Lisa and Maggie by Imouto Kitten Lisa Simpson, 12-year-old, sixth grader, and Straight-A student was sitting at her desk doing homework for one of her advanced classes when her younger sister entered her bedroom and greeted the older blonde in perfect Japanese, "Konbanwa, Onee-chan!" stretching out the vowels in Onee-chan for maximum cuteness. The youngest Simpson, now a five year-old kindergardener looked like a miniature doppelganger of Lisa, only that her dress was blue to Lisa's signature red and instead of the beaded necklace favored by the older sister and their mother, Maggie's one fashion accessory was a small hairbow that matched her dress. Shifting to English, the younger blonde asks, "Whatcha doing?" Not bothering to look up from her work, Lisa responds, "I'm doing homework, Maggie." Pouting, the smaller girl replies, "Does that mean Onee-chan is too busy to play with her imouto?" Maggie had proven to be every bit as smart as Lisa was at her age, having a grasp of English on par with most adults and a grasp of Japanese on par with most Japanese school children Lisa's age, not to mention being smart enough to know just the right amount of Japanese to sprinkle into her English for maximum cute factor. Even knowing Maggie's skills at manipulative cuteness, it took all of the older girl's willpower to not turn around to look at her younger sister and instead say, "I'm afraid so, Maggie." Turning the pout up to eleven, Maggie replies, "Aww, but my little kindergardener cunny is aching for attention, and it just isn't the same when I play by myself." Feeling something stir in her loins at these words, Lisa makes the mistake of turning around to look at her sister only to find her little sister standing there, dressed lifted to show off powder blue panties. "See, Onee-chan? My love juices have soaked completely through my underwear.", and indeed, there was a noticeable wet patch on the crotch of Maggie's panties and even evidence of girl juice trailing down the inside of the younger girl's thighs. The sight before her driving all other thoughts out of her mind and feeling her growing arousal pitch a tent in her red dress, Lisa sighs before saying, "I guess I can finish my homework later." Patting her lap, she adds, "Come here, my cute little imouto." As she approaches Lisa, instead of climbing into the older girl's lap, Maggie drops to her knees and pushes Lisa's knees apart before lifting the front of the red dress to free the older girl's erect penis. Lisa had gained the extra bit of anatomy thanks to being too close to one of Professor Frink's experiments when it blew-up. In addition to making her a hermaphrodite, the transformation had initially lead to Lisa producing a pheromone that had made her irresistible to every virgin female in springfield that had only subsided after Lisa had lost her virginity, and Maggie had been the only girl Lisa hadn't been able to avoid or resist seduction attempts from if avoidance proved impossible, and even after the sisters gave their virginities to each other and most girls went back to ignoring Lisa, her sister seemed to be addicted to the older blonde's semen. Part of Lisa told her it was wrong to be doing this on multiple levels, and while Lisa could probably cope with the loss of the pleasure of having her little sister milking her futahood at least once, and usually several times, a day, between the fact that Maggie was always the one to initiate their sister bonding sessions and seemed to enjoy such play immensely, Lisa had yet to successfully refuse Maggie's advances and had turned Professor Frink down when he offered a cure to her condition. Lisa is snapped out of her reflections when Maggie wraps her hands around the older girl's futahood and comments, "Onee-chan's ochinchin is so big and thick and it feels so warm in my hands!" before taking the tip into her mouth and swirling her tongue about it. Lisa's girlcock is too large for Maggie to fit more than the head in her mouth and the younger girl can't wrap her hands fully around its girth, but what Maggie lacks in coverage, she makes up for in eagerness as Lisa leans back with her elbows on the desk behind her and moans loudly under Maggie's ministrations. Before long, Lisa is shouting, "Maggie, I'm about to orgasm!" Continueing to stroke Lisa's shaft, the smaller girl removes her mouth from the futa's cockhead long enough to say, "It's okay, onee-chan! Please give your imouto plenty of onee-chan's hot, gooey semen to drink!" Before returning her lips to Lisa's tip just in time for the first spurt of the older blonde's jizz to spray down the younger blonde's throat. Still moving her hands up and down her sister's shaft, Maggie greedily guzzles down every last drop of Lisa's release. Once done swallowing Lisa's seed, Maggie stands up, kicks off her blue, slip-on shoes and stands with her arms out to her sides before saying, "Now, it's time for onee-chan to undress her cute, little imouto." Lisa grabs the thin straps holding up Maggie's dress and quickly pulls the garment over the younger girl's head to leave the shorter blonde in only a pair of powder blue panties. As she pulls down her sister's underwear, Lisa comments on how soaked they are, "My, but your cute, little panties are sopping wet! Are you sure my cute, little Imouto didn't make tinkle in her panties?" Somewhat indignantly, Maggie replies, "Of course I didn't! I'm a big girl!" Lisa replies, "Well, I guess a taste test will determine if my imouto's girlhood is glistening with girl juice or pee." Quickly pushing her homework aside to clear the center of her desk, Lisa lifts the smaller girl off the floor and lays her on top of the desk. Firmly grabbing Maggie by the ankles, Lisa spreads her little sister's legs far apart and buries her face in the younger girl's crotch. As Lisa's tongue assaults Maggie's core, the younger blonde moans loudly and exclaims, "O-Onee-chan's tongue feels so-so good!" Pinching her tiny nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, the kindergardener adds, "Please keep licking your imouto until she cums!" With Maggie's ankles still firmly in her grasp, Lisa places her index fingers to the younger blonde's soles and starts tickling while not lightening up on her assault of the smaller girl's juicy twat. Giggling and squirming under the three-pronged assault, Maggie cries out, "That tickles, Onee-chan!" As she kicks her legs in a futile attempt to break her older sister's hold. After a minute or two, Lisa releases Maggie's ankles, the smaller girl wrapping her legs around her older sister's neck as Lisa plunges her tongue as deep into the kindergardener's passage as possible. Lost in the pleasure of being tongue fucked, Maggie doesn't notice the older girl's hand approaching her exposed ribs and is caught off guard as the tickle torture resumes, this time with two full hands worth of digits instead of just index fingers. Maggie tries to protest, but between uncontrollable laughter and equally uncontrollable moans, the small girl can't compose a single coherent word. It isn't long before Lisa's treatment has Maggie convulsing in orgasm, the young girl's pusssy tightening enough to trap the older girl's tongue as love juices gush into the sixth-grader's mouth. As Maggie's orgasm subsides, Lisa pulls away, leaving the small girl sprawled out on the older girl's desktop. As Maggie pants in afterglow, the rise and fall of her flat chest quite visible, Lisa licks the remnants of her sister's release from her lips before saying, "I didn't taste any pee, so I guess you were telling the truth about not making tinkle in your panties." Looking down at her renewed erection, Lisa smiles lustfully before grabbing Maggie's hips and pulling the smaller girl's rear off the edge of the desk. Spreading Maggie's labia with her thumbs and lining the tip of her girlcock up with the smaller girl's opening, Lisa asks, "Is my cute, little imouto ready to take her Onee-chan's big, fat ochinchin up her cozy, little cunny?" Catching her breath, Maggie replies, "Please, Onee-chan, fuck your Imouto's cunny nice and hard with your ochinchin!" Needing no further encouragement, Lisa pulls Maggie onto her lap, hilting her massive member within the smaller girl's passage. Normally, Lisa's analytical mind would be questioning how such a large penis could fit in such a small girl, but the older girl is too distracted by the wonderful sensation of having her girlcock wrapped in her little sister's warmth to worry about such things. Lisa is content to just lean back in her chair and savor being inside Maggie's pussy, but the smaller girl wants more and starts bouncing in her older sister's lap. Before long, both are moaning in shared ecstacy and it isn't long before Lisa warns, "I'm about to erupt inside you, Maggie!" Wrapping her arms around Lisa's neck and increasing her pace, Maggie replies, "It's okay, Onee-chan! Please pump your cute, little imouto's tight, tiny twat full of your incestuous seed!" before capturing her older sister's lips in a kiss. Moments later, Lisa's cock goes off like a geyser deep inside Maggie as the smaller girls passage convulses in orgasm around Lisa's girth, milking every last drop of semen from the older blonde. Exhausted from the act, Maggie nuzzles against Lisa's chest before falling asleep with Lisa's girlcock still within her. Stroking the younger blonde's golden locks, Lisa whispers, "My cute little Imouto is even cuter when she's asleep." Sighing, she adds, "I'd like to stay like this, but I do need to finish my homework." Placing a hand under Maggie's butt, Lisa stands and walks over to her bed, being careful not to wake the sleeping girl. Laying Maggie down gently and placing pillows under the smaller girl's head and rear, Lisa slowly with draws from her sister, making sure every drop of her cum stays within Maggie's gaping cunny. Covering the kindergardener with a blanket, the hermaphrodite returns to her homework, smiling and thinking that she's lucky to have such a loving little sister.