Daphne and Astoria by Imouto Kitten Astoria Greengrass was having the worst day of her life. The Dark Lord had been less than pleased that her father, then Heir and now Lord Greengrass, had remained neutral during the last war instead of siding with the Death Eaters and absolutely furious when her older sister Daphne had, instead of taking the Dark Mark upon her seventeenth Birthday like most of the Slytherins in the Elder Greengrass Sister's year, had vowed to restore the Purebloods of Great Britain to a position of proper dignity and respect instead of becoming another lapdog for a madman. As punishment for the Greengrass Lord and Heiress, the Dark Lord had arranged for the younger daughter of the family to be abducted and presented as a reward to a young Slytherin who had shown the proper respect to the Dark Lord. So now, Astoria found herself in the Heir's bedchambers at malfoy Manor, her limbs bound to the corners of the bed with conjured ropes, her wrists and ankles raw from her struggles, her eyes puffy and red from having long since cried herself out and her throat too sore for further screams. Her only article of clothing, a translucent nightgown of snow white silk and fine lace far too skimpy for modesty or comfort given the room is heated only by a fireplace and would be so even if it had been made of more substantial material, had been torn open to expose her modest breasts, her pale flesh marred by several hand-shaped bruises from where her assailent had been overeager in fondling her, her nipples erect from the cold rather than any arousal. Atop her lays the man who had so abused her once beautiful body and even now continues to violate her sore, underlubricated, and overstretched passage, his thrusts more akin to a deranged muggle stabbing someone to death than of a proper gentleman trying to pleasure his lady, the still wet blood stains on the green silk sheets evidence that she was a virgin until very recently. Astoria doesn't even have the benefit of squeezing her eyes shut and averting her gaze as she tries to tune out the pain, a modified version of the body bind having been used to force her bloodshot eyes open and immobilize her head so she's forced to stare into the lust-filled eyes of Draco Malfoy, the insincere affection on his face so obvious even a first year Hufflepuff could see through it. As his thrusts grow erratic, Draco opens his mouth, his words dripping with a sweetness meant to conceal their poison until its too late, "Dear, sweet Astoria, I'll soon be planting my seed in your receptive womb." Fresh terror flashes in Astoria's eyes and only grows as he continues, "I hope you bear me a healthy son, though I wouldn't object to a daughter." The Malfoy Heir had put her through every humiliation she could think of short of anal, it was a small mercy he thought such too crass for a pureblood, but the thought that she might be expected to bare her rapist's baby instead of being Crucioed into Insanity or recieving an Avada Kadavra between the eyes once he's had his fun makes what she thought her original fate would be seem like a mercy, and she's too exhausted to make a futile attempt at fighting him off and her throat is well past no longer being able to give voice to her protests. "And since your such a lovely young lady and such a nice lay, I think I'll petition the Dark Lord to let me keep you as my wife instead of handing you over to my fellow seventh years. That way, you can bare the Malfoy Heir instead of a bastard of uncertain paternity." and while she's sure he thinks such would be a great honor, she can't help thinking she'd rather be reduced to a broodmare shared among all the young Death Eaters than become Draco's wife. As Draco gives a final thrust, burying himself balls deep in Astoria's abused passage, his tip pressed firmly against her cervix as he shoots his load directly into the 15-year-old's fertile womb, the defeated girl can only let out a raspy sigh as she resigns herself to her fate. With his back to the door and her forced to stare into his eyes, neither sees the heavy oak panels being blasted off their hinges as a furious Daphne Greengrass makes her entrance, and taking a single glance at the scene bellows to put a Molly Weasley Howler to shame, "GET OFF OF HER YOU BASTARD!" Before sending the darkest curse she knows at Draco's bits, a ball breaking curse that reduces the contents of his sack to the consistency of chunky salssa though too late to prevent them from deliveringtheir vile cargo, and being too angry to give the newly minted eunuch time to enjoy the loss of his family jewels follows up with a modified cutting curse that cleanly severs the rapist's head while cauterizing the wound on both sides. Banishing the decapitated and castrated corpse into a wall with enough force to possibly kill a muggle and slinging the severed head aside by the platinum blonde hair on its scalp, Daphne tends to her sister, first finiting the ropes and other binding spells, and then using healing spells to heal the rope burns and other minor injuries she can find with how Astoria has curled up since being freed. Seeing the bloody semen leaking from Astoria's no longer virgin womanhood, Daphne vanishes the Death Eater seed along with the disgraceful garment before casting a modified version of Episkey designed to deal with torn hymens without forcing a girl to repeatedly bare the pain of losing her virginity. Removing her outer robe and wrapping it around her sister's smaller frame, Daphne blasts away a bay window with a view of the gardens before clutching Astoria to her chest bridal style and making a mad dash for the ward boundary, Apparating to the Greengrass Manor as soon as they're clear of the wards blocking apparition of those not keyed into them. ### The Greengrass Sisters arrive in the common room of the suite they share in their ancestral home, the younger still curled tightly in the arms of the elder. Walking into their bathroom, Daphne heads to their potion cabinet so she can more properly treat her sister, not trusting anyone but herself to provide care for the traumatized girl. Recognizing Astoria's silence as being the result of a throat raw from screaming and that she'll have trouble swallowing any potions until that's treated, Daphne starts with coaxing her sister to take a potion for treating sore throats, quickly followed by a pain reliever and a rehydration potion. Again able to speak and cry, Astoria's tears start soaking through Daphne's inner robes as she trembles and croaks out, "That man, that monster, he did such horrible things to me, he made me feel so dirty." Hugging her little sister tightly, Daphne runs a hand through the sobbing girl's tangled hair, soothingly declaring, "Don't worry, he can't hurt you or anyone else ever again, and I promise I'll do everything I can to ensure his friends share his fate, but first, I'll do everything I can to help you get pass this ordeal." Before planting a kiss on the younger girl's forehead and offering the fifth year a calming draught. As the last potion takes effect, Astoria's sobs subside and she finally relaxes enough for Daphne to continue her exam, healing the bruises on her sister's breasts and scanning every inch of the raped girls once again flawless skin several times before being satisfied that all physical evidence of Draco's manhandling of the underaged witch are gone. Spelling the swimming pool sized tub to fill with water hotter than what the sister's usually like, knowing Astoria will likely appreciate the near scalding given what she just went through, Daphne shrugs off the rest of her clothing and dumps several potions meant to enhance the water's relaxing qualities as well as nourish the bather's skin and hair and even a few to speed healing before cradling her little sister in her arms once more and wading into the water. Unlike when Malfoy held her, Astoria feels safe in her sister's arms, melting against the older girl's larger, but not overly so, breasts even before the water is deep enough to submerge the younger greengrass sister. Still cradling Astoria, not trusting the younger girl has the strength to not sink under the surface of the chest deep water, Daphne takes a wash cloth and starts to scrub her sister. Though Daphne's touches are every bit as intimate as Draco's had been, the tenderness and love the elder sister puts into every caress is so unlike the rough, careless groping of the late Malfoy Heir that Astoria is momentarily able to forget about the monster who defiled her, her head lulling back, her hair floating in the water as she lets herself be pampered by her sister. Seeing the peaceful expression on her little sister's face, an expression that goes beyond the calm induced by the calming draught, Daphne smiles that her plan to help Astoria forget her trauma seems to be working. After the sisters are done with their bath, Daphne grabs a comb and brush and sets to detangling Astoria's hair, being supremely gentle to avoid pulling at the younger girl's scalp or causing any of the strands to break. Once done with that task, Daphne puts her sister's hair into an elaborate french braid to prevent it from tangling in the night and helps Astoria into a nightgown made of a much heavier green silk and of a far more modest cut than the one Malfoy had dressed her in and forced her to model for his pleasure before the elder sister dons a matching garment. Lifting her sister into a princess carry, Daphne makes her way to Astoria's bedchamber, a flick of her wand turning down the covers to let the elder sister rest the younger upon the mattress. Daphne plants a kiss on Astoria's forehead and upon each cheek before pulling away and whispering, "Good ni-" Only for the younger girl to cut her off by grabbing her sister's cheeks and pulling her into a lip-on-lip kiss, and unlike the chaste kisses Daphne just gave her, Astoria's kiss is full of need and even has the younger girl parting her lips in invitation to the older girl's tongue. Shocked by her little sister's actions, Daphne reflexively pulls away and asks, "What did you do that for?" only to immediately regret her reaction as fresh tears well up in Astoria's eyes. Her voice cracking, Astoria pleads, "Please, Please Big Sister, don't leave me. That ma- That monster defiled me and I'm afraid I'm only going to relive that experience in my nightmares." "Do you want me to get you a vial of Dreamless Sleep?" asks Daphne, not wanting to see her sister cry anymore. "No, I want, no need, someone who loves me, really loves me to drown the bad memories with good ones so I can have sweet dreams once more." replies Astoria, clutching the front of Daphne's nightgown as if letting go would mean waking up in Draco's bed only to find the rescue and the way her sister had tended to her thus far had only been a cruel dream. Realizing what her sister is asking, Daphne Crawls atop her little sister to return the passionate kiss, and this time, when Astoria parts her lips, the elder sister accepts the invitation, their tongues intwining within the younger girl's mouth. As the sisters make out, Daphne makes sure not to let her own desire push her to doing anything Astoria isn't ready for, endeavoring to assure the younger girl that everything they are doing is for the younger's benefit and will be dictated by the younger's whims. Daphne lets out a moan when Astoria decides to fondle her big sister's breasts through her nightgown, a moan the younger girl is only too happy to swallow. Astoria pauses long enough to guide her sister's hand to her own breast, and before long, both sisters are moaning happily into each other's mouths as they play with each other's soft mammaries. Before long, Astoria's passage grows slick with her love juices, something that occurred at no point during her captivity at Draco's hands. Breaking the kiss, Astoria exclaims, "Big sister, my loins are on fire!" "Does my darling, little sister's lower mouth need the same attention I've been paying to your upper mouth?" Asks Daphne, real affection filling her words as she glances down at her horny, little sister, the 15-year-old now eager for the pleasure Draco Malfoy had been unable to give her even as he had used her for his own. "YES!" cries Astoria in her lust, "Please pleasure me, big sister!" Daphne takes one of her sister's feet in hand and begins to massage it, Astoria going limp against the mattress and moaning softly under her older sister's ministrations. Leaning down, the older girl briefly sucks on each of her little sister's dainty toes before kissing her sole in several spots and then trailing kisses up Astoria's leg, pushing the nightgown up as needed. Reaching her sister's knee, Daphne continues trailing kisses along the inside of Astoria's thigh, but just when the next kiss would land square on the younger girl's glistening girlhood, Daphne pulls away and begins to massage the other foot. Daphne repeats the toe sucking and trailing kisses along sole, leg, and thigh, building anticipation even further, Astoria's breathing growing more and more husky and needy with every contact of lips against skin. Reaching the top of Astoria's thigh, teasingly close to the younger girl's core, Daphne again denies her sister a kiss upon her flower, instead planting one upon the fifth year's mound and intending to work her way up to her sister's breasts. Astoria, nearly crazy from her big sister's teasing, has other ideas as she wraps her slender legs around Daphne's neck, preventing the older girl from moving away from the younger girl's crotch. "Stop teasing me and tongue fuck me already!" shouts Astoria, too horny to care about keeping the manners both sisters have been drilled on since they first did accidental magic. In a mock scolding tone of voice, Daphne replies, "I'll let such unlady-like language slide since you just weathered something no one should ever go through." and before the younger Greengrass can think of a comeback, Daphne has buried her tongue in her sister's folds, the loudest moans yet cutting off any retort Astoria might have made as her core radiates pleasure nearly great enough to make her forget the pain of her rape at Malfoy's hands, her entire body trembling in response to Daphne's skilled tongue. Soon, Astoria's passage tightens up around Daphne's tongue and the older girl finds her face drenched in the younger girl's copious release as Astoria convulses in climax for more than a minute before falling limp, her chest heaving. Once she's regained her senses, Astoria exclaims, "That was wonderful, big sister! I bet that monster couldn't make a girl climax that hard even if he found someone willing!" Daphne is happy to see her little sister already able to belittle her rapist in such an off handed manner even though its gauche to speak ill of the dead. Then she remembers a spell that she and Tracey Davis, one of the few other Slytherins in Daphne's year to refuse the Dark Mark, had used to great effect when neither could find a boy both worth their time and not repulsed by the reputation Slytherin House had gained thanks to the stupidity of the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters. Choosing her words carefully, Daphne introduces the idea to her sister, "I know that bastard ruined your first time, and nothing can change that, but there's a spell I can use to show you what intercourse is supposed to be like." Cautious, Astoria replies, "I'm not sure I could stand a boy's touch, not even a boy I actually liked... But I trust big sister to not hurt me." Taking this as consent, Daphne stands and shrugs off her nightgown, her lithe form and gentle curves on full display for Astoria. Gripping her wand, Daphne points it at her own crotch and recalling that vanishing semen is no guarantee of getting rid of all of a wizard's sperm and that the usual contraceptive charms and potions are useless given after the fact, Daphne decides to attempt the stronger version of the spell, the one that will not only transfigure her genitals, but give her potent seed, deciding that, if Astoria ends up with child, better the father be her older sister who loves her than the man who raped her without a trace of remorse or tenderness. "Hermaphroditus Virilius." incants the elder witch, a soft pink ball of light exiting her wand and engulfing her privates. When the light has cleared, Daphne's clit has grown into a rather impressive girlcock, already very erect and with a bead of precum gathering at the tip. Climbing back on the bed, Daphne pulls Astoria's nightgown over her head before draping the younger girl's legs over her arms and lining her tip up with her sister's opening, which is still slick with a combination of the younger's love juices and the elder's saliva. Not wanting to force herself upon Astoria like Malfoy did, Daphne asks, "Are you sure you want this, my darling, little sister?" "Yes, big sister! Make me forget what a horrible lover that monster was!" Cries Astoria. Daphne tries to go slow, but her sister's passage is so slick that the slightest pressure against Astoria's opening is enough for Daphne to bury half her length in the younger witch. She releases her sister's legs and places a hand to either side of Astoria's head, planning to slowly sink the rest of the way within the younger girl's depths, but already enjoying the feel of Daphne inside her beyond anything Draco managed, she wraps her legs around Daphne's waist to force the older witch to fully hilt her member within Astoria. Astoria's pussy fits Daphne's girlcock like a glove and is so much warmer and slicker than the elder sister can ever remember Tracey's being. As Astoria clenches around Daphne and exclaims, "Big sister feels so much better than that monster!" it's all the older girl can do to not shoot her load right then and there. Recovering from the overwhelming sensation of penetrating her sister, Daphne begins to slide her magically grown member in and out of the younger girl, trying her best to rub the glands against all of Astoria's most sensitive spots with every stroke, being far gentler than the late malfoy Heir could ever contemplate. In return, Astoria's internal muscles practically massage Daphne's shaft and it isn't long before both girls are moaning at a volume that would make them glad for the silencing spells built into their manor's wards if they could think straight enough to consider such things. Still, Daphne can only hold off her orgasm for so long as she announces, "My darling, little sister, I'm about to plant my seed! You need to let me pull out!" Astoria only tightens the grip her legs have on Daphne's waist and interleaves her hands with her sister, panting heavily and bucking her hips furiously against the older witch's member as she replies, "No, big sister! Don't pull out! Fill me with your seed! Don't give that monster's seed a chance to fertilize my egg first!" Smiling at Astoria wanting the conclusion Daphne had hoped for, the elder Greengrass sister replies, "Well, how could I refuse such an adamant request from such a cute, little witch?" before crashing her lips upon her sister's the pair swallowing each other's moans as they cum in unison, Daphne's seed flooding Astoria's womb, overpowering any remaining remnant of Draco's cum and Astoria's pussy convulsing as it tries to milk Daphne dry. The sisters lay in afterglow embracing each other for several minutes before Astoria asks, "Big Sister, would you mind sleeping with me tonight?" "Not at all." replies Daphne, "In fact, I'd gladly sleep with you every night if you want me to." "I think I'd like that." replies Astoria before letting out a yawn. Smiling, Daphne shifts their position so they're both lying on their side, the elder sister spooned up behind the younger, all without withdrawing from Astoria's pussy. Hugging her little sister against her chest, Daphne whispers, "I love you, little sister." in Astoria's ear before reaching a finger down to tease at the younger girl's clit. "I love you too, Big sister." replies Astoria, a soft moan escaping her throat. After they both say "good night." and Daphne flicks her wand to pull the covers over them, Astoria snuggles back against her sister as the elder girl to slowly rock ther younger girl, gently fucking her at the same time as she quietly sings a Welsh lullaby their mother use to sing to them when they were children.