Light of Courage by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Late Night Loving Later that night, Hikari is woken from a dream of showing off her big girl panties to the other girls in her Kindergarten Class and earning reverence bordering on worship from the little girls who still make pee pee in their pull-ups by a tingling in her kitty. As the little girl groggily returns to the waking world, only a sliver of moonlight to illuminate her surroundings, she quickly realizes she's not in her own bed, a knot of fear forming in her tummy before she remembers that she went to sleep in her Onii-chan's bed, and realizing the warm body pressed against her back must be her Onii-chan. As she relaxes into her brother's embrace, Hikari realizes that the tingling in her kitty isn't the tingling she gets when she needs to go potty, but the tingling she got that afternoon when she and her Onii-chan were playing with each other. Realizing that her brother has one hand down the front of her sleeping diaper playing with her kitty while his other hand rubs one of the mosquito bites on her flat chest through the thin cotton of her night gown, she asks barely above a whisper, "What Onii-chan doing?" Grinding his pajama-clad boyhood against her diapered derriere, Taichi replies, "I woke up and my thing was all stiff. I thought rubbing it against your butt would make it go soft, but I couldn't help playing with you. Sorry for waking you." Snuggling back against her brother, Hikari replies, "It okay." "Since your awake..." starts the boy hesitantly, "mind if I stick it inside you again?" "Sure," replies the girl, "and next time, feel free to stick it in even if I asleep." Grinning like a loon, not that his sister can see his face, Taichi makes quick work of pulling Hikari's sleeping diaper down to her ankles and removing his pajama pants and briefs before lifting her upper leg for better access and sliding inside the kindergartener's cozy cunny. As her brother's member fills her, Hikari lets out a loud moan, prompting Taichi to lift the hand playing with her flat chest to cover her mouth as he hisses, "You need to be quiet! Do you want Mama and Papa to hear us?" "No," replies Hikari apologetically when her brother removes his hand, "But your thingy makes my kitty feel so good, I can't help it." Making a fist and extending his thumb, Taichi replies, "Then here, suck on my thumb." and when Hikari latches on to the offered digit, Taichi starts thrusting in and out of his sister's snug snatch, enjoying the way her pussy sucks on his cock as her mouth sucks on his thumb and her entire body wriggles in his embrace. With their inexperience, it isn't long before Taichi's member is twitching in dry orgasm in Hikari's depths as her immature kitty futilely tries to milk seed from her brother's prick. After catching her breath, Hikari wriggles in her brother's grasp to turn and face him, kicking her diaper to the floor in the process, her voice full of affection as she declares, "I love onii-chan." and planting a very unchild-like kiss on her brother's lips, the siblings wrapping their arms around each other as they lay there in afterglow. Eventually, Hikari asks, "Can we do it again, Onii-chan?" "Sure thing." replies the first grader. "Can I be on top?" Asks the kindergartener. "Sure." Answers the boy, rolling on to his back. Moving to straddle her brother's waist, Hikari reaches a tiny hand down to wrap around Taichi's cock as her other hand lifts her nightie out of the way, her bald girlhood illuminated by the moonlight as it's exposed to her brother's appreciative gaze. Lining his tip up with her opening, Hikari sinks on to her brother's shaft, clapping both of her hands over her mouth to muffle the moan of pleasure this forces from her throat. Once her little rump makes contact with his immature balls, Hikari leans forward, bringing her lips to rest on her brothers as she wraps her slender arms around his neck. Subconsciously, Taichi parts his lips and runs his tongue along the seam of Hikari's, silently asking entrance to his sister's mouth while also inviting her tiny tongue into his own. As the siblings swap saliva, the older brother pushes his sister's nightie up so he can run his hands up and down her sides before eventually bringing them to rest on her diminutive half-moons. Gripping his sister's butt firmly, but not too firmly, he lifts her part way off his little cock before pushing her back down on it. Before long, Hikari is bouncing on her big brother's boyhood as he thrusts his hips up into his sister's sweet, little snatch in time, the siblings swallowing each other's moans as their tongues continue to tango. Suddenly, Hikari bolts upright, clamping both hands over her crotch, Taichi wincing in pain as her cozy, little cunny tightens like a vice around him. Trying to ignore her cunny crushing his cock, Taichi asks, "Is something wrong, Hikari?" "Gotta potty!" cries the girl, "Gotta potty right now! Don't think can make it to the potty!" Not wanting his sister to wet his bed, and unable to think straight with her efforts to hold it in strangling the life out of his boyhood, Taichi says the first thing that comes to mind, "I'll drink it!" "Yucky!" replies the girl, more than a bit grossed out by the suggestion. "Would you rather wet the bed and risk mama taking your big girl panties away?" "No, but" replies the girl. "Then come sit on my face before it comes out!" "Okay, Onii-chan..." answers the girl, still unsure of this plan, but pulling off of her brother's member, much to his relief and turning around before plopping down on his face, her girlhood fitting in his mouth while her, thankfully clean, butt hole lands on Taichi's nose. Hikari's face scrunches up as she tries to empty her half-pint piddle pot to no avail before whining, "It won't come out! It feel like I gonna pop, but my pee pee won't come out!" Reaching up to hold Hikari's hips, Taichi buries his tongue in the little girl's folds, the boy figuring that might help her relax enough to pee under such unusual circumstances. Struggling not to moan under her brother's ministrations, Hikari spots his still erect boyhood and leaning forward, takes it into her mouth, suckling like a starving newborn at her mother's teat, making her brother moan into her immature cunny. As the siblings sixty-nine, Hikari cups the boy's balls in one of her soft palms, adding to his pleasure, and it isn't long before the girl feels her brother's cock twitching in her mouth, followed by her own climax and her piddle pot pouring its contents down her brother's throat. When Hikari has recovered enough to speak, she pulls off of her brother's member to exclaim, "Onii-chan's tongue felt really good in my kitty!" Panting from his own climax, Taichi replies, "Your mouth felt pretty good around my thing as well." Stifling a yawn, Hikari replies, "I sleepy now. Can I sleep with Onii-chan's thing in my kitty?" Sure thing." replies the boy as his sister repositions herself to impale herself on his member, but instead of going for another round of her new favorite game, she simply snuggles against her brother's chest and mumbles, "nightie night." and is soon asleep on her brother's chest. Giving his little sister a quick peck on the forehead, Taichi whispers, "Good night, Hikari." before pulling the covers over them and letting sleep claim him as well.