Pudding and Heicha by Imouto Kitten Bu-ling 'Pudding" Huang was uncharacteristically nervous. Life had always been hectic for the half-Chinese girl with her having to take care of five younger siblings on the limited income her street performances brought in, and became even more hectic with her becoming a super heroine, but it wasn't school, work, taking care of her family, or even saving the world on what seemed like a daily basis that had the blonde on edge. Pudding had been infused with DNA from a golden lion tamaran, and for the most part it was awesome, Her already impressive acrobatics and physical prowess had been elevated to superhuman levels, she could now grow a pair of wicked cool monkey ears and a matching tail, and it came with being a superheroine. Unfortunately, there had been an unforeseen side-effect due to the DNA she had been infused with being from a male monkey. For you see, when Pudding transforms, ears and a tail aren't the only extra body parts she gains, a penis manifesting between her legs. Fortunately, Pudding's girlcock is nearly indistinguishable from a human penis thanks to how closely related Humans and other primates are, and doesn't interfere with her ability to fight. The problem is with her little sister Heicha. For as long as either Huang sister can remember, the two have bathed together, and their baths have always involved lots of skinship and some rather intimate touching, and between her altered DNA and the older sister starting puberty, it's been all Pudding can do not to transform involuntarily at the site of her cute, naked sister. It was time for Pudding and Heicha to take their nightly bath and Pudding was filled with anxiety at the thought of her self-control snapping, Heicha being scared by her transformation, and possibly hurting the younger girl if the older blonde's new found libido drove her to use her new bit of anatomy on her little sister. Pushing her anxiety aside, Pudding smiles and asks her little sister, "Ready for bath-time?" as Heicha bounds down the hallway with a clean night gown folded over one arm. "Yes, Onee-chan!" replies the little girl, who has always enjoyed bonding with her older sister. As Pudding helps Heicha out of her clothes, the elder blonde practices the breathing exercises that are part of the family's martial art style in an attempt to keep her animal instincts under control. This becomes harder as Pudding shampoos Heicha's hair and washes the smaller girl's very cute body as she sits seemingly oblivious on the bath stool before the older girl. Even when it's Pudding's turn to sit on the stool as her younger sister washes her back, it's a struggle not to imagine those tiny hands stroking a place girls aren't supposed to have. By some miracle, Pudding manages to reach the end of the sisters washing each other without an involuntary transformation and after dowsing Heicha with a wooden bucket to rinse away the soap, Pudding settles into the tub, which had been filling with hot water as the sisters washed each other. To Puddings dismay, Heicha plops down in the tub right between Pudding's legs, the younger girl's tiny rump pressed against Pudding's girlhood as Heicha leans into her older sister. Finally noticing that her sister seems unusually tense, Heicha speaks up, "Is something wrong, Onee-chan?" "No-nothing!" shouts Pudding, willing all of her self control to not transform. Not believing her sister's denial, Heicha turns around, positioning herself almost as if she's trying to trib her big sister. "I know Onee-chan has to keep some grown-up matters from me and our brothers, but I can at least help Onee-chan relax." With those words, Heicha reaches a small hand down between them to stroke Pudding's clit. "I know I always feel better after Onee-chan touches me here." "Hei-Heicha, Pl-please stop!" Cries Pudding, fearful that the nub in Heicha's grasp will start swelling to an unnatural size at any moment. Tilting her head in confusion, Heicha replies, "Doesn't it feel good?" "It feels good, but you need to stop!" Yells Pudding, anger seeping into her tone. Starting to tear up, Heicha stutters, "Do-Does Onee-chan hate me-me?" Feeling bad for yelling at her baby sister and deciding revealing her secret couldn't make things any worse, Pudding says, "I'm sorry for yelling at you Heicha.." Nervously, she continues, "I need to show you something, but you need to promise me you won't tell anyone, not even our brothers. This secret is even more important than the way we usually bond during bathtime." Drawing an X over her heart, Heicha replies, "Cross my heart, hope to die, I'll never speak of Onee-chan's secret outside this room." Letting out a breath, Pudding says, "Okay, try not to be too shocked..." as she lets her instincts take over, her tail and ears popping out as her clit swells and transforms into a penis. By the time she's done transforming, Pudding's erection is as long and thick as Heicha's forearm. Instead of being scared by Pudding's transformation, Heicha is more awed, "WOW! Since when does Onee-chan have a thingy like our brothers?" "Ever since I got the ears and tail." Replies Pudding, drawing Heicha's attention to the named appendages. Seeing the extent of Pudding's transformation, Heicha puts 2 and 2 together and exclaims, "WOW! Your one of the Mew Mews! My Onee-chan is a super cool super heroine!" Putting a hand over Heicha's mouth, Pudding hisses, "Not so loud. It's supposed to be a secret and I'm only telling you because your so damn cute I've barely managed to control myself around you thanks to this..." She points at her throbbing futahood, "Having a mind of it's own." "It looks like it hurts." Says the younger girl as she examines her sister's member. "It does a bit." replies Pudding. "Is there anything I can do to help Onee-chan?" asks Heicha. "Would you mind stroking it?" Asks Pudding in reply. Reaching a hand out, Heicha wraps her fingers gingerly around Pudding's shaft and starts sliding it up and down the member's length. Hearing her sister moaning softly at her touch, the younger girl picks up her pace. As Heicha continues to jack Pudding off, her other hand trails down to her own crotch to stroke her own immature girlhood. After a few minutes, Heicha gets an idea, and letting go of her sister's member stands up. Displeased at the loss of contact, Pudding whines, "Why did you stop?" "I think I've thought of a better way to pleasure onee-chan." replies Heicha before turning around, the sight of the younger girl's cute little rump making Pudding throb worse than ever. Leaning forward and putting her hands on her knees, Heicha gives her big sister a brief glimpse of her girlhood before sitting in the crook between Pudding's stomach and erection. Squeezing her thighs together, crossing her legs at the knee and wrapping both hands around the upper part of Pudding's shaft, the younger girl starts grinding her crotch against her sister's futahood as she resumes stroking it. Moaning louder than before, Pudding grips the walls of the tub as she says, "Hei-Heicha, this does feel much better!" "I'm glad Onee-chan likes it. It feels really good to rub my kitty against Onee-chan's thingy." replies Heicha, picking up pace and unknowingly bringing her sister closer to a massive eruption. Pudding's orgasm comes as a surprise to both girls, the monkey girl's futahood twitching violently in Heicha's grasp as her seed shoots a foot into the air before arcing back down to land in the water where it forms several large globs. "WOW!" exclaims Heicha, "It doesn't look like pee, but Onee-chan certaintly shot a lot of it!" Catching her breath and looking at the white globs of seed floating in the water, Pudding replies, "I think that's what older kids call cum." Hugging heicha tightly to her chest, she adds, "That felt incredible! I hope you won't mine doing that again." "I like making Onee-chan feel good, so I'll do it whenever Onee-chan wants!" replies Heicha, giddy at her sister's praise. Still hard and feeling the warmth of Heicha's girlhood and thighs still wrapped firmly around her base, Pudding whispers with some hesitation, "Heicha, there's something else I want to try, but... but I'm afraid I'll hurt you." Curious, Heicha asks, "What is it, Onee-chan?" "I want to stick it inside you." replies Pudding huskily. Confused, Heicha replies, "Inside me? You want to stick your thingy inside me?" "Yes!" exclaims Pudding, exerting all of her self-control to not rape her baby sister. "But...But how would you get it inside me?" Asks Heicha. Reaching a hand down to Heicha's crotch, Pudding uses her index and ring fingers to part Heicha's netherlips before prodding the younger girl's virgin opening with her middle finger, "I'd use the same hole that gives you so much pleasure when I touch you like this or lick you between the legs." Moaning loudly under Pudding's ministrations, Heicha replies, "But...But that hole is... it's so tiny...and...and your thingy is so...big! How...How could it possibly fit!" Continueing to finger Heicha, Pudding replies, "I've heard this hole can stretch quite a bit, and is made for boys to stick their thingies in. I've even heard it can stretch enough to let Mamas push out babies when they're ready to be born, but I've also heard it can hurt a lot the first time a boy sticks his thingy in a girl, and that it really hurts when a Mama pushes out a baby, so that's why I'm afraid of hurting Heicha... but I've also heard it feels really good for both the boy and girl once the girl gets past the pain." "I...I think I want to try it." replies Heicha, "How should we do it?" Removing her hand from Heicha's girlhood, Pudding replies, "First, stand up and lean forward so I can see your little kitty." Standing up, Heicha leans forward, putting her hands on her knees and thrusting her butt back towards Pudding, "Like this?" "That's perfect!" replies Pudding as she grabs Heicha's hips and uses her thumbs to spread the younger girl's labia as much as possible. Lining up her tip with the tiny hole she just exposed, Pudding continues, "Now slowly sit down." As Heicha bends her knees, she gasps loudly at the sudden sensation of incredible fullness, but her opening manages to stretch over Pudding's tip without much trouble before the little girl's hymen blocks progress. Bouncing on Puddings tip, Heicha declares, "I don't think I can get anymore inside me." Pudding replies, "I think it might be your hymen. Tearing through that is what makes a girl's first time hurt for a lot of girls." Starting to stroke her shaft and imagining cumming in Heicha like this, Pudding adds, "You can try to force my thingy deeper inside you, or we can just continue like this. Just having the tip inside you feels absolutely amazing!" "No! I'll try to get more of Onee-chan's thingy inside me." says Heicha in reply. "Besides, I want to feel onee-chan deeper inside me!" With that, Heicha shifts her weight trying to sit down full force on Pudding's member, wincing as her hymen stretches. As her virgin barrier finally snaps, Heicha suddenly finds Pudding's tip crashing into her cervix as she engulfes half of Pudding's girlcock. As Heicha lets out a scream that Pudding fears will bring their brothers running, the older girl hugs her sister tightly and asks, "Are you okay?" Eyes screwed shut with tears squeezing out, Heicha replies, "IT HURTS! OH KAMI IT HURTS!" Starting to panic, Pudding loops her arms under Heicha's legs, saying, "I'll pull it out right away." But as her futahood starts to inch out of Heicha's passage, the little girl protests, "That makes it hurt more!" Deciding to hold Heicha still, Pudding rubs the bulge her member formed in Heicha's lower abdomen in hopes of easing the pain and plays with her sister's clit in hopes of overriding the pain with pleasure. After several minutes, Heicha relaxes in Pudding's arms whispering, "I think the worst of the pain is gone." "Want me to pull out now?" asks Pudding, feeling terrible for hurting her sister. "You said it would feel good once I got pass the pain." Replies Heicha, and after a brief pause, adds "I think I want to try continueing." "Okay." says Pudding, "But if you feel anymore pain, tell me and we can stop." "Okay." replies Heicha. With those words, Pudding pulls slowly out of Heicha before pushing back in, and hearing only moans of pleasure from her sister continues to slide in and out of the little girl's cozy, little cunny, slowly picking up pace. After a while, Pudding gets an idea, and letting go of Heicha's legs to rest her arms on the sides of the tub, Pudding wraps her tail a few times around Heicha's slender waist, using the furry appendage to lift and lower the younger girl on the stiff appendage that is currently giving both sisters so much pleasure. As Pudding frantically makes love to her little sister with enough force to make waves in the bath water, some of which sail over the tub wall to land on the floor, the older blonde uses the tip of her tail to caress the younger blonde's clit. Feeling her second orgasm of the evening approaching, Pudding exclaims, "Heicha, I'm about to shoot more of that white, sticky stuff." "I want to feel Onee-chan shoot it inside me!" replies Heicha breathlessly. Eager to flood her little sister's immature womb, Pudding increases her pace again and within moments, Pudding exclaims, "Here it comes!" As Pudding slams Heicha down on her futahood one last time, managing to get about two-thirds of her length in the smaller girl in the process, Heicha's passage clenches tightly as the younger sister reaches her own climax. The vicegrip Pudding now finds her futahood trapped in is enough to block the flow of semen, and instead of a constant stream, Pudding's ejaculation comes in several bursts as pressure in the base of the monkey girl's girlcock builds to the point to force its way pass the blockage. As the pair come down from their shared climax, Pudding loosens her tail from around Heicha as the younger girl collapses against her sister's chest and the two bask in afterglow for a few minutes. Eventually, Heicha says, "That was incredible, Onee-chan. Much better than our usual bath time play." "Do you really think so?" Asks Pudding. "Absolutely!" replies Heicha. Changing the subject, she asks, "Hey, Onee-chan, are those older girls you hang-out with and work with at that Cafe, are they the other Mew Mews?" "Yes," replies Pudding, "but you can't let them know you know. Just because they're in on the secret doesn't mean they are exempt from your promise to not tell anyone." "Of course," replies Heicha. "I did promise to never speak of Onee-chan's secret outside of this room, and I doubt I'll be taking any baths with the other Mew Mews." Grinning up at her sister she adds, "But just so you know, Mew Pudding was my favorite Mew Mew even before I learned she was my own Onee-chan!" Ruffling Heicha's hair, Pudding replies, "Cheeky, little monkey." "And Onee-chan really is a monkey." replies Heicha, letting out a yawn, "And a super cool one at that." "Okay, enough hero worship from my little sister for one night, I think it's time we got out." Replies Pudding. As Heicha gets off Pudding's softening member and bends over to pull out the drain plug, Pudding can see her seed seeping from Heicha's no longer virgin pussy. "On second thought, I think I need to clean you in one place a bit better." With that, Pudding grabs Heicha's hips and brings the smaller girl's crotch to her mouth, the water starting to drain as Heicha still has hold of the drain plug. As Pudding licks the remnants of her orgasm from her sister's passage, not bothered in the least by the lingering taste of virgin blood, Heicha notices that Pudding's flaccid member also has traces of semen clinging to it and returns the favor. Once done cleaning each other of cum, drying off and dressing for bed in matching yellow nighties with Pudding untransforming, Pudding asks, "Would you like to sleep with me tonight?" "Sure!" replies Heicha before asking hesitantly, "Do you think I could have some of Onee-chan's milk straight from Onee-chan's thingy?" Teasingly, Pudding asks, "Aren't you a little old for a bedtime bottle?" Blushing, Heicha replies, "Its...Its not like that! Onee-chan's milk was just really yummy when I licked Onee-chan's thingy clean." Picking Heicha up in a princess carry, Pudding replies, "Heicha is so cute. Of course you can have a taste of my milk before we go to bed." Walking into her bedroom, Pudding lays Heicha on the bed before discarding her panties, transforming again, and crawling on top of the younger girl to present her futahood for Heicha to suck on. Taking Pudding's tip into her mouth, Heicha starts sucking and licking it like its the most delicious thing she's ever tasted as she starts stroking the shaft with her tiny hands. "You know," starts Pudding, "You'll probably get my milk sooner if you use both your hands and feet to stroke me. With those words, Heicha brings her feet up to sandwich the base of Pudding's girlcock, making Pudding moan loudly as she braces her hands against the wall behind the headboard. Staring down at the adorable sight of her sister using her hands, feet, and mouth to try and milk the Monkey mew's futahood, she comments, "The way you're playing with me reminds me so much of how you would nurse bottles of formula as a baby." Feeling her orgasm approaching, Pudding adds, "It's just so darn cute I can't hold it in!" and with those words, Pudding's hot seed pours into Heicha's eager mouth, the younger blonde greedily swallowing every drop and continuing to stroke Pudding in order to milk as much as possible. When she's done cumming, Pudding notices how damp Heicha's panties are as she pulls away, "Oh my, your panties are completely soaked!" Misinterpreting her sister's words, Heicha replies indignantly, "I didn't pee myself!" Giggling at her sister's outburst, Pudding replies, "No, no. I think you're just drenched in love juice because you want me inside you again." Blushing, Heicha replies, "That would be nice." Pulling off Heicha's Panties, Pudding holds the smaller girl's legs apart by the ankles and lining her futahood up with Heicha's cunny, buries herself to half mast. Dropping to her knees and elbows, Pudding starts humping her little sister at a relaxed pace, tenderness replacing the urgency from when they did it in the bath. Every few thrusts, Pudding grinds her tip against Heicha's cervix in an effort to get more of her futahood into the little girl's cozy cunny, eliciting squeals of delight from her sister as she does so. After what seems like an eternity to the young lovers, Pudding manages to stretch Heicha enough to fully seat herself in her sister's heavenly love tunnel, cumming one last time upon finally burying herself to the hilt, Heicha spasming around her not long after. After a long silence, Pudding declares, "I think I could get use to making this a nightly routine." "I... I think I'd like that." replies Heicha. Feeling Pudding start to pull out, she clenches her internal muscles and pleads, "Please, Onee-chan, I want to sleep with you inside me." Placing a kiss on Heicha's forehead, Pudding replies, "Anything for my cute, little sister." Before rolling over so the smaller girl is lying on top and pulling the covers over them. As Heicha snuggles into her sister's chest, Pudding runs her fingers through Heicha's hair, grateful that what she feared would drive a wedge between them has instead brought them closer than ever.