Blossom and the Professor by Imouto Kitten Professor Utonium sat at the desk in his home office, taking advantage of a quiet, not quite summer, Sunday afternoon to catch up on some paperwork when a cheerful call of "Professor!" draws his attention away from the papers scattered on his desktop. Spinning around in his swivel chair, utonium is met with the visage of his eldest daughter, the redhead floating in front of him and dressed quite differently than usual. Her hair is in its usual style, but all that remains of her signature outfit are the black mary janes, her tights replaced with white stockings that go up to her thighs, only the slightest sliver of skin visible between the cuffs and the hem of the blue, pleated skirt she's wearing. Above the waist, she's wearing a white blouse with a sailor collar, the red neckerchief tied around her neck perfectly matching the bow in her hair. A pair of round, wireframe glasses over her pink eyes complete the look of a prim and proper schoolgirl attending her teacher's office hours. Disregarding the unusual, but fitting for her character attire his daughter is wearing, the professor asks, "Did you need something, Blossom?" "Yes, Professor," replies Blossom with a smile to melt the coldest heart, "I've been doing some independant studying and was hoping you would be willing to evaluate what I've learned." "Of course I would." Replies the professor, stacking his papers and placing them to the side before asking, "What subject have you been studying?" Only to freeze upon hearing her response. "I've been studying human reproduction." Declares Blossom with far more innocence than such a statement should be saidd with, and before her creator can get over his shock, she has not only closed the distance to stand between his legs, but has undone his fly, fished out his member and started sliding one fingerless hand up and down his shaft, the previously limp appendage quickly growing hard under her touch. In the tones of a straight-A student confidently giving a presentation, she begins explaining what she's learned, "This is the penis, one of the most sensitive parts of a man's body. The male urethra runs along the underside of the penis's shaft and one of its primary uses is for men to urinate, though the opening at the tip of the penis, known as the meatus, is also the primary orifice for the male reproductive tract." Bringing her other hand to his balls, she continues, "This sac is the scrotum, and contained within are the testicals, where the male gametes, known as sperm are produced via meiosis and mature." Professor Utonium knows he should put a stop to this, knows this is wrong on so many levels. The tiny girl before him might be an artificial lifeform instead of his flesh-and-blood daughter, but he was still her father in every way that matters, and this certainly isn't the kind of thing a father should be doing with his little girl. Not to mention that, no matter how smart or mature, she's physically no older than five or six, and even younger in chronological terms... and yet, with his lack of luck with the ladies and the prolong spell of celibacy that's resulted, he can't help but enjoy Blossom's touch, her lack of fingers proving as little a hinderance to giving him a handjob and fondling his balls as it does for picking up everyday objects or pushing buttons on electronic devices. He knows he should push her away and firmly tell her he's willing to answer any questions she has on the subject, but that putting that knowledge to practical use is improper at her age and improper with family regardless, but instead, he can't help but give her a pat on the head and praise her, "That's very good, please continue." "Thank you, Professor," beams Blossom at the praise as she continues her demonstration. "The penis is normally flaccid, but when a man becomes sexually aroused, erectile tissue in the shaft fills with blood and the penis becomes erect. Once erect, there are various means with which one can stimulate the erect penis, most of which are pleasurable for the man. One of these is fellatio, in which a partner uses his or her mouth to stimulate the penis." And before Utonium can react any further, Blossom has parted her lips and engulfed his member, the superheroine effortlessly taking her creator's cock down her throat, resting her chin upon his balls as her tongue starts wrapping around his shaft in first one direction then the other and the powerful muscles of her throat start massaging his glands. In addition to her oral assault, she continues fondling his balls, now using both hands, and between her being quite literally superhuman at giving blowjobs and the professor's long dry spell, it isn't long before the man is crying out, "Blossom, I'm going to cum!" and burying his hand in her fiery locks. Though she could easily break free to either leave him hanging or make him spray her face with his release, Blossom puts up no resistence to the hold on her scalp, happily swallowing his load as he erupts in her throat. As his orgasm subsides and he releases his hold on Blossom's hair, the girl pulls away and comments, "When the penis is sufficiently stimulated, the man experiences an orgasm, which is accompanied by ejaculation, the release of semen from the meatus. Semen contains sperm, which is suspended in secretions from the prostate and cowper glands, secretions which help protect sperm from the hostile environment presented by the male urethra and the female reproductive tract. A single ejaculation can contain 100 million sperm, and the testicals of a healthy male can produce sperm continuously from the time the male reaches puberty until well into old age." Floating up to be more eye level with the professor, she adds, "Of course, fellatio is purely for pleasure and has little purpose in the reproductive process." With that said, she spins around in mid-air, and leaning forward, she flips up her skirt, revealing a lack of panties and exposing her absolutely adorable little butt and glistening girlhood to her creator's gaze. "Though performing fellatio did help with my own arousal." Bringing a hand to her crotch, she comments, "The exterior of the female genitalia is known as the vulva and consists primarily of several folds of skin collectively known as labia." Parting her nether lips, she continues, "The labia conceal the female meatus as well as the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. The clitoris is a degenerate structure that arrises from the same structure that develops into the penis in male fetuses and serves little purpose beyond providing a female pleasure." To illustrate, she presses her hand to her clit, the hovering girl letting out a moan and swaying side-to-side a bit more than usual. "When a female is aroused, glands surrounding the vaginal orifice secrete lubricants that help the penis penetrate the vagina." Having found himself transfixed by the girl's display, the professor had notice that his member has returned to full erection, a fact he only becomes aware of when blossom comes in for a landing, standing on his thighs before squating down, her soaked, powerpuff pussy kissing his tip as she adds, "It's called sexual intercourse when a man puts his penis inside a girl's vagina." and starts easing herself upon her creator's cock, stopping when his tip hits resistence. "Oh, feels like I have an intact hymen. The hymen is a membrane covering the entrance to the vagina. Though sometimes a solid barrier, the hyman is usually perforated to allow for menstrual flow and some girls are born without one. For girls with an intact hymen, first time penetration can stretch or tear it, which can cause bleeding or pain, though there are other activities that can tear a hymen and even an intact hymen is no guarantee that an initial vaginal penetration will be unpleasant... Though, with my super toughness, I wonder if I'll even feel it if it tears." With no further preamble, Blossom forces herself down, coming to a halt only when the professor's cock is buried balls deep in her no longer virgin passage, the young girl letting out a loud gasp as her insides are stretched to accomodate her creator's cock. "Are you okay, Blossom!?" Shouts the professor in alarm, fearful that his daughter's overeagerness has lead to her hurting herself upon his erection, the velvet vice encasing him more than enough to convince him that his girth is too much for her tiny twatty. "I'm fine," replies Blossom, experimentally bouncing her hips a few times, "Having my Vagina filled with the professor's penis just felt much better and far more intense than I expected." Leaning forward and placing her hands on her knees, Blossom starts bouncing in the professor's lap in earnest, her super strength and super speed letting her ride him in a way no ordinary girl or woman could, her motions making her skirt flutter in a way to play peek-a-boo with her perky, powerpuff posterior as her cozy, little cunny rapidly alternates between having her nether lips wrapped around the collar of his cock and taking her creator balls deep. Tongue hanging out of her mouth and struggling to maintain any semblance of composure, Blossom manages to comment between moans, "I... can... feel...professor' with...every...thrust..." Feeling himself quickly growing close once more, Utonium cries out, "Blossom! I...I'm going to cum again! need to get off!" Blossom slows down but makes no effort to pull off the professor's prick, instead starting to grind her cervix against his tip as her internal muscles massage his shaft, "It's okay, professor, you're welcome to ejaculate in my vagina whenever you like." and with the way she's squeezing him, Utonium is certain that any attempt to force her off would sooner rip his member from his body than dislodge it from her passage. Already balls deep upon her creator's cock, Blossom bears down harder as she reaches down, her hand alternating between fondling the professor's balls and rubbing her clit as she muses aloud, "I wonder if I can force your glands through my cervix and into my Uterus..." the professor's eyes going wide at the proposition. And as the headstrong heroine puts her mind and all of her considerable strength to it, it isn't long before her innermost barrier starts to part for the prick that has been battering it for the last couple of minutes, and as Blossom finally forces her creator's cock head into her womb, both father and daughter reach their climax, Blossom drenching the professor's black pants in her juices as his seed balloons her tiny womb, Blossom's belly bulging slightly to accomodate the load her tiny twatty is far too tight to let leak out. Blossom is the first to recover, rubbing the bulge that makes her look like she's just starting to show as she explains, "When a man ejaculates inside a girl's vagina, the tadpole like sperm swim through her cervix into her womb and up to her Fallopian tubes. At the far end of the fallopian tubes are the ovaries, which fill with thousands of eggs or ova during fetal development, and from the time a girl reaches menarch until she goes through menopause, the ovaries regularly release ova, usually at a rate of about one ovum per month. If there is a ovum waiting for the sperm in either fallopian tube, they will surround it, and the first to get through the ovum's cell membrane will fertilize it and form a zygote. The zygote will then implant in the uterine wall where it will first grow into an embryo and then a fetus. The woman is said to be pregnant while she has an embryo or fetus growing in her womb, and after the gestation period, which for humans is about 280 days, the resulting baby will be pushed out through the cervix and vagina... if a ovum goes unfertilized, it will be expelled along with the uterine lining in a process called menstruation, which generally results in the woman bleeding from her vagina anywhere from a few days to a week out of the month. During the later stages of pregnancy, the mother's breasts will start to produce milk, which provides nutrition for her baby and also helps transfer some of the mother's antibodies to her newborn to help jumpstart the child's immune system." Letting out a giggle, she adds, "Of course, I'm probably too young to get pregnant as most girls reach menarch somewhere between the ages of 10 and 13... and my sisters and I might not be compatible with human sperm regardless... Though there is the case of Lina Medina, who became the youngest mother on record when she gave birth at 5 years, 7 months, and 21 days of age." Looking up at the professor, who is still a bit dazed from the experience of cumming in his little girl, she asks, "So, how did I do, professor?" Part of him knows that he should scold her and insist they can never do this again, but the part of him who wants a repeat of this and to find out if he can get his little girl pregnant tells that responsible part to take a hike as he replies, "Exemplary work, Blossom! Full marks plus all of the extra credit." Finally lifting off his wilting member, a trickle of seed running down her thighs, Blossom turns to face her creator and gives him a kiss on the cheek as she says, "Thank you," and adds in a whisper, "Happy Father's Day." before letting out a giggle and flying off in a streak of pink.