter my passage, wishing it was big brother Lelouch fingering me instead of myself while at the same time pinching my nipple between thumb and forefinger, wishing he was rolling the fleshy marble between tongue and tooth. As I continue my self-pleasure, I bite down on my lower lip, not wanting my moans to be heard beyond the neighboring rooms belonging to me and my brother and torn between wanting him to hear and come to investigate and wanting to suffer in silence as I long for my only full brother, born not only of the same seed, but from the same womb, to defile me. The nerves that control the muscles in my legs may have failed me on that terrible day, but I suffered no loss of sensation where its most important, my loins aching for Lelouch's loving caress. I can't help wondering who he's thinking of as he pleasures himself, and a stab of jealousy pierces my heart as I envision each of the girls from his year taking their turn to service him, a stab that only grows stronger as I imagine the mysterious C.C. coming to his bed. Horror joins the jealousy as I think of the rumor that Lelouch and Suzaku are gay lovers, though both of these negative emotions melt away as I recall the competing rumor that my brother has a sister complex, a rumor I long to be true. My mind filled with fantasies of my beloved brother making love to me, my thumb flicks across my clit, and my body, even my legs that refuse to obey my commands, trembles as my juices flood my palm and I bite down on my lower lip just shy of drawing blood to silence my scream of ecstasy. However, as I lay panting in afterglow, there's no sense of satisfaction, and my loins are soon burning with desire for my brother worse than ever, my femininity feeling like a furnace on the verge of meltdown. Reaching out, I grab one of the iron bars mounted to my wall and use it to pull myself upright, my heart filled with conviction to find out the truth of the rumors I overhear about my brother from my peers and upperclasswomen when they think I'm out of earshot. Using the bar for leverage, I turn and throw my uncooperative legs over the side of my bed before searching out my wheelchair with my other hand. Finding the armrest, I let go of the wall bar and with a practiced motion, lift myself off the side of my bed and then lower my rear into the seat, leaving my underwear behind in the process. Feeling grateful, not for the first time, how much easier side tie panties are to put on and remove compared to those that need to go over my feet and along the entire length of my lower limbs, I start rolling myself out into the hallway and next door to my brother's room, the short trek one I can effortlessly complete with my eyes literally closed. Following my soft knocking on my brother's door, I can hear him fumbling around for nearly half a minute before I hear the lock click open followed by the creak of the hinges and my brother asking, "Did you need something, Nunnally?" Putting on what I hope is my cutest smile and speaking in the sweetest tone I can muster, I reply, "Big Brother, I heard strange noises through the wall between our rooms." As I roll my wheelchair into his room, his foot steps retreating from me to let me in. "No-Nothing you need to worry about, Nunnally." replies my brother, a slight stammer only serving to reinforce my suspicions as he adds, "Sorry if I woke you." "are you sure it was nothing?" I ask as I gently push the door closed behind me, "because I thought..." estimating from the source of my brother's voice, I reach out a hand and find my goal, "...that you might be taking care of this." I had grabbed my brother's manhood through the pair of boxers he was presently pitching a tent in. As I start to gently stroke him through the cotten shorts, he starts to moan, this time much louder without a wall separating us, and I suspect, him no longer trying to muffle himself. He cries out, "Nun-Nunnally! What are you doing!?" but makes no attempt to escape my touch or prevent me from pulling myself closer, one of my knees nestling between his and my recently pedicured toes brushing against one of his shins. "I've heard you moaning through the wall on many a night." I reply calmly, continuing to softly caress his member through his underwear, "and I thought you might appreciate some help." With that, I figure out how to undo his fly and free his member. As I wrap both of my hands around his shaft, I can feel my cheeks heating up again as I comment, "Wow, its grown even more than I expected since we were children." At that moment, I recall something else I had heard the older Ashford girls talking about when they thought I couldn't hear them, and sticking out my tongue, I give the tip of my brother's manhood a tentative lick before opening wide and engulfing the head of his member. The gasp of pleasure that reaches my ears tells me I made the right call as I start dancing my tongue across his tip and resume stroking his shaft, now with both hands and without the fabric of his boxers in the way. If my lack of experience bothers him, my beloved brother is too polite to comment on it, but I prefer to think either I'm a natural, Lelouch has never known a girl's touch before, or the rumors that my brother is a siscon are true and he would've thrown any other girl off of him in this situation. A dagger of disappointment pierces my heart when I feel him take a step away from me only for relief to flood me as I feel his hands brushing against my sides as he grips the armrests of my chair, pulling me with him as he takes several steps backwards before all but falling into a seated position himself. I lean forward as he falls, practically laying half in my seat and half in his lap as a result, but never relinquishing the grip my lips have around the collar of his princely prick. Unwrapping my fingers from around his shaft, my hands slide over his hips and thighs, the toned muscles evident even with his boxers in the way and finally falling upon silk sheets, confirming my suspicions that he lead me to his bed. Opening my jaw as wide as I can manage, I attempt to take the rest of my brother's majestic manhood into my mouth, but I only manage to get about half of his shaft in before my gag reflex tells me I can go no further. Still, this is enough for my beloved brother to reward me with a gentle caress of my scalp with the tips of his fingers combing through my wavy locks, and a verbalization of "That feels wonderful, Nunnally." flowing like honey from his lips. Sliding my hands up the leg holes of his boxers to caress his thighs, I start bobbing my head, enjoying the moans this elicits from him, and every so often, I swallow in an attempt to force his tip past my gag reflex and down my throat, though I make little progress in this regard. Fortunately, this doesn't seem to diminish his enjoyment as I feel him lay down and then the muscles tensing in his thighs as if he's resisting the urge to buck his hips in time with my head bobs. When I hear him stammer, "Nun-Nunnally! I'm...I'm going to cum!" I pull off of his member altogether, not wanting him to waste his precious seed down my throat and giving him what I hope is my most angelic expression as he whines, "Nunnally, why did you stop?" at the loss of stimulation. Placing my hands on my knees, I push myself upright as I say in my most apologetic tone, "Sorry, big brother, but..." As I trail off, I take advantage of the position of my hands to lift first one knee and then the other to drape my legs over the armrests of my wheelchair, spreading my thighs wide and forcing my nightie to ride up, hopefully giving my beloved brother an excellent, cat's eye view of my lack of panties and my no doubt glistening girlhood as I shift to what I hope is a seductive tone, "...I was hoping big brother might return the favor..." Placing a hand to my burning cheek, I add, barely above a whisper,"or maybe go a bit further." Letting a pleading into my voice, I try to tempt him, "My loins ache everytime I overhear big brother pleasuring himself, and though I've tried to relieve my needs, my fingers just aren't enough to satisfy me..." I feel a weight pressing down on the foot rests of my wheelchair before I'm sent rolling away from my brother's bed. At first, I fear Lelouch has just rejected my advances, pushing me away in disgust, but just as I'm about to break down in tears, I can feel a pair of strong arms, one across my back, the other under my knees, lifting me from my seat and pulling me against the slender, well-toned torso they're attached to. My whole body warms with a nearly unbearable fever as I realize that I'm being held tightly in my brother's arms, nothing but a single layer of sheer silk separating my skin from his chest. As he carries me like the princess that I am back towards the bed, I can hear my wheelchair rolling into the wall behind us and know with certainty that I am at his mercy, my primary means of mobility out of reach, until he decides to let me go, but instead of fear, I'm filled with exhilaration and can only smile up at my beloved big brother as I snuggle against his chest. All too soon, my beloved brother is laying me on his bed, my head upon his pillow before pulling away, a shiver running through my body at the loss of his body heat. I can hear him shuffling around the room but can't venture a guess as to what he's doing. After what might be 30 minutes or 30 seconds, anticipation distorting my perception of time, I feel another weight joining me on the bed and a hand resting atop one of my knees, slightly bent from the way big brother laid me down. I can feel his fingers tip-toeing up my thigh, the shiver of cold from earlier replaced with a shiver of anticipation. When he reaches the hem of my negligee, his fingers brush the thin silk, his hesitation obvious even before he asks, "Nunnally, is it... is it okay if I....... if I remove your nightgown?" Despite feeling my cheeks burning once more, there is no hesitation in my own voice as I reply, "Go ahead, brother, lay me bare to your loving gaze." Seemingly emboldened by my words, big brother Lelouch grips the hem of my nightie and pulls it towards my face. Naturally, this doesn't get far thanks to the garment being pinned under my weight, but before I can grow frustrated at my inability to use my legs to lift my rear off the silk sheets to help my brother in undressing me, he has pulled me into a one-armed hug, using that to lift me into a sitting position and then lifting my bottom from the bed to pull the back of my sleepwear to my shoulders. After my nightie is pulled over my head, I can hear it fluttering to the floor as my beloved brother lays me back down and I can feel him parting my knees with his own. Suddenly shy, I reflexively try to cover my nudity with my arms, one across my barely budding bust, the other trailing down to my inflamed girlhood, my cheeks burning with as much intensity as my loins. With a chuckle, my brother comments, "I thought you said you wanted me to lay you bare before me?" Before gripping my wrists firmly but lovingly and gently pulling my arms away, stopping only when my hands are resting to either side of my head, the heat in my cheeks and loins spreading, setting the whole of my petite form a flame as I sense my brother's eyes roaming over my nudity and wishing I could do the same in return. After what seems like an eternity, I find my voice to ask, "So...So, does big brother find me... cute?" I can feel big brother's weight shifting, his member coming to rest atop my trim tummy as he leans over me to cup my cheek, his other hand pressing into the sheets by my opposite shoulder as if he's afraid he'll crush me if he puts his full weight on me. Barely above a whisper, I hear him reply, "You're beautiful, Nunnally." and I'm sure I must've misheard him even as my heart swells. "Wh-what did you say?" I ask, disbelieving that anyone could really think that of a nearly flat, blind cripple. Cute I could've hoped for, but surely beautiful could only be reserved for the taller, better endowed, and able-bodied women of Ashford Academy that I had long held a secret jealousy of and whom I feared would take my beloved brother away from me. Easing more of his weight atop me, big brother drives my negative thoughts away as he repeats, directly in my ear, "I said, you're beautiful, Nunnally." Before planting a kiss directly on the center of my forehead. This quickly followed by a feather-light kiss to each of my eyelids, a quick peck on one burning cheek, the tip of my nose, and then the other cheek as the hand that had been resting there pulls away. And then, the seventh kiss brushes my lips for but a moment. As he pulls away, I want more, my first kiss proving far too brief and far too chaste to satisfy even a milliardth of the flaming passion threatening to burn me to ash at that moment. Before he can get too far, I throw my arms around his neck and with all the strength I can manage, pull him back down, crashing his lips upon mine, feeling far too needy at the moment to pause as I feel him tensing up, forcing my tongue past his lips to engage his in what I've overheard the other girls call the tongue tango My beloved brother soon relaxes into the kiss and soon our tongues are taking turns inviting each other into their homes as I snake one arm across my brother's back, my other hand running through his short, but silky lockes. Eventually, the need for air forces us to break the kiss, both of us panting heavily, but my gasps for air are soon replaced with gasps of pleasure as my beloved brother slides down, his tip brushing my feminine folds as his lips assault the tender flesh of my neck. I'm hopeful that he's about to slide inside my virgin passage, but that hope is dashed as he slides further down, tracing kisses across my clavical and towards my barely budding breasts. It's all I can do not to beg him to take me right then and there, but my impatience is somewhat alleviated as his lips wrap around one of my nipples, his suckling drawing the loudest moan thus far from my throat. Despite the nearly overwhelming pleasure, I manage to apologize, "I'm sorry for having such tiny breasts, brother." Only for him to surprise me again as he chuckles around my nipple and starts to gently knead the opposite breast. Pulling his mouth away from my nipple only to replace it with his other hand, big brother continues to massage my flat chest as he declares, "They may be small, but they're easily the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen." "I-I- don't believe you." I manage to say between moans, "Surely Shirley, or Milly, or that mysterious C.C. lady have nicer breasts than I do." "They may have bigger breasts, but they can't hold a candle to how beautiful yours are." With that, he starts suckling at my other nipple for several sensual seconds before resuming the trail of kisses further south. When he reaches my femininity, my nerves light up with a ferocity to make the heat I've felt thus far seem frigid by comparison, my arms and torso trembling as I cry out from the pleasure shooting up my spine. But as intense as the sensation of my beloved brother's tongue on my most intimate place is, it only reminds me of what I truly desire. "Pl-please, big brother, enough foreplay, I want, no I need to feel you inside me!" I cry out, nearly delirious with arousal. My brother halts in his ministrations at my request, asking, "Are you sure, Nunnally?" "Yes, brother dear." I reply and I can feel him sliding back up, lifting my legs to rest upon his shoulders and bringing his manhood to rest on my abdomen once more. "Are you sure?" He asks again, and I grab his member firmly but gently in my small hands. "yes, I want this inside me." I say, barely above a whisper as I line his tip up with my virgin opening. "I've heard a girl's first time can really hurt." He says, concern in his tone. Losing patience and wishing I could wrap my legs around his waist and force him inside me, I allow my frustrations into my voice as I order, using words the older girls barely dare to whisper, "Big brother, shut up and fuck me already!" Whether it's my sudden assertiveness or my uncharacteristic use of vulgarity or a combination of the two, I'm not sure, but my outburst apparently surprises my brother as I feel him flinch, the sudden movement plunging a third of his magnificent manhood into my virgin depths. Though I feel something tearing within my loins, there is no pain, just a warm fullness radiating from my core, and yet I hear Lelouch exclaim, "Nunnally, are you okay? You're bleeding!" Giving him what I hope is my sweetest smile, I assure him, "There's no pain at all, just rapturous pleasure! Please, big brother, push all the way inside." Still hesitant, but seeming to overcome his initial reluctance, he pushes deeper inside me and I can soon feel his testicles resting against my rear as that wondrous fullness grows, my entire body from flower to naval awash in indescribable pleasure. As I savor the sensation of being filled by my beloved big brother for the first time, I can feel him shifting his weight to lay atop me once more, my knees pinned to my sides from where my legs are resting atop his shoulders, his arms snaking their way around my upper torso as I feel his warm breath upon my cheek. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I whisper, "Make love to me, Lelouch." Before pulling him into another kiss. As our tongues resume their dance, I can feel my brother rocking his hips, slowly sliding his majestic manhood in and out of my depths, stoking the fires of my passion as my every nerve is set a light with pleasure. But his slow, sensual strokes aren't enough to satisfy the yearning I've felt for so long, and breaking the kiss, I beg him, "Please big brother, I'm not some china doll you need to be gentle with. I won't break if you get rough with me... so please, Lelouch, ravage me like a true prince should ravage one of his concubines." "Are you sure?" He asks. Restraining the urge to scream in frustration, I slide my fingers through my beloved brother's silken lockes before making the tightest fist I can manage as I do my best to contort my face into a look of displeasure as I declare, "Big brother, your concern for my well being is one of the many reasons I love you, but right now, it's getting on my last nerve." Letting my features soften into their usual expression of tranquility, I add, "Now, if you really think I'm beautiful, prove it by ravaging me to the point an able bodied girl wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow and if you question my desires once more, I'm going to be quite cross." "Sorry, Nunnally." is his only reply before I feel him shifting his weight once more, his hands trailing up my legs to grasp my ankles, his grip nearly tight enough to hurt, filling me with hope that I finally got through to him and that he's about to give me the fucking I've been longing for these many months. Holding my feet together, Lelouch practically folds me in half, my knees pressing into my small breasts as I feel him slowly withdraw from my passage, my butt lifting off the sheets in the process. He stands with his tip at my opening for what feels like an eternity and I start to worry that he's decided I'm being too assertive, but as I'm about to speak up, begging for him to resume making love to me, he drives himself all the way to my womb in one powerful thrust, nearly knocking the air out of me as I gasp in pleasure. Before I can recover, my beloved brother has withdrawn again and delivered another powerful thrust to my young womanhood and before I know it, Lelouch is repeatedly thrusting his magnificent manhood as deep as possible into my feminine depths faster than I have the presence of mind to count and I'm sure I would be seeing stars if I was capable of seeing anything. He's soon reduced me to a mewling, panting mess, but I still manage to cry out, "YES! Pound me, Big Brother! Pound me hard and fast!", and if anything, he seems to pick up the pace at my words of encouragement. My rapture might've lasted for minutes or hours, but the spell is broken when my beloved brother slows down, declaring, "Nunnally, I need to pull out." Growling like I imagine a vixen in heat would, I reply, "Don't you dare pull out, big brother!" "But I'm about to cum!" cries Lelouch, sounding a bit panicked, "What if I get you pregnant?!" I hadn't thought much of that possible outcome of such an encounter with my beloved brother, but the thought makes my entire body quiver in anticipation of being inseminated by Lelouch and I reply, "I'd be delighted to bare you an heir! If I could, I'd be happy to roll over on top and ride you until you shoot your seed deep in my womb! If I could, I'd wrap my legs around your waist and not let you get away until I was sure I had milked you dry!" I half-expected him to ask me that infuriating question once more, but instead, I feel him wrap his arms around me and pull me into his lap, one of my legs pinned between us as he puts it over his shoulder and wraps the other around his waist, pistoning me upon his member as he holds me upright. I feel one of his hands reaching down to fondle my rear and then he surprises me as a finger probes my anus, only for him to take advantage of my gasp to capture my lips in a passionate kiss. I didn't think I could manage such a position, but I can feel the familiar coil of pleasure curling up in my belly as my brother holds me tight, seemingly spurred on by my declaration that I want his child. Lelouch tips over the edge first, erupting deep within me, but that first jet of incestuous seed is more than enough for me to join him, my passage pulsing around his shaft, my internal muscles working of their own accord to massage his manhood, milking out every drop of his precious seed to be deposited in my womb where it belongs. I'm not sure how long my orgasm lasts, but it is, by far, the most satisfying of my young life, and when I finally come back to my senses, I find myself laying atop my brother's bare chest, my passage still plugged with his manhood, his warm seed marinading within me. "Now do you believe you're beautiful?" Asks my brother. Putting on my best mischievious smile, I reply, "No, but a nightly performance like that just might convince me over the next few months." Before snuggling against his chest and asking, "May I sleep with big brother tonight? Just like this?" "Sure." is his only reply, though I soon feel him pulling a blanket over both of us as I turn my head to place my ear to his skin, letting the sound of his heartbeat and soft breathing lull me to sleep.