Fleur and Gabrielle 2 by Imouto Kitten With the Death of Tom Riddle at the Battle of Hogwarts, peace had returned to Wizarding Britain, and while trials were still on going for the Death Eaters who survived the second war and much rebuilding remained, Fleur Weasley nee Delacour was enjoying married life now that the specter of death no longer hung over her friends and family living north of the channel. To add to her good mood, her beloved little sister, Gabrielle, having recently finished her first year at Beauxbatons, was spending the summer at Shell Cottage. Bill and his fellow Gringotts curse breakers were being kept quite busy thanks to the number of properties belonging to Death Eaters the Ministry had confiscated under Interim Minister Shacklebolt and had been marked for thorough investigation for any remaining dark artefacts, and as duty calls, Bill had already left the cottage for the day, leaving the sisters alone for some girl time. Fleur is sitting at her vanity in only a matching set of dark blue lingerie, combing her long, silvery hair when she hears a feminine voice call out, "Sister." Turning around, Fleur answers with a smile, "Yes, Gabby?" as her eyes land upon her shorter doppelganger wearing nothing but a pair of blue and white striped panties and a white midriff top held up by little more than string and so thin it does nothing to conceal Gabrielle's lack of a bra or the younger girl's erect nipples. With a strut that would put runway models to shame, the shorter girl approaches her older sister before climbing in Fleur's lap, clasping her hands behind the taller girl's neck and contorting her flawless body to cross her ankles between Fleur's shoulder blades. Grinding her crotch against the growing bulge in the older girl's panties, the dampness of her arousal soaking through both of their underwear, Gabrielle says huskily, "Sister, my loins ache for a lover's attention! Ze boys at school, the older ones avoid me, calling me 'urtful zings like 'alf-breed and jailbait unless I 'it zem so 'ard with ze allure zat zey are reduced to drooling morons, and ze younger boys 'ave no stamina, some of zem shooting zeir load before zey even get all ze way inside moi. A few of the girls are decent with their tongues, but I 'aven't 'ad a proper pounding since your bachelorette party!" Smiling down at her sister, Fleur replies teasingly, "My, my, sounds like my little sister has been quite a naughty girl during her first year at Beauxbatons. Lucky for you, my husband, attentive lover though he is, has left me wanting for the pleasures of another girl's flesh..." Her smile turning devilish, she adds, "But I think I'll make my naughty, little sister work for it." Grabbing her wand from the vanity, Fleur pushes Gabrielle off her lap as she silently casts a cushioning charm to break the shorter girl's fall. A few more silent spells and Gabrielle finds herself kneeling in front of Fleur, hands tied behind her back, ankles bound together and knees held apart by magic. Reaching for her hips, Fleur pulls at the ties of her panties, the bows gracefully coming undone and the Veela Queen's erect member springing forth as it is released from its silken confines. The sight of her sister's erecction fills Gabrielle with longing, the younger quarter veela's pupil's dilating as she unconsciously licks her lips and her striped panties grow a few shades darker with her juices. Smiling at the reaction she's having on her little sister, Fleur speaks, "Why don't we start by seeeing if you remember how to properly use that cute little mouth of yours on a real cock after months of playing with little boys." Wrapping a dainty hand around her shaft, the older girl brings her tip to the younger's lips, all but forcing Gabrielle to kiss it. Eager to please, and hopeful that her big sister will reward her exquisitely, Gabby closes the last few millimeters to kiss Fleur's tip before parting her lips to take the older girl's cockhead into her mouth, the younger witch's jaw stretching on account of Fleur's girth being far greater than that of any of the Beauxbaton boys who managed to earn such a gift from the little sister of their school's Triwizard Champion. Twirling her tongue around Fleur's tip, Gabby glances up to see the older veela remove her bra and start fondling her breasts, making the younger wish she could do the same as the older sister comments, "You certainly haven't lost your touch at giving head, but you know it'll take more than that to satisfy one of your queens." With those words, Gabby starts bobbing her head, taking an extra centimeter or so into her mouth with every repetition. When she's taken half of Fleur into her mouth, Gabrielle feels her sister's tip at her throat, something that none of the boys she granted the honor of fellatio to at school were well endowed enough to accomplish. Closing her eyes, Gabby focuses on suppressing her gag reflex while trying to ignore the burning in her loins as she slowly swallows Fleur's member bit-by-bit. Moaning softly as her member slides down her little sister's throat, Fleur runs a hand through the shorter girl's silvery locks as she compliments, "Zat feels wonderful, Gabby. I zink my little sister deserves a reward for being such a good little cocksucker." Reaching a foot between the younger girl's thighs, Fleur runs her big toe along Gabrielle's slit, the wet cotton of the younger veela's panties clinging to her every nook and cranny. This makes the younger girl moan around her sister's shaft, and both hoping for greater stimulation and fearing loss of stimulation, Gabby redoubles her efforts to please Fleur, resuming her head bobbing and repeatedly swallowing around the veela meat in her throat. Fleur says nothing for quite some time, letting her moans and the vigor with which she rubs her sister through her panties serve as the only feedback she uses to show her appreciation of Gabby's efforts, and when she approaches climax, the older veela offers no warning before shooting her load down the younger veela's throat. Despite this, the younger girl effortlessly swallows all of Fleur's seed without any sign of gagging, even as the older veela holds Gabrielle's head in place to prevent her from pulling back to get a taste. Once spent, Fleur pulls her member from Gabby's mouth before leaning down, placing a finger under the kneeling girl's chin and tilting the bound girl's head back so they lock eyes as the older sister speaks, "Zat was an excellent performance, Gabby." Rubbing a bit more at Gabby's panties with her foot, Fleur adds, "And as wet as your panties are, I must commend you for staying in human form zis long." Pointing her wand, Fleur casts a silent finite, not only freeing the younger girl from her bindings, but causing the flimsy top Gabrielle is wearing to vanish, revealing that it had been conjured. Smiling, Fleur comments, "HOw convenient, I was hoping to spend some time admiring my cute, little sister in nothing but those cute, little panties." As Fleur helps her to her feet, a lightly blushing Gabby replies, "Zank you for the compliments, sister." Leading Gabrielle by the hand, Fleur crosses the room and has her sister stand on a wooden stool situated between three large mirrors that span floor to ceiling. Conjuring a pitcher made of the most delicate of glass, Fleur declares, "Let's see if you have maintained the poise worthy of a Delacour woman." Before filling the vessel with water and levitating it upon Gabrielle's head. As Fleur examines her little sister and her many reflections from numerous angles, she drills the younger girl on various poses and moves from their favorite ballets, both magical and muggle, the shorter girl executing every twirl, crouch, bow, and leg lift flawlessly, without so much as disturbing the still surface of the water in the container balanced on her head or moving her feet away from the stool's center. After some time, Fleur claps her hands and says, "Brava! Brava! My darling little sister is growing into a lovely, little lady, and a very graceful one at zat. I bet you had ze little firstie boys tripping over zemselves for your attention, and some of ze second and third years as well. Now, I want you to stand facing ze center mirror with arms out to your sides and your legs slightly parted." As Gabby does as instructed, Fleur comes up behind the shorter girl and parts the younger girl's long, silvery locks. Pressing her breasts and erection against her younger sister's shoulder blades and rump respectively, Fleur reaches around to fondle the younger veela's breasts. Moaning softly under Fleur's ministrations, Gabrielle shows the first signs of having any trouble keeping the pitcher of water perfectly still, the water rippling as her sister whispers in her ear, "You're chest is developing quite nicely. I look forward to ze day I can teach you how to use your breasts to bring a boy or a queen to climax." Kneeling behind her sister, Fleur slides her index fingers into the gap formed by Gabby's waistband as it bridges the valley of her butt, and sliding the digits along the waistband to the girl's hips, starts to slowly slide the garment down the twelve-year-old's flawless, well-toned thighs and legs. When the garment reaches Gabby's ankles, she lifts first one foot and then the other to allow Fleur to remove the garment completely. Still kneeling, Fleur spends several minutes in silent admiration of Gabrielle's perfect half moons before cupping one in each hand and commenting, "I've missed being able to fondle zis tight, little ass of yours, Gabby." before giving each buttock a quick kiss and giving one of them a sharp smack with her palm. The shock of her sister's strike throws off Gabby's balance, the pitcher tipping dangerously close to spilling, but she manages to regain control just in time. Pretending to ignore her sister's near failure, Fleur glances between Gabby's thighs as she adds, "and your glistening girlhood looks as inviting as ever!" Standing up, Fleur decides to have some mercy on her little sister, vanishing the pitcher and its contents and telling her, "Relax, little sister." Gripping Gabrielle's hips, Fleur slides her member between the younger girl's thighs, eliciting a cry of pleasure when her member grazes the younger veela's clit. Molding herself against her sister's back and noticing how their position makes it look like the cock belongs to Gabby in the mirror, Fleur whispers in the shorter girl's ear, "You would've made an absolutely adorable veela queen, Gabby. It's a shame you weren't blessed like Grandmother, Mother, or moi." Tightening her grip on Gabrielle's hips, Fleur starts thrusting, the younger girl instinctively pressing her thighs together around her older sister's member in response. Finding Fleur's actions as torturous as they are pleasurable, Gabrielle begs between moans, "Pl-Please, sister! Stop teasing me and fill me with that big, magnificent veela cock!" Showing no sign of changing what she's doing, Fleur replies, "Be patient, my darling, little sister. I'll stuff zat hot, little box of yours soon enough." Realizing she won't make Fleur change her mind, Gabby reaches for the member sticking out from between her thighs, hoping to make her sister climax sooner and hoping to use the leverage to increase the friction against her girlhood, only to have her hand smacked by the older girl. Gabby then tries fondling her breasts with similar results. The younger veela eventually settles for gripping Fleur's wrists as the older girl continues thrusting between Gabrielle's thighs. When Fleur climaxes, hugging her sister tightly against herself, her seed shoots forth in several long spurts that plaster Gabrielle's reflection in the thick, gooey liquid. Fleur conjures a wide mouthed wine glass before levitating her warm, sweet essence into the glass, filling it near the brim. Seeing Gabby licking her lips and staring at the glass of veela seed in the mirror, Fleur crosses one arm over her sister's chest and holds the vessel just far enough from the younger girl's face that even an outstretched tongue isn't enough to get a taste as she asks, "Does my darling, little sister want to drink my seed?" Begging, Gabrielle replies, "YES! Please, let me have that delectable nectar! Sister's seed is so delicious unlike zat salty stuff the boys at school make!" As soon as Fleur brings the glass to Gabby's lips, the younger girl starts to greedily guzzle the thick, sweet, and addictive seed as if she were dying of thirst and the glass was the only source of water left on earth, too lost in the wonderful taste to notice Fleur's silent refilling charms, and it is only when Gabby starts to get a tummy ache from overindulging that she stops. Vanishing the glass and its remaining contents, Fleur comments, "I zink it's time I gave my sister what she's been waiting zese many months for." and with that, Fleur withdraws most of the way from between Gabby's thighs, only to thrust forward at a very different angle in order to bury herself all the way to Gabby's cervix, both sisters crying out in bliss as they fully reunite for the first time since before the elder's wedding. Feeling Gabby clench and unclench around her, Fleur comments, "Nice to know zat you haven't let your internal muscles grow lazy while we were apart." Cupping one of the younger girl's breasts while her other hand goes for her sister's clit, Fleur gives Gabby a few initial thrusts as she asks, "How do I compare with zose little boys you let fuck you at school?" "Zere tiny cocks are absolutely worthless compare to the magnificence of big sister's penis! I was a fool for lettting zem anywhere near my pussy! Please, please fuck me until I forget ze shame of letting such worthless boys fuck me instead of remaining faithful to my queen and sister!" cries Gabby, throwing constraint out the window. Starting to fuck her little sister in earnest, Fleur replies, "As beings of sexuality, abstinence doesn't come easy to our kind, and coupled with ze war making it too dangerous for you to visit during holidays zis past year, I can't blame you for seeking other partners. Zerefore, I'll forgive you if you can satisfy your queen." Placing her hands on the mirror in front of her and pushing back against the cock buried in her depths, Gabrielle replies, "Yes sister, zere is nothing I want more zan to soar to ze greatest heights of ecstacy with my beloved sister! Please, fuck me to your heart's content!" Picking up her pace, Fleur replies, "It makes me so happy to hear my darling, little sister so eager for my attentions." After several minutes, Fleur can feel Gabby's cervix starting to dilate and asks, "Gabby, ze opening to your womb is starting to open, do you want me to penetrate you so deeply?" Willing her cervix to open further to allow Fleur easier access, Gabby replies between pants, "Yes, sister, I want to feel you filling my innermost sanctum! Please, Please fuck my womb!" With those words, Fleur thrusts deeper than before, her cockhead passing through the inner ring of muscle Gabrielle had spread in invitation, only for the younger veela's cervix to seal itself around the collar of Fleur's member, trapping the older girl in her sister's womb. It isn't much longer before Fleur is announcing, "Gabby, I'm going to cum soon!" "Me too!" replies Gabrielle, "Please sister, pour all of your love into me! Fill me to bursting with your virile, veela seed!" and with those words, Fleur's member erupts for the third time that day, more powerfully and with greater volume than when she shot down her sister's throat or splattered her load on the mirror, Gabby trembling in climax as well, her passage convulsing to milk her older sister of every drop. Thanks to the seal formed by Gabby's cervix, not a drop leaks out, and as Fleur's seed has nowhere else to go, the younger girl's womb balloons out somewhat to accomodate it's new found contents. When both sisters have recovered from there climaxes, Gabrielle looks down to find her cum inflated womb giving her the look of a pregnant woman just starting to show. Rubbing the cum bulge with a hand, basking in the sensation of having so much of her sister's seed inside her, Gabby looks up to lock eyes with Fleur as she confesses, "Big sister, I didn't take my contraceptive potion for zis month." Smiling widely, she adds, "And today is ze day I should ovulate without said potion." Returning her smile, Fleur comments, "What a naughty girl my little sister is! Was zis all a plot to trick me into getting you pregnant?" "NO!" cries Gabby at the accusation, "I really have been longing for you to fuck me and give me ze satisfaction none of ze boys at school could, but I do hope one of sister's little swimmers catch my egg and zat sister won't make me take a miscarriage potion." Rubbing the cum bulge herself, Fleur replies, "I would never dream of letting you take such a foul potion! Zough I do wish you had been upfront with your desire to have my baby." Smiling widely, Fleur adds, "I bet seeing your school robes draped over your baby bump and ze glow of approaching motherhood combined with ze allure will make all ze little boys at school quite envious of ze one who put a bun in your oven." Fleur's happy expression turning devious, she adds, "but I zink you still need a little punishment for not telling me of your fertility before I pumped you full of my virile seed." With that, Fleur pulls out of Gabrielle, the girl's cervix contracting to keep Fleur's seed from spilling out. Grabbing her wand and pressing the tip to Gabby's navel, Fleur silently casts a multiplication spell on the contents of her little sister's womb, the bulge starting to expand, Gabby needing to sit down on the stool to avoid falling from the added weight. When the bulge stops growing, Fleur comments, "Zat is how big mother was right before you were born." "So zis is what I'll look like when I'm ready to give birth to big sister's child?" Asks Gabby, rubbing circles on her distended belly with both hands. "Perhaps." replies Fleur before helping Gabrielle to her feet and helping the shorter girl to the loo to drain her womb of excess liquid and get cleaned up. After a long, relaxing bath to recover from the exertion of their activity, the sisters, wearing matching dressing gowns in Beauxbaton Blue, sit down to a light lunch. As they're discussing their plans for the rest of the day, the hearth comes to life with green flames, Bill's head floating among them. "Good afternoon, husband," greets Fleur, "Will you be joining us for lunch?" "'fraid not," replies Bill, "today's work site is proving quite difficult. My team and I will probably have to work late into the evening if not overnight. Just giving you a call while I've got the chance so you don't worry if I miss supper and tell you not to wait up." "Zat is okay." replies Fleur, "I'm sure Gabby and I will be fine on our own. Just be safe." A smile crossing his scarred face, Bill replies, "Will do." and with that, the fire call ends and the hearth is extinguished. "Well Gabby," starts Fleur, "Looks like we might be sleeping together tonight." "I would like zat," replies Gabby, "but can we go swimming in ze ocean this afternoon?"