Ichigo, Yuzu, and Karin by Imouto Kitten As Karin Kurosaki entered the bedroom she shared with her twin sister Yuzu after a long day of soccer practice, the raven-haired tomboy had not expected to find her more feminine half lying atop her bedspread, and much less for the fair-haired girl to be moaning softly with her back to the bedroom door. Fearful that her twin has fallen ill, Karin approaches Yuzu's bed, and looking over her sister's side, Karin is shocked by what she sees. That Yuzu has one hand down the front of her jeans, making it clear that the prone girl's moans are of self-pleasure and not fevered delirium isn't too surprising, Karin had been playing with herself in a similar fashion for months, it would only be natural that her twin would have taken the same step towards womanhood. What had Karin's eyes widening and her jaw dropping was what Yuzu had clutched in the hand that wasn't rummaging around in her panties. Yuzu was holding onto and staring at a photo of their older brother Ichigo, and not an innocent one of him in his school uniform or jeans and a t-shirt, but a candid photo of him exiting the bathroom, his toned chest and abs glistening with and hair damp from residual humidity from a hot shower, nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist to protect his modesty, and doing a poor job of that as one of his thighs peaks between the ends of the towel and his clearly impressive member tenting the terry cloth. Yuzu and Ichigo had never encroached upon any of Karin's fantasies whenever she felt the need to scratch the itch, but watching her sister panting heavily over such a provocotive photo of their brother, the more feminine twin clearly infatuated with the substitute shinigami, Karin can't help but feel her core growing warm with arousal, a warm liquid running down the inside of her boxers quite distinct from the sweat leftover from practice as the raven-haired twin presses her thighs together, the thought that she should leave and give Yuzu her privacy the only thing stopping Karin from reaching past the waistband of her shorts and into her boxers to touch herself in much the same way Yuzu is. However, the near trance Karin is put in is broken as she hears a nearly inaudible whisper fall from Yuzu's lips, "Please, Onii-chan, please fill me with your seed... please let me bear your children." As Yuzu's words sink in, that not only does Karin's twin have a crush on their brother, that not only does she masturbate to nearly naked photos of their brother that she must have laid in wait to capture, but that her twin harbors fantasies of having their brother's child, Karin can only think of one reaction and is unable to hold it in as she shouts, "What the hell?!" Startled by Karin's outburst, Yuzu bolts upright, yanking her hand from her panties and trying to hide both the photo and her hand drenched with her juices as she greets her twin, "Ka-Karin, when did you get home?" "Just a few minutes ago," replies the raven-haired girl, "You should really lock the door if you're going to do something like that." "I-I don't know what you mean, Karin." replies the fair-haired girl, trying to deny everything. "No need to be shy, Yuzu, I pet the kitty several times a week myself, and for all his faults, I'm sure old goat face gave you the same spiel about natural urges and them being nothing to be ashamed of when you had your first period." Seeing Yuzu slump in relief, Karin can't help adding in a teasing tone, "But what's this about you wanting to have Ichi-nii's baby?" "Well..." starts Yuzu timidly before taking a deep breath and exclaiming, "Have you seen how hot Onii-chan is?! He's like an actor out of some Edo period drama, a real modern-day samurai, strong and stoic, but with a heart of gold! What girl wouldn't feel her heart all a flutter upon seeing him?" "Yeah, not really my type," replies Karin as Yuzu finishes her empassioned speech, "but I can admit, on an academic level, Ichi-nii is a rather fine specimen of the human male..." deciding to not comment on how close the comparison to a samurai hits home, Karin continues, "But wanting to have his children? What about your future?" "Karin," starts Yuzu, "you should know better than anyone, I enjoy taking care of you, Onii-chan, and Papa too much to ever desire any carreer path other than homemaker... I'm practically your and Onii-chan's stepmother as it is, a child of my own or some nieces and nephews to spoil is the only thing that could make my life more complete..." trailing off, her mood turning melancholy, Yuzu replies, "Besides, it's not like I'm ever going to work up the nerve to actually confess to Onii-chan, and between Rukia-neechan, Orihime-neechan, and Tatsuki-neechan, I doubt Oniichan would ever consider me as potential wife material." Seeing the dejected look on her twin's face, Karin takes a seat next to Yuzu on her bed and pulls her more feminine half into a hug, rubbing the motherly girl's back as Karin whispers, "If you really feel that strongly about it, you should go for it." "Ka-Karin, I...I can't." protests Yuzu. "Sure you can," replies Karin, "I'll even be there for moral support if you need it." "Thank you, Karin." comments Yuzu, cheering up slightly. ### As the daughters of a doctor, and one who insisted his daughters know how to track their cycle, it isn't hard for the twins to determine when Yuzu should be at her most fertile, and when the first night of that period rolls around, the pair sneak out of their room in the wee hours of the morning, Karin in nothing but a black tank top and white boxers and Yuzu in only a simple, white nightie and pink panties as they sneak barefooted down the hall to their brother's room. The first bit of luck comes when they find that Ichigo didn't lock his door before going to bed, and things continue going well as they find their brother, already sound asleep and lying on his back, and thanks to the warm night, without any covers and wearing only a pair of boxers. As the twins stand next to their brother's bed, Yuzu's nerves arise once more, "Karin, maybe we shouldn't do this..." "No point getting cold feet at this point." comments Karin as she sidles up behind her more timid twin, reaching a hand under Yuzu's nightie to rub her girlhood through her panties. "Ka-Karin-" moans Yuzu before biting her lip to stifle her moans, not wanting to wake Ichigo as she falls to her knees under the bolder twin's touch. With her free hand, Karin grabs one of Yuzu's hands and guides it to rest upon the crotch of Ichigo's boxers, the flaccid member concealed within already quite large and giving a jump at the brush of Yuzu's palm against its cotton confines.. Feeling Yuzu's juices starting to flow, Karin whispers in her twin's ear, "The thing you want most, the cock you long to stretch you out and turn your trim tummy into a big belly is right there, ripe for the taking." as she guides Yuzu's smaller, softer hand along the bulge growing in their brother's boxers. Karin smiles when, of her own accord, Yuzu reaches for the fly of the sleeping teen's underwear, freeing his member and letting it spring skyward, Yuzu's eyes going wide at the sight of it. "Oh kami," whispers Yuzu as she gets her first good look at just how well endowed her brother is, "It's so much bigger than I expected... wi-will that even fit inside me?" and indeed, Ichigo's cock is rather impressive, Yuzu being sure using her favorite rolling pin as a dildo wouldn't stretch her as much as the massive member before her. "Don't worry, Yuzu," reassures Karin, "If your passage can stretch to accomodate a baby coming out, even Ichi-nii's cock should be easy to take... Now, why don't you get him lubed up while I finish preparing you?" Recalling that tonight is just the first step towards her goal of becoming a mother to Ichigo's children, Yuzu replies, "I...I guess you're right." Before leaning in to give the long and thick as her forearm cock a long lick from base to tip. As Yuzu starts to lavish her tongue all over Ichigo's magnificent member, Karin kneels behind her bent over sister, and flipping up Yuzu's nightie, the raven-haired girl hooks her index fingers under her sister's waistband, pulling the panties to their owner's knees. Placing her hands upon her twin's half-moons, Karin kneeds Yuzu's butt for several seconds before parting the fair-haired girl's nether lips and leaning down to give her a long lick from clit to rosebud. Between her own ministrations upon her sleeping brother's member and her sister's ministrations upon her girlhood, it isn't long before Yuzu's desire and arousal grow strong enough to drive away any remaining timidity. "I think that's enough." declares Yuzu as she stands up, letting her panties fall the rest of the way to her ankles and kicking them aside before grabbing the hem of her nightgown and pulling it over her head. Now fully naked, Yuzu climbs on to her brother's bed and carefully straddles his waist, keeping her back to her sleeping brother as Karin straddles his thighs, facing her twin. As the sisters embrace, Karin reaches down, parting Yuzu's petals and guiding Ichigo's tip to her virgin opening. Once everything is aligned, Yuzu starts to bear down, slowly sinking upon her brother's shaft, burying her face in the crook of Karin's neck to muffle her cries as the tears flow and each agonizing centimeter of Ichigo's massive member threatens to tear her apart. After what feels like an eternity for Yuzu, she manages to sink balls deep upon Ichigo's cock, letting out a breath as she parts from Karin enough to see the bulge outlining her brother's member. "Wow," comments Yuzu when she manages to find her voice, "It feels even bigger in my cunny than it did in my hands... I wonder if I'll even be able to pull off of it without it turning me inside out." For several minutes, Yuzu just sits there, warming her sleeping brother's colossal cock, savoring how it stretches her no longer virgin passage until Karin speaks up, "So, are you just going to sit there and hope Ichi-nii has a wet dream, or are you going to try milking out his seed?" the raven-haired twin looking more than a bit impatient. "Of-of course I'm going to take good care of him... It wouldn't do for me to get pregnant due to him shooting off to a dream of Rukia-neechan or Orihime-neechan." replies Yuzu, "I was just a bit sore from having my insides rearranged to fit him and wanted time to adjust." With that, Yuzu places her hands on her knees and slowly lifts her butt, roughly a third of Ichigo's magnificent manhood, glistening with girl juice and stained slightly red with virgin's blood sliding from Yuzu's passage before she presses back down. She repeats this action several times, biting her lip to hold back her moans as the pain of impaling herself upon her brother's cock gives way to pleasure beyond anything she can remember. Soon, Yuzu is picking up speed, lifting her butt further with every upstroke of her hips and before long, she's bouncing on her brother's babymaker with total abandon, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she gives up on trying to hold in her moans of delight at finally being fucked by the fabulous fuckmeat she's been fantasizing about for months. As Yuzu lifts her hands to her budding breasts to roll her nipples between thumb and forefinger, her eyes closing as she loses herself in the new sensations, Karin slides her own hand down the front of her boxers, cupping her own girlhood and immediately drenching her digits in her own juices, the sight of her twin riding their big brother like a woman possessed far more erotic and arousing than the dark-haired tomboy is willing to admit as she parts her engorged nether lips and jams not one, not two, but three fingers into her own needy core. Naturally, few young men could sleep through having his little sister sneak into his room and steal his virginity with intentions of having his baby, and it isn't long before the hot, tight, velvet vice of Yuzu's cozy, little, incestuous cunny is making more than just the teen's cock stir. As Ichigo slowly awakes, the first thing he sees is a cute little butt, pale in the moonlight streaming in through his bedroom window and connected to a narrow pair of hips bouncing upon his erection. Though still half asleep and with his cock wrapped in a warm, wet tightness that none of his wet dreams can compare to, the substitute shinigami can't help but think the adorable, little ass in front of him is way too small to be Orihime's, too small even to be Rukia's and unable to think of any other girls that could possibly sneak into the house, much less to his bedroom. Lifting half-lidded eyes, Ichigo finds his mystery lover's whole torso to be every bit as petite as the butt and hips would suggest, though thankfully too tall to be Yachiru or little Nel, the thought of the littlest soul reaper or the baby arrancar molesting him making the substitute cringe. Continuing up to the girl's head, Ichigo tries to place the style and make out the color in the moonlight, but it isn't until his mystery lover lets out a quiet cry of, "Onii-chan's cock feels amazing." that things click for the redhead. "Yuzu! What are you doing!?" Cries Ichigo, the boy now fully awake as he tries to focus even as how good his little sister's pussy feels makes it hard to think straight. "Good Morning, Onii-chan," replies Yuzu, looking over her shoulder to give her brother a bright smile, "Just lay back and let your little sister take good care of you." With that, she picks up speed with her gyrations, the increase in intensity making Ichigo moan loudly with pleasure, Yuzu's smile growing even more brilliant at his reaction. "Yu-yuzu, you need to stop this!" cries Ichigo, failing to tune out the incredible sensations as his sister bounces on his shaft, her internal muscles rhythmically clenching and unclenching around him. "What's wrong, Onii-chan?" asks Yuzu, not bothering to slow in the least, "Does my pussy not feel good?" "It feels amazing, but that's not the problem." replies Ichigo, torn between wantting to throw the girl off of him and fearful of hurting her if he does so. "Am I not cute enough? Would you rather it was Rukia-neechan, Orihime-neechan, or Tatsuki-neechan doing this?" "Yu-yuzu, you're adorable, but I don't know how much longer I can hold out." Smiling at the thought that her brother is close, Yuzu reaches down, cupping his balls as she replies, "If you're worried about lasting long enough to get me off, it's okay, cum whenever you're ready, empty your balls inside me." "But...but what if you get pregnant!?" cries Ichigo, digging his fingers into the mattress, nearly ripping his sheets as he feels his balls tighten up under Yuzu's gentle caress as his member twitches within her tight twatty. "Oh, Onii-chan," moans Yuzu, "that's half the point, there's nothing I want more than to bear your children." "But...but you're so young, what about your future?!" replies Ichigo. "The only future I want is to be a mother and homemaker." answers Yuzu honestly, "besides, wouldn't I look really cute with my trim tummy all big and round with Onii-chan's baby and my tiny titties swollen with milk?" Clenching his teeth and trying to dispel the mentle image his sister just planted in his mind's eye, Ichigo retorts, "I'm not ready for the responsibility of fatherhood!" "Don't worry, I don't mind doing all the work, and I'm sure Papa will be happy to have a grandchild to dote on." replies Yuzu, "I don't mind if you decide to treat our childd like another little sister or a little brother." "But...but..." Pleads Ichigo, the pleasure radiating from his cock making it hard to think of further arguments against giving in to Yuzu's desires. "Onii-chan," starts Yuzu, her tone shifting from loving to stern as she prepares to play her trump card, "Either you hurry up and fill me with your seed and promise to do so every night until I'm confirmed pregnant, or I'll find someone else to give me a baby and you can go without my cooking until your niece or nephew is born... I'm sure that nice Jinta boy would be happy to play with me." Shifting back to her loving tone, she asks with a glance over her shoulder, "So what will it be Onii-chan? Will you give me your baby batter to start baking in my oven?" Closing his eyes in defeat, Ichigo lays back and replies, "I've never been good at telling you no, Yuzu." and with that, Ichigo lets go, giving in to the pleasure his little sister is giving him, bucking his hips up into Yuzu as he erupts right against his sister's cervix, her cunny clenching in a climax of her own as his warm seed floods her young womb. Throwing her head back, Yuzu cries out "Thank you, Onii-chan!" as she trembles from head to toe as the strongest orgasm she can remember washes over her. As the two siblings come down from their shared climax, moaning draws their attention to their third sibling, Karin still kneeling over Ichigo's legs, one hand down her boxers, vigorously finger fucking the raven-haired girl's snatch while the other hand is up the tomboy's tank top, roughly playing with a nipple as Karin pants like a bitch in heat, her eyes glazed over in lust from watching Yuzu ride Ichigo. Smiling brightly, Yuzu is the first to find her voice, "I think Karin needs some of Onii-chan's love as well." before pulling off her brother's still rigid rod. Though she would normally beat Yuzu in any contest of strength, Karin is too lost in carnal pleasure to muster more than a "Wha-?" as her fair haired twin gently pushes her to the mattress, removing Karin's boxers and tank top before lying atop the dark-haired tomboy, Yuzu grinding her nipples and clit against Karin's as she captures her twin's lips in a passionate kiss and interleaves her fingers with the dazed girl. Having lost most of his resolve to Yuzu's insistence he knock her up, the sight of Karin clearly having masturbated to Yuzu riding him and now the usually more timid twin making out with and tribbing the usually more outgoing twin causes something to snap in Ichigo, and had either of his sisters been looking at him rather than into each others' eyes, they might have notice their brother's sclera turning black and his irises turning gold As he rises to kneel behind his sisters, their defenseless pussies on full display and Yuzu's leaking a bit of his seed. His inner hollow partially in control, Ichigo roughly kneads Yuzu's ass as he aims his cock for Karin's virgin pussy and rams balls deep with one powerful thrust. Though her far more active life style compared to her twin had long ago torn her hymen and she had experimented some with stretching herself, Karin still sees stars as the head of her brother's cock slams into her cervix like a punch to the gut, the only thing preventing her from crying out in pain being Yuzu's mouth sealed over her own. Before Karin can recover from her deflowering, Ichigo has pulled back and thrusted balls deep once more, and soon, the teen is pounding the preteen's pussy like a wild animal in rut, Karin's body wracked with pain and pleasure, not sure whether to beg her brother to stop or give her more if Yuzu ever lets her speak. Karin isn't sure if it's been mere minutes or several days, unable to think straight under her brother's assault when he speaks in a distorted voice, "Going to cum in your cunt, you voyeuristic, little bitch. Going to make you big and round with my spawn!" If she were in her right mind, Karin might question why Ichigo's voice sounds so different and why he's being so unusually crude with his words, but the only thought that can make it through the haze of agony and ecstacy is, 'NO! Don't cum in me! I don't want to be a mother like Yuzu!' but she's unable to voice any protest, her mouth still preoccupied with Yuzu's. "Here it comes!" cries Ichigo,,,,, slamming into Karin's cervix one last time, breaching that innermost barrier as he eruppppts directly inside Karin's womb. Even as her mind screams, "NOOO!", Karin is overcome by an earth shattering orgasm, far greater than any she's given herself with her fingers or improvised toys, her traitorous twat convulsing in an effort to milk her brother dry, and as if sensing her sibling's shared euphoria, Yuzu picks that moment to climax atop Karin. As the two girls slump at the foot of his bed, exhausted but satisfied, Ichigo manages to regain control of his body, and deciding to throttle his inner hollow at the first opportunity for practically raping Karin, he moves his sisters so they're snuggled up to either side of him, his seed seeping from both of their well-creamed cunnies before pulling his sheet over them to cover their nubile nudity before the trio of siblings drift off to sleep. ### When both twins start puking in unison at the breakfast table a few weeks later, Isshin drags both of his daughters into his clinic for exams, and after ruling out all common stomach bugs, arrives at a diagnosis that has him torn. With a smile that Karin notices doesn't reach his eyes, the former captain turned doctor announces, "Both of you are pregnant... so who's the father?" Karin stays quiet, but Yuzu happily declares, "It was Onii-chan! I'm having Onii-chan's baby!" the answer leaving the man torn between being proud of his son for getting not one, but two girls pregnant and wanting to murder Ichigo for touching his little princesses. Turning to Karin, Isshin asks for confirmation, "Is yours Ichigo's as well?" "Yeah," replies Karin, "but I want an abortion, Yuzu's the one who wanted to seduce Ichi-nii, I just got dragged into it for encouraging her to go for it." "But Karin!" exclaims Yuzu, "How could you think of killing my little niece or nephew!?" "Hey, you're the one who wanted to be a mother so badly!" retorts Karin. "I wasn't planning to have kids until my thirties, if ever!" "If you're worried about being a poor mother, I'll be happy to be a mother to both our children." replies Yuzu, leaning towards Karin on the exam table and giving her twin puppy dog eyes, "Besides, just think of how cute we'll look with big bellies... I bet Onii-chan won't be able to keep his hands off of us." Blushing from her twin's implications, Karin relents, "Okay, I'll have the baby... but I ain't going anywhere near dirty diapers." With a giggle, Yuzu hugs Karin and declares, "Thank you, Karin!" before placing a hand to both of their flat bellies and adding, "I can't wait until we start showing."