Content warnings specific to this chapter: Non-con, sleeping sex. Author's Notes: Not much to say about this one except I wish there were more PPG/Z lemons involving Blossom/Momoko that didn't pair her with Brick, and this is my first contribution towards fixing this(and for those interested, A Girl and her X includes my contribution to increasing Bubbles/Miyako lemons that don't pair her with Boomer). If I get the right inspiration, this one-shot might get a sequel or become part of a futa!PPGZ series. Momoko and Kuriko by Imouto Kitten I crept quietly through the house, hoping not to wake my parents or little sister. Ever since that fateful day I was hit by the white light and became Blossom of the Powerpuff Girls Z, I've had to keep many secrets from my family, my identity, where I was going after school most days, that my new best friends were my fellow heroines, but perhaps the strangest secret I was keeping was that, in addition to gaining super powers, I had gained a penis from being hit with the white light. To make matters worse, my new anatomy stuck around no matter how many times the anti-Z ray is used on me, and masturbating was no longer cutting it for keeping my raging boners under control. Kaoru or Miyako might've been willing to help me out, having likewise become futas in addition to becoming super heroines, but they weren't available at this late hour. And so I find myself sneaking into my sister's bedroom, driven forward by the need to bury my girlcock in a real pussy and shoot my load, preferably several times. As expected, Kuriko was sound asleep. Less expected was the position she was in. Her covers had been kicked off the bed, and she was laying on top of her pillow, hugging it tightly, her face buried in it. But best of all, her rear was in the air, and her night gown had ridden up far enough to leave her panties completely exposed. Crawling up on the bed and positioning myself behind Kuriko, I began to slowly lower my sister's panties. There were a few times I thought she was stirring and froze for a minute or two, but she never woke. Once I had worked the garment down to her knees, I lifted my own nightgown and pulled the front of my panties down, freeing my swollen girlcock from the cotton confines that had barely been able to contain it. I've never seen the cock of an actual boy, but with my own being wide enough I can't encircle it with one hand and long enough I could wrap both hands around the shaft without overlap, I like to think I've got a decently sized member for a thirteen year old. After a few strokes to ensure I'm fully erect, I place my tip at my sleeping sister's virgin opening. I experience a brief twinge of guilt as I think 'I'm about to rape my little sister and steal her virginity as she sleeps, that's not something a heroine of justice would do.', but as my penis throbs in anticipation, my conscience is told to take a hike as I thrust my hips forward, taking Kuriko's virginity and hilting myself within her with a single movement. Fortunately, she doesn't wake up, even as I notice traces of blood on my girlcock from where I must've torn her hymen. Even so, I start slowly, fearful that if I go too fast or stimulate her in too many ways, she'll wake up, but as time passes and she remains sound asleep, drooling into her pillow, I become more bold and increase my pace. Kuriko's pussy is a lot warmer and much tighter than Kaoru or Miyako's mouths, and while I've never gotten to fuck either of my teammates' cunnies, not that I've allowed either of them a turn at mine, I doubt their's could've been any better. Before long, I feel the first inkling of the sensations that tell me I'm close to cumming, and while my conscience returns long enough to tell me I should pull out before I fill my sleeping sister's immature womb, the pleasure continues to drive me forward. I start chanting mentally 'Just one more thrust and I'll pull out', but my insatiable girlcock keeps willing my hips to slam forward everytime I'm about to pull my tip from Kuriko's passage, and eventually, 'one more thrust' turns into the thrust that has me hilting myself within my sleeping sister, my tip pressed tightly to her cervix as rope after rope of my hot, gooey seed shoots into her immature womb. Placing my hands to either side of my sister's sleeping form to avoid collapsing on top of her, I pant heavily as my prick continues to pump her full of my potent seed. By the time I've caught my breath and can think straight again, I've finished cumming and my member has gone soft within my sister's snug passage. Though I know it'll be a couple of years before Kuriko starts having periods and ovulating, the thought of my little swimmers swarming one of her eggs and making her trim little tummy grow big and round with my baby is enough to make me grow hard again, her snug passage seeming to tighten around me as my girlcock swells with blood once again. Figuring that I've already done as much damage as possible and that if she hasn't woken yet, she's not likely to wake before morning, I throw caution to the wind and start fucking my sexy, sleeping sister with near-reckless abandon, not even slowing down as my girlcock erupts within her for the second or even the third time. By the time my member is fully satisfied, remaining limp even at the thought of a heavily pregnant Kuriko sucking it followed by her begging me to pound her pregnant, preteen pussy, I've shot at least half-a dozen loads into my sister's immature womb. With my seed apparently being thick enough not to leak from within her and me not wanting to risk turning her over to see if she has a belly bulge from all that sperm, I simply pull her panties back up to their proper place before tip-toeing out of her room and back to my own with a satisfied smile on my face. ### The next morning at breakfast, as she ate her cereal and our parents were distracted with chores elsewhere in the house, Kuriko turns to me and says, "Onee-chan, I had a weird dream last night." "really?" I reply, not thinking anything of her comment. "Yeah, you were in it, and you had a boy's thingy." she replies. Trying not to let my rising panic into my voice, I reply, "Is that so?" "Yeah, and unlike the few glimpses I've caught of Papa's, it was all rigid. You came into my room, pulled down my panties, and slid it up my kitty, and then something warm and sticky sprayed from your thingie deep inside me." Thinking she was aware of everything I did last night, it's all I can do not to freak out, drop to the floor, and confess all while begging forgiveness. Instead, I let out a little laugh that betrays more of my nervousness than I would like before saying, "That does sound like quite the dream." Not seeming to have noticed my nervous laugh, and sounding a bit disappointed, she says, "Too bad it was just a dream. It hurt a bit when you first stuck it in, but then it started to feel really good, but I know there's no way Onee-chan could've grown a boy's thingy, and I seldom have repeats of such pleasant dreams." Letting out a sigh of relief that seems to go unnoticed by my sister, I smile inwardly at the thought that she might actually be my willing lover if I ever work up the courage to tell her the truth about my recently acquired bit of anatomy. Naturally, this thought leads me to pitching a tent under the table, and I have to be sneaky to conceal the fact from Kuriko as I head to my room to get ready to head to the lab, hoping my self-control will hold out long enough for me not to tackle my sister to the floor and take her where our parents could easily catch us in the act, or worse, tackle some random girl on the street between here and the lab. Please let Kaoru or Miyako be up to giving me a blowjob when I get to the lab.