Fleur and Gabrielle 3 by Imouto Kitten The Delacour Sisters, Fleur and Gabrielle shone with a radiance to put angels to shame, even the younger's namesake, as they stepped foot into the Burrow. In addition to the usual aura they gave off thanks to their Veela heritage, and the sense of good cheer that always accompanied the Yuletide season, both sisters glowed with impending motherhood, the elder thanks to her husband Bill, the younger thanks to her sister. Little Gabby, having just gotten out for the Christmas break from her second year at Beauxbatons was particularly excited to be spending the holiday with her extended family, especially since she hadn't been able to the year before thanks to the war. Molly was the first to greet the sisters and her eldest son who had escorted the pair of Veela from France, giving them each a tight hug, though being more gentle than usual with the expectant mothers not wanting to hurt her unborn grandchildren, the two French girls returning the greeting with a kiss to both of the Weasley Matriarch's cheeks. "Dinner is almost ready, dears." announces Molly, glancing towards the family clok. Though she sheds a tear at seeing the broken hand that once belonged to Fred hanging below it, the greying redhead smiles at the sight of nearly every hand, even the ones added for her daughters-inlaw and their currently unnamed, unborn children pointing to Home, a sight she hasn't seen in over a decade thanks to her Children spending Christmases at Hogwarts, abroad, or estranged. The only hand not aligned with the other's is that of her husband, pointing to Work. "We're just waiting for Arthur to get home." And as if summoned by his wife speaking his name, the last hand shifts to Traveling and then to Home as the Weasley Patriarch enters from the front door to be greeted by his wife, eldest son, and daughters-in-law. Soon, the extended Weasley clan, Arthur and Molly, their six surviving children, the Delacour Sisters, Harry, and Hermione were all crowded around the table in the Burrow's cozy kitchen, enjoying Molly's excellent home cooking, including a few French recipes Fleur had finally convinced her mother-in-law to try, all making merry and celebrating that it was the first Christmas in several years not to be tainted by Voldemort's foul machinations. ### Expansion charms had been used to turn Bill's childhood bedroom into a two-room suite fit for twin princesses so that his wife could share a room with him and keep her sister close, and later that evening found Gabrielle sitting at a vanity in the suite's second bedroom preparing for bed, a thick, winter nightgown of red silk trimmed with green draped over her developing bust and baby bump when she hears a knock at her door, "Come in." Fleur enters the room in a matching dressing gown, using her wand to seal the door behind her as she declares, "I 'ope my darling little sister has been looking forward to our long overdue reunion." Even as her body tingles in anticipation, Gabby expresses surprise, "You aren't sleeping with Bill tonight?" "Your brother-in-law is a rather understanding man." replies Fleur as she approaches her younger sister and places a hand softly upon Gabby's cheek, "Though he and I have not voluntarily spent a night apart since our wedding, he sympathizes with the longing a veela queen and one of her veela consorts feel for each other and how ze two of us would suffer to be so close after months of separation if we could not indulge in each other." She briefly kisses her sister's lips, this short contact lighting Gabby's every nerve on fire with desire, "and since he is too old-fashioned to enjoy more than one female's company at a time, and I'm too possessive to share my lovers, even with each other, he agreed it would be best for us to spend our first night here reacquainting ourselves with each other." Explanations out of the way, Fleur leans down to kiss Gabrielle once more, this time much more deeply and for far longer, the sisters' lips parting only when their bodies demands for fresh air overwhelm their desire for each other. Pointing her wand at Gabby, Fleur lifts the younger quarter veela from her seat and strips her of her festive sleepwear, leaving her only in red panties before levitating her over to the bed. After gently lowering her sister to the duvet, Fleur conjures silk ropes that coil around the younger girl's ankles and wrists before securing themselves to the four corners of the bed. Reaching the foot of the bed, Fleur undoes her sash and lets her dressing gownfall from her shoulders to her elbows and then to the floor, revealing that the elder sister is wearing not a stitch beneath it. Climbing on the bed, her own baby bump sinking into the plush mattress, Fleur crawls up beside her bound sister, desire in her eyes. Caressing Gabby's swollen stomach, Fleur leans down to whisper in her sister's ear, "Dear, little sister, you look so beautiful with your belly all big and round with my baby. I only wish I could've been zere to watch as ze proof of our bond grew apparent to all." Fleur then nibbles lightly at her sister's earlob before trailing kisses across Gabby's cheek to capture the younger girl's lips once more. When Fleur breaks this latest kiss, she continues to trail kiss along Gabby's skin, this time along the younger quarter veela's jaw and neck until she reaches the younger girl's modest, but clearly growing chest. Circling her sister's breast, Fleur homes in on the younger girl's nipple, Gabby letting out a loud moan and squirming against the robes binding her as her older sister starts to suckle. Upon releasing her sister's nipple, Fleur comments, "My dear little sister's breasts have grown so much over ze last months." Her smile widening, Fleur adds, "I may need to teach you ze art of ze tittie fuck as soon as you recover from childbirth at ze rate you're growing. Zat gives me somezing aside from sampling your milk to look forward too." and with those words, Fleur reaches across her sister's bound form to suckle the second year's other nipple. After giving Gabby's second nipple a good working over, Fleur rises to a kneeling position, giving her younger sister a good view of the Veela Queen's now fully erect member protruding from under the older girl's baby bump. Noticing her little sister licking her lips, Fleur smiles down at Gabby and reaches down to give herself a few exquisite stroeks, the motion graceful despite Fleur's unborn child getting in the way, "I can see it in your eyes, Gabby. My dear little sister is desperate for a taste of her queen's seed, isn't she?" "YES!" cries the bound preteen. "Please let me milk zat magnificent member until I've drank so much of sister's delectable essence zat my stomach has swollen as much as my womb!" Patting her little sister on the head, Fleur replies, "Now, now, Gabby, you'll get to taste my seed soon enough, but I'm not going to waste my first load down your throat zis night." With that, the older Veela moves between her sister's legs, and gripping her wand, summons a vial from a pocket of her discarded robe. Unstoppering the small container, Fleur pours the contents out over Gabrielle's pregnant belly, the younger girl gasping as the liquid feels surprisingly warm against her skin and the air starts to fill with the scent of cinnamon. Once the vial is empty, Fleur vanishes and starts to massage the liquid into Gabby's baby bump as she explains, "Applied topically,zis potion provides a number of benefits for expectant mothers and zeir unborn children, from minimizing stretch marks to ensuring ze baby is getting ze nutrients it needs to drawing oug substances, zat while harmless to ze mother can be toxic to ze baby." Noting the way Gabby is moaning uncontrollably and squirming against her bonds as if Fleur was playing with the preteen's pussy rather than simply caressing her tummy, Fleur adds with a mischievious smile, "It does have ze side effect of rendering ze affected skin as sensitive as a girl's clit, and is quite a powerful aphrodisiac for common Veela." "Please sister," cries Gabby, going crazy from the effects of the potion, "Please fuck my brains out already!" Hands still coated in the potion, Fleur reaches up to give Gabrieele's nipples a pinch and a twist, causing the younger girl to let out a squeak of mixed pain and pleasure as the older girl scolds, "That is no way for a lovely, little lady to speak, especially not with two young ones in the room." "Sorry, sister!" cries Gabby, "Please make sweet love to me, dear sister!" "Zat is more like it." replies Fleur, gliding her hands down Gabby's sides, wiping off the remaining potion and coming to rest upon the younger girl's hips. Pulling at the loose ends of the bows holding Gabrielle's panties together, Fleur undoes the knots and lifts the hourglass shaped piece of red silk up to examine it, commenting, "My, you've completely drenched zese. If I didn't know just how much feminine nectar you can produce, I would swear you wet yourself in excitement." Gabby blushes at her sister's words, but makes no comment before the elder veela continues, "Now, dear, little sister, have you been a good girl and stayed faithful to your queen zis past term?" "Zanks to zat chastity spell you cast on me at ze end of ze summer, I couldn't be unfaithful if I wanted to! I couldn't even masturbate! I 'ad to soak myself with aguamenti combined with a cooling charm several times a day just to keep from going crazy with lust!" Rants Gabby struggling against the silk robes binding her, wanting to jump her older sister despite said chastity charm having not yet been released. "Really?" replies Fleur, lowering her hand to her sister's crotch, only to be halted mere millimeters from contacting the preteen's enflamed flesh by a magical barrier. "Wow, I didn't zink ze chastity charm would last so long without being recast. I'll need to send you back to school with a way around zat annoyance. I don't want you playing with ze boys at school, but I didn't mean for you to spend ze 'ole term sexually frustrated." Fleur presses the tip of her wand to her sister's girlhood, dissolving the chastity charm as it recognizes the wand and witch who cast it. Wasting no more time, Fleur sets her wand aside, lines up her tip with Gabby's opening and hilts herself in the younger girl in one smooth movement. After months of complete and involuntary abstinence, denied even the stimulation of her panties rubbing against her feminine bits, her sister's sudden penetration is more than enough to send the second year into a long overdue climax, an avian trill escaping Gabby's throat as her cozy cunny convulses around her queen's cock and her entire body trembles, her limbs straining against the conjured ropes. As the younger veela loses herself to pleasure she's longed for since the end of August, the older veela enjoys the exquisite sensations of having her member massaged by Gabby's internal muscles and the beautiful display of her little sister lost in the throes of orgasm. When Gabby finally comes down from her climax, laying panting upon the silken bedspread, her entire body limp as if all her bones had been vanished and her silvery blonde hair fanned out beneath her, Fleur comments, "My my, you really were quite backed up, to cum just from being penetrated." as she rubs Gabby's baby bump, and noticing the way her own pregnant belly is bumping into the younger girl's, adds, "Looks like we won't be able to make love face-to-face for much longer without our unborn children getting in ze way. Oh well, might as well enjoy ourselves while we still can." With that, Fleur starts to make love to Gabby in earnest, driving her cock deep into the younger veela's snug snatch with as much force and speed as her instincts tell her is safe for their unborn children, Gabby letting out melodic sounds that are as much birdsong as moans of ecstasy. Though Fleur has had the option of self plesure to help take the edge off, the months since she was last buried in her little sister's heavenly folds have been quite long for her as well, and it isn't long before the Veela queen is depositing her royal essence in her princess consort's precious pussy, not that this is enough to sate either of the lovely ladies. Not bothering to slow her thrusts in the least, Fleur dispels the conjured ropes and uses magic to turn Gabrielle over, the elder sister's baby bump coming to rest on the younger sister's back as the younger sister's baby bump sinks into the plush mattress. Gripping her sister's wrists tightly, Fleur continues driving into the younger Veela, this time from behind, Gabby's small breasts swinging back and forth with the force of Fleur's thrusts. Gabby has much greater warning as her second climax of the night, in fact her second climax since the school year began, approaches, cutting off her own Veela mating song to cry out, "Dear sister, I'm going to cum again!" "Yes, my darling, little Gabby." cooes the elder Veela, "Cum for your queen. Cum and milk her cock in appreciation for ze pleasure she's giving you." As if on command, Gabby throws her head back, a trill of ecstasy escaping her throat as she orgasms, her cozy cunny convulsing around Fleur's member. This is more than the older sister can take, flooding her little sister's pregnant pussy well past the point of of overflowing, the Veela Queen's seed oozing out around the base of her cock and dripping on to the sheets. As Fleur releases Gabby's wrists, the smaller girl collapses to the mattress, barely managing to roll over so she doesn't land atop her unborn child, panting heavily as she comments, "Zat was amazing, sister!" "Yes it was, but I Zink my little sister and my unborn niece need Zeir sleep now." Replies the older woman, gripping her wand and silently casting speels to lift both of them off the bed long enought to turn down the covers and nestling them back into place. Cubbling up behind Gabby as close as her own baby bump will allow, Fleur comments, "It's a shame I can't properly spoon with you at ze moment." Before using a little more magic to pull the covers over them, bring her spilled seed to her sister's mouth to consume as a bedtime snack, and turn out the lights. Letting out a yawn, Gabby says sleepily, "Good night, big sister." before letting herself drift off, curled protectively around her baby bump. "Good night, little sister." Replies Fleur before doing likewise.