Karin and Yuzu by Imouto Kitten There were times Karin Kurosaki hated her life. Not only was she cursed with the ability to see ghosts and monsters that were invisible to most, and forced to sit back and worry when her brother turns into a shinigami and runs off to fight such monsters, but puberty had thrown her a curve ball. Karin had been born a normal girl and though she was quite a tomboy, there had been no warning of her condition. When the twins started going through puberty, Karin's fairer haired sister, Yuzu, had started to blossom into a very attractive, but otherwise normal adolescent female, but Karin was developing in a more androgynous, even slightly masculine, way. That would've suited the raven-haired soccer player just fine, but the onset of puberty had also brought the growth of a penis between her legs. Old Goatface had said it was a rare mutation that had shown up in his family a few times, but Karin had growing suspicions that her father was also a Shinigami and that this was another part of the weirdness that shinigami seem to attract. To make matters worse, Karin found herself struggling with both the out of control hormones of a teenage boy and the moodswings, PMS, and menstrual bleeding of a teenage girl. Fortunately, Karin was currently in the middle of her female cycle and only had the negatives of male puberty to contend with for the time being, and was presently in the middle of dealing with such. The black-haired tomboy was lying on her bed in the room she shares with her twin sister in only a tank top and boxers, her futahood hard and throbbing as her hand grips her shaft and moves up and down in a blur in a desperate attempt to releave her arousal. Lost in masturbation and thinking she locked the door, Karin doesn't notice as Yuzu enters the room wearing a simple white blouse and pale blue jeans that snuggly hug the more feminine sister's every curve. Ever since learning of Karin's condition, Yuzu had started feeling an attraction towards her twin that went beyond the bond between sisters, but had been too shy to say anything, but now seeing Karin in the middle of self pleasure coupled with the fact that prior to today, Yuzu had several times knocked on the locked door of this room to be answered by a Karin with disheveled hair and clothes, Yuzu can feel a fire in her loins burning away any hesitation. Enboldened, Yuzu crawls on to Karin's bed and kneels between her twin's spread legs to get a better look at the dark-haired girl jacking herself off. Eyes closed, breathing heavy, and senses focused entirely on masturbation, Karin remains unaware of her audience. Feeling her own desire building and wanting to help her sister, Yuzu gives into the sudden temptation to reach out her tongue and lick Karin's tip. As tongue meets glans, Karin's hand freezes mid-stroke and the raven-haired girl slowly opens her eyes and props herself up on one elbow. The twins stare into each others eyes for a minute or two, Karin's hand still wrapped around her erection and Yuzu's open mouth mere inches from the tip of said erection. Karin would be lying if she said she never imagined Yuzu in such a position, even if the tomboy tried to lead her thoughts towards Orihime, Tatsuki, one of the female shinigami, or even that Toshiro boy when she was alone and trying to tame her male half, but Karin never thought Yuzu would actually get so close to Karin's erect girlcock. Karin was so lost in her thoughts that when Yuzu finally broke the silence, it took several times before Yuzu's question of, "Would you like some help, Karin?" penetrated Karin's sex fogged mind. "Help?" replies Karin, still not fully understanding Yuzu's intentions. In response, Yuzu reaches out a hand, gently pries Karin's fingers away from the dark-haired girl's futahood before wrapping her own, softer and more delicate hand around Karin's girth and starts to stroke it as the fair haired girl's tongue encircle's the futa's tip. Finding even this to be orders of magnitude better than touching herself, Karin makes no protest at Yuzu's ministrations and lays back down, moaning softly as her twin wraps her lips around the collar of the tomboy's futahood. Before long, Yuzu is bobbing her head up and down, taking half of Karin's member into her mouth as she continues stroking the base of Karin's shaft. Yuzu's other hand snakes down to the more feminine twin's crotch, sliding inside her jeans to rub her pussy through her panties, the undergarment passing damp and being well on it's way to soaked. After a few minutes, Karin exclaims, "Yu-Yuzu, I-I'm gonna cum!" as she grabs afistful of bedsheet in each hand. At these words, Yuzu pulls back until only the head of her sister's futahood is in her mouth, her tongue rapidly swirling around and over the slit at Karin's tip. Setting aside her own pleasure for the time being, the fairer haired girl pulls her hand out of her jeans to vigorously stroke Karin's shaft with both hands. Before long, Karin erupts in her twin's mouth, Yuzu's cheeks bulging from the sheer volume of Karin's load. Despite this, the more feminine twin doesn't lose a drop as she eagerly swallows her sister's thick seed and continues to pump Karin's shaft. Once done sucking out all of Karin's seed and licking away any remnants from the futa's tip or around her own lips, Yuzu sits back on her heels to admire the results of her handy work, the darker haired twin laying limp in afterglow, a contented expression on the tomboy's face. When she finally recovers from the mind blowing orgasm her twin just gave her, Karin opens her eyes and props herself up on both elbows as she says, "That was incredible, Yuzu!" Her own desires still unfulfilled and noticing that Karin's erection hasn't druped in the least, Yuzu replies, "But you're still hard, so obviously it wasn't enough." Before Karin can assure her twin that it was plenty, the tomboy is blindsided as Yuzu Yanks her blouse over her head and tosses it to the floor. Male instincts kicking in, Karin's eyes lock onto Yuzu's budding breasts. They're not yet big enough even for a training bra, but the gentle curve they give to Yuzu's chest calls out for karin to massage them, and the hard, little nubs of Yuzu's erect nipples just beg to be sucked. The sound of a zipper ripping through the silence draws Karin's attention downward just in time to see Yuzu sliding her tight-fitting jeans out from under her cute little butt and down her smooth creamy thighs. As the jeans join the blouse on the floor, Yuzu lays back, now in only panties and socks, her shoulders resting on the bottom edge of Karin's mattress. With a hand under each knee, Yuzu holds her legs up and apart to give Karin a good view, the fair haired twin's head held up with a cute expression on her face that manages to be both innocent and seductive at the same time. Rising to her knees for a better look, Karin is stunned both by the beauty of the girl laid out before her and the fact that her usually timid outside of the kitchen sister is being so bold. As her eyes roam over her twin's form, Karin notices the pale pink of Yuzu's socks and panties only because of the contrast with the more feminine twin's pale, porcelin-like skin. Finishing her overview, Karin's eyes lock on to Yuzu's girlhood, the fair haired girl's love juices having turned the fabric translucent and causing it to cling to Yuzu's every nook and cranny. As Karin reaches to jack off to the angelic vision before her, Yuzu lets out a giggle, braking the dark-haired twin's trance as she says, "Don't be silly, you don't need to touch yourself." Her tone turning husky, she adds "You're more than welcome to touch me in anyway you like." Accepting the invitation, Karin places her hands on Yuzu's chest and basks in how soft her twin's skin is. Yuzu lets out a small moan as Karin pinches the more feminine girl's nipples and starts rolling them between thumb and forefinger. After several minutes of nipple play, Yuzu starts to grow impatient. Letting go of a leg, she grabs Karin's erection and begs, "Please, Karin, I want this inside me." as she rubs Karin's tip against the soaked crotch of her panties. Surprised that Yuzu would be willing to go that far, even more so that Yuzu seems to want to go that far, but realizing she wants to go that far as well, Karin makes quick work of removing Yuzu's panties, pulling the fairer haired girl towards her so Yuzu has room to lay her head on the bed instead of it hanging off the foot, and positioning her futahood at her twin's entrance, Yuzu's legs draped over Karin's arms. At the last moment before taking Yuzu's virginity, Karin's conscience catches up to her and Karin asks, "Are you sure you want this?" Noticing that her girlcock is about as thick as Yuzu's wrist, the raven-haired girl adds, "Are you sure I'll fit inside you?" Desperate to feel her twin inside her, Yuzu begs in the cutest, most seductive tone she can muster, "Please, Karin-kun, my girlhood is on fire! I ache with an intense need to feel your big thing inside me!" Then Yuzu delivers a threat that would have any member of the Kurosaki household obeying her every word, "Hurry up and deflower me, or you can fix your own breakfast for the next month!" Knowing that Yuzu never makes idle threats about denying people her cooking, Karin pierces her twin's hymen with no further hesitation, The tip of Karin's futahood bumping against Yuzu's cervix as one twin hilts within the other. Yuzu winces at losing her virginity, but Karin's impatient thrusts soon override the fairer haired girl's pain with pleasure beyond anything Yuzu had imagined. Inbetween pants, Karin exclaims, "Your insides are so hot and tight, Yuzu! It feels like my cock is going to melt Smiling and moaning softly, Yuzu replies, "I'm glad you like it, Karin! Your hard thing feels really good inside me!" Letting go of Yuzu's legs, Karin starts roaming her hands all over her sister's body, enjoying the feel of the more feminine twin's silky skin under her fingertips. Moaning encouragingly at Karin's touch, Yuzu wraps her legs around the darker haired girl's waist. After several minutes of plunging her futahood repeatedly into the little slice of heaven between Yuzu's legs, Karin can feel her second orgasm of the afternoon starting to build and freezes suddnly as she realizes the implications of cumming in her current position. Dropping down from a pre-orgasmic state at her sister's sudden stop, Yuzu asks somewhat annoyed, "Why did you stop, Karin?" Trying to calm herself down, Karin replies, "I need to pull out before I cum in you." As Karin makes to pull out of Yuzu, the fair haired girl tightens her legs around her twins waist and starts bucking her hips, saying, "No you don't! If you cum anywhere but inside me, you're on your own for lunch for the next month!" Halting her attempts to pull out while trying not to shoot her load, Karin gasps at Yuzu's actions and exclaims, "Yuzu, If you don't stop, I'm really gonna cum! Our cycles are synced, so I know you're currently at your most fertile! If I don't pull out, you're almost guaranteed to get pregnant!" Panting heavily and wishing she was strong enough to flip over on top and ride her reluctant twin to a nice, gooey creampie, Yuzu replies, "I know I'm at my most fertile! I want Karin to shoot her cum deep inside my unprotected womb where it belongs! I want my sister to put a baby in my belly!" Reaching up and pulling Karin in to a hug, Yuzu brings their lips within a few centimeters before saying in a softer, more romantic tone, "Now, shut up, kiss me, and pour your hot, thick baby batter deep in my belly." With that, the twins lips meet, Yuzu's tongue invading Karin's mouth as the tomboy returns the more feminine twin's hug. Karin resumes her thrusts, giving in to her twin's desire to be impregnated and her own body's instinctive urge to impregnate. With Yuzu bucking her hips in time with Karin's thrusts, it isn't long before the raven haired girl is flooding her twins womb, Karin experiencing an orgasm more intense than any she's had previously as her futahood releases a load more massive than any she's previously shot. By the time the twins come up for air, Karin has gone limp within her sister. Staying buried in Yuzu's passage, Karin sits up and pulls the fair haired girl into her lap. Reaching a hand down to rub the small bulge in her abdomen, Yuzu declares, "Wow! I didn't think you'd pump so much inside me!" "I hope you're satisfied with so many of my swimmers inside you searching for your egg." replies Karin. "Oh, I'm quite happy to be full of Karin's little swimmers!" replies Yuzu, beaming. "I hope they find my egg soon. I can't wait for my belly to start ballooning up with our baby and for my breasts to swell with milk!" At those words, Yuzu feels Karin growing hard again. ""Is the thought of your twin with a big beautiful baby bump and big, beautiful breasts dripping with milk and knowing you caused it turning you on again?" Asks the more feminine twin teasingly. Trying to suppress a blush, Karin replies, "I-I'm starting to warm up to the idea." "That's Great!" exclaims Yuzu as she grabs the hem of Karin's tank top and sends it to join her own clothes, revealing Karin's lithe upper torso. Leaning into Karin, she adds in a husky whisper, "Because, I've made you cum twice already, but you haven't made me cum yet." Again, their lips meet, as do their upper bodies, the smooth, pale skin of the girly girl a pleasant contrast to the rougher, tanned skin of the tomboy, the nipples of Yuzu's budding breasts rubbing against the nipples of Karin's flatter chest that shows hints of muscle tone. Yuzu parts her lips and Karin accepts the invitation to explore her twin's mouth. At the same time, Yuzu starts moving her hips up and down, prompting Karin to grab her more feminine twin's butt and start thrusting up into Yuzu's passage. As the twins continue their passionate love making, Yuzu reaches for the nightstand between their beds and feels around. Upon finding the item she was looking for, she grabs a pair of sewing shears and sits up. Not slowing in riding her sister's futahood and with a practiced hand, Yuzu cleanly snips through the waistband of Karin's boxers above the fly. "Hey, these are my favorite boxers." protests the dark haired girl weakly, enjoying being ridden too much to really get mad. "I can mend them later." replies Yuzu as she places the scissors back on the nightstand before turning around without Karin's member sliding out. Grabbing the hems of the boxers, Yuzu pulls the garment off, leaving both twins completely naked, Karin shivering slightly as her thus far ignored pussy is exposed to the air. Still pumping her hips on her sister's girlcock, Yuzu looks down and pulls Karin's legs apart to get a good look at her twin's still virgin cunny. "Karin has a very pretty pussy!" Exclaims Yuzu. "Makes me wish I had a girlcock as well! I'd bet we'd look downright adorable together pregnant with each others' babies!" Gushes the fair haired girl. "Ugh, no thanks!" grunts Karin in reply. "You might be impatient to become a mother, but there's no way I'm letting anyone plant their seed in me!" Before Yuzu can comment further, Karin sits up and wraps her arms around her twin, one hand cupping Yuzu's small breast as Karin pinches the fairer haired girl's clit between the thumb and forefinger of her other hand. This causes Yuzu to cry out in pleasure and squirm in Karin's lap. As Karin nuzzles her twin's neck, Yuzu tilts her head to give the raven haired girl better access and Karin is soon suckling and licking the pale, sensitive flesh of Yuzu's neck and shoulder, though being careful not to leave any visible hickies, not wanting to mar the more feminine twin's beautiful skin. Karin rises to her knees and uses the extra leverage this provides to start thrusting more roughly into Yuzu, directing as many thrusts as possible at the fairer haired girl's g-spot. The multi-front assault on Yuzu's neck by Karin's mouth, Yuzu's clit and nipple by Karin's hands, and Yuzu's g-spot by Karin's futahood is more than the girl can stand, and Yuzu soon reaches her orgasm. However, Karin continues the assault, hellbent to pay Yuzu back for the pair of mindblowing orgasms she had mere minutes earlier, but as Yuzu's passage convulses in multiple orgasms around karin's girth, it isn't long before Karin erupts in Yuzu once more. As the twins come down from their shared climax, they collapse on Karin's bed, Yuzu landing on top of the darker haired of the pair. Turning over, letting Karin's now flaccid member slip from within her, Yuzu lays her head on Karin's heaving chest. "That was incredible!" exclaims the fair haired twin, "I'll make you a deal, Karin." "What's that?" asks Karin, running her hands through Yuzu's hair. "From now on, you can use my pussy as often and for as long as you want," Starts Yuzu, "but unless I give you permission, you aren't allowed to cum anywhere but in my pussy." "And if I cum anywhere else?" Asks Karin, suspecting what kind of punishment lay in store for her. "If I find out you've been masturbating or doing it with other girls without my permission, you'll be on your own for supper for a month." "I think I can live with those terms," replies Karin "but what are we going to tell old goat face if you really are pregnant?" "Let me handle daddy." Says Yuzu before snuggling against her twin and lover's chest and letting the exhaustion from their recent love making take her away to dreamland. Wrapping an arm gently and protectively around Yuzu, Karin allows sleep to claim her as well. ### Yuzu did indeed get pregnant from that first encounter, but even if she hadn't, it would've happened eventually with how often the twins did it after that first time. Isshin had been overjoyed when Yuzu told him of his impending grandfatherhood, and Yuzu cut off any potentially murderous rage at a potential son-in-law by refusing to tell him who the father was until he promised, under threat of no Yuzu cooked meals for a month, he wouldn't give the father a hard time. Though somewhat disappointed that Karin had knocked up her own sister, Isshin kept to his promise to not give Karin a hard time knowing that his pregnant daughter wouldn't hesitate to follow through on her threat to deny him her home cooking. Of course, Karin was glad to not be murdered by her father, and only seemed to grow more attracted to Yuzu as the fairer haired twin's pregnancy progressed.