Chichi and The Ox King by Imouto Kitten Sadness tugged at Chichi's heartstrings as she watch Goku fly off on his flying Nimbus, the monkey-tailed boy continuing his quest to reclaim his grandpa's treasure, but having left her with a promise to make her his bride. Pushing aside her sadness, the young warrior princess knows what she must do as she strolls into her father's castle, conviction filling her as she seeks out the man who raised her and who once trained along side her fiance's grandpa. Entering her father's throne room, she addresses the mountain of a man, "Papa!" "Yes, my princess?" Asks the Ox King, acknowledging his daughter's presence. "I just saw off Goku." announces the girl, approaching her father's throne, her small form looking even smaller standing before the giant, "and I wish to prepare for the day he returns to make good on our betrothal." "But of course, dear daughter." "As such," replies the girl, fighting a blush, "I think its time you taught me how to please a man." The Ox King is taken aback by his daughter's declaration, at first not believing she said what he thought he heard, and yet, he can't help feeling his loins starting to stir as he looks over his daughter wearing little more than her armored bikini. In that moment, he can't help seeing his late wife as she was during their own childhood courtship in their daughter and feels the years since her passing more acutely than ever before. Praying that his wife won't come back as a vengeful spirit to haunt him for defiling their daughter, the Ox King finally breaks the silence by asking, "Are you sure about this, Chichi?" "Yes, Papa!" exclaims the girl, "I want to know everything I need to know to make my wedding night one Goku will never forget!" "Very well," replies the giant, a mixture of resignation and excitement washing over him. "I think it would be best if we moved to your bed chamber for such lessons." "Yes, Papa." replies the girl, a smile on her face as she leads her father to her private chambers. Entering the girl's bedroom, the Ox King sits on the foot of Chichi's bed, the item of furniture creaking under his massive weight despite its sturdy construction. No longer able to hold back her blush, Chichi stares at the stone floor as she asks, "So, what should I do first?" Torn between wanting to ravage her as he use to do to her mother and hoping she would back out before her innocence is torn away, he starts with a suggestion that will give her ample opportunity to change her mind, "How about you start by working some of your kata into a dance to show off what a lovely, little lady you've become, and if you're comfortable, discarding your helmet and bikini at the right time to emphasize your beauty." Her blush deepens at her father's words, but she says, "O-Okay." as she starts to perform a series of katas that show off every curve of her petite form. She tosses the blade from her helmet so it embeds in the wall before tossing the helmet straight up, her long, black locks spreading out around her as she does a twirl to move out from under the headgear before bringing her foot up just in time to kick it against the opposite wall. As her dance continues, Chichi reaches behind her to unclasp her top, the chestplate falling away to expose her budding breasts just as they come into her father's field of view. She then turns around and bends over, undoing the clasps on her hips so her bottoms fall to moon her father. As she makes to remove a glove, the Ox King tells her, "Leave the gloves and boots on." "Okay, Papa." replies the girl, repeting much of her dance, now practically naked as her father makes quick work of removing his own armor. Stripped to his boxers, his limbs resembling thick timbers, his torso a mountain of muscle, the Ox King declares, "Come here, Chichi." as he frees his massive member from his underwear. As the young girl gets her first good look at a man's penis, her eyes go wide at its sheer proportions, the member longer than her forearm and nearly as thick as her thigh. "WOW!" is all she can say for several minutes, completely awestruck by the male organ presented before her. Eventually, he breaks the silence, "You're mother had the same reaction when she saw it for the first time,, and you're every bit as beautiful as your mother was." Blushing harder than ever, Chichi cups her face in both hands, her cheeks hot against her palms as she replies, "It surely is quite magnificent." "Would you like to touch it?" he asks of his daughter. "Su-Sure," she replies nervously, approaching the giant cock and timidly placing her hands upon it. Though inexperienced, her roaming hands cause the Ox King to let out a low moan as her gloved palms glide up and down his shaft, his girth too great for her hands to fully encircle, even touching thumbs and middle fingers tip-to-tip on opposite sides. As her hands explore lower and lower on her sire's shaft, she notices a bulge in his boxers, and investigating, she pulls out his ball sac, the pair of orbs within each nearly as big as one of the Dragonballs Goku is searching for. Cupping a titanic testicle in each of her comparatively tiny hands, the warrior princess comments, "Wow! These are rather impressive as well!" "You remind me so much of your mother on our wedding night." replies her father, making her blush anew before continuing, "And while that feels nice, I've got a better idea." Careful not to crush his little princess, The Ox King wraps his massive hands around Chichi's chest, interleaving his fingers across her back as his thumbs roll the fleshy pebbles of her nipples for several long seconds, making her moan melodically as her eyes flutter shut and her head lulls back to rest against his index fingers, her arms draped over his titanic thumbs. He effortlessly lifts his daughter off the stone tiles, and turning her around in his grasp, gently lowers her to straddle his shaft, her perky, little posterior coming to rest in the crook where colossal cock meets gigantic gut. Already, he can feel his little girl's juices gushing from her most precious place to drench the base of his prodigious prick As he releases her from his grasp, she comments, "Oh, I get it." before hugging the massive member to her chest, now using her entire body to rub against the cock that planted her in her mother's womb. In the process, this creates friction against Chichi's clit, driving her forward. "That feels great, Chichi!" Cries out her father in ecstacy. "Try sucking on the tip." Too lost in her own pleasure to question the request, Chichi opens her jaws as wide as they'll go and tries to take her father's tip into her mouth, barely managing to stretch her lips around the collar of her papa's prodigious prick. Despite his daughter's inexperience, the mountainous man's moans soon fill the room as her tiny tongue dances across his tip, the girl using her entire body to emulate a giant giving a handjob, her flat chest and trim tummy smoother than any palm, and her arms and legs dexterous as any finger. Coupled with the years since his wife's passing, it isn't long before the Ox King exclaims, sweetie, I'm gonna cum!" It's a good thing the naive girl chooses that moment to pull her mouth away from her father's tip to ask, "What do you mean, Papa?" as no sooner than the words leave her lips, her father's magnificent manhood erupts like a fire hose, gallons of pent up seed shooting out with enough force to splatter against the ceiling before raining down to pool on the stone floor of Chichi's chambers, the prodigious puddle leaving no doubt that Chichi would've choked, gagged, or drowned on her father's seed had she tried swallowing it. "WOW!" Exclaims the girl, her eyes wide at the sight of the mess her father left on her bedroom floor, "Papa let out a lot of that white stuff." "And it felt wonderful." replies the large man, shifting on his daughter's bed. "I think that's enough for one day." "No, I want to learn more about pleasing a man." cries the girl, her own arousal getting the better of her as she grinds her girlhood against the base of her father's shaft. "Are you sure, princess?" Asks the Ox King, torn between hoping she'll halt this madness and hoping she'll go all the way. "Yes, Papa!" cries Chichi, still grinding against the base of the cock that made her, "My loins are on fire and leaking so much of my juices!" "That's in preparation to accept a man's member." answers the mountainous man to his daughter's implied question. Eyes widening and slowing to a stop, "It's meant to go inside me?" "Yes, but I won't force you if you don't think it'll fit." replies her father, part of him hoping this will be enough to dissuade her. "However, that part is to be disappointed as Chichi declares, "No, if that's what it takes to please a man, then I must try!" and before her father can respond, Chichi has lift a foot on to each of her Father's thighs and pushed herself up until she's standing on his lap, her slender legs parted to put the tip of his erect cock level with her virgin girlhood. Using her hands to spread her folds, Chichi carefully lines herself up with her father's shaft and bending her knees, attempts to sit down, wincing a bit as the huge head of her father's massive manhood tries to spread her opening enough to pop into her preteen passage. "Don't force yourself, Chichi." cautions the Ox King, fearful that his mighty man meat will rip his baby girl to shreds if she doesnt give up soon. "No," comments the stubborn girl through gritted teeth, slowly increasing how much of her weight she has pressing upon her Papa's prodigious prick, "I can take it! However, the attempt is harder than the girl is willing to admit, sweat sheening on her skin from the stress of her snug snatch stretching to accomodate the head of the cock that put her in her mother's tummy, making her entire body slick, and unfortunately for the warrior princess, this includes the soles of her feet, and with the raven-haired girl focused on trying to sit on her daddy's dick, she doesn't notice her feet starting to slip until it's too late. All of a sudden, Chichi finds her feet losing contact with her father's thighs, and without her legs to support her, all of her weight is pressing down upon the prick parting her pussy lips, and one second the girl is barely starting to make progress on stretching her hymen across her father's cock head, the next, she's impaled balls deep on her daddy's dick, a scream of pain ripping from her throat and echoing throughout the castle, her belly bulging all the way to her sternum as it outlines the massive member now occupying much of her insides. "Princess!" cries the Ox King, panicking and unsure whether to pull his daughter off of his cock or if doing so would injure her further, "Are you okay?!" Trying to take deep breaths to help center herself, Chichi replies, "I...I'm okay... just give me...a minute or adjust." Hoping his daughter knows her limits, the giant relaxes, letting his little girl wriggle in his lap as she tries to get comfortable, her movements reminding him that he's buried deep in a woman's flesh for the first time in years, a moan escaping his throat. As she finally manages to relax, Chichi asks, "Does it feel good being inside me, Papa?" "It's heavenly, baby girl." comes his soft reply. "So, do I just sit here... or do I need to do something else?" Asks Chichi. "Uh... you need to move up and down on my shaft." And after a few minutes of trying and failing to piston herself on his massive member, the Ox King adds, "Here, let me help." With that, he wraps his huge hands around her comparably tiny torso and starts to raise and lower her upon his member, the girl moaning loudly as her father uses her like a living fleshlight. "Oh, Papa! It feels so good!" cries the raven-haired girl as she loses herself in the pleasure of being fucked by her father, her tongue lulling out of her mouth and her head tilting back to rest on his titanic thumbs as she stares up with lust-filled eyes and asks, "Does it feel good for Papa too?" "It's wonderful, baby girl." comes his reply in-between moans. "Well then," replies the girl, "Use me to your hearts content! Use me until you fill my belly with great, gooey gobs of that white stuff!" And between just how tight Chichi's tiny twatty is and the many years since he last partook of a woman, it isn't long before the Ox King does just that, his Dragonball-sized family jewels tightening up before dumping gallons of his thick, sticky seed in his daughter's welcoming womb, the snug fit of her passage preventing any of the incestuous baby batter from escaping, her belly ballooning out until Chichi looks ready to burst as if nine-months pregnant with a dozen babies, not that she notices as the sensation of her father erupting deep within her sends her into the very first orgasm of her young life, an orgasm so strong that her eyes roll up and she passes out in her father's grip, and by the time the Ox King is done cumming, his daughter is out like a light, exhausted from the sheer intensity of her first sexual experience. Standing up and cradling his cum-inflated daughter gently in one prodigious palm, the Ox King carefully moves to his daughter's en suite, and filling the giant stone tub there-in carefully lowers himself and Chichi into the warm water before slowly pulling her off his now flaccid member, a deluge of semen pouring forth from her now gaping girlhood. Gently cradling the unconscious girl in one arm, he washes her petite body, making sure to remove as much sweat and sexual secretions as possible, and gently wiping away drying virgin's blood. Once satisfied with how clean she is, he drains the tub before drying her off and dressing her in a soft, linen robe. Returning to her bed chamber, the Ox King lays his little girl upon her bed, kissing her forehead as he whispers, "Sleep tight, princess." before leaving the room, very much in need of rest himself and not sure whether he'd prefer this to be a one off occurance or something that becomes part of their routine.