Light of Courage by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: Hikari's Accident Little Yagami Hikari was laying in the middle of the living room floor in her family's small apartment, her tiny legs carelessly kicking at the air as she happily doodles with her crayons on some white construction paper. Her Papa was at work and her Mama was out shopping, and while her Onii-chan was supposed to be watching her, the first grade boy was probably playing video games in their room instead. Suddenly, the child's happy expression turns to one of concentration as a pressure that's been building in the bottom of her belly for quite some time finally reaches a point she can't ignore and she quickly realizes the cause of her discomfort: her tiny tinkle tank needs to be emptied. Jumping to her feet, Hikari clamps both of her tiny hands over the crotch of her yellow pants and starts toddling towards the bathroom, her pink-socked feet making padding sounds on the carpet as she chants, "Gotta Potty, gotta potty, gotta potty!" With surprising coordination, she navigates around the various pieces of furniture in the apartment, most of which tower over the young girl, at one point taking advantage of her short stature to take a shortcut by running under the dining table. However, when she reaches the bathroom door, her goal practically within sight, something happens that makes her nearly freeze in horror: As she pulls a hand away from her crotch and reaches up to turn the knob, she finds the door locked. Hikari is wearing a pull up capable of holding all but the most torrential of the tinkle tides her tiny tinkle tank can contain, but using her pull up is the last thing the young girl wants to do at this moment. For you see, Hikari has spent the last few months, practically an eternity to such a young girl trying to prove to her parents that she's ready to wear big girl panties, and her mama told her if she could go a week without wetting her pull-ups, she would let Hikari start wearing big girl panties, at least during the day. Hikari had come close a few times already, but she was closer than ever, today was the seventh day since she last made pee pee in her pull-up and she just needed to stay dry until bedtime and she would get to wear big girl panties to Kindergarten tomorrow! Mama was probably out buying Hikari her first pack of big girl panties right now, hoping to surprise the little girl when it came time to tuck the little girl in that night, but if Mama came home to find Hikari's pull-up all pugy with piddle, Hikari would have to start all over, or worse, Mama might take Hikari's big girl panties back to the store and decide Hikari has to wear pull-ups forever! Not wanting such an outcome, and knowing there's only one person who could be in the bathroom, Hikari balls her raised hand into a tiny fist and beats on the door with all her might, yelling, "Onii-chan! Open Up! I gotta potty!" though her yells come out as high-pitched shrieks thanks to the piddle-induced panic brought on by her potty emergency, and being so young, her fist strikes the door rather feebly, failing to catch the attention of anyone on the other side of the door. Suddenly, Hikari's puny piddle pot pulses powerfully, the little girl halting in her knocking to squeeze her crotch with both hands, applying as much pressure as she can through her pants and pull-up, bouncing in place as she fights to keep her piddle from pouring into her pull-up and ruining her chances at gettting to wear big girl panties, chanting "No come out, no come out, no come out!" but despite all her struggling, despite straining until her face is as red as her shirt and she's on the verge of tears, she's unable to prevent a trickle from escaping to dampen her pull-up, and even as she shakes her head furiously and switches to a panicked chant of "No no no! No no no! No no no!", she is unable to close the flood gates as the trickle becomes first a stream and then a torrent, the dam shattering completely as she falls to her knees and tears start streaming down her face, the crotch of her pants starting to bulge as her pull-up swells up from her accident. The lock on the bathroom door clicks and Taichi steps out just in time to witness his little sister's pull-up overflow, her piddle continuing to pour forth to soak her pants and socks, darkening the garments in the process. Once her stream has finally trickled to a halt, Hikari climbs to her feet, her humiliation giving way to anger as she yells, "Baka, Onii-chan!", her pouty face looking more adorable than intimidating. Raising her hands, both now balled into fists, tears still streaming down her face, she lets out a battle cry of "Baka, Baka, Baka!", punctuating each word with a hammer fist to her brother's chest. Taichi stands there taking it, hurt more by his sister's obvious distress and clearly being the one to blame than by her rather weak strikes, and when he finally recovers from the shock of seeing the little girl actually mad, all he can do is pull her into a hug, letting her bawl her eyes out against his chest. Eventually she calms down enough to mumble into his stomach, "Baka Onii-chan, now I won't get to wear big girl panties." Not liking the feeling of having his sister upset with him, he pulls her face away from him and tilts her head up so he can look into her eyes, red and puffy from crying, "Since it's my fault you wet, I won't tell mama or papa and I'll help you hide the evidence." Sniffling, she asks, "Really?" "Yeah." replies the boy before leading Hikari into the bathroom. Helping his sister undress, he tosses her shirt, which avoided the leakage from her pull-up in the hamper before tossing her pants and socks in the sink, leaving her only in her pink pull-up, the sodden article of disposable underwear sagging with the weight of her piddle and her thighs glistening from where her torrential tinkle tide proved too great for the absorbent garment to contain. Taichi rinses his sister's soiled clothes thoroughly in the sink until he can't smell any pee on them and then wrings them out best he can. "Wait there while I toss these in the dryer." Instructs the boy as he leaves the bathroom with his sister's wet clothes in tow and crosses the hall to the closet containing the apartment's washer and dryer, and after putting the damp garments inside the dryer, he uses the open dryer door to climb up on top of the dryer with practiced ease to set the timer, and after kicking the door shut, presses the start button and jumps down. Glancing at the spot were Hikari wet herself, he notices only a small spill that wasn't soaked up by either her pull-up or clothing upon the hardwood flooring, and decides it'll be easy to clean. Returning to the bathroom, Taichi pulls a few wipes from the tub their parents keep on the back of the toilet, and walking over to his mostly naked sister, he rips open the sides of her pull-up and lowers it to the floor before using the wipes to clean away the remnants of her accident. That task done, the boy gathers the pull-up and wipes and stuffs them to the bottom of the bathroom's trashcan before heading over to the tub and starting to run water for a bath. He then guides Hikari over to the toilet, and helping her climb up on the seat, tells her, "See if you can go any more before getting in the bath." Despite just how massive her accident was considering her tiny tinkle tank, Hikari actually manages to let out a respectible stream of additional pee before she announces, "I done." and jumping down. Grabbing one last wipe, Taichi instructs Hikari, "You go ahead and jump in the tub while I clean the hall floor." It only takes Taichi a few seconds to wipe away the evidence left at the scene of the crime, and when he returns to find Hikari standing next to the tub instead of sitting in it, He asks, "Why aren't you in the bath?" Crossing her arms, the naked little girl replies, "I not allowed in the tub alone." Scratching his head, the boy eventually replies, "Guess I have no choice but to take a bath with you." Before discarding his own clothes into the hamper before climbing into the tub and helping his sister climb in after him.