Erika and Momoka by Imouto Kitten After a long day of school and fending off yet another assault from the Desert Apostles, a tired Kurumi Erika shuffles into her bedroom, negligently dropping her school bag on the floor and only partially closing her bedroom door before falling face first on her bed still in her school uniform. As the blunette silently laments how exhausting being a Cure can be at times, a mental image of fellow Cure, Hanasaki Tsubomi, bending over in tight jeans comes unbidden to Erika's mind, and an uncomfortable tightness in her panties remind the aspiring fashion designer of one of the stranger benefits of being a Cure as her exhaustion gives way to arousal. Keeping her eyes closed and fixating on the image of her best friend's sexy, denim-clad, and rather plump rump, Erika rolls over and reaches a hand for the bulge that is now tenting the pale skirt of her uniform. Pulling her skirt and panties out of the way to reveal an erect penis nearly as thick as her wrist and easily twenty centimeters long,,, Erika wraps her hand around it and starts jacking herself off. As she masturbates, Erika daydreams that Tsubomi is bent over, her butt swaying back and forth, the redhead unaware of the blunette sneaking up behind her. Erika imagines reaching out to grab the aspiring botanist's ample half-moons and giving them a squeeze, daydream Tsubomi letting out the cutest squeak at the action. The blunette imagines pulling down Tsubomi's jeans, an elastic waistband the only thing letting them get over that plump rump, revealing pale pink panties with a cherry blossom pattern even as the redheads face turns red as her hair and she asks, "Eri-Erika-chan, wh-what are you doing?" Reaching her free hand to rub at her pussy through her panties, Erika imagines reaching around to stroke Tsubomi's girlcock and pussy as she nestles her own futahood between the redhead's panty-clad half moons, a whispered, "Tsubomi-chan is so damn cute and so damn sexy." escaping the blunette's lips. As the daydream progresses to Erika pulling down Tsubomi's panties and reaching a hand up the redhead's shirt to cup a breast, the blunette's actual hand going from rubbing her pussy to touching her own breast, Erika can feel herself nearing a climax, but just as she imagines herself pressing her tip into her friend's pussy, a warm, wet sensation around her tip snaps her out of her daydream. Slowly opening her eyes and glancing down, Erika sees her older sister Momoka kneeling between her legs, the model's lips wrapped snuggly around the collar of the fashion designer's cock, and if the waves of pleasure running up and down the younger girl's spine are any indicator, the older girl is making excellent use of her tongue. Trying to focus through the plesure, her hands dropping to the bedspread, Erika only manages one word, "O-Onee-chan?" Wrapping her hand around Erika's now unattended shaft, Momoka pulls her mouth off her sister's tip long enough to explain, "Hey, Erika-chan. You left your door ajar, and I overheard you moaning, and when I saw you playing with yourself, I thought I'd give my darling little sister a little help." Before resuming fellatio on her little sister, this time bobbing her head, taking a bit more of Erika in with each downward bob. Moaning loudly under her sister's ministrations, Erika exclaims, "OH KAMI! Onee-chan's mouth feels wonderful! But, you don't seem all that surprised that I'm a futa." Pulling off of Erika's member, Momoka replies, "Yuri-chan told me that while rare, futanari are real. I didn't think my little sister would turn out to be one, but I've helped Yuri out several times, and figure helping you isn't much different." As Momoka resumes blowing Erika, the younger girl barely has time to put together that having once been Cure Moonlight, of course Yuri is also a futa, and that not only was her older sister with the elder cure, but had done this with said cure before the strongest orgasm Erika can remember overtakes her. As a torrent of hot cum erupts from her tip, Erika bucks her hips, trying to thrust ever deeper down her sister's throat as her every nerve is overloaded with pleasure and her every muscle trembles uncontrollably. When Erika returns to her senses, she feels a breeze between her legs and realizes that her panties have been removed. Looking down, She sees Momoka, also sans panties, kneeling over her still erect member, the older girl holding up the skirt of her own uniform to show that one quick hip drop is all it would take to impale her on the futa's girlcock. As Erika stares transfixed at the sight of her erect futahood so close to being inside her sister's pussy, Momoka asks, "Would my darling little sister like to fuck her big sister?" Naturally, Erika has had many dreams of fucking a model since she became a Cure, since she became a futa, but she never imagined she'd get a chance prior to becoming a famous fashion designer, so she doesn't hesitate, not even to consider that it's her sister offering as she exclaims, "I'd love to!" Giving her little sister a warm smile, Momoka sinks down on Erika's girlcock, both girls letting out a loud gasp of pleasure as the younger is hilted within the older. As Momoka starts to ride her little sister with abandon, her pussy clenching and unclenching around Erika's shaft in the most exquisite, toe curling of ways, the model reaches up to unbutton the jacket of her uniform before letting it slide off her shoulders and pool around her on the bed. She then repeats the process with the white shirt underneath, leaving her in only her gray skirt and a black, lacy bra. Reaching behind her back, Momoka unclasps her bra, the lacy undergarment falling away to reveal breasts that are both big enough to make a statement, but not so big that they drupe under their own weight. Cupping her breasts in her hands and lightly pinching the nipples, Momoka leans forward as she asks, "Would you like to suck on my breasts, Erika-chan?" Not trusting she can speak without squeeing in delight, Erika nods her head eagerly. As Momoka drops her hands, Erika's hands go to work fondling the older girl's melons as the Cure takes turns sucking each of her sister's nipples. When Erika feels herself nearing climax once more and realizing there's definitely no condom between her and her sister, she struggles to warn Momoka, "O-Onee-chan... I'm I'm getting close! If...if you don't get off I'm...I'm gonna...inside you!" Instead of slowing down or dismounting, Momoka speeds up, hugging Erika against her chest, burying the younger girl's face in her cleavage as she says, "It's okay Erika-chan! I'm on the pill, so feel free to shoot off in me as many times as you need to." Those words are all it takes to send Erika over the edge, her futahood erupting deep inside Momoka, unleashing millions of little swimmers in pursuit of the egg Momoka's birth control prevented being released, which in turn sends the older girl into the throes of orgasm, the model's pussy working to milk every last drop of the fashion designer's seed. Erika isn't sure how long they lay basking in afterglow when Momoka's lips meet her own briefly before the older girl speaks, "I can tell you're still rock hard inside me, Erika-chan. Would you like to go another round? Or maybe, you'd prefer to eat the creampie you just gave me while I cradle your fat, fabulous, futa fuckpole between these?" sitting up and cupping her tits for emphasis on the last word. Even if she had gone flaccid after shooting in her sister, these words would've made Erika harder than diamond in a heartbeat, so she's completely shameless as she says, "Creampie and tittyfuck! Hell Yeah!" Smiling at her little sister's enthusiasm, Momoka starts to slowly rise off the Cure's shaft, pinching her labia to minimize spilling the fashion designer's seed. As Momoka repositions herself over Erika's face, the younger girl opens her mouth as wide as possible in anticipation of the gooey treat she's about to enjoy. As soon as Momoka's pussy makes contact with Erika's mouth, the fashion designer wastes no time in darting out her tongue to catch her seed as it drips from her older sister's passage, enjoying the taste of semen mixed with pussy juice. Moaning loudly as her little sister eats her out, Momoka exclaims, "Oh my, I didn't think Erika-chan would be so eager to lick my beaver!" giggling a bit at her word play before leaning forward and nestling Erika's erection between her soft, warm mammaries. With the Cure's futahood slick from their combind juices, the model's breasts slide easily up and down the fashion designer's shaft, Momoka giving the tip a quick llick everytime it pokes out from her cleavage. Erika moans at what her sister is doing to her member, which in turn only enhances Momoka's pleasure as the fashion designer continues lapping away at the model's folds. When Momoka cries, "Erika-chan, I'm going to cum!" Erika tries to warn her in kind, but her words are muffled by the older girl's pussy. Both girls cum in unison, Erika's seed squirting all over Momoka's face as the older girl's pussy juice sprays all over the younger's face. Wiping her little sister's seed off her face and licking her fingers, Momoka crawls forward and wiggles her butt as she says, "Come on, Erika-chan, make me your bitch!" Rising to her knees and getting a catty smile, Erika replies, "I'm more of a cat person. How 'bout this tom cat makes you her queen?" "Nyaa!" Replies Momoka, mirroring her sister's smile, "That sounds just purrfect!" Without any further words, Erika gets behind Momoka and hilts herself once again in the older girl's warm, cozy cunny and starts rutting like a wild beast. Erika leans forward and under to fondle Momoka's breasts, the older girl purring in approval and giving the futa a particularly strong squeeze with her internal muscles. After a while, one of Erika's hands trails along the model's trim tummy before reaching its destination and pinching the older girl's clit, which sends Momoka over the edge, Erika following soon afterward from her sister's convulsing pussy. Collapsing in exhaustion, the two sisters lay face down, the younger lying on top of the older for some time, simply enjoying the afterglow. When they eventually separate, Erika having finally gone flaccid, Momoka comments, "Both of us are so sweaty. What do you say, Erika-chan, want to take a bath with your big sister?" "That sounds nice, Onee-chan." replies Erika. Momoka pulls on her uniform jacket before lifting Erika into a princess carry, the fashion designer commenting, "Hey, I'm the one with a cock here, shouldn't I be the one doing the carrying?" "I'm at least a head taller than you and my three measurements probably sum to nearly twice what yours do. If you could even lift me, it would be a very comical sight." replies Momoka, carrying her sister out of the room, leaving their discarded underwear on the floor.