Karin and Yuzu 2 by Imouto Kitten As Karin Kurosaki returned home after a soccer game, she reflected that life had gotten much better in recent months. Sure, she was still cursed with spiritual awareness while being helpless to defend her hometown from Hollows, and she still had to deal with the worst parts of being both an adolescent girl and an adolescent boy, but she no longer had to worry about her brother running off into battle after he lost his powers, and the way her relationship had grown with her twin sister into something more than just siblings made her unusual anatomy much more tolerable. Speaking of Yuzu, as the tomboy enters her home, kicking off her mud-crusted sneakers, and wiping sweat from her forehead, she can smell the aroma of the fairer twin's home cooking driving the scent of perspiration from the raven-haired girl's nostrils. Following the heavenly scent to the kitchen, Karin is unprepared for the heavenly sight that greets her. Even from behind, the swell of Yuzu's belly, the feminine half of the Kurosaki twins in the third trimester of pregnancy is quite noticeable, but that didn't surprise the more masculine twin, after all, the baby growing in Yuzu's belly was Karin's handiwork, and that thought alone would've been enough to have the raven-haired girl pitching a tent in her shorts even if it had nearly earned her two murder attempts, one from old goat face when he had done the tests to confirm Yuzu's pregnancy and again from Ichi-nii when Yuzu had started to show, in both cases saved only by Yuzu refusing to tell either Kurosaki male Karin was the father until they promised, under pain of no Yuzu home cooking, to not lay a hand on the father of Yuzu's child. No, what had Karin staring slacked jawed at her twin's backside was what her fairer haired sister was wearing, or rather wasn't wearing. For you see, Yuzu, seemingly unaware of her sister standing in the kitchen door was moving about the room preparing dinner, wearing nothing but an apron, nearly every square inch of her creamy skin on full display, the pregnant preteen's perfect, petite body right there for Karin's eyes to roam over and soak up every detail. And if Karin's futahood wasn't already threatening to rip through her black shorts, it was after Yuzu bends over to put something in the oven, her delectable, dainty derriere swaying back and forth. As Yuzu straightens up and heads to the sink, still apparently unaware of Karin's presence, Karin makes up her mind. Yuzu might scold her for what she's about to do, especially since the dark-haired girl is still covered in dried sweat and dirt from the soccer game, but at that moment, Karin decides it would be worth however many Yuzu meals her twin decides to deny her, and if she went to take a shower, its almost guaranteed the horny hermaphrodite would end up spilling her seed down the drain, which would leave Yuzu cross with her for cumming somewhere other than within the expectant mother's warm, heavenly folds. Shimmying out of her shorts and boxers, Karin's girlcock springs to full attention as it's freed from its cotton confines. Leaving her bottoms on the floor, Karin sneaks up behind Yuzu, her footsteps unheard over the sounds of food cooking and running water. Once she's right behind the fairer haired girl, her tip mere inches from the small of Yuzu's back, Karin strikes, gripping Yuzu's hips and sliding balls deep within her twin's tight twat, or what would be balls deep if Karin had balls. As a sound halfway between a shout of surprise and a gasp of pleasure emits from the young mother-to-be's throat, a soapy plate slips from her fingers, and it is only Karin's quick reflexes that saves it from shattering upon the tiled floor, possibly slicing open the homemaker's bare feet in the process. As Karin deposits the plate in the dish water, Yuzu glances over her shoulder, "Welcome home, Karin-kun," before shifting to a tone half teasing, half scolding, "You know you shouldn't surprise me like this when I have my hands full." Molding herself to her twin's back and reaching under the apron to cup Yuzu's breasts, the expectant mother's mammaries having grown to a B-cup in preparation to feed her soon to be born baby, Karin retorts, "And you shouldn't be traipsing around the house practically naked." With that, Karin gives her sister's snatch a few gentle thrusts as her lips find the most sensitive spot on the pregnant preteen's neck as the raven-haired girl starts kneading her twin's tits, rolling pebble hard nipples between thumb and forefinger. Though Karin has barely started, Yuzu nearly melts under her boyish sister's ministrations, hands gripping the rim of the sink for support as her toes curl against the floor tiles and her knees go weak. Yuzu tilts her head to the side to give Karin better access to her pale neck only to wrinkle her nose as Karin's scent, a mixture of sweat, mud, and grass reaches her nostrils. Though turned on by her sister's scent, Yuzu can't help scolding between moans, "You haven't even cleaned up from your game yet, have you, Karin-kun?" Before shifting to a more seductive tone and grinding her butt against Karin as she declares, "But I guess it can't be helped, especially since all my maternity gowns are in the laundry." Karin doesn't quite believe Yuzu would be that careless about doing laundry in a timely fashion, but she's not about to complain, especially not when she feels her twin's twat starting to rhythmically clench and unclench around her shaft, the fair-haired girl practically massaging the dark-haired girl's futahood with her internal muscles. In fact, Yuzu has become such a kegel master in the months since she had threatened to withhold her cooking if Karin didn't take her virginity and give her a baby that the more masculine of the twins barely has to do more than stand there embracing her more feminine sister as Yuzu plays the role of a dutiful wife to the sire of her unborn child, and as tight as Yuzu is squeezing Karin's girlcock at the moment, the dark-haired twin isn't sure she could move if she tried. But Karin is eager to please Yuzu as well, reaching a hand down to caress the mother-to-be's big, beautiful baby bump, tracing several circles before continuing lower to brush a fingertip over Yuzu's engorged clit. This action only causes Yuzu to redouble her efforts to milk out her sister's seed even as her moans grow in volume, becoming loud enough the twins would be glad their brother and father aren't home if they weren't so lost in mutual pleasure that they wouldn't care if both Kurosaki men were to suddenly walk in on them. Feeling her orgasm fast approaching, Karin pulls her lips away from the pale flesh of her sister's neck, crying out, "Yuzu! I'm gonna cum!" "Go ahead, Karin-kun!" cries Yuzu in reply, "My pussy exists to give Karin-kun pleasure and be a receptacle for Karin-kun's cum!" As if waiting for Yuzu's command, Karin's girlcock chooses that moment to erupt, flooding her twin's tight twat with more of the incestuous seed responsible for the more feminine of the two girl's current condition. Naturally, this sends Yuzu over the edge as well, her cozy cunny clamping down on Karin's cock to an almost painful extent in an effort to milk the dark-haired girl for all she's worth. Once the twins have recovered from their shared climax, Yuzu suggests, "Now that Karin-kun's temptation has been satisfied, I think we should take a shower together." Liking the idea, but hating the thought of ruining Yuzu's cooking, Karin replies, rubbing lazy circles over her twin's titanic tummy, "But what about dinner?" "It'll be at least an hour before I need to do anything," replies Yuzu, a mischievious smile crossing her face, "Plenty of time for us to wash each other and have some fun... and even if we get too distracted, the timer I set is loud enough I'll hear it clearly over the shower and is set for ten minutes before I need to do anything. Now, are you going to be a gentleman and carry your pregnant fiancee to the bathroom, or do I have to drag you like a pissed off housewife and blame it on mood swings?" Giggling at the sweet and innocent manner in which Yuzu says that last sentence, Karin pulls out of her sister before literally sweeping the pregnant preteen off her feet, looping one arm under the mother-to-be's knees and the other across her back, the tomboy effortlessly lifting her sister even with the added weight of their unborn child, "Where would I and the other guys be without you, Yuzu?" "Probably starving or at least either malnourished or morbidly obese from poor diet," replies Yuzu, resting her head against Karin's chest, "and you'd still be making do with your hands or perhaps man-whoring yourself to all the girls in our class." spotting the boxers and shorts Karin left on the floor, Yuzu adds, "And pick up those dirty clothes or I might not let you have any of the delicious meal I was working on when you got home." "Yes, dear." replies Karin, falling into the role of obedient husband, hooking her toes on the discarded clothes and with a precise kick, throwing them up to catch them with the hand extending past Yuzu's knees, never letting them come in contact with the expectant mother. Entering the bathroom, Karin drops her bottoms in the hamper before gently sitting Yuzu on her feet before peeling off her t-shirt as her twin starts the shower. Now standing naked, her athletic curves and boyish chest on full display, Karin turns to her twin just in time to witness Yuzu's apron fall away to reveal the one sight the dark-haired girl considers more beautiful than her sister's backside, namely the sight of Yuzu standing in all her glory, her beautiful breasts and equally beautiful baby bump on full display, her arms resting atop her swollen stomach and a look of desire in her eyes. Karin's futahood returns to peak erection at the sight before her, and she plasters a cocky smile on her face, the kind a boy would get if he were dating the hottest girl in school and knew all the other boys had no chance of taking her away, though Karin was pretty sure she'd have to rebuke a few overeager males and probably a lesbian or two once Yuzu gives birth and is back to wearing form fitting blouses and snug jeans that'll show off those beauttiful breasts and that amazing ass instead of the loose maternity gowns that conceal Yuzu's figure and leave her beautiful body as something only Karin gets to enjoy when the twins are alone. Closing the distance between them, Karin hugs her twin from the side, avoiding the pregnant preteen's titanic tummy from getting in the way, while still allowing Karin to stare into Yuzu's eyes before leaning down and capturing her twin's lips in a kiss. As the twin's tongues tango, Karin guides her sister and lover towards the shower and helps the expectant mother step over the wall of the tub, careful to hold Yuzu firmly enough to ensure she doesn't slip and fall, but gently enough to not harm the precious cargo in Yuzu's tummy. Breaking the kiss, Yuzu wrinkles her nose and declares, "Karin-kun stinks!" Before wriggling out of her sister's embrace and grabbing a bottle of body wash. Liberally coating her hands, Yuzu faces Karin, the futa's girl cock practically poking the mother to be's naval and places her feminine hands upon her boyish twin's shoulders. With surprising strength developed from years of chopping vegetables, hand-mixing ingredients, and kneading dough among other kitchen tasks requiring strong hands, Yuzu starts massaging the body wash into Karin's tense muscles, soreness the tomboy hadn't realized was there seeping away as the black-haired twin melts under the ministrations of her fairer haired counterpart's dainty, but strong and dexterous digits. From the shoulders, Yuzu works her way down to Karin's biceps before crossing the gap between arm and torso to her twin's flat chest, kneading what litttle mammary tissue the androgynous athlete has as well as the pectorals beneath and then continuing down to Karin's abs, carefully bending her knees to drop into a kneel as she traces the beginnings of a six-pack before continuing lower to Karin's erect futahood, the hot rod throbbing as Yuzu wraps both of her dainty, soap-slicked hands around the hard shaft. "I just milked out Karin-kun's boy milk just a few minutes ago, but Karin-kun is already so hard again." comments Yuzu with a giggle, but before Karin can open her mouth to defend herself, the fair-haired girl starts to stroke her sister's girlcock, Making Karin moan loudly. Yuzu is just as skilled at massaging her twin's love muscle as massaging her twin's actual muscles, and Karin is soon reduced to a mewling mess, leaning against the shower wall for support, her fingers curled as if trying to dig into the tiles covering the wall, the tension returning as Karin tries to hold back her impending climax, knowing the punishment for cumming anywhere other than Yuzu's pussy without explicit permission to be quite harsh indeed. Noticing her twin's tortured state, Yuzu lets out another giggle before showing mercy, "It's okay, Karin-kun, go ahead and let out your boy milk all over my soon to be lactating breasts and my pregnant belly." Yuzu's permission comes none too soon as with a sound halfway between a sigh of relief and a cry of ecstasy, Karin erupts, painting her more feminine twin's chest and tummy with several ropes of thick, sticky seed, Yuzu moaning loudly as she's showered in her sister's cum. As Karin recovers from her second climax of the evening, she opens her eyes to the sight of her kneeling twin massaging her seed into her pale flesh, the scene making the mother of her unborn child look even sexier despite the seeming impossibility of such. As their eyes meet, Yuzu pulls her hands away from her breasts and bump, reaching up, one hand stroking Karin back to full mast while the other fingers the tomboy's thus far ignored pussy, the more feminine twin's hand still covered in Karin's cum. The first time Yuzu had done something like this, Karin had freaked out, worried that her leftover seed would have her joining her twin in impending motherhood, but the raven-haired futa had been relieved when old goat face had assured her the futanari in their family were incapable of self-fertilization, though Yuzu had been disappointed about that revelation, doubly so when their father had also explained that, if Yuzu had also inherited the trait, it would've manifested by the time of her first ovulation, crushing the fairer twin's hopes of both twins being pregnant together. Karin is brought back to the present when Yuzu whines needily, "Come on, Karin-kuuuuun, give our baby another load of Karin-Kun's boy milk.", the dark-haired twin opening her eyes to see her sister on all fours in the tub, that amazing ass swaying back and forth. Dropping to her knees as well, Karin hilts herself once more in Yuzu's heavenly hole, giving the fairer haired girl the rough fucking she desires. As the twins continue rutting, Karin takes the body wash and starts to massage it into Yuzu's pale skin, starting at the mother-to-be's shoulders and working down her back. The athlete's hands aren't as skilled at this task as Yuzu's, but the pregnant preteen mewls in pleasure none the less as Karin massages her aching back and continues down to knead her perky posterior, and the grateful soon to be mother rewards her twin's ministrations by resuming her kegel exercises. The twins are soon sharing a climax, Karin emptying within Yuzu and Yuzu milking Karin for all she's worth as Karin shifts their positions so Yuzu is nestled in Karin's lap, the shower spray washing over them as they bask in afterglow. The incestuous couple is broken from their contentment by a shrill alarm, Yuzu declaring, "That's the kitchen timer I set." and Karin jumping into action to ensure Yuzu can resume the job she's best at, the dark-haired girl quickly drying her twin and retrieving a pink bathrobe for her to wear in place of her discarded apron, deciding not to comment on the half-dozen maternity dresses Karin found hanging in Yuzu's closet when she went to retrieve the robe. As Yuzu finishes dinner, Karin is more leisurely in drying herself off and tossing on a pair of clean boxers and a tank top before following the aroma of her sister turned lover's cooking to the dining room, where she discovers the table set for two and the overhead lights off, the room instead lit by candles. Taking her seat, Yuzu declares, nearly demands, "Eat up, Karin-kun, Daddy and Onii-chan will just have to settle for any leftovers we leave behind." The twins eat in companionable silence for quite some time, both displaying hearty appetites, one thanks to her active lifestyle, the other thanks to having to feed both herself and the new life growing within her. Eventually, Karin breaks the silence, asking, "I noticed you had plenty of maternity dresses hanging in your closet... were you just cooking naked as an excuse for some pre-meal intimacy before a romantic night in, knowing old goat face and Ichi-nii would be late?" "Surprisingly perceptive of you, Karin-kun... though I hope you seeing through my plans won't deter you from letting them play out." Swallowing another mouthful of an excellent roast beef with potatoes, Karin asks, "Such as?" "Well," starts Yuzu with a seductive smile, "We might need to go to our bedroom for the special dessert I have in mind."