Light of Courage by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Bathtime As Taichi sits down in the warm water, Hikari sits down between his legs, her tiny tush pressing against his crotch. Realizing he forgot to grab a washcloth, Taichi decides to pour some of the body wash his parents use with Hikari, a special gentle formula designed with a baby's sensitive skin in mind, directly into his palms and starts to wash his little sister by rubbing his bare hands all over her naked body. As he does so, his immature boyhood starts to grow stiff from touching a naked girl in such an intimate, yet innocent fashion, but knowing nothing of sex, the boy ignores it as he makes sure to wash every nook and cranny Hikari has in common with himself. But the girl isn't as keen to ignore the unintentional effect she's having on her big brother, eventually asking, "Is that Onii-chan's thingy poking my butt?" "Yeah, I guess it is." replies Taichi, not thinking much of the situation, knowing that getting all stiff like it is at the moment is just something his thing does from time-to-time. "Can I look at it? Papa never lets me get a good look at his when I take a bath with Papa." Asks the little girl, curious about how boys and girls are different from each other. Not thinking that their father might have good reason to discourage Hikari's innocent curiosity, the boy answers, "Sure, go ahead. "Yay!" cries the girl, standing up, giving her brother an up close view of her cute, little butt as water cascades off her tiny half moons before she turns around and drops to all fours, nearly coming nose to tip with her brother's boyhood, exclaiming, "It's a lot smaller and cuter than Papa's, at least from the glimpses I get of Papa's when Papa gives me a bath." Taichi blushes and takes her words as the compliment they are meant to be, as ignorant as his sister of the fact that calling a boy's thing small is usually an insult. Embarrassed at having a girl looking at his privates so closely, he fails to notice Hikari reaching a hand for his shaft, only snapping back to reality when she asks, "Can I touch it?" "Uh, sure." replies Taichi mere seconds before his sister's tiny fingers wrap around him, the boy letting out a moan of pleasure as Hikari's touch sends a jolt of electricity up his spine. Worried, Hikari asks, "Did that hurt, Onii-chan?" "No," replies the boy with a pant, "In fact, it felt really good." Encouraged by this declaration, Hikari starts running her hand up and down her brother's length before leaning down even further to rub her cheek against it, commenting, "Onii-chan's thingy is so warm and stiff." Blushing she asks, "Is it okay if I call Onii-chan's thingy Ototo-chan?" Finding the idea of his little sister calling her big brother's thing 'little brother' strikes Taichi as absolutely adorable, so he replies, "Sure, go ahead." as he runs his fingers through her short hair. Hikari gives her brother a smile before doing something that honestly surprises her as much as it does him. Perhaps having a warm protrusion rubbing against her cheek reawakens a dormant suckling reflex, or some unknown instinct tells her it'll make her big brother feel good, but for one reason or another, Hikari suddenly opens her mouth and swallows her brother's boyhood all the way to his balls and starts sucking like a starving infant at her mother's teat. Though not sure why she started, the increased volume of her brother's moans and the way he starts to massage her scalp only encourage Hikari to continue giving her brother his first blowjob, not that either has any idea that that's what she's doing, and the little girl is soon bobbing her head enthusiastically upon her brother's boyhood. Taichi can feel something building in his loins, and though he has no clue what is happening, he's disappointed all the same when Hikari suddenly pulls her mouth from his member, making him whine, "Why...Why did you stop?" "Onii-chan," starts the little girl, "my kitty feels tingly, and it not the tingly I get when I gotta potty." Scratching his head in thought, Taichi eventually comes to the conclusion, "Maybe your kitty is trying to tell you it wants to be played with like you've been playing with my thingy." "That must be it!" Cries the little girl before turning around, all but thrusting her girlhood in her brother's face as she declares, "Please Onii-chan, play with my kitty!" Today wasn't the first time Taichi has seen his sister naked, and he has seen his mother naked on the many occasions he bathed with her prior to becoming old enough to take baths by himself, but he's never seen a girl's privates so closely before, much less been given permission to actually touch a girl there, so the boy is both excited and nervous as he reaches his hands out and uses his thumbs to part Hikari's folds. As he does so, the scent of little girl sends his head spinning and it takes a force of will to focus enough to see the two tiny holes and the equally tiny nub that his sister's netherlips had been concealing. Probing each in turn, the smaller hole, which he would much later learn to be the opening to her urethra, proves too small for any of his finger tips to enter, but the slightly larger hole proves receptive to being filled with his finger, Hikari crying out, "Feels good!" as she lets out a low moaning and shivers from her brother's touch, only to let out a loud gasp as his thumb grazes her tiny clit. Hearing his sister's cry, it's Taichi's turn to ask, "Did I hurt you?" "No, Onii-chan," replies Hikari, trembling in pleasure, "It felt super good!" Taichi is relieved that she's enjoying herself, but also worried that she'll collapse into the bathwater with how she's trembling when he remembers how much better it felt when she was sucking his thing as opposed to just touching it. Turning her around, Taichi lifts her up so he can throw her legs over his shoulders and buries his tongue in her folds as he maintains a firm grip around her waist. Enjoying her taste and the moans this draws from her throat, he doesn't even mind as Hikari wraps her legs around his neck just short of tight enough to strangle and fists her tiny hands in his hair. "Onii-chan," cries Hikari in ecstasy, "Onii-chan, my tummy feels all tight." Neither knows what is happening, but the little girl is nearing her very first orgasm, and her brother is enjoying eating her out too much to stop, so it isn't long before she's crying out, "Oniiiiiii-chaaaaaaan!" as her entire body convulses with her very first climax. Sensing that she needs a break, Taichi lowers Hikari into his lap, crosses his legs under her butt as she pants against his bare chest as he comments, "You seem to really enjoy that." "Wow, Onii-chan!" is all she can say in reply for several minutes. Realizing that his thingy is still stiff and that his sister's girlhood is practically rubbing against his boyhood, Taichi gets an idea, "Hikari, you know that hole in your kitty I stuck my finger in?" "Yeah, Onii-chan?" "Do you think my thingy would fit in there?" Tilting her head, but getting what her brother is probably thinking, she replies, "I don't know, but I bet it would feel great for both of us." Without any hesitation, Hikari lifts her butt from her brother's lap, and lining up his tip with her opening, drops back down. As her weight forces her brother's member into her immature cunny, tearing through her hymen in the process, Hikari lets out a scream of pain and clutches Taichi's shoulders as tight as she can. Worried that he's seriously injured his little sister, Taichi makes to pull her off of his cock, but she shakes her head, chanting "No pull out, no pull out, no pull out! Hurts more if pull out!" Leaving the boy to watch as his sister grits her teeth and shuts her eyes against tears as she tries to endure her shredded virginity. After what seems like an eternity, Hikari relaxes against her brother's chest once more, the pain subsiding, but when she tries to pull off of him, her nerves light up once more, but this time in pleasure instead of pain. Instead of pulling off completely, she sinks back down, and befor Taichi realizes it, his sister has made a 180 from when she first impaled herself on his member, bouncing in his lap with abandon, and considering it feels even better than when she was sucking him, the boy couldn't be happier. Grabbing her tiny half-moons, Taichi starts to help Hikari move up and down on his shaft as she wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as well as she can. Both siblings can feel the sensations they recall from when the other was using their mouth on their privates building once more, and this time, Taichi isn't cut off just shy of climax as he experiences his own first orgasm. Though too young by several years to produce sperm, that doesn't stop Taichi's member from twitching violently in Hikari's depths, bringing her to climax once more, and though she's too young by even more to have viable eggs, that doesn't stop her pussy from trying to milk him for all he's worth. The two sit panting in the bathtub for some time before hearing the buzzer from the dryer and Taichi suggests, "We should probably get out before Mama and Papa get home." "Sure thing, Onii-chan." replies Hikari, finally pulling herself off her brother's now wilted boyhood. After drying himself and his sister, Taichi retrieves Hikari's now dry pants and socks from the dryer and tosses them in the hamper with the rest of their clothes before leading Hikari to their room to get dressed. ### When their mother gets home, she finds her two children in their room already dressed for bed, the boy in blue pajamas and the girl in a Pink nightie just short enough to show off the fresh pull-up she's wearing, the siblings playing video games together, Hikari nestled in her brother's lap. Smiling down at her children, their mother comments, "Aren't you two just precious." before asking, "Did Hikari have any accidents while I was out?" "No, mama!" the two lie in unison, matching innocent smiles on their faces. Trusting her children too much to see through their deception, she replies, "I'm going to go start on dinner." ### When bedtime rolls around, Hikari proudly announces, "I still dry!" As her mother removes her pull-up to put the girl in one of the thicker diapers she wears to bed. "So you are," replies her mother, "I guess that means you get to try on a pair of the big girl panties I bought you while I was out tomorrow morning." "Really?" cries the girl, Beaming up at her mother, "Thank you, mama!" Sitting her daughter down on the floor, the older woman gives her daughter a pat on her diapered butt as she tells the young child, "Now, run off to bed." "Nightie-night, Mama!" cries the girl as she runs off to the bedroom she shares with her brother. Seeing Taichi sitting on the side of the bottom bunk, she runs up to her brother, who catches her and pulls her into a hug and on to his lap. Whispering in his ear, Hikari happily declares, "Thank you, Onii-chan. Mama says I can wear big girl panties tomorrow." "Glad to hear it." replies Taichi, happy to see his little sister happy and glad there's no signs of her tantrum from earlier. When he finally sits her back on the floor, instead of climbing the ladder to her own bunk, Hikari asks shyly, "Onii-chan, can I sleep with you tonight?" "Sure," replies her brother before adding teasingly, "But I'm not covering for you if you wet my bed." "Onii-chaaaan!" she mock whines at his teasing before he scoots against the wall and she accepts his invitation to crawl into bed next to him.