Twins in Twinleaf by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Anonymous Dawn Berlitz, the now 20-year-old Sinnoh Champion, had been touring the region for a few months now, hoping to find rookie trainers to help out, much as Cynthia had done for her nearly a decade prior. Today found her on Route 210, north of Solaceon Town, near the intersection where she had once encountered a large flock of psyduck blocking the road, all of them suffering from massive migraines. Lost in her reminiscing, Dawn doesn't notice a pair of young trainers walking up to her until they call out in unison, "Excuse us, miss, are you Champion Dawn." "Turning around to see the most adorable pair of identical twins she's ever laid eyes on, Dawn's heart nearly melts as she says, "Why, yes I am, did you little cuties need anything?" Turning star strucked, the twins declare that Dawn is their idol as they launch into a rapidfire rundown of some of their favorite moments from the older girl's many televised matches, the blunette barely able to understand any of what they're saying, though she does manage to catch that their names are Teri and Tia at some point. The champion eventually manages to calm down her fangirls enough to start up a proper conversation with them, eventually learning that the twins are five, live in Solaceon Town, and that while the pair are too young to get full trainer licenses and start their journey, they spend most days training their starters, a Clefa and Pichu in and around their hometown, Dreaming of the day they face each other in the Sinnoh Grand Festival and Sinnoh League finals or open a Gym in Solaceon Town. However, the twins grow excited in the way only small children can once more when Dawn tells them about her mother and the pair realize that their two idols, their favorite coordinator and their favorite trainer are mother and daughter. Knowing just how much getting to meet her made the twin's day, Dawn offers, "I was planning to visit my hometown of Twinleaf soon, would you little cuties like to come along to meet my mother?" "We'd love too!" is the stereo response Dawn recieves at this offer. "Of course, I'll need to ask your parents if it's okay." but Dawn barely has these words out of her mouth when the two little girls start practically dragging the older girl south towards Solaceon, the blunette offering little resistence, unaware of just how much this chance meeting will end up changing her life. ### It hadn't taken much to convince Teri and Tia's parents to let them join the Champion on a brief journey, an the energetic twins had barely had enough patience to allow time to pack them a few days worth of clothes and the other provisions needed for camping on the way to Twin Leaf, dragging the young woman out of the house and towards the southern edge of town almost immediately upon being told the packing was done. They had made good time that first afternoon thanks to the twin's excitement to be heading to meet their other idol, but Dawn had been exhausted by the time they made camp the first night of their trip. Fortunately for the blunette, her young charges had overdone it, their seemingly boundless energy giving way to weariness as they head into their small tent after a small dinner of campfire roasted trail rations, Dawn letting out a mix of a sigh of relief and a yawn as she crawls into her own tent, grateful the twins didn't insist on keeping her up half the night. ### Despite her exhaustion from the day before, Dawn is the first to wake the next morning and has alredy packed away her tent and prepared breakfast without a peep from her traveling companions. Dropping to all fours, Dawn unzips the fly to the twin's tiny tent and pokes her head inside, her eyes going wide as she does so. The sight that greets her contains a nearly lethal dose of adorableness, but that's not what surprises the Sinnoh Grand Champion. The sight of Teri and Tia laying atop a spread out child's sleeping bag was kind of expected, especially given the warm weather, and there was nothing unusual about young trainers cuddling a Cleffa or Pichu to their chests like plush dolls, and having helped packed their bags, Dawn was well aware that the twins had white tank tops and hot pink hot pants as their primary option for pajamas. What had the young woman staring wide-eyed and drooling from both her mouth and into her panties was the rather prominent bulges those skin tight shorts were failing to hide. 'Arceus! Those little girls are hung like Ponyta!' is the first coherent thought Dawn can manage as her brain reboots. And indeed, the sleeping little sweethearts are sporting morning wood that men five times their age would be proud to have, the stretchy spandex straining to contain the rather impressive girlcocks. Though she manages to resist the urge to pull down those hot pants and wake her young charges with a handjob or perhaps even a blowjob, Dawn can't help snapping a couple of photos of the pair with her poketch, sending a quick message to her mom to warn her of the surprise her soon to be guests are packing. That done, and trying to act as if she isn't the horniest she's ever been, Dawn clears her throat before announcing, "Teri! Tia! Breakfast is ready!" By the time the twins join Dawn by the campfire, they've changed into their traveling outfits, and if their morning wood hasn't gone down already, they seem to know how to hide their extra anatomy under their skirts. ### After another day of travel, Dawn crawls into her tent after sending the twins to bed, and checking her messages finds a reply from her mom, the older woman just as impressed by how well endowed the twins are, even going so far as to say she's sure Dawn's father wasn't that well endowed though admitting she didn't think futanari were real and wondering how the twins got such impressive girlcocks. Though she could've done without the mention of her deadbeat dad's dick, Dawn can't help share her mother's curiosity, though thinking about the twins soon has her soaking her panties, and pulling up the photos she took of the sleeping girls, Dawn starts to masturbate, sliding her hand under her drenched underwear and sliding several fingers inside her slippery passage, wondering what it would feel like to have one of those little cuties stuff her skitty with their giant girlcock, and before long, the Sinnoh Champion is experiencing one of the strongest, most toe-curling orgasms she's had in a long time. ### It takes nearly a week for the trio to reach Twin Leaf, though it's felt much longer for the blunette, every morning having included the same temptation of seeing the twins tenting their shorts and every evening featuring Dawn masturbating to the photos she took of the sleeping twins. She wanted to jump their bones like a Lopunny in heat and drain the balls she had noticed upon subsequent glances at the crotch of their shorts of every last drop, but her mother had insisted she do nothing until they could talk face-to-face. She had managed to work up the courage to ask the twins about their extra bit of anatomy and had learned they had just woken up with boy parts in addition to their girl parts after they had snuck into the Solaceon Ruins and encountered a swarm of Unown. As they reach the Berlitz home in Twin Leaf, Johanna is waiting to recieve her guests, arms spread to catch the twins in a hug as they run forward to tackle the older woman upon seeing their biggest idol after the girl they've been traveling with. "Always nice to meet fans," comments Johanna, "Especially such cute little fans who don't mind that I don't compete much anymore." The twins break into a stream of nearly incoherent chatter about their favorite appeals until Johanna tries to distract them. "We can play a DVD of my career highlights later, but for now, how about you get to know my Pokemon while I have a private talk with my daughter." Catching on to her mother's attempt to distract the twins, Dawn releases every pokemon she has on her, declaring, "That sounds like a great idea, Teri and Tia can get to know my Mom's pokemon and mine can catch up with my mom's while I catch up with my mom!" The distraction works, and as the two five-year-olds frolick with the pokemon of their two biggest idols in the safety of the house's back yard, mother and daughter head inside, Dawn sitting at the kitchen table as her mom starts a kettle boiling for tea, the pair trusting their pokemon to look after their young charges while the two women talk. Sitting a steaming cup in front of Dawn and holding her own to warm her hands as she sits across from her daughter, Johanna comments, "Those two are even cuter in person than in that photo you sent me." before taking a sip. Lowering her cup after taking a sip herself, Dawn replies, "They sure are..." blushing, she adds, "It was hard restraining myself to just fingering myself while staring at those little angels tenting their shorts as they sleep, oblivious to the effect they have on me." "I can imagine," replies her mother before confessing, "I've been busy cleaning the house in preparation for their visit, but more than once I had to drop what I was doing to scratch the itch to the photos you sent." Giggling like a schoolgirl, Johanna adds, "I think I burned out the motor on my favorite vibrator thanks to those little cuties." "MOM!" cries Dawn, her face redder than a pokeball as she sprays a mouthful of tea everywhere, "I didn't need to know that much!" Before deflating and slumping atop the kitchen table, "But I guess we're both major perverts, lusting after a couple of little girls." "A couple of little girls packing a pair of mega horns to make a whole swarm of heracross green with envy." reminds Johanna, taking another sip of tea. "but I do have a plan." adds the older woman with a mischievious smile. "Oh, really?" Asks Dawn, leaning in, and swearing her juices soaked through her panties to dampen her chair upon being reminded just how well endowed the twins are. Taking advantage of her daughter's renewed enthusiasm, Johanna leans in to whisper the details of her plan. ### By the time the two Berlitz women have ironed out the wrinkles in Johanna's plan and finished their preparation for phase 1: A romantic, but still casual meal for four, Teri and Tia have worn out all of their pokemon, gotten more than a bit dirty, but have fortunately burned off most of their excess energy. As the four sit down to a homemade meal of spaghetti and meatballs, Dawn sits close to Tia and Johanna sits close to Teri, the older women helping their chosen twin with cutting up the messy noodles, and even offering to feed the young girls, both women taking advantage of the intimate setting to cop a few not so innocent feels on the little cuties. After the pasta is all gone and a dessert of ice cream with chocolate and strawbery syrup, both twins have nearly as much sauce and syrup on their faces and blouses as in their bellies in addition to the left over dirt from playing outdoors, giving the perfect excuse for phase two of the plan, "I think our adorable little fangirls could use a bath to get rid of that left over sauce and syrup, don't you agree Dawn?" asks Johanna. "Yes, and a proper bath sounds nice after a week of camping." adds Dawn. Teri and Tia put up little resistence as they're scooped up by Johanna and Dawn respectively and both cry out, "YES!" when asked, "Would you like me to join you in the tub?" Johanna carrying Teri to the master bathroom while Dawn takes Tia to the hall bathroom. As the respective blunettes start drawing a bath and peel dirty, stained, and sticky clothes off their respective twins, it's all they can do to restrain themselves as they get their first look at the magnificent members the twins had been hiding in those shorts. Even flaccid, Teri and Tia's futahoods hang past their knees without the support of their underwear to hold them in place, and both mother and daughter stare transfixed as very similar scenes of a little futa climbing over the side wall of a bathtub play out, testicles larger than shrunken pokeballs dangling below tiny twatties that just beg to be licked as Teri and Tia each moon one of their idols, seemingly oblivious to the effect they're having on the older women. It is only when the twins in unknowing unison call out, "Hey, aren't you going to get undressed and join me?" that the blunettes are broken from their trances, and quickly discarding their own clothes, sit down in the tub behind their chosen Twin. Neither twin puts up any objections as the older woman they're sharing a bath with soaps up a washcloth and starts scrubbing them clean, quite the opposite in fact, the twins practically melting against the older women, their heads resting between marshmallow soft mammaries as Dawn and Johanna cross their legs under their respective twin to boost the short girls up a bit. Dawn does notice Tia tense up a bit as she washes the little futa's girlcock, but that's the only indicator either woman has that their young charges are anything but completely comfortable with sharing such intimate skinship with their idols, and while both mother and daughter would love to take things much further right now, both resist the urge. Confident that they have nothing to worry about, Dawn and Johanna drain their respective baths, towel off their respective twins, and instead of letting them put on their usual tank top and hot pants sleepwear, Teri and Tia are offered a couple of Dawn's old nighties. "I kept it in case Dawn ever gave me grandchildren." comments Johanna as Teri models the frilly, pink night gown for the older woman, the garment just long enough to hide the tip of her dangling futahood. "My mom kept it in case she ever gave me a little sister." comments Dawn as Tia unknowingly mirrors her twin's actions for Dawn's enjoyment. Wrapping themselves in fluffy bathrobes, Dawn and Johanna lead the twins to the living room, letting them get cozy on the couch as they pop in a DVD of highlights from both of their careers. As recorded footage of Grand Festival appeals and Champion Challenge matches plays across the screen, Teri and Tia are so transfixed that Dawn and Johanna don't even need their prepared excuse of preparing snacks to sneak away. Meeting in the kitchen, Mother and Daughter give each other a conspiratorial glance before the elder asks, "Do you think we're good to go for phase three?" "Tia tensed up a bit when I stroked her with the washcloth, but I think she'll go for it, maybe a bit nervous at worst." replies Dawn, practically vibrating with excitement. "I've no doubt Teri will jump at the chance," adds Johanna, "I wouldn't be surprised if she's already discovered masturbation." "So... are we really going to go through with this?" asks Dawn. "I see no reason to abort." Adds Johanna as she retrieves a pair of what look like shrunken Luxury balls from a drawer and handing one to her daughter. "You know what to do, right?" Accepting the small sphere, Dawn nods, "Sure do." Stepping into the hallway, the two women head for the doorways into the living room at opposite ends of the corridor, and undoing their sashes, they let their bathrobes fall to the floor before entering the living room from opposite sides. The twins don't initially notice their return, lost in cheering on their idol's past selves on the screen, and it's only when the pair obstruct their adorable, little fangirls' view that Teri and Tia notice the pair of naked, full grown women. "Hey, you're blocking the screen!" is the twin's initial reaction, delivered in stereo, but they soon change their tune as their names are called in the most sultry tone they've ever heard. "Tia," starts Dawn huskily, "I know I've only known you for just a week..." "And Teri," continues Johanna, just as huskily, "I know I just met you a few hours ago." The Berlitz women now have the twin's undivided attention, and spotting the tents starting to form in the borrowed nighties, the older women are emboldened. "but it's clear that the two of you care deeply for the two of us." says Dawn, staring into Tia's eyes even as she speaks to both twins on both her and her mother's behalf. "And you captured our hearts the first time we laid eyes on you." Adds Johanna, staring into Teri's eyes as she speaks for both herself and her daughter. "And so," mother and daughter say in unison, copying the twins' synchronicity as they raise their respective Luxury balls to chest height, nearly nestling them between their breasts. "Teri," says Johanna. "Tia," echoes Dawn. "Will you marry me?" asks mother and daughter in unison as they open the Luxury balls to reveal they're actually ring boxes, each holding a tiny platinum band, Teri's topped with a powder blue diamond and Tia's topped with a pink pearl. Teri and Tia are shocked into silence for nearly a minute, glancing at each other as they silently communicate in the way only twins can, but also glancing back to their idols and the offered rings. Just when the mother-daughter duo are starting to worry they made a mistake, the twins put their fears to rest with a stereo cry of, "We'd love to!" Smiling widely, the two older women slip the rings on to tiny fingers before scooping up their respective twins, cradling the small girls against their bosoms as they capture their little fiancees' lips in a kiss before carrying them to their respective rooms. Although Dawn hasn't stepped foot in her room for months, her mom has kept it free of dust in her absence and had made sure there would be clean sheets on the champion's bed just for this situation, something Dawn is glad for as she enters her room and kicks the door closed behind her. As Dawn lays Tia upon her bedspread, finally breaking the kiss as she does so, the little girl asks innocently, "What was that for?" "What do you know about sex?" asks Dawn in reply. "What's sex?" asks Tia, pushing herself up on her elbows and tilting her head in confusion. Placing a hand upon the tent in Tia's nightie and feeling the little girl tense up like she did in the tub, Dawn replies in a calming tone, "It's something adults do to show their love to one another... something that involves playing with each other's privates." "um... Mama said I shouldn't let people touch me there..." replies Tia, clearly nervous. "Don't worry, sweetie, married couples have sex all the time." replies Dawn, stroking Tia gently through the borrowed nightie, "Besides, it feels really good, so just lay back and relax. Despite the child's reluctance, Tia is soon laying upon Dawn's pillow, eyes closed and mouth hanging open as a soft mewling escapes her throat as she squirms under the pleasant caresses the older woman places upon the little futa's not so little girlcock and girlballs. Deciding that she's sufficiently chased away her litle lover's nerves, Dawn pushes the nightie up to expose Tia's massive member, the erect penis looking even larger sticking up from between the tiny tot's thighs. "Your thing is quite impressive," comments Dawn, wrapping a silky smooth and dainty hand around Tia's shaft, the little girl letting out a loud moan at the direct contact, "Many grown men would be quite jealous that one so young is so well-endowed." Before Tia can muster a response, Dawn has lowered her mouth to the little girl's balls, taking one of them in her mouth and gently swirling her tongue around it before repeating with the other of the futa's family jewels, much to Tia's delight. However, Dawn soon switches from suckling on Tia's titanic testes to slowly running her tongue along the underside of the little futa's shaft, licking away a bead of precum upon reaching the tip. Twirling the tip of her tongue in tia's pee hole, Dawn admires the look of pure euphoria on her young lover's face for nearly half a minute before stretching her jaw to wrap her lips around the rest of the head of the five-year-old's futahood. Tia gasps loudly as Dawn gives her cockhead several hard sucks, the sensation nearly more than the child's young mind can comprehend. Smiling internally at the reaction she's causing in her fangirl turned fiancee, Dawn starts to slide her lips along the little girl's shaft as she cradles a testicle in each hand. However, Dawn can only get about half of Tia's length in her mouth before the futa's tip is hitting her throat, and despite her best efforts, the child's girth proves too much for the champion to swallow without choking. Undaunted, Dawn starts to bob her head up and down upon Tia's massive member, her hands alternating between stroking the lower half of the little sweetheart's shaft and fondling her futaballs as Dawn works her jaw and tongue to bring her little lover right to the edge. Soon enough, Dawn can feel Tia's testes tenseing, threatening to shoot their load down Dawn's throat, an impression only reinforced as Tia cries out, " feels like something's gonna come out!" Not wanting to waste the little sweetheart's precious seed by swallowing it, Dawn pulls her hands and mouth away from the little cutie's crotch, making the little girl whine in need and ask, "Wh-why did you stop?" Laying back, Dawn pulls her knees nearly to her shoulders as she replies, "You were about to cum, and I didn't want you to cum down my throat." "Huh?" replies the little girl as she pushes herself up on her elbows, "What do yo-" only to be cut off as she opens her eyes to see her idol using her fingers to spread her netherlips, giving Tia an excellent view of the older girl's exposed pussy, glistening and enflamed with arousal. "Like what you see?" asks Dawn at the stunned speechless expression on Tia's face, "You should finish in here." adds the champion,pointing a finger at her waiting opening. Rising to a kneeling position, Tia approaches the older woman until her bobbing girlcock is hovering over Dawn's lower abdomen and asks, "What do I do?" Smiling at just how innocent her lover is, Dawn helps Tia line-up, pressing the tip of the young girl's futahood to her horny hole and instructing, "Now, just thrust your hips forward with all your strength." Doing as she's told, Tia thrusts forward, both girls letting out a cry of "Oh Arceus!" as the futa's tip slams into Dawn's cervix, the little girl from the overwhelming warmth of being wrapped in a tight twat for the first time, and the grown woman from having her snatch stretched beyond anything she's ever experienced. It's far from Dawn's first time having her pussy filled, but Tia puts all of the Champion's past one-night stands and all the pathetic excuses for men who dated Dawn just long enough to truthfully brag that they slept with a league champion to shame... even the largest dildo she had ever used had nothing on the well-hung, little cutie. Letting herself adjust, Dawn props herself on her elbows to admire the expression of bliss on her little lover's flushed face before asking, "How does it feel?" "Da-Dawn is so hot and tight inside!" cries the little girl, "It-it feels like I'm gonna melt..." Sitting up a bit further, Dawn removes the nightie she loned Tia and hugs the little girl close, practically smothering the 5-year-old in her bosom as she runs her fingers through her lover's hair. Almost instinctively, Tia turns her head to latch on to one of Dawn's nipples, the champion moaning in pleasure as the little futa starts suckling like a starving newborn at her mother's teat. That mental image reminds Dawn of something, and she asks, "Tia, do you know where babies come from?" At the little girl's side-to-side shake of the head, Dawn reaches a hand down to cup the futa's balls as she explains, "These produce something called sperm. Had I kept on sucking you earlier, you would've shot sperm from your tip... When a daddy has his thing inside a mommy like you have yours inside me right now, and the daddy shoots his sperm in the mommy, it can make a baby start growing in the mommy's belly." Giving the little girl a few seconds to process this, Dawn asks, "Would you like to be the daddy who fills me with sperm and makes me a mommy?" As Tia, still suckling at Dawn's nipple nods, Dawn lays back, pulling her little lover atop her as she instructs, "Then I just need you to slide in and out of me as fast as you like until you shoot your sperm. Can daddy do that for mommy?" Instead of another nod or pulling away from Dawn's breast to answer verbally, Tia pulls her hips back as far as her small stature will allow without letting go of the nipple in her mouth before ramming balls deep inside Dawn once more. The little girl repeats this several times and is soon rutting the older woman like a wild luxray, Tia moaning around Dawn's tit as the champion cries her pleasure to the sky "Oh, Arceus! YES! Pound my pussy!" screams the champion, not caring if her mother and soon to be sister-in-law overhear her, "Be a good, little daddy and pound mommy's pussy until you shoot all of your sperm in mommy's hungry pussy and put a baby in my belly!" Tia doesn't understand everything Dawn is spouting, but takes the words of encouragement for what they're meant to be, frantically thrusting her hips back and forth with all her strength, and soon enough, she can feel that sensation from right before Dawn halted her blowjob building once more. Finally relinquishing her grip on Dawn's nipple, Tia cries out, "Mommy, I think I'm about to shoot my sperm!" Reaching down to cup Tia's testes once more, Dawn encourages the little futa, "Yes, Daddy! dump everything your balls have deep in mommy's belly and give me a baby!" Tia fistss her tiny hands in the sheets to either side of Dawn's hips, squeezing her eyes shut and her thrusts growing erratic and her mouth hanging open as the little girl approaches her first ever orgasm, the sight nearly enough to bring Dawn over the edge as well. Getting an idea, Dawn releases her lover's balls and slips a finger into Tia's tiny twatty, this extra stimulation sending the young futa over the edge, ramming her girlcock as deep as possible, the tip nearly punching through Dawn's cervix as virile, virgin futa seed erupts with the force of an empoleon's hydro pump to flood the champion's fertile womb, sending her over the edge as well, her pussy pulsing around the preschooler's prick, milking every last drop of precious, baby making seed from Tia's testes. As Tia's stream slows to a trickle and she comes down from the high of her very first climax, she collapses on Dawn's stomach, panting as she comments, "Th-that...was..a-amazing!" "It sure was," replies Dawn as Tia lets out a yawn, "Though it looks like daddy is too tired to go a second round with mommy." "Sorry." replies Tia, stifling another yawn. "It's okay, you have plenty of time to build up endurance and stamina." Replies Dawn, hugging her lover tenderly and sending up a silent prayer to Arceus that the futa's swimmers are swarming her egg at that very moment, "Though, your more than welcome to sleep buried inside me... and if you wake in the middle of the night, feel free to give mommy another shot of daddy's sperm even if I'm sound asleep." Not bothering to stifle a third yawn, Tia replies, "That sounds nice." before cuddling up on Dawn's tummy, the little girl soon fast asleep. Contorting her spine a bit, Dawn leans down to kiss her sleeping lover on the forehead before pulling the covers over the two of them and letting sleep claim her as well. ### Meanwhile, Johanna carries Teri to her own bedroom, mirroring the actions of her daughter and soon to be daughter-in-law...sister-in-law? However the question of what her relationship to the twin she didn't claim for herself is driven from her mind as she lays her chosen twin on the bed and breaks the kiss, Teri asking breathlessly, "Does this mean I get to stuff my cock up Johanna's cunt?" "Those are some very grown up words for such a little girl." replies Johanna in a mock-scolding voice, "If you weren't my fiancee, I'd have to wash your mouth out with soap for such language." Shifting to a more seductive tone, the older woman continues, "So tell me, where did a little cutie learn such vulgar language?" With her face turning red as a pokeball, Tia replies, "Well... I stumbled across some videos on my parent's laptop... videos of people playing with themselves and with each other's privates... I learned a lot from those videos, including that a boy's thing is called things like cock, dick, member, and penis and that a girl's is called things like cunt, cunny, pussy, and twat, that the white stuff that comes out of a cock is called things like cum, seed, jizz, and sperm, and that people like me and my sister who have both boy and girl parts are called futas or her-math-for-dites," the little girl stumbling over the last of these words. "I've tried rubbing my cock against my sheets at night and licking my tip while stroking my shaft, and I've cummed several times, but I've really been wanting to try doing it inside a girl..." dropping to a near whisper, she adds, "I thought of doing it with Tia and letting her fuck my hole in return, but whenever I would touch her dick when we took baths together or changed in front of each other, she got really tense, so I never suggested doing anything I saw in the videos with her." A silence stretches between the pair for more than a minute, prompting the little girl to ask nervously, "Am I a bad girl?" Regaining her voice, Johanna replies, "Not at all, I was just surprised that you're so knowledgeable, plenty of teenagers and even some adults don't know as much as you do." "Then it's a good thing I saw those videos?" asks Teri. "Well," replies Johanna, running a fingernail along the bulge of Teri's urethra, making the little girl shiver, "I would've liked to recieve your first seed, but it does save me from having to teach you everything... though I think I still want a taste of that fat cock before I take your virginity." With that, Johanna lowers her mouth to Teri's tip and attempts to swallow Teri's thick prick in one go, though between the little futa's sheer girth and Johanna being long out of practice, the middle-aged woman gags a bit before managing to get the massive member down her throat and her lips wrapped around its root. As Johanna starts bobbing her head, Teri lays back and fists her tiny hands in the sheets, moaning out an exclamation of, "Oh Arceus! A blowjob feels even better than I imagined!" Smiling internally at the compliment, Johanna redoubles her efforts to drive her little futa fiancee wild, swirling her tongue around Teri's tip at the peak of each cycle and swallowing hard around the little girl's girth every time her nose makes contact with the child's pubic bone. "Jo-Johanna!" cries the little girl, "I...I'm going to cum!" Johanna, not wanting her lover to waste her seed, makes to pull off of Teri's twitching futahood, but the little girl has other plans as she buries her hands in the older woman's hair, forcing Johanna's head back down as Teri wraps tiny legs around the mother's neck and proceeds to thrust into the older woman's mouth until with a cry of ecstacy, Teri shoots her seed down Johanna's throat, nearly choking the older woman with the sheer volume the little girl manages to expel from her balls. When Teri finally falls limp against the pillow and allows Johanna to come up for air, the older woman takes several deep breaths before commenting, "Oh my, I think I've got a natural dom on my hands. Regaining her senses after the best cum of her young life, Teri sits up and replies, "I like the sound of that!" and deciding to run with the idea, demands, "Get on your hands and knees and beg for it like a glameow in heat!" Having kept one of the fickle felines as a companion for many years, Johanna perfectly imitates a glameow's purr as she replies, "Yes, daddy," before turning her ample rump towards the little girl and lowering her head until she's nearly kissing the sheets, shaking her butt in the air as if miming a glameow performing one of it's tail ribbon dances as she continues, "Please, daddy, please mount mommy and use that big cock to put a baby brother or sister for Dawn in mommy's belly!" Standing atop the bed, Teri discards her nightie before padding up behind the older woman, the size difference putting the standing child's cock at the same level as the bent over coordinator's pussy. Placing her hands on Johanna's plump half-moons, Teri kneads the older woman's flesh for nearly half a minute before thrusting her hips forward, burying herself in the mother's starved snatch, both of them letting out a cry of "Oh Arceus!" in parallel with what's happening down the hall. Teri is soon humping the older woman as quickly as her young hips can manage, Johanna crying out, "YES! Fuck me Daddy! Fuck me hard and make me forget all about that pathetic dick Dawn's father used to knock me up... and knock me up all over again!" Teri is happy to oblige, frantically forcing her futahood over and over into Johanna's depths, battering the mother's cervix with the tip of the futa's girlcock. "Give me your hands!" cries Teri, and as Johanna obeys, the little girl grips the older woman's wrists with surprising strength, fingers digging into the gap between bones to compensate for the little girl's hands being too small to encircle Johanna's forearm. Teri takes advantage of the extra leverage this provides, Teri's dangling balls and Johanna's ample breasts bouncing in time with the little girl's thrusts. Eventually, Teri can feel her climax approaching once more, and without warning, she buries herself balls deep in the older woman, her seed erupting forcibly right against the coordinator's cervix, flooding the older woman's unprotected womb and sending her over the edge as well, her cock and cum starved cunt milking Teri's futahood for all it's worth. Teri's legs give out from the force of her climax and she collapses to the mattress, pulling her much taller lover with her, Johanna landing in Teri's lap, the impact forcing the futa's still erupting cock even deeper, nearly piercing Johanna's innermost barrier. When she recovers from her climax, Johanna turns around without letting Teri's member slide out to look down upon the panting and clearly proud of herself futa. "Wow daddy, you sure pumped mommy full of a lot of your seed." comments Johanna, "I hope I've now got a baby brother or sister for Dawn growing in my belly." "If not," replies Teri, squeezing Johanna's thighs with her tiny hands and thrusting up into the older woman with her remaining strength, "If not, I'll just have to cum in my glameow as many times as it takes to knock her up!" Stifling a yawn, the little girl adds, "But I think I need a nap now." "Of course, daddy." replies Johanna, giving Teri a kiss on the forehead before rolling over so the futa is resting on her tummy and pulling the covers over them. After a mutual cry of "Good night." the pair snuggle against each other and are soon asleep, the futa still dribbling her seed into the older woman's warm womb. #### The rest of the twins' stay in Twinleaf sees several repeats of that first night, and the morning that the Berlitz women are due to arrive in Solaceon with their little fiancee's in tow, both Dawn and Johanna test positive on a home pregnancy test. The former Top Coordinator and the reigning Grand Champion are a bit nervous as they arrive at Teri and Tia's home, but the twin's parents are surprisingly supportive of their little girls getting engaged, and seem rather delighted to hear that both of their soon-to-be daughters-in-law are already with child. Their only condition is that the Berlitz women move to Solaceon town so the expectant grandparents can be close to their children and grandchildren, something Dawn and Johanna are quick to agree with, after all, Solaceon Town has the same leisurely, laid back feel as Twin Leaf. ### Not wanting to rush preparations for their wedding, nor to walk down the aisle with massively pregnant bellies, both couples decide to wait until after the babies are born to make things official. Not wanting a media circus due to Dawn's Champion status, they decide on a small ceremony, little more than family and close friends, and while Teri and Tia had to make due with a pair of matching flower girl dresses, Dawn and Johanna in proper bridal attire thought their little brides absolutely adorable and both couples were too focused on each other to pay much attention to the minister until he declares, "You may kiss your bride, at which point Dawn and johanna sweep Tia and Teri off their feet respectively to give them a kiss worthy of a grand festival appeal. As the reception winds down, Dawn and Johanna, their respective little ladies in their arms pass by the Twin's parents, the six week old Hikari and Ayako in their grandmother and grand father's arms respectively, the older women ask, "Are you sure you're okay with watching the kids while we're on our Honeymoons?" "It's no problem at all," replies the twins' father. "Good, because I intend to have a little sister for Hikari on the way by the time we're back." replies Dawn before leaning down to kiss tia senseless. "And I plan to have a baby sister for Dawn and Ayako in the making!" Adds Teri, Reachhing up to kiss Johanna. "Oh goody!" exclaims the twins' mother, "I can't wait to have a house full of grandchildren." With that, the two couples depart to start their lives of marital bliss.