Light of Courage by Imouto Kitten Chapter ??: A Brief Reunion Taichi Yagami wasn't sure what to expect as he stood outside his family's apartment, Koromon held tightly under one arm. The leader of the Chosen had been surprised to not only find himself back in the Real World after MetalGreymon's battle with Etemon, but that it was apparently the same day he and the other six had been whisked away to the Digital World despite having spent weeks, if not months on the other side of the dimensional divide. Gathering his courage, Taichi finally knocks on the door, and when his little sister Hikari, still wearing the pajamas he remembers her wearing last time he saw her, Taichi unceremoniously drops his partner to the floor before he falls to his knees and wraps his little sister in a tight embrace. Tears streaming down his face, Taichi says, "I've missed you so much, Hikari-chan!" Confused, Hikari returns the hug as she replies, "But Onii-chan left for summer camp just this morning... Why is Onii-chan home so early anyway? And why is Koromon with you?" Confused himself, Taichi replies, "You recognize Koromon? How is that possible?" "I don't know, but I just do." Realizing they're still standing in the open doorway, Hikari asks, "We should probably go in." As they enter the apartment, all three of their stomachs growl and Taichi decides to cook them something. As Hikari sits next to her brother on the couch eating what he cooked for her, Koromon preoccupied with the plate of food placed before him on the floor, Taichi tells his sister of his adventures in the Digital World. As he finishes his story, Hikari speaks up, "So, you've been gone for weeks, maybe months even though it's only been a day here?" "Seems that way." replies Taichi. Placing a hand to her brother's crotch and rubbing where she knows his penis is concealed by his shorts, Hikari asks, "Does that mean you've been without anyone to help you take care of Ototo-chan?" As he grows hard between her touch and hearing her affectionately calling his manhood 'little brother', Hikari grips his shaft and starts stroking him through his shorts. Letting out a moan, Taichi replies, "Yeah, but..." Dropping to the floor, Hikari kneels between her older brother's legs and says, "Ototo-chan must be backed up with lots of boy milk then." As she unzips Taichi's shorts, reaches into the fly of his briefs, and pulls out his erect member. Trying to be the responsible older sibling for once, Taichi asks, "Aren't you a bit too sick to do that?" Stroking his shaft, she replies, "I'm feeling much better now." Kissing his tip, she adds, "Besides, I want to make up for not helping Onii-chan take care of Ototo-chan before Onii-chan left for camp." and with that, she opens wide and takes the entirety of her brother's four-inch member into her mouth. As Hikari does things with her tongue that no second-grader should know how to do, Taichi protests, "What about our parents and Koromon?" Pulling back until only the head of her brother's cock is in her mouth, but not halting her blowjob, Hikari's words are slightly slurred as she says, "It'll be hours before Mama and Papa will get back from Obaa-chan's, and I think Koromon is too busy raiding the kitchen to pay attention to us." Before redoubling her efforts to get her 'ototo-chan' to squirt his 'boy milk' in her mouth. Finally giving into his little sister's desire to relieve his sexual frustration and admitting to himself that intimacy like this is what he missed most about his sister, Taichi buries one gloved hand in Hikari's hair, gently massaging her scalp with his fingertips as he encourages her to bob her head up and down on his shaft. Having not been able to scratch the itch since before he left for the Digital World, it isn't long before Taichi is shooting his load in his little sister's mouth. Even though her brother lets out more than she's use to, Hikari has no trouble swallowing it all and continues sucking to make sure she gets every last drop. Once satisfied she's got it all, Hikari pulls away from Taichi's cock and declares, "Ototo-chan's boy milk feels really nice to my scratchy throat." as she licks her lips in case any dribbled there. Noticing that her brother's erection hasn't gone down in the least, she adds, "It looks like Ototo-chan needs me to play with him some more." Unbuttoning her pajama top and pajama bottoms, Hikari lets them fall to the floor before laying on the couch in only her pale, pink panties, her little rump on the edge of the cushion as she grabs her toes and spreads her legs. Turning the cuteness up to eleven, she comments, "Onii-chan, so much girl juice is spilling from my kitty that my undies are soaked through!" Kneeling in front of his sister, Taichi asks, "Are you sure you're feeling up to this?" "Please, Onii-chan..." pleads Hikari, "My kitty wants to suck on Ototo-chan as much as Ototo-chan wants to be sucked on!" At these words, Taichi makes quick work of shedding his own clothes before reaching for Hikari's soaked panties. Pulling the sodden garment to her knees and grabbing her ankles, Taichi lifts her rear off the couch and plants a kiss on her immature girlhood, right smack between her puffy labia. He then buries his tongue deep in her passage, savoring the taste of her girl juice as she squirms beneath him. Though moaning loudly from her brother's tongue wriggling inside her most intimate place, it isn't what Hikari really wants and she begs, "Please Onii-chan! Please stick Ototo-chan in my kitty!" Lowering her rear to the couch and lining his tip up with her opening, Taichi asks, "Are you sure you've recovered from your cold enough for this?" Trying to buck her hips and impale herself on her brother's member, Hikari replies, "YES! Hurry up and stick it in!" Deciding he's teased her enough, Taichi thrusts balls deep into his little sister, Hikari's copious love juices letting him slide easily into her warm, tight passage, the girl letting out the most adorable squeal as she's filled with her brother's modest, but from her perspective, quite sizeable, prick. Tightening his grip on her ankles and holding the soles of her feet against his lower abdomen, Taichi starts pumping his member in and out of his sister's eager, little cunny. In addition to the way her passage pulses around him in time to her heartbeat, Taichi enjoys the feeling of Hikari's tiny toes curling and uncurling, practically kneading his flesh where he's holding her feet against him. The sounds of her moans are like the song of an angelic choir to Taichi's ears, and glancing down at his little angel, he sees her panting, her eyes glazed over in pleasure, both physical and of the kind derived from knowing she's making her brother feel good. As Taichi Increases his pace, his balls smacking audibly against her cute little rump with every thrust, Hikari starts voicing encouragements, "YES! Ototo-chan is making my kitty feel incredible!" as she starts rolling her tiny nipples between her thumb and forefinger. Feeling his balls tighten in preparation to inseminate his little sister's immature, infertile womb, Taichi releases Hikari's ankles and braces himself against the back of the couch as he exclaims, "Hikari-chan! I'm about to shoot my milk!" Wrapping her now free legs around her brother's waist best she can, and panting heavily, Hikari replies, "Please, Onii-chan! Please give my kitty plenty of boy milk to drink! My kitty wants to suck out and lap up all of Ototo-chan's boy milk!" With one last thrust, Taichi hilts himself in his sister as both siblings experience the strongest orgasm of their young lives. Whereas Taichi's earlier ejaculation was like opening a flood gate to prevent a reservoir from overflowing, this one is like the dam breaking as several weeks worth of pent up semen jet from his tip and straight through Hikari's young cervix, not only flooding her young womb, but quickly filling it beyond anything she's felt before and causing her belly to bulge visibly as if she was starting to show a pregnancy. Retaining a death grip on the back of the couch to avoid collapsing on top of his sister and crushing her, Taichi exclaims, still balls deep in Hikari's passage, "That was incredible! I've never let out so much at one time before!" Looking up at her brother with eyes full of love and admiration and rubbing the small bulge in her tummy, Hikari replies, "Yeah, my kitty sucked out so much boy milk that I look like I have Onii-chan's baby growing in my belly!" The siblings aren't able to enjoy the moment for long as Koromon bounces into the room, yelling, "I saw a flying Digimon soar past the kitchen window!" The hyperactive little monster seems unfazed by the siblings' lack of clothing as Taichi sits on the couch and turns on the television, Hikari sitting in his lap, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him and his semi-flaccid member serving to plug her cum-filled belly at her insistance he not pull out. On every news channel he sees reports of unexplained disasters accompanied by footage of digimon wreaking havoc though going unnoticed by all witnesses. Feeling Hikari tremble in fear at the news reports and tighten her grip around him, Taichi turns off the television and comfortingly rubs his sister's back. At that moment, a garbled distress call from Koushirou plays on the Yagami family PC and Taichi makes a decision. "I have to return to the digital world and save my friends!" Declares Taichi. Clinging to her brother for dear life, her limbs tightening around his torso as her cunny tightens around his member, Hikari cries, "Please, Onii-chan! Please don't go! I don't want you getting hurt!" Tilting her head up to meet his eyes, Taichi replies, "I'm sorry, but I have to go." At the sight of tearful, puppy dog eyes, he adds, "I promise I'll come back, and when I do, I promise you can spend all night milking out all the boy milk that's bound to build up while I'm gone." "Pro-pro-Promise?" She manages between sobs. "Cross my heart and hope to die-" He replies. "Don't say that!" she yells, cutting him off. "Onii-chan can't die! Onii-chan must come back!" "And I will." He replies, happy to see her tears drying. After some more coaxing, he manages to get Hikari to loosen her grip so he can lay her on the couch and pull out of her. Careful not to let his seed spill out of her, Taichi cleans his member of their combined fluids with the dry back of her panties before balling up the garment and using it to replug her young girlhood. He then helps her back into her pajamas before redressing himself. Kneeling before his little sister, Taichi pulls Hikari into a hug and says, "I'm going to miss you!" before kissing her once on the forehead, once on each cheek, and finally planting a french kiss on her lips. As he pulls away, the kiss having lasted just long enough for both siblings to taste the remnants of their own juices, Taichi says, "Be good while I'm gone, and don't tell mom or dad that I visited." "I will." replies Hikari returning the hug, "Please hurry back and please stay safe." "I will." answers Taichi, "With any luck, I'll only be gone a few hours on this side of the dimensional divide." With that, the leader of the chosen departs with his partner digimon in tow, unaware of the destiny that awaits the one he's leaving behind.