Hinata and Hanabi by Imouto Kitten It had been a long week for Hyuga Hinata, and taking a long soak in her private bath at the Hyuga Compound had only partly relieved the young kunoichi of the tension that had been building within her. The C-rank escort mission she had returned from earlier that day hadn't been particularly hard, at least not on its own. What had made it hard was that the merchant they had been hired to protect from bandits was accompanied by his young and rather attractive daughter, a fact that had left Hinata hot and bothered for most of the mission and unable to relieve herself as she struggled to keep the fact that she inherited the Hyuga's rarer and less useful in combat kekkei genkai. Even as she steps out of her bathroom into her bed chamber, Hinata can feel herself starting to tent the simple, white sleeping yukata she had donned after her bath as she thinks about the young girl she had needed to protect, as much from herself as from bandits interested in more than money. Laying upon her large futon, Hinata undoes the sash of her robe, allowing her foot long futahood to stand up straight, the thick, throbbing appendage that maybe one out of every hundred Hyuga women was blessed, or cursed, depending on perspective, with aching in need, the young heiress nearly in agony from a week's worth of pent up sexual frustration. Gripping her cucumber-thick shaft with both of her dainty hands, failing to even come close to fully enclosing her massive member, Hinata starts to vigorously stroke herself as she imagines what that merchant's daughter might look like stripped of all clothing and spreading her arms and legs in invitation, Hinata occasionally using a modified form of gentle fist to send chakra from her palms into her erection, working with the natural flow through the coils running along her shaft to enhance the sensations. However, as Hinata starts to imagine the merchant's daughter trying to fit the Hyuga's huge hermaphrodite hard-on in her tiny, virgin pussy, a knock on her bedroom door snaps Hinata out of her lustful trance. Suppressing a grown of frustration, Hinata climbs to her feet and adjusts her yukata to cover her futahood before heading to the door. Sliding the door open, Hinata is met with her younger sister, the shorter Hyuga in nothing but a simple, white silk nightie of a style Hinata is sure their father would disapprove of if he knew Hanabi owned it on grounds of it not being traditional enough. "Wh-what brings you here so late, Hana-chan?" Asks Hinata, worried that her sister will notice the tent in her Yukata, a tent that's quickly becoming harder to hide as she realizes that, aside from Hanabi's way too serious for a girl her age expression and the trademark pale eyes that nearly all Hyuga share, the younger kunoichi bears a striking resemblance to the merchant's daughter that was just fueling Hinata's fantasies. Crossing her arms over her diaphram as if trying to emphasize the bust she doesn't have, Hanabi leans against Hinata's door frame as she answers bluntly, "I'm here to help you take care of what you're trying to hide under your yukata." "I...I do-don't know what you're talking about." stammers the older girl in denial. Balling her hands into fists at her sides, Hanabi retorts, "Come on, Onee-sama, even if you weren't doing an awful job of concealing it, my Byakugan can see your erection as clearly as if you were naked, and these walls might as well be glass for all the privacy they provide with nearly everyone in the place having Byakugan. No wonder father has been debating which of us to name heiress, but enough of that, my cunt craves cock, and you can either let me take care of your sexual needs or I'll take what I want by force." With that, Hanabi shoves her older sister back into the bedroom and follows her in, slamming the door behind her. Her need to release the cumload she's been building up for the last week winning out over any concerns about incest, Hinata puts up little resistence as her younger sister guides her to her futon and pushes the older girl onto the mattress. Kneeling between Hinata's thighs, Hanabi makes quick work of undoing her sister's robes, and as Hinata's erection is exposed to the air once more, Hanabi wastes no time in wrapping her hands around the massive member and lowering her mouth to the throbbing tip, swirling her tongue around it. Hinata is soon moaning quite loudly, digging her hands into her mattress as her little sister alternates between suckling her tip, stroking her shaft, and giving her long licks that start at her base, if not her pussy and go all the way up to her tip. Once satisfied that she's sufficiently lubed up her sister's futahood, Hanabi rises to her knees and straddles Hinata's hips, her pussy kissing the tip of her older sister's futahood, the older girl's shaft nearly as thick as the younger girl's thigh. As Hanabi starts to bear down, Hinata's girlcock meets quite a bit of resistance, Hanabi wincing a bit as her opening tries to stretch around the cock head pressing against it. Noticing her little sister's expression, a worried Hinata comments, "Ha-Hana-chan, yo-you don't need to force your self." "Shut up Onee-sama!" yells Hanabi in response, putting her full weight upon her sister's futahood, grunting as her opening spreads to accomodate the massive intruder, her hymen stretching under the pressure put upon it. By the time Hanabi has forced her sister's massive member cervix deep within her, her passage stretched to a point she'd be sure it was on the verge of snapping if not for the knowledge of how childbirth works, the younger Hyuga is panting heavily from the exertion. Glancing down, her Byakugan seeing through her nightie as if the garment wasn't there, Hanabi is shocked to see that only half of Hinata's monster member is inside her, though she does a good job of hiding her surprise as she starts to slowly rise and fall upon the prodigious prick, a mixture of pain and pleasure pulsing through the girl's petite frame as her insides struggle to adjust. Despite Hanabi's impatience, her juices eventually start flowing enough and her internal muscles relax enough to allow her to easily slide up and down her sister's steely shaft, pain giving way to pleasure and a sense of pride filling the young girl as she reduces her elder sister to a moaning, panting mess beneath her. But while Hinata is absolutely shameless about how much she's enjoying her cute, little sister riding her girlcock, the younger Hyuga does her best to maintain the stoicism the clan is famous for, biting the inside of her cheek to avoid crying out even as every downward thrust of her hips forces her failure of a sister's futahood deeper within her, the tip of Hinata's hardon hammering Hanabi's cervix with ever increasing pressure. Naturally, it isn't long before Hinata cries out, "Ha-Hana-chan, I-I'm going... I'm going to erupt!" "Yes, Onee-sama, spill your seed in my belly." replies Hanabi with forced calmness, her excitement nearly at its zenith, "In fact, lets watch with Byakugan as you flood my womb." as she glances down to her trim tummy, focusing her eyes to do just that. When Hinata focuses her own byakugan to observe her little sister's reproductive organs, the older Hyuga spots something that makes her go even paler than is normal for the clan, a tiny speck of chakra that belongs to neither sister drifting from one of Hanabi's ovaries towards the young girl's womb. "Hana-chan!" cries Hinata, nearly in a panic,"You need to get off, you have an egg on it's way to your womb!" As Hinata tries to grab Hanabi's hips to throw the smaller girl off, the younger, but more skilled girl's hands fly into a flurry, the younger sister quickly subjecting the older sister to Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms. Paralyzed by her clan's signature technique, Hinata can only watch helplessly as Hanabi redoubles her efforts, the older Hyuga not even able to muster a verbal protest as her orgasm rushes towards her. And then it's there, as with a final drop of her hips, Hanabi forces her cervix down over Hinata's cock head, that innermost gateway forming a tight seal around the collar of the futa's prick as it begins to erupt great gooey gobs of potent, life-giving seed directly into the younger girl's fertile, unprotected womb, the sensation sending Hanabi into a climax of her own, her passage rippling around her sister's shaft, milking the older girl for all she's worth, the younger girl finally crying out in euphoria even as her older sister remains silent, even her vocal cords paralyzed by her little sister's gentle fist assault. As both sisters come down from their shared climax, Hanabi collapses atop of Hinata, making no effort to pull out the cock plugging up her cum-filled womb. When the natural flow of her chakra has reasserted itself enough for Hinata to speak, the first thing to slip through her lips is, "Wh-why? Why did you do this, Hana-chan?" "I did it to save us both, Onee-sama." replies Hanabi, her tone much more gentle than is typical of the little girl who so frequently lives up to her name meaning 'firecracker'. "Sa-Save us?" Asks hinata, confused, "Save us from what?" "The caged bird seal, Onee-sama no baka!" spits the young girl, slamming a fist into the mattress, "Don't you get it! Whoever of us Father doesn't pick as heiress will be branded with that atrocious mark and forever be a slave to the other!" Calming down, she continues, "But if I have Onee-sama's baby, then whoever Father chooses can claim the other as their consort, and neither of us need suffer a life-time of subgegation to our own sister" As Hanabi collapses against her again, the little girl finally letting tears fall at the thought of the fate she hopes this night's events have averted, Hinata wraps her arms around her little sister and whispers gently, "Thank you, Hana-chan, I'd be happy to raise a family with you... and if by some miracle Father does pick me as heiress, I promise, I'll never allow any of our children be subjected to that vile seal." "Re-Really?" asks Hanabi, sounding more like her big sister than herself as she wipes away her tears. "I promise," affirms Hinata, "and like the boy I admire most, I never go back on my word." With that, Hanabi gives her big sister a genuine smile, an expression Hinata is not sure she's ever seen on her overserious little sister but silently vows she'll do her best to see more of as while Hanabi was cute despite the frequent scowling, she's downright radient with a smile. At that moment, both sisters let out loud yawns, and realizing just how late it is, Hinata offers, "Hana-chan, would you like to sleep with me tonight?" "Yeah," replies Hanabi, "besides, my current bedding is way too warm and comfy to move from." At the realization of Hanabi's secret meaning, Hinata can't help giggling even as her cheeks are dusted pink, and pulling the covers over both of them, the pair are soon asleep in a mutual embrace, Hinata's futahood still plugging up the younger girl's womb to ensure not a drop of semen can escape before Hinata's sperm can swarm Hanabi's egg.