Bart and Lisa by Imouto Kitten Bart Simpson stood at the top of the stairs, waiting for his sister Lisa to get out of the shower. He was already dressed in his green pajamas, and his young dick was already forming a bulge in his pajama bottoms that would be obvious to anyone who knew what to look for as he imagined what a fly on the wall in the bathroom would be seeing right now. His sister wasn't the prettiest girl he knew, and her usually goody-two-shoes and bossy know-it-all demeanor made her far from the most pleasant to spend time with, but being his sister, and thus living under the same roof made her by far the most accessible girl who wasn't either way too old like their mom, or way too young like their baby sister Maggie. Besides, she was practically begging for what he had in store for her, wearing those short nighties that ride up and show off her panty-clad posterior everytime she bends over. Bart is shook from his daydreams by the sound of the water stopping and peeks around the corner to view the upstairs hallway, and before long, Lisa exits the bathroom wrapped in nothing but a towel that clings to her every curve. Granted, they weren't the curves of a supermodel, or even those of an ordinary hot blonde, and it would probably be years before the eight-year-old genius would develop such if she ever did, but rather the curves of stubborn baby fat that refused to be shed and a family history of obesity. Some would call her pudgy, and the super insensitive or super slim might even call her fat, but Bart, at least in his deepest, innermost fantasies, preferred to describe her as pleasantly plump. All too soon, the object of Bart's desires has crossed the hall and disappeared into her bedroom, and once more, the boy, just on the cusp of starting puberty, wishes he could be a fly on the wall as she dresses for bed. However, it isn't long before he hears a scream of agitation coming from Lisa's room, a devilish smile crossing his face. The stink bombs he planted in his sister's underwear drawer and hamper must have gone off as planned. Having confirmed phase one of his plan went off without a hitch, Bart continues to wait where he can observe the hallway without being easily seen for Lisa to emerge, and he isn't disappointed as the fuming girl exits her room wearing one of her many teal nighties that have so often given him a good view of the panty moon. He had hoped she would barge into his room and be caught by the tripwire he had setup, leaving her in a vulnerable and compromising position, but instead, she heads back to the bathroom, a toothbrush clenched so tightly in her fist the boy thinks she might snap it. Fortunately, he had planned for this possibility and as soon as she's in the bathroom, he tiptoes to the door and peeks around the frame. Lisa is standing at the sink, boosted by a step stool, her back to her brother as she brushes her teeth. Growing bold, Bart pulls down the front waistband of his pajama pants just far enough to pull his boyhood through the fly of his briefs and starts stroking himself as he spies on his sister, the younger blonde unaware of his presence. When Lisa bends over to spit out the toothpaste, her nightie rides up just as Bart had expected, and just as he had hoped, the stink bombs had left her no option but to go without underwear as instead of the usual white cotton, his eyes are met with glorious half-moons of yellow flesh. The sight of his sister's plentiful posterior in all its glory is even more beautiful than Bart had invisioned, and leaves him thoroughly mesmerized for the few seconds before Lisa straightens up, her nightie falling back down to conceal what Bart believes must be the most wonderful sight in the world. Bart curses himself for getting distracted and missing his chance, and is about to abort before Lisa can catch him peeping, but refrains from bolting when his sister reaches for the mouthwash. Thanking any deities that might be listening, Bart releases his grip on his boyhood, and prepares to pounce, determined not to waste this second chance as Lisa starts to gargle. As Lisa halts her gargling and is about to spit out the mouthwash, her brother starts moving as soon as her gaze drops below the mirror, his hands landing on her hips as soon as her nightie rides up enough to expose them, making her sputter more than spit as the mouthwash in her mouth splashes into the sink. Had she been standing on the bare tiles of the bathroom floor, Lisa's pussy would now be lined up with Bart's cock, but he hadn't taken the step stool into account, and so the preteen boy is now staring squarely at his sister's virgin girlhood from just a few inches away. As Lisa glances over her shoulder, still bent over the sink, and exclaims, "Bart! What are you-!" Her brother Decides to go with the flow, cutting her off with a long lick that starts at her clit and nearly reaches her butt hole, the young girl moaning in pleasure at the unfamiliar sensation as she grips the sides of the sink for support as her knees buckle. His cock throbbing in impatience, Bart answers his sister's incomplete question, "Relax Leese, you should enjoy this as much as I'm going to." before tightening his grip on her hips and pulling. Bart intended to lower Lisa to the floor and slide slowly inside her, but as her feet slip off the edge of the stool, her weight causes him to overbalance and both siblings crash to the floor, letting out gasps of mixed pain and pleasure, pleasure as Lisa lands squarely on Bart's erection, the boy finding himself suddenly buried balls deep in his sister's hot, little pussy and the girl finding herself suddenly stuffed cervix deep with her brother's hard, little cock, and pain from Bart's tailbone smashing into the tiles with their combined weight and Lisa having her hymen shredded without warning. With his sister's plump rump pressing down on his bladder, Bart would be greatful that he peed before Lisa got in the shower and sure he would've just peed in his little sister otherwise if he wasn't overcome with the sensation of her virgin pussy wrapped around him. Lisa is the first to recover from their sudden union and starts freaking out as she realizes the position she's in, "This is bad! This is very, very bad! My brother's penis is in my vagina! I'm having intercourse with my brother! I'm way too young to have intercourse! And even if I wasn't, I shouldn't be doing it with my brother!" Rambles the girl, nearly hyperventilating. Before Lisa can calm down and attempt to remove herself from being impaled on her brother's preteen prick, Bart sits up, pressing his pot belly into her back as he wraps his arms around her, trying to pull her even further on to his hard, little cock. "Let go of me!" cries the second grader, struggling futilely against her brother's embrace. Ignoring her protests, Bart pushes himself up to his knees, and spotting the step stool his sister was standing on just minutes earlier, he bends the girl over the stool, pushing down on her shoulders to pin her in place as he starts rutting her like a bitch in heat. Though appalled that she's being raped, and by her own brother of all people, Lisa's traitorous body rather enjoys being held down as her brother plows her no longer virgin pussy, her comments of "This is so wrong.", We shouldn't be doing this.", and "Stop or I'll scream for Mom." are rather half-hearted, not even sounding convincing to her own ears as she fails to prevent her moans of pleasure spilling from her lips. Naturally, having been a virgin himself until his sister had landed in his lap, Bart feels the sensation of his approaching climax come over him far sooner than any of the times he laid in his bed jacking himself off while imagining doing something like this to Lisa. "Leese, I'm gonna blow my load!" Being a smart girl, Lisa has no trouble determining the meaning of the unfamiliar phrasing her brother uses, her struggling to get away and her vocal protests becoming far more genuine as she yells, "Don't you dare! Get your penis out of my vagina!" Lisa has never had a period before and she knows the chances are unlikely she'll start anytime soon, but she also knows a girl's first ovulation often preceeds menarch, and given how much more developed she is mentally than most of her peers, and even most of her brother's peers, she isn't willing to risk being inseminated on the hope that she's not on the verge of precocious puberty, and even if she's in no danger of getting pregnant, the thought of her brother actually filling her with semen disgusts her to the point of overriding the pleasure she's feeling. However, Bart pays no heed to his sister's words, and the way she's squirming beneath him is only driving him closer and closer to shooting her sweet, sweet snatch full of his seed. "Here it comes, Leese!" cries the boy, and before she can voice another protest, Lisa feels Bart erupt like a waterhose deep inside her, but before she can voice her outrage, she finds her mind going blank as her very first climax crashes over her, her traitorous twatty trying to milk her brother's cock completely dry. Bart is first to recover from their shared climax, pulling out of his dazed sister to admire his handiwork, his seed seeping from her snatch to drip onto the floor and streaked through with pink from her virgin blood. Seeing the proof that he's just conquered his first female fills the boy with pride even if its his sister he just conquered. When Lisa finally comes to her senses, or at least recovers enough to do more than bask in the afterglow of her very first orgasm, she glances over her shoulder to stare at her brother. Given her earlier protests, Bart half-expected his sister to glare at him in anger, but her eyes are instead filled with what a more experienced male would recognize as lust. Turning around, Lisa stares at her brother's cock with a hungry, almost predatory expression. Suddenly feeling less like a warrior having just completed his first conquest and more like a mouse facing down a hungry cat, Bart starts backing away from Lisa only for her to crawl towards him to close the distance once more. Licking her lips, Lisa declares in a husky tone Bart has never heard from her before, "That was amazing." Before pouncing at her brother with a cry of, "I need more!" For the second time that evening, Bart finds himself hitting the floor hard as his sister lands atop him, this time leaving him flat on his back, half in the bathroom, half in the hallway as Lisa pins his shoulders to the carpet, his boyhood pinned between their bellies. No longer caring about the consequences and just wanting to feel that indescribable bliss that had washed over her shortly after Bart shot inside her, , Lisa reaches a hand down to line up her brother's prick with her pussy before impaling herself upon his shaft once more. Though his feelings are mixed regarding how Lisa has suddenly gone from reluctantly dominated to aggressively dominating, Bart can't deny that it feels good as Lisa starts bouncing on his pole like a girl possessed, and it isn't long before he can feel himself on the verge of busting a nut once more. When Bart announces, "Leese, I'm gonna shoot again!" He's pleasantly surprised when instead of slowing down or pulling off,, she picks up speed. However, Bart is less thrilled when, after he erupts in his sister for the second time, she continues riding him as hard and fast as her hips will allow, her cunny clenching and unclenching around his hypersensitive boyhood, her eyes closed and her head tilted back, the girl oblivious to her brother's discomfort from being ridden through his refractory period. Neither sibling is quite sure how long they've been at it or how many times they've each climaxed when Lisa finally collapses, exhausted and panting, against Bart's chest, her well creamed cunny finally releasing its death grip on Bart's long milked dry member enough to let it slide out of her. Once she's finally caught her breath, Lisa comments, "We should do this again." "Sure thing, Leese." replies Bart, barely able to breath properly himself. "I love you, big brother." Whispers Lisa with more affection than Bart can ever remember his sister addressing him with before kissing him square on the lips. Its several more minutes before the siblings untangle themselves from each other and climb to shakey feet and straighten out their night clothes. The two walk to their respective rooms, Bart calling out, Good night, Leese." as he's about to open his door. Lisa is about to return the pleasantry and enter her own room when, on a whim, she asks, "Bart, would you like to sleep with me tonight?" "I'd love to!" cries the boy, heading down the hall to join his sister before the pair head into her room for some much needed rest.