The Heiress and her Butler by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Brimney Chapter 3: The Morning After Amelia awoke shortly before dawn to a twinge in her bladder and a unfamiliar warmth pressed against her back. Realizing this wasn't her bed nor her usual bed chamber, the young woman nearly panicked before several key scenes from the night before played across her mind: awakening to discover she had been drugged and bound by her butler, Hans, their mutual confession of forbidden feelings and the subsequent intimate expression of those feelings, the bath that had followed along with all the tea she had drank, and finally, falling asleep in Hans's arms. Realizing that the warm body next to hers must be Hans and that the way he's embracing her would necessitate waking him for her to get out of bed, the woman decides the tingle in her nethers, the tea from the night before working its way through her system, can wait as she snuggles against her much older lover and drifts back off to sleep. ### By the time the morning sun is fully streaming through the curtains of the usually unused bedroom Hans had picked for their rendevous, the pressure in Amelia's lower abdomen had grown to a point where ignoring it was impossible, never mind trying to go back to sleep, and the young woman was very much regretting that she didn't relieve herself before bed, scolding herself for thinking she'd be fine since she hadn't felt anything the night before, never mind that she had a full pot of tea working its way through her system. To make matters worse, Hans was still sound asleep, his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight to his chest, and despite the incessant throbbing in her nethers, she couldn't bring herself to wake him, nibbling her lower lip to avoid letting out a whimper as she struggles not to squirm as a full night's waste waters slosh within her quickly swelling personal reservoir. Her efforts not to disturb her sleeping lover prove fruitless however, the unconscious crossing and recrossing of her legs beneath the sheets unintentionally stimulating a certain part of Hans's anatomy, rousing first that magnificent manhood of his and then the man himself. Amelia nearly melts as her butler's warm breath ghosts over her earlobe, his rich baritone, though quiet, seeming to fill the entire room and her very soul from their close proximity as he greets his mistress and lover, "Good Morning, milady." As she gives up pretense of trying to hold still, she can practically hear the smirk on his face as he asks, "Is something bothering you this morning, Madam?" "Hans," Starts Amelia with a whimper, "I...I need to go to the ladies' room." Instead of relinquishing his grasp upon his much younger lover, Hans tightens his embrace, one arm pinning Amelia's arms to her sides as it snakes under her breasts, only the thin material of his silk pajama top and the even thinner material of her sheer negligee separating his forearm from her sternum as his other hand trails further down to caress the swell of her bulging bladder, the hollow organ quite taut beneath his touch. "Yes, madam does appear to be in rather urgent need of the loo." comments the elderly butler as he continues to massage his mistress's personal ocean, showing no signs of letting her go anytime soon. Stifling a moan, enjoying his treatment more than she's willing to admit, Amelia begs, "Then, why don't you let me go?" Nibbling at her earlobe, Hans replies in his most devilish tone, "What would be the fun in that?" Amelia opens her mouth to protest, but Hans's hand dips lower, passing the hem of her nightgown, the already short garment having ridden up in the night and grazes her clit with the tip of his middle finger, taking full advantage of her lack of undergarments, a tremor going through her which has nothing to do with the tides of tinkle roiling within her waste water reservoir. Gently pinching the tiny bundle of nerves between thumb, index, and middle finger, Hans starts to massage Amelia's clitoris as he whispers in her ear, "I read about how you secretly enjoy holding your pee during relaxing activities...and though I felt a bit guilty at the time, I did enjoy watching you soak the leather upholstery on the desk chair in the master study." Amelia is helpless under Hans's ministrations, unable to even utter a token protest as moans of ecstasy fall unbidden from her lips as he continues to work her clit. Growing bolder, Hans releases one of her arms in order to cup a breast, expertly kneading her supple flesh through the sheer fabric as his other hand slides down, his index and middle fingers sliding inside the heiress's slick passage. As he starts to finger her in earnest, he grinds the heel of his palm against the protrusion of her prodigious pond of pee, enjoying the pulsations of her throbbing tinkle tank that seem to come in time with her moans and the beating of her heart against the wrist of the hand massaging her mammary. After what feels like an eternity of excruciatingly exquisite tinkle torture at the hands of her beloved butler, but is really only a few minutes, Amelia manages to cry out, "Hans! If...if you don't stop... I...I'm really going to wet the bed!" "Yes, milady," purrs Hans against his mistress's ear, "Let it all out. Let me witness you gushing forth with another golden flood." Before she can voice any further protests, Hans picks up speed, his skilled fingers a blur as they ravage her most precious place. At the same time, he presses his palm more firmly than ever against the bulge of her bloated bladder, and before Amelia realizes it, her mind is going blank as the strongest orgasm of her young life rips through her, shattering the dam in the process. As the young woman trembles in her lover's arms, her golden wastes rush from her reservoir, cascading over her thighs and around Hans's fingers, soaking through and staining both their night clothes and the silken sheets, a white of the kind intended to be stained by virgin's blood as newly weds consummate their marriage turning amber instead of crimson. When Amelia finally regains her senses, her silken night gown plastered to her skin with both sweat and pee, the first thing her eyes gaze upon as they flutter open is a devilish grin on Hans's face as he comments, "My my, madam, but I thought you had left bedwetting behind some 15 years ago." His tone is jovial rather than scolding, but Amelia can't help blushing at the reminder that she just wet the bed for the first time since she was a child, never mind that it was hardly her fault that he refused her requests to be let up. But before she can gather her thoughts to reply, Hans continues, "No matter, it's been many years, but I haven't forgotten how to clean a wet mattress. I'll just help you clean up and get you some breakfast before taking care of this mess as part of my morning rounds." With that, Hans stands up and lifts Amelia in a princess carry, the young woman's weight like nothing to the butler despite his advanced age. Glancing down and noticing the pink dusting her cheeks, he comments, "That pink is very pretty on you, milady." before leaning down to give her a quick kiss on the forehead, her blush deepening and prompting an added comment of "As is that rosy red." Leaving the now thoroughly stained bed behind, Hans carries his mistress and lover into the en suite, sitting her down carefully, ensuring her legs are sturdy enough to support her weight before starting a hot shower. As steam starts to fill the bathroom, Hans helps Amelia out of her soaked nightgown before shedding his own soiled clothes. Amelia is already in the shower, the hot water cascading over her luscious curves when Hans is done bundling up their soiled sleepwear, which he sits aside so he may join her under the spray. Amelia, having lost herself as the hot water washes away the remnants of her accident, is surprised when she feels Hans's lean body pressed against her back once more, though not unpleasantly so, leaning against his chest. He reaches for the bar of soap and clean wash cloth this shower, like all the other unused showers in the manor is equipped with just in case of sudden company, and the next several minutes pass in companionable near silence, the shower the only sound as Hans works a rich lather into Amelia's every muscle. Once he is done cleaning Amelia, but not yet done pampering her, Hans breaks the silence, declaring, "You've grown into such a lovely, young lady. I only wish I had had the courage to voice my feelings sooner." Grabbing one of his wandering hands and pressing it firmly between her breasts, her heart beating against his palm, Amelia replies, "As do I... If I'm honest with myself, I've been attracted to you since I was a little girl... when father dismissed you from his Gentlemen's Club meetings so he and his associates could have their way with me... part of me long to cry out to you, beg you to save me... but I guess I was afraid of what Father would do if you found out what really happened during those gatherings." "Had I known what the old master was up to..." Replies Hans, a protective growl reverberating in his chest, "I would've moved heaven and earth to remove you from those gatherings, the vows I took to serve the old master when he took over the family from your grandfather be damned." "I love you, Hans." is the only reply Amelia can think of to such a statement. "And I love you, Amelia, and even if I don't have as long left on this earth as you do, I'll gladly spend the rest of my life at your side." As the room they spennt the night in was neither hers or his, the only clean clothes at the handy when they finish their shower are a few terry cloth bathrobes provided for guests using the room, and so, that is what they wrap themselves in for the time being, Amelia in a pale pink robe and Hans in a larger, dark blue robe. Deciding that proper dressing can wait until after breakfast and that it's too nice a morning to spend indoors, Amelia heads for the veranda nearest the kitchen, Hans half-a-step behind her the whole way, pulling out her chair as she sits at the wrought iron dining table setup there for outdoor dining before excusing himself to prepare breakfast. As she sits alone, enjoying a pleasant breeze, Amelia thinks back over the last month or so, thinking about the untimely death of her parents and their funeral, taking over the family business and all the tedious, and often esoteric paperwork that came with it, the embarrassment of her accident from that first late night working with Hans's assistence and the awkwardness that came afterward, and of course, the wonderful night and morning they had just shared. It had been a rough time for the young woman, but she was glad one of her long held secrets was now out in the open and she could be honest with the man who had won her heart. When Hans returns, a dining trolley loaded down with everything for a continental breakfast in tow, far more food than even a family of four could eat, Amelia makes an offer that, though inappropriate by the standards of the society they were part of, feels rude not to make given the events of the last 24 hours, "Hans, would you like to join me for breakfast?" "I'd be delighted to, Amelia dear." replies the Butler, taking a seat across from Amelia, the pair eating in companionable silence, dining, not as a young business lady and her servant, but as equals and lovers.