Content warnings specific to this chapter: Foursome/small orgy(3 futas, 1 loli), gangbang, mild watersports, fucked silly/unconscious. Cerulean Sisters by Imouto Kitten "Please, let me be in your next show." begged Misty as her sisters entered Cerulean Gym's locker room following their most recent practice. "How many times do we have to tell you, you don't have what it takes to be a Sensational Sister?" Asks Daisy, the blonde combing her fingers through her wet hair. "Yeah," adds Violet, "You've got a swimmer's physique, but you don't have the supermodel grade figures to share a stage with us. "Besides," concludes Lily, "Water Ballet requires a level of grace you can't manage on dry land, much less with the added resistance of the water, even if you can give Olympic-class triathletes a run for their money in speed and distance swimming." "But I'll do anything!" pleads the youngest of the four sisters. Misty knew she didn't stack up to her elder sisters in grace or beauty even though she had been blessed with speed and endurance that coupled with her being the only one of the four who was competent at putting gym challengers through their paces had earned her the title of the Tomboyish Mermaid, she still envied her sister's greater fame among the Cerulean populace and tourists who weren't interested in watching Gym Battles. Suspecting they won't be able to dissuade their runt of a little sister like they've done in the past, the three older girls huddle up. "Any ideas on how to convince her to give up?" Asks Daisy. "Honestly, I kind of feel bad for her, but there's no way we can let her join one of our performances." Adds Violet, "Even if she could execute the routine flawlessly, she'd clash aesthetically with us and ruin the visual effect, which could hurt audience turn out." "Maybe we should test her endurance and just how far she's willing to go?" ponders Lily. "Had anything in mind?" Asks Daisy. "I was thinking we challenge her to join in our usual post-practice activities." replies Lily. "Yeah, that could work." replies Violet. "If we're lucky, she might chicken out and be scared off from asking again, and even if she doesn't, we should have a lot of fun wearing her out." "Yeah, she may hold the city record both for the 100m swim and for swimming the combined length of the city's canals, but our post-practice workouts should test her limits for both intensity and endurance." Concludes Daisy. "So, Grass, Fire, Water for who gets dibs on each of our baby sister's holes?" With Violet and Lily nodding in agreement, the three break their huddle and turn to face their youngest sister who has been waiting patiently. "Okay, Misty," starts Daisy. "We've decided to give you a test..." continues Violet. "To decide if we'll let you join our next performance." concludes Lily. "What do I have to do?" Asks Misty, excited to be getting this chance. Smiling Lecherously, Daisy says, "Your going to join us in the showers for our usual post-practice orgy, and you need to satisfy all three of us!" Shocked at what her eldest sister just proposed, Misty yelss, "Wh-What?!" "You don't have to go through with it," says Violet, "and you can bow out at anytime if it's too much for you..." "But if you can't keep up with us during sexy sister skinship in the shower," Adds Lily, "I doubt you could keep up with us during one of our routines." "So, baby sister," the three chorus, "Do you have what it takes to play with the big girls?" Being a complete virgin, Misty is hesitant at the thought of sex, especially with other girls, and doubly so since those other girls are her own sisters, but her pride won't let her back down and she declares, "You're on!" Leading Misty to the shower room, the three older girls start stripping off their bathing suits in perfect unison, slowly revealling their perfectly sculpted backsides to Misty. Standing at the entrance to the shower room, Misty removes her sneakers, pulls her suspenders off her shoulders and pulls her shorts and panties down together before removing her yellow top. Glancing over their shoulders to see their youngest sister standing naked in the doorway with one arm crossing her flat chest while her other hand covers her young girlhood, the older girls chorus, "Come on, no need to be shy, we're all girls here." As Misty walks into the showers, Her sisters turn on the hot water of the three shower heads they're standing under before turning to face Misty, leaving the younger girl speechless. The modest, but perfectly shaped and much larger than her own breasts were expected by the redhead, as was the curves that even supermodels would turn green with envy to see, but what shocked the youngest Cerulean Sister were the three sizeable penises now pointing straight at her from between her sister's legs. Finding her voice, Misty asks, "Since when do you three have penises!?" "Oh yeah," Starts Daisy, "I guess this is the first time you've seen any of us naked since you stopped needing one of us to supervise you in the tub." "But these," Violet gestures to her erect futahood, "Started growing in around the time we started puberty." "Assuming you haven't been cursed to always be the runt," adds Lily, "You might grow one of your own whenever you finally start developing." "But... But how do you keep those things so well hidden during your shows?!" asks Misty, still shocked to learned that not only are her sisters futanari, but that there's a possibility she'll become one as she grows older. "Our swimsuits have a custom-made girdle built-in that helps conceal our bulges if we get aroused during a show." replies Daisy. "And fucking each other on a daily basis helps reduce the risk of getting aroused during performances." Adds Violet. "Now, to decide who gets to fuck your cute, little mouth first." concludes Lily. After a few rounds of Grass, fire, water, Daisy exclaims, "I've got dibs on her mouth!" Turning to Misty, she declares, "Get over here, baby sister and suck me off." Noticing Misty's hesitation, she adds, "That is, unless you're already going to forfeit. Gathering her resolve, Misty declares, "I'm not giving up that easily!" before walking over and kneeling before Daisy. The redhead gives the blonde's futahood a tentative lick before opening her mouth and engulfing the entire head of Daisy's cock. "While your sucking off our oldest sister..." starts Violet, grabbing Misty's hand. "...You can jack us off." finishes Lily putting Misty's other hand on her own girlcock as Violet does the same. Gripping the blunette and pinkette tightly by the cock, Misty starts pumping both hands vigorously as she continues to suck and lick the head of her oldest sister's futahood. No longer satisfied with just having her tip pleasured, Daisy buries her hands in Misty's hair and forces her futahood down the younger girl's throat, making the redhead gag violently, but giving the poor girl no choice but to quickly adapt to breathing around a cock to avoid choking. "That's a good girl!" cries Daisy, "Swallow around your sister's big, thick prick! And don't be afraid to stick out your tongue to lick my pussy!" Her throat sore from being forced to deep throat Daisy's member and hoping compliance will lead to this being over sooner, Misty slides her tongue out to bury it up the blonde's pussy as she swallows around Daisy's erection. Although Misty isn't really enjoying what she's doing, she feels a weird warmness spread between her thighs as her immature girlhood starts to drip with fluids other than the water from the shower. It isn't long before the three older girls chorus, "I'm gonna cum!", with Violet and Lily spraying their loads all over their youngest sister, holding Misty's hands to ensure the redhead keeps pumping the blunette and pinkette's members and can't get out of the way of their cumshots. Meanwhile, Daisy looses a significant part of her load down Misty's throat, pouring it almost directly in the younger girl's stomach before pulling back to spray most of it on Misty's face. Coming down from their climaxes, the three older girls look down to admire their handiwork as the cum-coated Misty coughs up semen and wipes the white goo away from her eyes and asks, "Are we done now?" Daisy giggles before answering, "Oh, baby sister, we've barely gotten started. I routinely shoot at least one load in each of Violet's three holes and the same for Lily." "Lily and I aren't much easier to please either." Chimes in Violet. "We won't be satisfied until we've each had at least one turn with all three of your holes!" adds Lily. "Of course, if you've had enough, we could rinse you off, send you off to bed, and you can forget about being in our next show." says Daisy, half-hoping Misty will give up right here and now, half-hoping this continues so she can fuck the redhead's cunt and ass, the other two having similar thoughts as they look expectantly at Misty for her response. Determined to not let her sister's break her, Misty asks, "What's next then?" After another round of grass, fire, water, Violet says triumphantly, "I get to pop my baby sister's cherry!" Misty asks, "What does that mean?" but instead of an answer, she finds herself pushed to the floor on her back, the shower spray starting to rinse some of the cum from her face and upper body. Pushing Misty's legs apart and feeling the redhead's vulva, Violet announces, "She's already slick with her own juices! Which is good as I can't wait any longer!" and without further warning, the blunette places her tip to Misty's opening and hilts herself in a single thrust, Misty screaming in pain as her maidenhead is remorselessly torn asunder. Ignoring Misty's pained cries, Violet exclaims, "Oh Arceus! She's a lot tighter than Lily was when she was a virgin! If I hadn't cum less than five minutes ago, I bet I would have cum just from sticking it in!" "Really?" asks Daisy, "I'm envious that you get to be first to give her a creampie!" "Yeah?" adds Lily, "I can't wait for my turn to fuck her cute, little cunny!" Kneeling with her knees to either side of Misty's head, Lily continues, "Oh well, I guess it's my turn to try her mouth." Not liking the prospect of sucking another cock, Misty nonetheless takes Lily's member into her mouth, hoping that Lily will at least be more gentle than Daisy. At that moment, Violet decides her bout of nearly ejaculating prematurely has passed and starts fucking her baby sister's pussy with abandon, causing Misty to Moan around Lily's member. "I think she's starting to enjoy herself!" cries Lily, enjoying the vibrations emanating from the redhead's throat. Straddling Misty's chest, Daisy says, "I guess I'll see how skilled she is with her hands." before grabbing Misty's wrists and making the redhead pump the blonde's futahood with both hands. As Misty jacks off the blonde and sucks off the pinkette, Daisy and Lily Each wrap an arm around the other and start kissing passionately as they each drop a hand down to pinch one of Misty's nipples. At the same time, Violet catches Misty's clit between thumb and forefinger, sending jolts of electricity up the redhead's spine. As she writhes in pleasure, Misty moans ever louder around Lily, clenches around Violet, and pumps Daisy as fast as she can, hoping she can encourage her sister to continue making her feel the incredible sensations washing over her, the younger girl nearly forgetting her reason for agreeing to this. Feeling herself nearing her orgasm, Violet announces, "I just realized something. Unlike the three of us, Misty isn't on the pill..." Breaking her kiss with Daisy, Lily replies, "But that shouldn't matter. I mean, she hasn't started having periods yet..." "But the first ovulation can happen prior to a girl's first period, and if Misty is close to her first ovulation..." adds Daisy. "Then we could possibly knock her up!" Concludes Violet. Instead of slowing down, this only pushes Violet to redouble her efforts to cum in her baby sister's unprotected womb. "The thought of our baby sister's trim tummy swelling up with one of our babies is super hot!" As her sister's words sink in, Misty tries to scream her protests to being knocked up, but only succeeds in driving Lily over the edge as the Pinkette unleashes a deluge of semen down the redhead's throat. At nearly the same moment, Daisy erupts, though Misty manages to aim the blonde's cumshot so most of it splatters on Lily's abdomen, and Violet hilts herself one last time in Misty's passage as she floods the redhead's womb, sending Misty into her very first orgasm, her immature pussy convulsing around the blunette's cum spewing prick and milking Violet for all she's worth. While Misty is lost in the fog of her afterglow, the three older girls have one last game of grass, fire, water ending with Lily exclaiming, "Yay! I get to pluck Misty's little rosebud!" The redhead barely notices as Daisy and Lily get off top of her and Violet pulls her upright to sit in the blunette's lap. Misty is yanked back to reality, however, as she's passed into Lily's lap, the pinkette's erect futahood stretching Misty's anus to an extent the redhead didn't think possible. "AIIIIEEE! That's my butt! Take it out of my butt!" exclaims Misty, finding the loss of her anal virginity almost as unpleasant as having her cherry popped. "Oh, be quiet." Whispers Lily in Misty's ear, "None of us complained when we first took one of the other's girlcocks up the pooper." With that, Lily starts suckling at Misty's neck, determined to leave a hicky that won't fade anytime soon. "Hey Lily, lean her back so I can pull out without all of my seed spilling out." requests Violet, and as the Pinkette complies, the blunette pulls out, saying, "Her pussy's all yours, Daisy!" as she moves to present her futahood for Misty to suck on. "You'd better do a good job of cleaning me, baby sister, or I'll be extremely rough on you when it's my turn in Lily's position!" Taking Violet's threat seriously, Misty quickly takes Violets member into her mouth, swallowing it without being prompted to. As Violet enjoys her turn getting a blowjob from their youngest sister and Lily starts thrusting deep into the redhead's ass, Daisy decides to hold off on fucking Misty's pussy to eat the redhead out. Starting near where Lily's futahood is sliding in and out of Misty's ass, Daisy slowly licks up the redhead's slit before wrapping her lips around her baby sister's clit and sucking greedily on the little bundle of nerves. Enjoying the way Daisy's oral ministrations are making Misty moan around her girlcock, Violet exclaims, "Yeah! Make her scream, Daisy!" When Daisy senses that Misty is on the verge of another orgasm, She lines up her throbbing prick, ready to explode from being ignored while the blonde ate out the redhead, with Misty's pussy and hilts herself in her baby sister as she gives the youngest girl's clit a hard twist. This causes Misty to cum harder than before, her pleasured scream causing Violet to spray her seed down the redheads throat as Misty's ass and pussy clench around Lilly and Daisy, causing the pinkette and blonde to flood their baby sister's bowels and womb. Surprised that she came just from sticking it in, Daisy exclaims, "You weren't kidding, Violet! Her pussy is like a warm, velvety vice when she cums!" "And her ass is easily the tightest thing I've ever came in!" adds Lily. "I'm almost afraid her ass is going to leave bruises on my girlcock!" As Violet pulls out of Misty's mouth, Daisy captures the redhead's lips in a kiss before she has a chance to comment on what her sisters are doing to her, the blonde tangling her fingers in Misty's copper locks. Daisy leans back, pulling her baby sister on top of her as Lily pulls out of Misty's ass. Before the redhead's ass can relax from the fucking Lily gave it, Violet is spreading the smaller girls cheeks to bury her own member in Misty's rear passage. Once fully seated in Misty's bowels, Violet layes on the redhead's back, pressing the younger girl tightly between the two older girls. As the blonde and blunette start fucking their baby sister from both sides in earnest, they can feel their members rubbing against each other thanks to the thin wall separating Misty's rectum and vagina. Starting to enjoy being fucked in the ass, Misty's pleasure is further intensified by feeling her sister's futahoods rubbing against each other deep in her core, and Daisy eagerly swallows the redhead's every moan, whimper, and whine of pleasure as Misty's eyes roll back in her head and the redhead forgets about any possible consequences of letting her sisters make her their plaything. Meanwhile, Lily is busy scrubbing her member with a soapy washcloth in preparation for her turn to creampie Misty's no doubt cozy, little cunny. As she finishes cleaning away the traces of having been in her baby sister's ass, she sees that her older sisters have all of her younger sister's holes occupied. Deciding not to wait patiently, she kneels behind her sisters and aims her freshly cleaned futahood for Violet's thus far ignored Pussy. As Lily slams her girlcock into Violet's passage, the blunette's shapely ass the only thing preventing the Pinkette's pubic bone from crashing painfully into Violet's tailbone, Misty can feel her older sister's member being forced deeper and more forcibly into her depths, the redhead screaming a mixture of pain and pleasure into her eldest sister's mouth. After a few thrusts into Violet, Lily withdraws and slams her futahood into Daisy, and the pinkette continues to alternate between fucking her older sisters as they continue double teaming their youngest sister. Eventually, Misty is brought to orgasm once again, her clenching holes causing Violet and Daisy to add their loads to the jizz already in Misty's womb and intestines. At the same time, Lily, who had started doing single thrusts into each of her older sisters, brings the blonde and blunette to vaginal climax, but the pinkette is left a ways off from another orgasm and more eager than ever to finally have her turn with Misty's pussy. As Violet and Lily pull away, Daisy rolls herself and her baby sister so she's on top of the redhead, and finally breaking the kiss compliments her baby sister, "I just had one of the best cums ever! You've got a wonderful Pussy, baby sister!" Delirious from the repeated and rough fuckings her older sisters have put her through and the multiple orgasms that resulted, Misty offers no coherent response as Daisy pulls out of the redhead's well used but still incredibly tight and cozy cunny before Lifting the younger girl's rear in the air, placing the redhead's ankles near her messy red locks, and declaring, "I hope your ass is as good as your cunt!" before hilting in her baby sister's rear passage. As Daisy starts to fuck Misty's ass, she spreads the redhead's labia and addresses Lily, "Come on, Lily, it's your turn to give her a nice, gooey creampie. As Lily hilts herself in her younger sister's snatch, she exclaims, "OH GOD! You two were right about her pussy being amazing!" The Pinkette then proceeds to vigorously pound the preteen's pretty pink pussy with a ferocity none of the futanari have shown thus far. Daisy captures Lily's lips in a kiss as Violet comes up behind the pinkette and buries her futahood in Lily's back door. Misty's position would give her a great angle to stare at Lily's cock fucking her cunny as Violet's cock fucks Lily's ass, but Misty's pleasure fogged mind is too lost in a haze of sex-induced dilirium to process the data from the redhead's eyes, the youngest of the sisters incapable of any response more complicated than incoherent moaning. Her brain doesn't even process the sensations from her filling bladder as the large amount of cum the older girls poured down her throat catches up with the fucked silly girl. As the three futa erupt once more, two of them triggering one last orgasm in their baby sister, the redhead's bladder gives out, drenching Misty in a cascade of her own pee, but she's too far gone to feel embarrassed. As the three older girls come down from their climaxes and pull out of the holes they were fucking, they look down to see that their baby sister has passed out on the shower room floor, a mixture of their seed pouring from her ass and pussy. After quickly cleaning themselves up and washing the unconscious girl best they can, Daisy scoops up the redhead bridal style. As she carries her baby sister out of the shower room to dry her off, Daisy declares, "No offense girls, but I think I have a new favorite fucktoy." "Yeah," starts Violet, "She didn't last long enough to satisfy us completely, but I kind of hope she decides she won't give up until she can outlast all of us." "I think...." adds Lily, "I think she might have ruined my ability to enjoy fucking other girls!" "Yeah, it's quite tempting to keep fucking her even though she's completely knocked out." says Daisy. After drying Misty off, the three carrry their baby sister to her room and tuck the redhead into bed before sneaking off to Violet's room to finish their usual post-practice orgy. ### Later that night, Daisy awakens to a pleasant feeling in her futahood. Turning on a bedside lamp, she is surprised to see Misty in her bed, naked and fellating her member. Noticing that her older sister is awake, Misty says softly, pumping Daisy with both hands as she takes her mouth"Good evening, Daisy. Sorry I couldn't keep up with you and the others earlier. I guess I need to work on my stamina before I'm enough of a cumslut to satisfy my sisters and earn a place by their side on stage." With that, Misty resumes sucking her eldest sister's futahood. It isn't long before Daisy cries, "I'm gonna cum!" Pulling away from Daisy's futahood, Misty positions herself above Daisy's tip and commands, "If you're going to cum, do it in my pussy!" before impaling herself on Daisy's erection. Trying to hold back her impending orgasm, Daisy asks, "Are you sure you're okay with me cumming in you? It was a bit unfair the way we didn't even give you a chance to refuse, and you really are at the age when your first egg could drop at any time!" Leaning forward to knead Daisy's breasts and increasing her pace, a lustful expression on her face, Misty replies, "It's okay! I'll gladly bare all three of my beautiful, loving sisters' children if it means I can feel them squirting their warm, gooey seed inside me!" Hearing those words is more than Daisy can take as she floods her baby sister's womb once again, but Misty doesn't slow in riding the blonde's futahood in the slightest as she leans down to take one of Daisy's breasts into her mouth. Grabbing Misty's ass, Daisy starts thrusting up into her baby sister, the pair enjoying the closeness and mutual pleasure of the situation through multiple orgasms, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms, Daisy's now flaccid member still oozing seed within the redhead's passage. ### After that, the 4 Sisters of the Cerulean Gym established a new routine consisting of the three older girls gangbanging Misty after every practice and show, often finding the redhead waiting for them in the showers wearing a very fetishistic swimsuit or with various objects stuffed in her holes, and Misty taking turns spending the night with each sister, the lucky older sister fucking the younger until they fell asleep in mutual afterglow. Misty never did manage to outlast the other three, but enjoyed being fucked into unconsciousness so much that she eventually forgot that this had all started in an effort to show she had what it takes to be a Sensational Sister and join her older sisters in their performances.