Medusa and Crona by Imouto Kitten The cell was dark and dank, a barely glowing ember in a lone torch the only source of heat or light. From one wall, Crona dangled, shackles around the child's frail wrists the only thing holding them up and preventing them from collapsing into the grime that covered the stone floor of the dungeon. Crona did not know how long it had been since their last meal, but the sensation of acid trying to eat the lining of their stomach should've been agonizing. The malnourished child's arms should've been screaming from the strain of supporting their weight, and as the one who had left them here, chained to the wall without food or water had lacked the decency of giving the child clothes to wear, they should've been shivering from the cold, damp air on their exposed skin. But these torments that should've been brought on by the child's confinement in such atrocious conditions were overshadowed by a torment of a completely different type. The child's loins were on fire and the entirety of their frail form was feverish with unquenchable arousal. Crona's puny penis throbbed terribly in dire need of stimulation, Chrona's tiny testes felt ready to burst from an overabundance of unspent seed, and Crona's prepubescent pussy was drooling in need of penetration, the labia quite puffy and pink from the concentration of blood. As Crona hung limp from their bonds, body wracked with a horniness fit for the hell of the lustful, the child doesn't hear footsteps approaching, nor do they look up when an orb of blue fire reignites the torch, bathing the stone chamber in an eerie light. Standing over Crona's bound and naked form, Medusa, the child's mother and primary tormenter frowns down upon the pathetic sight before her. "So, how's my dear, little disappointment today?" asks Medusa, the false sweetness in her voice doing little to conceal the sadism and comtempt she holds for her own spawn as she leans over to examine Crona's crotch. Although nearly purple and looking ready to burst from being over engorged with blood, Crona's cock is barely two inches long and only about half-an-inch across at its widest, and the child's balls are even more unimpressive, the child's scrotum stretched so taut that it leaves an unobscured view of their pussy. "Truly pathetic," comments Medusa as she flicks her index finger at Crona's puny prick, ignoring the squeal this elicits from the child, "I pumped you full of enough aphrodisiac to make a gelding rut every mare in the herd and you're still hung like a mouse... puny, spineless, and with only one dick... I've seen ordinary girls with clits bigger than that! And those balls are pathetic! If you're going to leave your gonads exposed and vulnerable like a man, they should at least be worth showing off!" As if to illustrate her point, Medusa wraps her hand around Crona's testicals, fully encasing the tiny orbs in her palm before squeezing, making the child cry out in pain. Standing up straight, Medusa wriggles out of her dress like a snake following the movements of a snake charmer, leaving herself as naked as her child and pointing both of her spiny dicks at Crona's face. The witch's twin pricks couldn't be more unlike Crona's. Whereas the male half of the child's equipment is more or less like that of a normal human boy, Medusa is endowed with a pair of foot long hemipenes, nearly three inches across at their bases and tapering to a pointed tip, barbed spines running along their shafts. The witch is also without external balls, her gonads nestled safely within her abdominal cavity. "Oh well," declares Medusa, walking up to Crona and fisting her hand in the child's pink hair, "You're still useless as a stud, but let's see if you've gotten any better at sucking cock." as she uses her other hand to press the tip of her upper prick to the child's lips before lifting the child off the floor by the scalp and forcing the snake cock down the child's throat, Crona putting up no resistence as the witch procedes to face fuck the child. Dangling in their mother's grip, Crona makes no effort to pleasure the prick threatening to cut off their air supply, instead focusing on relaxing their throat enough to allow the spiny sexual organ to scrape the inside of their mouth and airways while still allowing them to breathe, saliva running from the corners of their mouth to drip from their chin onto the lower of Medusa's hemipenes. However, in spite of Crona's lack of enthusiasm or skill, it only takes a few minutes of throat fucking before Medusa is spilling her seed directly into the abused child's empty stomach, the closest thing to a proper meal the snake witch has allowed her spawn in days. Pulling back to deposit the last of her release on Crona's tongue, Medusa declares, "Pathetic. A competent cocksucker would be able to milk me in under a minute." as she lets go of the child's scalp, the chains the only thing preventing the pinkette from crashing to the cold, damp, and grimey masonry as they attempt to catch their breath through several deep, but haggard gulps of air. "I wasn't even trying to hold back and it still took you several minutes to make me cum." Loosening the chains slightly, Medusa barks an order, "Turn around and assume the position! Let's see if you're any better a lay than a cocksucker." Following their mother's command, the child takes advantage of the loossened chains to face the wall, and bending at the waist and pressing palms against the slimey wall for support, the child presents their ass and pussy for their mother's inspection. "That's more like it." comments Medusa before gripping Crona's hips tightly enough to leave hand-shaped bruises and lifting the child clean off the floor and pulling them away from the wall until the chains are drawn taut once more. Lining her tips up with Crona's pussy and anus, the snake witch comments, "I suspect you'll prove as useless as a broodmare as you are as a stud, but if you do end up carrying your own little sister, I hope she turns out to be less of a disgrace of a specimen." before hilting both of her snake cocks in the child's tight holes, Crona crying out in pain as their mother's thickness threatens to tear tender flesh asunder. However, being the consummate sadist she is, Medusa gives the abused child's overstreched cunt and rectum no time to adjust to the massive intruders before withdrawing, serpentine spines scraping Crona's insides, giving the pinkette a sensation of being shredded, and before long, the snake witch is repeatedly sinking her snake cocks to the hilt in Crona's passages and violently withdrawing, scratching the child's insides raw in a matter of minutes. When medusa finally allows herself to cum, the tip of her lower hemipene piercing Crona's cervix as the witch floods her spawn's bowels and womb, the hot seed sears like acid against the child's inflamed insides. Her load spent, Medusa roughly rips her twin cocks from Crona's abused ass and twat, letting the child fall to the stone floor as semen stained pink with blood puddles between the child's quivering knees. "I think I need to add something to force you to do kegels between sessions." comments Medusa as she cleans leftover blood and semen from her crotch and shimmies back into her dress, "I didn't feel you using your internal muscles to squeeze me even once. Perhaps a metal egg in your ass or cunt and a weight sensitive mechanism that triggers an electrode connected to your micro prick and nipples if you drop it." The child says nothing to the implied threat as Medusa retightens the chains, leaving the child once more dangling from chains not quite long enough to allow a prisoner to stand comfortably as their mother leaves the cell, not bothering to renew the torch that's starting to dim once more.