The Heiress and Her Butler by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Brimney Chapter 2: Breaking Boundaries In the days that followed, neither Amelia nor Hans made any mention of the young woman's accident, the heiress too embarrassed to speak of such a shameful act, and the butler too professional to deliberately remind his mistress of her shame. However, though neither spoke of the incident, they were each reminded of it almost constantly. Whenever their eyes met, Amelia's cheeks would burn at the memory and she'd quickly avert her gaze in an effort to conceal her blush. Everytime his gloved hand brushed against hers as he walked her through another esoteric form, he would remember the sight of her wetting herself and only his decades of discipline prevented him from yanking his hand away as if touching a hot stove. As a result, nearly their every interaction was tainted by an awkwardness that had not been there previously, nor did avoiding each other help much, as whenever Hans performed his duties out of sight of his mistress, Amelia was reminded of just how alone she was in the world, and Hans had little to distract him from the forbidden knowledge he had gleamed from reading her Diary. And the more Hans thought about what he had learned, the more he contemplated actions that could destroy any trust he had earned from his young mistress over the past two decades. ### About a week after the incident finds Hans dusting bookshelves in the Manor's Library, comtemplating the mutual feelings the unwritten rules of their social standing dictate he and Amelia must repress and what to do about what he learned from her diary when a few titles he had overlooked hundreds of times previously catch his eye. Although the recently deceased old master had been raised with a classical liberal arts education and had attended an Ivy League school for Business Administration, Amelia's father had accumulated numerous tomes on the subjects of psychology and psychoactive pharmacology, and for some reason, a pair of books, one on exposure therapy and one on natural remedies for relieving stress, anxiety and promoting healthy sleep had caught his interest like never before. Pulling the two books off their respective shelves, he tucked them under his arm for later perusal, unsuspecting of just what kind of plan they would end up planting the seeds of in his mind. ### It had taken a week of spending every waking moment not dedicated to his duties pouring over the pair of books he had found in the old master's library for Hans's plan to come together. Amelia had spent much of the day attending to the responsibilities of the family businesses and had just called for him to serve afternoon tea. Instead of one of the blends he kept in the usual rotation, the elderly butler prepared a herbal mixture, that according to his reading, would have a powerful hypnotic effect on the drinker, but would leave them well-rested and fully alert when it wears off and without any side-effects. He felt a stab of guilt as he carried the tea setting to his mistress's study, but assured himself that young Amelia would ultimately thank him for what he's about to do. Still, Hans is nervous as he pours a cup of tea for the woman who captured his heart, decades of experience the only thing letting him maintain a facade of outward calm. He grows worried as, upon taking a sip, Amelia comments, "The tea has an unusual flavor... Is it a new blend?" Keeping his inner turmoil under control, he replies, "Yes, it is, madam. Is it not to your liking?" "No, no, Hans, it's actually quite delicious." She answers reassuringly, and Hans relaxes minutely that the taste of the hypnotic tea didn't doom his plans from the start. As she drinks her tea, Hans keeps a close eye on his mistress for signs of drowsiness, and she's about halfway through the pot when she suddenly passes out in her seat. Acting quickly, Hans intervenes to ensure that Amelia doesn't hit her head in her swoon and protecting the documents she was in the middle of working on from being stained with the contents of the still half-filled teacup. Tidying up her desk, the butler, quite fit despite his age effortlessly lifts his unconscious mistress, carrying her like the princess she was practically raised as. Rather than taking her to either her own quarters or his own, Hans makes a beeline for an unused bedroom that would serve as lodging for the head of a cadet branch of the family were the family large enough to have active cadet branches. Though the room had not had an occupant in many years, like all of the rooms in the manor, it was cleaned regularly, so there was not a trace of dust on any surface or the slightest hint of mustiness in the air as Hans carries his mistress across the threshold. As he approaches the bed, a luxurious four-poster adorned with white silk, the sheets and drapes having been freshly changed by Hans during his daily rounds that morning, he goes over the preparations he needs to complete before she wakes in his mind. Laying her upon the duvet, Hans makes quick work of removing her blouse and brassiere before putting a night gown of even finer silk than the sheets on her unconscious form to protect her modesty as he strips her of her skirt, leggings and unmentionables. With only the thin gown covering her, he binds her wrists and ankles to the bedposts with lengths of silk rope before drawing the bed curtains and starting on the rest of his preparations. ### When Amelia wakes from her induced slumber, she is surprised to find herself nearly naked and laying on a bed surrounded by dozens of lit candles in an otherwise darkened room smelling sweetly of freshly picked roses. The young woman tries to sit up only to discover her bonds, letting out a cry of, "Who did this?!" At the sound of her voice, Hans steps out of the shadows, the uniform of his office having been discarded in favor of a black silk house robe, his rich baritone sending shivers up her spine as he greets his mistress, "I see you're finally awake, my dear Amelia." "What's the meaning of this, Hans!?" demands the bound woman of the man that has served her family since before she was born, the man who practically raised her as he approaches the bed. Climbing on the bed, Hans positions himself atop Amelia, cupping her cheek in one hand as he declares, "My dear Amelia, you're more beautiful than any flower." Before leaning in to kiss her, her eyes widening in surprise from the act. Forcing his tongue into her mouth, the hand cupping her cheek trails itself along her exposed flesh to the neck line of her silken gown before firmly, yet gently cupping one of her breasts through the sheer fabric. Amelia is frightened by the way she's suddenly found herself bound and being dominated by a man she thought, at best, saw her as a surrogate grandchild, and yet, the situation is so close to her secret fantasies that she can't help moaning into the kiss and arching her back to press her bosom harder against his palm. When he finally breaks the kiss, a breathless Amelia asks, "What brought this on all of a sudden?" "I've watched you grow from a delightful child into a beautiful, young woman, but I never knew what really went on during the meetings of the old master's Gentlemen's Club, much less the damage you incurred as a result." replies the elderly butler, sliding a hand up the inside of her thigh as he speaks. Panicking at the implications, Amelia tries to interrogate Hans further, " did you-" Only to be cut off with a squeal from her own throat as the hand on her thigh makes contact with her womanhood, the heiress realizing for the first time that her undergarments are missing. Even as she struggles against the ropes holding her down, Amelia can't help moaning as Hans's skilled hands prove as adept at working a clitoris and g-spot as they are at preparing meals, making tea, and cleaning. When Hans finally withdraws his hands, Amelia is panting heavily, her skin shimmering with sweat in the candle light, Hans admiring the sight as she struggles to catch her breath. When she finally finds her voice, Amelia asks, "You know about what my father and his friends did to me under the guise of a man showing off what a talented ballerina or pianist his little princess is? How did you learn of such?" "I don't know the details," Starts Hans, a stab of guilt piercing his heart, "I couldn't bring myself to dig deeper... but as to how I learned of such things... I went to check on you after the incident," He dared not specify the incident he's referring to, but the look in amelia's eyes as he continues make it obvious she knows the one he's talking about, "Only to find you already asleep and with your diary on your night stand, the lock opened. I'm not proud to admit it, but I gave into temptation and read about your complex emotions following the funeral." Going pale at the confession that Hans invaded her privacy in such a manner, Amelia asks in a barely audible whisper, "Did you learn anything else from my Diary?" Staring at the silk sheets, unable to meet his mistress's gaze, Hans replies, his baritone nearly as quiet, "Just that you had feelings for me and that you feared I saw you as nothing more than a grandchild if I held any affection for you at all." A silence extends between the pair for several long, agonizing minutes before Amelia finally asks, "So why did you do this?" "I've long held feelings for you as well, Amelia... but I too feared you saw our relationship as one between grandparent and grandchild or as strictly professional... When I learned of what the old master and his associates did to you as a child and how it impacted your views on tore me up, and then I found a book in the old master's library on exposure therapy and I just thought..." Averting his gaze, "I'm sorry for violating your trust and privacy...I just want you to know that my actions are driven by love, forbidden as it may be." "Hans." Starts Amelia, "I think...I think I can forgive you... because I love you, and to hell with the social norms that say a woman of my station shouldn't cavort with the hired help." Perking up at her words, Hans asks, "Then, would you like me to continue?" "Please, Hans, make me forget the way those dirty old men touched me." "With pleasure, milady." replies the butler, reaching to undo the ropes holding one of her ankles. "No," cries Amelia, "Leave me bound... I kind of like the idea of being at your mercy." With a smile fit for Lucifer himself, Hans replies, "As you wish." Before climbing atop Amelia once more, pushing up her night gown, and deciding to forego further foreplay, undoing the sash around his waist and shrugging off the robe, leaving his lean but well maintained frame on full display for Amelia's hungry eyes before lining himself up with her opening and sliding within her depths, the woman gasping in pleasure, her hymen having apparently been torn during one of those long ago Gentlemen's Club meetings. "As Hans sets a pleasant rhythm with his hips, his hands fall upon Amelia's now exposed breasts, kneading her flesh much like he would knead dough for freshly baked scones, the sounds of her moans filling the room and sounding like the sweetest symphony to Hans's ears. Feeling himself nearing completion, Hans announces, "Madam, I'm about to..." "Do as you please," replies Amelia during the older gentleman's moment of indecision as to how to finish his sentence. Giving into his baser desires, Hans crashes his lips upon Amelia's and wraps his arms around her neck as, with one final thrust, he hilts himself in her depths and releases, filling her young womb with his seed and sending her over the edge in to a mind blowing climax of her own. His seed spent, Hans rolls off of Amelia to avoid crushing her under his weight, the pair laying side-by-side, panting as they bask in afterglow. Amelia is the first to find her voice, "Hans, I think a bath is in order. Could you fill the nearest tub and then go and prepare some tea and a suitable bath time snack, maybe some of that tea you prepared earlier, and then join me in the bath?" "That sounds lovely, madam, but you should know that tea was a herbal blend specifically designed to make the drinker fall asleep." "Well, after what just happened, a good night's sleep sounds nice, even if it's induced by tea." "Right you are, Madam, right you are." replies Hans as he undoes Amelia's bindings, robes himself and leads her to the en suite where he starts the hot water running before going to prepare their refreshments.