Padma and Parvati by Imouto Kitten As the Patil twins return to the suite they share in their family home after a late night of disappointment at the Yule ball and a long ride on the Hogwarts Express, all Padma can think of is taking a long, hot bath and trying to forget how Ron Weasley had spent the entirety of the evening before ignoring her in favor of staring at Granger as she tries to tune out her more extroverted twin's rant about her own disastrous date with Harry Potter. As Padma is levitating her trunk from the twins' sitting room into her bedroom, taking full advantage of the trace's inability to tell if magic done in a wizarding home is performed by an underaged witch or an adult, Parvati manages to break through the more studious twin's meloncholy with a direct address, "Padma, are you listening?" "Huh?" replies Padma, far less coherent than she would be usually. "I said I knew of the perfect spell for letting girls comfort each other when the boys in their lives are being stupid." answers Parvati, pulling a worn piece of parchment from her robe pocket and presents it to her sister. "Neither me or Lavender could ever get it to work, but maybe you can manage it." Taking the parchment, as much intrigued by the possibility of a challenge to distract her as any comfort the spell might allow her and her twin to provide each other, Padma looks over the contents. It appears to be a clipping from a magazine, and one that was hastily torn out rather than removed with a cutting charm as half the page is missing, leaving her with an incomplete description that tells her what kind of spell it is, but doesn't tell her the exact effect. "No wonder you couldn't figure it out." Starts the ravenclaw, "This is a human transfiguration. A fairly simple one, but that's NEWT level material regardless." As she continues studying the parchment, Padma does her best to mimic the wand movements depicted on the page, frustrated as the enchantment that animates the diagram was obviously damaged when the parchment was torn from its source. She also tries to puzzle out the spell's effect from the incantation, but it's not based on either Latin or Greek as so many common spells are, nor is it one of the more modern spells with a almost English incantation. Even her knowledge of her family's ancestral tongue isn't enough to let her gleam meaning from the incantation. After about fifteen minutes of concentration, during which Parvati has changed into a pink nightgown, that while concealing too much skin to be considered provocative certainly seems like it would be more appropriately worn at midsummer rather than Yule, even so far away from the drafty halls of Hogwarts, Padma announces, "I think I can cast this spell." "Really?" asks Parvati excitedly, "That's great!" Smiling at her sister's infectious good cheer, Padma performs the wand movement, and not wanting to risk harming her sister if she makes a mistake, points her wand at herself as she incants, "Futanaris!", a pink ball of magic striking her at point blank range. No effect is apparent immediately, but a glance at Parvati has Padma thinking what a beautiful, young woman her twin is developing into and the ravenclaw suddenly feels much too warm in her robes. Unconsciously licking her lips, Padma quikly discards her robes to leave herself in only a ravenclaw blue tunic and matching leggings, her preferred casual wear this time of year as she notices her leggings suddenly grow uncomfortably tight around her crotch. Before Padma can process what she's feeling and properly examine herself for the change the spell caused, Parvati exclaims, "It works!" Before walking up to her more introverted sister and gently rubbing the rather prominent bulge that has formed in Padma's leggings. As a shiver runs up her spine at her sister's touch, the ravenclaw looks down just in time to see the griffindor kneel before her and free the ravenclaw's girlcock from its silken confines and stroke the rather impressive member. Just as Padma's brain catches up with events to conclude, 'That spell made me grow a penis!', Parvati has parted her lips and taken the head into her mouth, twirling her tongue in a way that nearly makes Padma's mind go completely blank except for the pleasure. The ravenclaw is so lost in what her twin is doing with her tongue that she doesn't register Parvati yanking her panties and leggings to the floor or the griffindor leading her towards the room's sitting area until the back of Padma's knees make contact with something and she stumbles backwards to land in an overstuffed armchair, naked from the waist down. Running her hands through her twin's hair, Padma comments barely able to find the breath, "That feels... so wonderful... dear sister..." which only encourages Parvati as she starts to bob her head up and down on her twin's futahood. Padma throws her head back, letting out a loud moan as she rests her knees upon Parvati's shoulders and crosses her ankles behind the griffindor's neck. Padma had explored her own nether regions on a few occasions, but the sensations of her probing fingers can't compare to having her sister's mouth wrapped around her member, even if said appendage isn't a part of her natural body, and it isn't long before the unfamiliar sensation of male orgasm overtakes her. As her rational mind fails her for the first time in a long time, Padma instinctually holds Parvati's head in place as she shoots more than a pint of seminal fluid down the griffindor's throat. Upon catching her breath, Padma asks, "How did you get so good at fellatio?" Licking her lips of the last traces of her sister's release, Parvati replies, "Actually, that was my first time sucking cock, or even getting to touch or look at a cock up close. I guess I'm just a natural, though, I have plenty of experience licking pussy from my experiments with Lavender." Before Padma can fully process her sister's words, Parvati has lifted the hem of her night gown to reveal a lack of underwear, and placing a knee to either side of Padma's thighs, the griffindor straddles the ravenclaw's lap before snogging her sister senseless. Thoroughly distracted by her sister's lips against her own and her twin's tongue trying to gain entry to her mouth, Padma doesn't notice Parvati shifting her hips to bring the futa's tip in line with her opening, and without warning, the ravenclaw finds the grifffindor's warm, wet womanhood wrapped wonderfully around her member, the twins swallowing each other's moans as they become one. Though she sees no sign of pain on her twin's face from losing her virginity, Padma can't help breaking the kiss to ask, "Are you okay? I mean, what you just did should've torn your hymen." "My hymen?" asks Parvati dreamily, nearly lost in bliss from having her pussy filled with her twin's futahood. "Me and Lavender used transfigured dildos to take care of those pesky things for each other months ago." Padma wants to ask so many questions about what her twin has gotten up to with her roommate, but they are all driven from her mind as Parvati starts bouncing in her lap, "OH MERLIN AND MORGANA!" cries the ravenclaw at the overwhelming pleasure that fills her with every movement of her sister's hips. "This-This feels so much better than when you used your mouth!" "And your cock feels much better than when Lavender licks me down there!" replies Parvati, continueing to piston on her sister's futahood. Grabbing the hem of her nightgown, Parvati pulls it over her head and tosses it to the sitting room's floor, leaving herself completely exposed to her sister's wandering gaze. Padma stares mezmerized by her twin's twins, the griffindor's perky breasts seeming to defy gravity in the way characteristic of a freshly cast brassiere charm. Noticing where her sister is staring, Parvati leans forward, mere inches from smothering her twin with her bosom and asks, "Would you like to suck them?" Padma only able to nod in response as Parvati offers a nipple to her twin. As her moans increase with her sister's suckling, the griffindor guides the ravenclaw's hands from the chair's armrests to her half moons as she says, "Feel free to fondle my arse, and don't be afraid to give it a nice, firm smack from time to time." Padma isn't really sure what her sister expects from her, and her thoughts are too scrambled by pleasure for her to care, but she has to admit that her twin's supple flesh feels much better than the leather upholstery under her palms as she unconsciously kneads Parvati's rear, and if the way the griffindor tightens up around the ravenclaw's shaft is any indicator, the more outgoing sister is pleased with the movements of her twin's massaging hands. Continueing to massage and caress Parvati's plump rump, Padma periodically switches from sucking one breast to sucking the other, humming contentedly around her sister's bosom as she enjoys having her girlcock ridden and the melodic moans the escape Parvati's throat. Suddenly feeling the same shift in sensation that warned of her imminent release while she was recieving head, Padma detaches from Parvati's nipple to warn, "Parvati, I think... I think I'm about to ejaculate again! If you don't get off of me, I might... I might end up inseminating and impregnating you!" Smiling down at her sister, Parvati leans in to whisper in Padma's ear, "Don't worry, sister. That note was for a spell that would give a girl a cock, but would leave her sterile and only capable of shooting blanks." Picking up speed and shifting to a huskier tone, Parvati continues, "So go ahead, fill me up. Shoot me full of that hot, gooey cock cream. Flood my womb without fear of knocking me up!", and with those words, Parvati crashes her lips upon Padma's, wrapping her arms tightly around her sister's neck as she speeds up even more. Parvati's words and greater pace are more than Padma can handle as she wraps her arms tightly around the griffindor's waist and thrusting upwards with everything she has, the ravenclaw's futahood erupts deep in her twin's pussy. The first shot of futa jizz is all it takes to send Parvati over the edge as well, her passage convulsing around her twin's girlcock as both sisters tremble in pleasure from their respective climaxes. Parvati is the first to regain her voice as she breathlessly declares, "That was incredible." Recovering from her own climax, Padma replies, "It sure was." Untangling herself from her sister, Parvati stands up, and though a shiver runs through Padma as the relatively cold air of the room makes contact with her exposed futahood, the ravenclaw has to admit the sight of her naked sister standing in front of her with her seed running down the inside of the griffindor's thighs is quite lovely. Padma is broken from her admiration of her sister's form by Parvati asking, "Would you like to switch places now?" It takes several seconds for Parvati's meaning to penetrate Padma's pleasure fogged mind, but once it does, she's quick to discard her now rumpled and sweat-soaked tunic and point her wand at her twin, "Futanaris!" This time, the pink spell's effect is apparent immediately without clothing to conceal the transformation as Parvati's clit swells and then shifts in shape until the griffindor is sporting a member to match the ravenclaw's. Draping her legs over the armrests, Padma reaches around her thighs to spread her labia as she all but begs, "Please, sister be gentle, I still have an intact hymen." Instead of going straight for Padma's cherry, Parvati kneels in front of the ravenclaw, planting a kiss square on her twin's exposed opening before trailing her tongue along the underside of the more studious twin's shaft. Reaching Padma's tip, Parvati once again engulfs her sister's futahood before bobbing her head a couple of times to clean it of their combined juices. Stroking Padma with one hand, Parvati returns her mouth to her sister's pussy, putting all her experience eating out Lavender to good use to leave the ravenclaw a squirming, moaning mess. Sensing that she has Padma right on the edge, Parvati withdraws her tongue, and not giving her twin time to calm down, lines up her virgin futahood with her sister's virgin pussy and thrusting her hips forward pierces the ravenclaw's maidenhead and hilts her own member in Padma in a single stroke. The stabbing pain of having her cherry popped is quickly forgotten, however, as the sudden penetration sends Padma into the throes of orgasm. Nearly overwhelmed herself from being buried in Padma's passage and being impatient to return the favor of having her womb flooded, Parvati gives her twin no time to adjust to having her inside her pussy or to recover from her climax as the griffindor starts pounding the ravenclaw's pussy at a furious pace. Letting go of her twin's erection, Parvati slides her arms under Padma's legs and leans forward, hugging the ravenclaw's legs to her body as her member is trapped between their flat tummies, their breasts are pressed together, and their lips meet in a passionate kiss. Parvati's relentless assault on her sister's inexperienced pussy soon brings Padma to a second and then a third climax, every clench of the ravenclaw's internal muscles threatening to trigger an eruption from the griffindor's girlcock. Neither sister is quite sure how many times Parvati brings Padma to vaginal climax when the griffindor's self-control finally reaches its limit, the ravenclaw's womb being flooded by sterile cum as the twins break their kiss to shout, "I love you, sister!" in unison. The twins lay panting in each others arms for quite some time before Parvati stands up, her futahood sliding from Padma's no longer virgin passage and suggests, "I think we need a bath." Noticing how much of her sweat has soaked into the upholstery, Padma replies, "I think you're right." as she accepts Parvati's hand and rises to shakey feet. Grabbing her wand from where she dropped it, Padma aims at the armchair and incants, "Scourgify!" before following Parvati to their suite's bathroom, both twins silently agreeing their discarded clothes can wait until later. The clawed foot bathtub, just barely large enough to let the two sisters soak at opposite ends without their legs getting tangled up, is soon filled with hot water and emitting steam. Initially, the twins just enjoy letting the hot water wash over them driving every care from their minds, but it isn't long before Parvati is feeling frisky once more. Moving slowly to not catch Padma's attention until the last moment, Parvati crawls to the opposite end of the tub, and turning her back to the ravenclaw, sits in her twin's lap. Padma lets out a gasp of pleasure as she finds herself once more deep in her sister's velvety passage and puts up no resistence as Parvati relaxes against her chest. Letting out her own sigh of pleasure, Parvati comments, "This is much better than sitting by myself." Wrapping her arms around her sister's midriff, Padma replies simply, "Indeed." Starting to gently gyrate her hips, Parvati guides one of Padma's hands to her shaft, whispering, "How about you stroke me with your hand while I massage you with my pussy?" The twins spend quite some time sitting there in the bath, Parvati lazily riding her sister's futahood as Padma lazily strokes her in return, but eventually, they both shoot their loads, the ravenclaw in her twin's pussy, and the griffindor into the bath water. As the tub drains and the twins dry off, Parvati suggests, "How about we sleep together tonight?" Stifling a yawn, Padma replies, "that sounds nice." Silently agreeing to sleep in the buff in Padma's bed, the ravenclaw leads the way, not noticing when Parvati picks up the nightgown she discarded earlier or when the griffindor transfigures it. Padma turns down her sheets and crawls into bed, Parvati soon spooning up behind as expected. What isn't expected is when the griffindor hilts herself in the ravenclaw at the same time the silken sheath of the onnahole that use to be a nightgown engulfes her girlcock. Exhausted from not getting much sleep after the ball, the long train ride, and their earlier activity, Padma just takes the latest pleasant surprise in stride, and Parvati is apparently just as exhausted, as she seems to make no attempt to actually fuck the ravenclaw. So the twins just lay there in a pleasant embrace and let sleep overtake them. ### When classes resume at Hogwarts after the break, Padma is surprised to be approached by Harry following a joint Griffindor-Ravenclaw class. "Padma, do you have a moment?" asks the Boy-Who-Lived. "What do you want, Potter?" replies the ravenclaw, somewhat on guard considering lack of prior interactions with the griffindor seeker. "I just wanted to apologize for asking Parvati to set you up with Ron." Blushing at the reminder of what lead to the most memorable Boxing Day she ever had, Padma replies vaguely, "That's okay, someone helped cheer me up a lot after your friend's rudeness at the ball." Before shouldering her bag and beating a hasty retreat, leaving Harry confused. As she barges into the hall, Padma's eyes meet with Parvati's, the ravenclaw giving her twin a look that screams 'we need to find a private spot for some sisterly bonding.'