Momoko and Kuriko 2 by Imouto Kitten Dear Diary, Last night, I dreamt that Onee-chan grew a boy's thingy, snuck into my bedroom, and slid it up my kitty. It was a weird dream, but other than a bit of pain at first, it was one of the best dreams I've ever had, and even as annoying as Onee-chan is, I kind of wish it was real. I told Onee-chan about my dream at breakfast this morning, but her reaction only seemed to confirm what I already knew, that it was just a dream, but I haven't been able to get the dream out of my mind all day, and I've had a strange urge to touch my kitty all day. I told Mama, Papa, and Onee-chan I was going to bed early, but I'm going to play with my kitty before I go to sleep, and while I know it can't have been real, I'm going to try to lie awake in hopes that I'm wrong and Onee-chan visits me again tonight. Even if I'm right, I hope I can have another such wonderful dream. Goodnight, Diary. Finishing my diary entry for the night, I close my diary and make sure the clasp is latched and locked before returning it to it's hiding place under the false bottom of my top desk drawer and put the pen I was writing with in the cup of pencils sitting on my desk. Standing up, I stretch and kick off my slippers before walking barefooted to my bed. After turning down my covers, I reach undr my nightgown to remove my panties. Laying down and turning off the lamp on my night stand, I pull up my nightgown to my waist. Lying in the dark, I reach a hand down to my Kitty and start rubbing myself. It feels good, and I moan softly from the touch, but it's nothing compared to what I felt in the dream. After some exploring, I find two holes, a small one I can't get even the tip of my pinkie in, which I deduce is where I pee from, and a much larger one that offers no resistance to me sliding a finger in. This larger hole must be where Onee-chan stuck her boy thingy in my dream. I try sliding my finger in and out like Onee-chan did with her thingy in my dream, but while it feels good, my finger feels tiny compared to Onee-chan's thingy. I slide in a second, third, and even fourth finger, but the combined digits don't fill me the way Onee-chan does. Even contorting myself to fit fingers from both hands isn't enough to recreate the feeling of fullness from my dream, and just leaves me frustrated and with sore wrists, hips, and spine. I eventually give up and decide to just lay there, hoping to have that dream again. Though I don't hold out much hope that it was more than a dream, I don't bother putting my panties back on, pulling the covers over me, or pulling down my nightgown, not wanting to do anything that might impede Onee-chan if she visits me in the night. ### I don't know how much time passes, but later that night, I hear my bedroom door opening and closing again, and shortly after, feel the weight of another person climbing on my bed. I'm still uncovered with my nightgown hiked up to my waist, my legs spread and my kitty exposed. I feel arms looping under my legs, and they feel like the right size to be Onee-chan's. When I feel something pressing against my kitty, It takes all of my self-control to feign sleep, and when I feel something, warm, hard, and thick sliding inside me, the wonderful fullness from the dream returning, I have to bite my lip to avoid moaning. The person on top of me, who I'm sure is Onee-chan, starts thrusting slowly into my kitty, and I long to tell her to go faster, but I'm afraid I'll scare her off if I let on that I'm awake. Fortunately, she soon picks up speed of her own accord, and it's all too soon when I feel her hilt within me, her boy thingy twitching violently within me as I feel that hot, gooey stuff flooding my insides. I can feel her letting go of my legs and placing her hands to either side of my head, guessing she's trying to avoid squishing me. As I feel her thingy going soft inside me, I hear Onee-chan whispering, "Please forgive me, Kuriko-chan. I'm such a horrible sister, doing this to you as you sleep and too cowardly to confess after you told me you remember my visit from last night as a pleasant dream." Hoping this isn't a dream and fearing she'll stop visiting me in the night out of guilt, I wrap my legs around her waist, trying to prevent her from pulling out, and reach a hand for my bedside lamp, flipping the switch to turn on the red nightlight. As the room is bathed in red light, Onee-chan's eyes go wide in shock at the realization I'm awake, but before she can recover enough to react, I say, "Onee-chan, you're a wonderful sister! I don't understand what you're doing, or how you grew a boy's thingy, but please, keep doing it to me!" "Ku-Kuriko-chan, how long have you been awake?" asks Onee-chan. "I heard you come in." "And you did nothing to stop me?" "I was afraid you'd panic and run away without making me feel good." I reply. "Then you're not mad at me?" "No, now come on, shoot more of that thick, gooey stuff inside me." I say, bucking my hips against her thingy as it grows hard again within me. As Onee-chan relaxes, she hugs me against her chest and shifts our positions so I'm bouncing in her lap, going on about how good my 'cunny' feels to her 'cock', using several words I'm unfamiliar with, and I'm so lost in pleasure I can only babble about how good it feels in return. I feel Onee-chan grab my butt as she increases the speed at which she slides her thingy in and out of my kitty and I fist my hands in the front of her nightgown as the pleasure coursing through me builds to levels beyond anything I could've imagined. I can hear Onee-chan talking, but the pleasure is so overwhelming I can't think clearly enough to hear what she's saying and the pleasure just keeps growing and growing until I'm sure I'm going to lose my mind completely. Just when I think I can't take anymore, the pleasure building in my tummy explodes, my vision goes white momentarily, and I arch my back just before Onee-chan slams me down on her thingy and erupts inside me. When I come to, I'm panting heavily as I lean against Onee-chan, unsure if it's been seconds or hours since whatever just happened, happened. Catching my breath, I say, "Onee-chan, that was really incredible! What did you do to me?!" running her hand through my hair, Onee-chan replies, "I think I just gave Kuriko-chan her first orgasm." "What's an orgasm?" I ask, having never heard the term before. "It's when a boy's cock or a girl's cunny feels really good and the pleasure just explodes." she replies, not really clearing things up. "Huh? Cock? Cunny?" I ask, confused. Tapping a finger to her chin in thought, Onee-chan replies, "When you told me you remembered my visit from last night, I think you referred to your cunny as your kitty... I think the proper term is vulva or vagina, but teenagers usually call it things like cunny, pussy, cunt, or twat." Giggling, she adds, "I think you called my cock a boy's thingy. the proper name is penis but some of the slang terms are cock, dick, prick, and member." Starting to understand, I reply, "So, that explosion of pleasure in my belly was an orgasm, and it happened because you were sliding your cock in and out of my cunny so fast?" "Yeah, that's about it." she answers. "Does your cock shoot that hot, gooey stuff when you have an orgasm?" I ask. "Yeah, and by the way, that stuff is called sperm, semen, cum, or seed, and when I shoot it inside you is also called cumming or jizzing." replies Onee-chan. Feeling Onee-chan's cock growing hard again, I bounce in her lap a few times as I ask, "Does Onee-chan want to cum in me some more?" "I'd love to, and I'd love to feel the way you squeeze my cock when you cum again, but there are other fun, grown up games I could teach you." Onee-chan tells me. "Such as?" I ask, tilting my head. Licking her lips, Onee-chan responds, "For one, I'd love to eat your creampie, and I wouldn't mind a blowjob." "Creampie? Blowjob?" I ask, confused again. "A creampie is what we call it when cum oozes out of a girl's cunny. Basically, I want to lick my cum out of you. As for a blowjob, I want you to suck my cock!" she replies excitedly. I think the idea a bit gross, but figure it must feel good, so I say, "I think I'd like to try that." Smiling brightly, Onee-chan pulls my nightgown over my head before discarding her own. Laying me back on the mattress, she pulls out of me and repositions herself with the tip of her cock pointed at my mouth, her ridiculously long hair falling in curtains and blocking me from the red glow of the nightlight. I feel Onee-chan grip my ankles and hold my legs apart followed shortly by something rough and wet wiggling into my cunny and figure she's already started licking me. It feels good, but nowhere near as intense as when Onee-chan puts her cock in my cunny. Still, I figure it'd be rude not to return the favor, so I reach up to grab Onee-chan's cock and guide the tip to my mouth. It's all slippery and has an odd taste, but sucking on it isn't as unpleasant as I expected. I'm only able to fit the tip in my mouth, but if Onee-chan minds, she doesn't comment, though I still decide to slide my hand up and down the shaft just in case. It wasn't long before Onee-chan was flooding my mouth with her creamy seed. Despite the salty taste and how much there was, I managed to swallow all of it without making a mess. As Onee-chan pulls her tongue away from my pussy and her cock away from my mouth, she asks, "Did you enjoy that, Kuriko-chan?" "It felt nice," I start, "but it feels so much better when you stick it in my cunny!" "Yeah," she replies, "Your cunny feels so much better than your mouth." Pushing me aside, she lays down before adding, "Want to take a ride on my cock?" Eagerly, I stand with my feet to either side of Onee-chan's hips before squating down, letting her cock slide inside, moaning as my insides are once again stretched by her girth. As I start to piston up and down on her shaft, Onee-chan asks, "Kuriko-chan, why don't you suck on my breasts?" Though she's not as flat as I am, Onee-chan doesn't have even enough for a training bra, so I ask honestly, "What breasts?" Pouting, Onee-chan reaches up to pinch each of my nipples between thumb and forefinger as she retorts, "If you didn't feel so good wrapped around my cock, I'd have to pull you off and leave you're hungry, little cunny starving for dick! Besides, I've got a lot more than you, you little petanko!" Having my nipples pinched kinda hurts, but it also feels kinda good, and as I wrap my hands around Onee-chan's wrists, I'm not sure whether to try and pull her hands away from my chest, or prevent any attempt she makes to pull away on her own. As I ride Onee-chan's cock and she continues to play with my nippples, I can feel the immense pleasure from before building in my belly once more and cry out, "Onee-chan, I think... I think I'm about to have another orgasm!" Onee-chan lets go of my nipples and grabs my hips, using her grip as leverage to greatly increase the pace her cock is sliding in and out of my cunny. Before long, she slams me down on her erection and holds me in place as she erupts deep inside me, my body spasming in orgasm shortly thereafter. Knowing it was coming this time, I manage to keep my wits about me enough to tell that Onee-chan's pumping a larger load than any prior load within me, the tight fit and her holding me in place giving her seed no way of escaping, my belly bulging out from how much she's shooting inside me. Once I recover from my orgasm, I rub the canteloupe-sized bulge in my belly, enjoying being so full of Onee-chan's seed as she comments, "Kuriko-chan would look really cute with my baby growing in her belly!" "A baby... growing in my belly?" I ask, confused by Onee-chan's words. "You're a bit young, but when a boy shoots his seed inside a girl like I just did, it can cause a baby to start growing in the girl's belly, a process called pregnancy." She replies. Letting out a yawn, I lay on Onee-chan's stomach as I ask, "Does Onee-chan want to put a baby in my belly when I'm old enough?" "If Kuriko-chan wants me too." she replies before guiding my mouth to one of her nipples. Letting infantile instincts take over, I start suckling as I relax against Onee-chan, enjoying the sensation of her skin against mine, her softening member still inside me, her seed starting to leak out around her shaft, and her gently rubbing circles on my back. As she pulls the covers over us and I start to drift off, the last thing my senses pick up is a whispered, "I love you, Kuriko-chan." before I depart for dreamland.