Fleur and Gabrielle by Imouto Kitten Fleur Delacour, quarter Veela and de facto Queen of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic was lounging on a couch in the sitting room of her parent's lavish home perusing the latest issue of the French counterpart to Witch Weekly, which she would swear was vastly superior to that British rag if anyone asked her, or even if they didn't ask when her father walked in and called her attention. "Fleur, my daughter, I need your assistance." "What is it, Father?" replies Fleur, putting down her magazine. "Your sister, Gabrielle, 'as locked 'erself in 'er room and I can 'ear 'er crying, but she refuses to tell me what's wrong. Since your mother is out at the moment, and the two of you are close-" Fleur cuts him off, "Zay no more, Father. I will go to 'er and zee what is bothering 'er." As she rises from the couch. A few minutes later, Fleur knocks on her sister's door as she says, "Gabrielle, dear sister, may I come in?" The sobbing beyond the door turns to a near squawk as the younger delacour girl yells, "Go away, Sister!" With patience that would surprise most who don't know Fleur on a deep, personal level, the older part-Veela replies, "Come now, Gabby. I can tell you are upset, but zat's no reason to be zo rude to your older sister." In more restrained tones, Gabrielle's reply comes, "Please leave me be, Sister." In a slightly sterner tone than she'd normally use with her miniature look-alike, Fleur declares, "Either you let me in and we discuss what's troubling you, or I'm using magic to come in." When she gets no reply, she pulls out her wand, and pointing it at the doorknob, incantates, "Alohamora!" Upon entering the room and gazing upon the eight-year-old's huddled form, Fleur can immediately deduce the cause of her sister's distress. Instead of the flawless skin and silver hair finer than silk adorning a perfect, prepubescent body that would have even the most gynophobic of young schoolboys forgetting about cooties and worshipping at Gabrielle's feet even without the Veela charm, the youngest Delacour had undergone a transformation. Most of her body was now covered in downy feathers, wing membranes had formed under her arms, her legs had narrowed and morphed into scaley talons, and brilliant plumage sprouted from the crown of Gabrielle's head and the base of her spine to form a crest and tail. Sensing her sister's aura in the room, the transformed girl, looking more harpy than Veela at the moment, yelled, "Don't look at me! I'm 'ideous!" as she tries to curl in on herself even further. It was well known that Veela could take on a more bestial form when enraged or protecting those they held precious, and while many Veela possessed a kind of instinctual vanity that made them dislike their more feral side, most respected the extra strength the transformation granted and that vannity had no place in battle, be it a fight for life or a fight for honor. What was less known, and quite possibly one of the Veela race's best kept secrets is that lust could also trigger the transformation, and while most mature Veela could choose whether or not to transform when aroused, one of the surest signs that a young Veela was entering puberty and their first heat was an involuntary transformation. For many, this was very disconcerting, especially for those living outside Veela communities who had never needed the transformation for combat as it was often the first time such veela had transformed or seen the transformation. Fleur was fairly sure Gabrielle had never transformed before and never seen another Veela transform, and between her sister's current state, the shreds of fabric she recognized as being from Gabby's favorite dress, and the claw marks gouged into the room's full-length miror, Fleur concludes that her sister must of started transforming, rushed to her room, ruined her dress in an attempt to remove it and then lashed out at the mirror after getting a good look at her reflection. And while being reduced to an emotional wreck would be more than enough to reverse a lust-induced transformation in a mature Veela, for one on the cusp of womanhood as Gabrielle was, the transformation would last until either her mating cycle completed, which could take weeks, or the young Veela was properly mated by someone who could show her enough genuine love to satisfy the lust that came with the onset of the heat. Kneeling behind her huddled sister, Fleur rubs her back comfortingly as she says, "Non! You are not 'ideous! You are a wonderful young lady taking 'er first step towards blossoming into a woman!" Pulling gently on Gabrielle's arm, Fleur continues, "Now, let me zee my sister in all of 'er glory." Hesitantly, Gabrielle stands up and turns around, her taloned feet digging into the flor. Sniffling, she asks, "Do you really mean Zat?" "But, of course!" replies Fleur. Letting her eyes roam over her sister's body, fleur can now see that Gabrieelle's wing-like arms end in clawed hands, that her down covers her front as well, except for three bald spots that expose the younger girl's nipples and girlhood, and that her lips have hardened into a prominant beak. Finishing her appraisal, Fleur adds, "Exzept for those tears marring your pretty face, you are absolutely beautiful!" Before pulling out a hankerchief and gently cleaning the younger girl's face. No longer crying, Gabrielle asks, "Do you really think I'm beautiful, even like zis?" Feeling a tightness in her unmentionables, Fleur replies, "I will prove it to you!" Before capturing the young girl's beak in a kiss, opening her mouth wide enough to engulf the entire beak, Fleur's lips coming to rest against the feathers on Gabrielle's face. As she wraps her wings around her elder sister, being careful to not repeat the tragedy of her own dress, she parts her beak. Taking the invitation, Fleur slips her tongue into her sister's mouth to intwine with its fellow as she wraps her arms around the smaller girl and pulls her into a warm embrace. As the incestuous pair continue their passionate kiss, Gabrielle can feel her body growing warmer, almost to the point of feeling like she's on fire but somehow not getting burned. The embrace is likewise bringing Fleur to the point of being able to choose to transform, but the older girl decides her human form is better suited to giving her little sister what she needs, but that doesn't stop the bulge forming in Fleur's robes from poking between Gabby's bare legs and pressing against the younger girl's arousal. Though tempted to take the smaller girl here and now, Fleur restrains herself, knowing that this is for her sister, not herself and that there is a proper procedure to these things. Standing up, effortlessly lifting Gabrielle in the process, Fleur lays her sister on the bed before starting to strip. Though immune to her sister's Veela aura, Gabrieele nonetheless stares mesmerized at the show her sister puts on As she first slowly removes her outer robes and lets the silken garment cascade to the floor. Fleur then slides the straps of her dress off first one shoulder and then the other before letting that pool around her ankles and stepping out of it. Now in only a bra and panties, both of a modest cut and style and the same dark blue as the elder Delacour sister's eyes, the erection sticking up out of Fleur's waistband is on full display for her little sister. Another well kept secret of the Veela is that, while there are truly no males among full-blooded Veela, about a fifth of all females with Veela blood are hermaphrodites, and Fleur happens to be one of these, what the Veela call a Veela Queen. Crawling on to the bed and kneeling over Gabrielle, Fleur gestures to her erect member and says, "Zis is a penis." lowering a hand to her sister's crotch and pressing a finger into the smaller girl's girlhood, stopping just short of Gabby's hymen, she adds, "And zis is your vagina." Withdrawing her hand, she continues, "At the moment, your body is craving for your vagina to be filled with the penis of someone you love and who loves you in return." Before Fleur can continue her explanation, Gabrielle replies, "Are you going to put your penis in my vagina?" "Zat is up to you. Though you are beautiful like zis, you won't be able to return to normal until either the craving passes on its own, which can take weeks, or the craving is fully satisfied. I can certainly help you out, but you 'ave to want it, and if I don't prepare you properly, I could zeriously 'urt you." "Prepare me?" asks Gabrielle, somewhat worried that her sister would even hint at hurting her. "I 'ave to make zure you are well-lubricated and zat your insides can stretch to fit me inside you." Taking a better look at Fleur's member, the younger girl observes that it's thicker than her leg in her current state and estimates it would be nearly as thick as her leg even if she was in her human form. "Can zat even fit inside me?" she asks as the prospect of fitting something so big inside her small body sinks in. She knew of space expansion charms of course, but she's never heard of using one on a living being. "Zat is not certain, but ze size difference makes preparing you all ze more important." "You'll stop if I zay to stop?" "But, of course!" "Then prepare me." With that request, Fleur sidles down her Sister's body and plants a kiss squarely on the younger girl's lower lips. At first, the younger girl is immensely embarrassed to be kissed in such an intimate place, but any shame Gabrielle feels is driven away as her sister's lips part and Fleur's tongue starts to wriggle it's wayin to the smaller Veela's girlhood. Gabrielle wraps her legs around her sister's neck, her taloned feet interlocking behind Fleur's head as she crosses her wings over her flat chest and grips her shoulders almost tight enough for her clawed fingers to pierce her own flesh in an attempt to not thrash from the waves of pleasure Fleur's skilled tongue is sending through the young Veela's small body. As Fleur expertly eats out her little sister, taking full advantage of her long tongue, another well kept secret of the Veela race, to reach all the way to Gabrielle's cervix and stimulate every square millimeter of her sister's insides, the older girl can't help thinking how much sweeter little Gabby's nectar is compared to the human witches Fleur has bedded during her time at Beauxbatons. Though new to carnal pleasure, Gabrielle can tell instinctually that the wonderful sensations her sister is making radiate out from her core are building to something, though the little girl has no frame of reference to hazard a guess as to what that something is. Ever so slowly, Gabrielle's pleasure builds, as a knot of tension grows ever tighter in her young belly, moaning the most beautiful birdsong under her sister's ministrations. Fleur wants to compliment her little sister for looking and sounding so adorable when she's lost in ecstasy, but focuses instead on bringing the young girl to her first orgasm. When that first climax comes, the tension in Gabrielle's belly being released in a fireworks display of pure euphoria even the Cruciatus couldn't counteract, Gabby has to clamp both hands over her mouth to avoid screaming as she arches her back and drenches Fleur's face in her sweet juices. As her orgasm subsides, Gabrielle goes limp on her bed, disengaging her grip on Fleur's neck. As her sister basks in afterglow, the older Veela retrieves her wand from her discarded robes. "Now zat you are well lubricated, I will ensure your passage is wide enough to accomodate moi." Slipping the tip of the polished piece of wood into her little sister's passage, Fleur continues, "Zere is a barrier inside you called a hymen. It is usually torn during a girl's first mating, which is often painful. Zere is a charm I can use zat combines a cutting charm with a healing charm to remove it painlessly, though some girls prefer to have zeir, as zey say, 'cherries popped' the old-fashioned way." "Please use the charm." replies Gabrielle. "Very well, Virginitus nil!" With those words, a bit of magic from Fleur's wand tip surgically cuts Gabrielle's hymen and immediately heals the cuts before the younger veela can register any pain. That done, Fleur lays her wand on the coverlet and slips a dainty finger into her sister's now hymenless passage. At first, Fleur simply slides her finger in and out of Gabby's tight hole, but before long, she starts pressing down, stretching the young girl's perineum a little bit at a time. Adding a finger from her other hand, Fleur presses down with both hands and starts moving her digits side-to-side, first parting them and then bringing them back together, massaging and stretching the back wall of Gabby's passage. As Gabrielle resumes her song-like moans, Fleur comments, "Your mating song is most beautiful, my darling little sister." Confident she's stretched the young girl's perineum sufficiently, Fleur withdraws her fingers to her little sister's protests. "I want you to get on your hands and knees so zat I can continue." requests Fleur and Gabby complies, moving slowly to avoid shredding the bedding with her claws. Once she's on all fours, Gabby lifts her tail feathers to give her sister easy access to her dripping girlhood and the young veela moans in relief as Fleur again inserts a finger into her little sister. This time, the older girl focuses on the younger's front wall, and can't help uttering "So cute!" as her sister jumps when the older girl presses her fingers into Gabby's g-spot. As Fleur continues to massage and stretch her sister's insides, her thumb occasionally grazes Gabrielle's clit, making the young girl moan more loudly and bury her face in her pillow to muffle her voice. Deciding that her sister is as ready to be fully deflowered as is possible and feeling her own member throbbing from neglecting her own needs, Fleur withdraws her fingers, grabs her wand, and inserting the wooden instrument deeper into Gabby, this time all the way to the young girl's cervix, she incantates, "Protego Cervixis!" Though not familiar with the variant, Gabby knows what kind of spell was just cast and asks, "Why did you cast a shield charm?" "During mating, ze penis secretes a zick, white fluid called semen, which contains sperm. Ze vagina leads to a girl's uterus, where her eggs wait to be fertilized by ze sperm. If I were to ejaculate my semen in you at ze moment, zere is a very good chance zat you would get pregnant, or, since you are in your avian form, lay a clutch of eggs. Ze version of protego I just used puts up a shield zat will prevent my semen from reaching your womb. While I'd be happy to give my darling little sister a child, I don't zink it would be a good idea at your age." Finished with her explanation, Fleur casts a series of sound proofing spells on the room. Gripping her sister's hips, Fleur lines up her tip with her sister's opening, smearing precum along Gabby's slit. "Now, Gabby, I don't want you holding back. I want to hear every beautiful chirp and trill zat escapes from your throat." With those words, Fleur pulls her sister back, impaling the younger girl on the veela queen's throbbing erection. Gabrielle lets out a loud gasp as her sister's girth stretches her far beyond what Fleur's fingers had, though in the most pleasurable way imaginable. Regardless, Fleur gives her sister time to adjust before slowly pulling out until only the tip is still within Gabby's passage before slowly pushing back in. After several slow thrusts to ensure she isn't hurting her little sister, Fleur sits cross legged on the bed, pulling Gabby into her lap. Looping an arm under each of Gabby's legs and cupping the younger girl's barely budding breasts, Fleur starts to gently rub the smaller girl's nipples between thumb and forefinger as she lifts and lowers Gabby on her erection. Inbetween moans, Gabbrielle manages to exclaim, "Oh sister! Your penis feels so much better zan your tongue or your fingers!" "And your vagina is so much tighter zan any of ze girls from school! Not to mention how soft and fluffy your feathers are!" replies Fleur. Placing both of Gabby's legs over one arm and hugging the smaller girl tightly, Gabby's head resting just under Fleur's breasts as her knees are pressed against her own undeveloped breasts, Fleur increases her pace, making sure every thrust lands squarely against Gabby's g-spot. Fleur's other hand goes to the smaller girl's clit, rubbing the little bundle of nerves vigorously. Lost in pleasure as her older sister fucks her with ever increasing intensity, Gabby's birdsong-like mating cry reaches a crescendo as her second ever orgasm, at least an order of magnitude stronger than the first, crashes into her, her passage clamping tightly around Fleur's member, sending the older veela into orgasm as well. Copious amounts of virile, veela seed shoots deep inside Gabby, but the protego cervexis holds strong, and with nowhere else to go, Fleur's cum is soon gushing out around the base of Fleur's member to stain the bed sheets beneath the sisters. Before Gabby can recover from that earth shattering climax, Fleur is laying back, pulling Gabby off her member, and burying her tongue once again in the younger girl's girlhood, the older girl immensely enjoying the sweeter than honey flavor of a veela-on-veela creampie. Partially regaining her senses and opening her eyes to gaze upon Fleur's member, coated in both their juices, Gabby opens her beak as wide as she can and starts to deep throat her sister's girlcock. When both girls have finished cleaning their sister's privates, they both pull away and Gabby turns around so she can rest her head between Fleur's breasts. As the sisters pant in afterglow, Gabby's feathers start to shrink, her wings and talons revert to human-shaped arms and legs, and her crest feathers return to being silvery blonde hair finer than any silk. As Fleur runs her fingers through Gabrielle's hair, knowing her sister's reversion to be proof that she's managed to sait the younger girl's heat for the time being, Gabby exclaims, "Zat was incredible, sister!" "Yes it was," Replies Fleur. "and I'd be happy to do zat with you again anytime." As the two sisters cuddle on the younger's bed, Fleur uses her wand to levitate a blanket to cover them before the two drift off to sleep.