Out in the Cold by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Bees While most of Sinnoh and the rest of the nation was engulfed in a heatwave, Sandgem and Twin Leaf reporting temperatures noormally only found in Hoenn and the Sevii Islands this time of year, the northern outpost of Snowpoint maintained its eternal blanket of snow and was presently encased in a blizzard. In the living room of the home belonging to the Snowpoint Gym Leader, Candice was playing host to three of her fellow gym leaders, the only Reigning female Grand Champion in the nation, and said champion's girlfriend. Gardenia, Maylene, Candice, and Cynthia made it a habit to get together for a Girls' Night Out at least once a month, and would usually hit the bars and night clubs in whichever City played host to their current get together, but whenever Snowpoint came up in the rotation, they almost always opted for a night in as the small outpost had essentially no night life thanks to usually subfreezing temperatures even in the middle of summer. Fantina had an open invitation to join them, but seldom took them up on it, claiming her fellow female leaders and Champion "too uncouth" to socialize with outside of Official League Functions, and they had stopped inviting Bertha when the older woman, Eldest high-ranking female trainer in the nation following Agatha's retirement a few years ago, had proven herself an incurable stick in the mud. However, this evening was special, at least in the minds of Gardenia and Cynthia, as it was one of the rare occasions when both Erika could get enough time off from running Celadon Gym and Dawn had a break in the contest circuit to allow the two to accept their girlfriend's standing invitations to be their +1. And so, the evening found the six girls gathered round the hearth in Candice's home, a fire roaring in the grate as they enjoy the company of friends and lovers and sipped at their preferred, alcoholic, hot beverage. To one side of the fireplace, Candice sits sideways on a loveseat, Maylene reclined against her chest as the pair sip from large mugs of hot, hard cider. Instead of her usual, schoolgirl-inspired attire, the ice-type trainer is wearing fluffy, ice-blue pajamas, and had managed to wrangle her girlfriend out of her way too thin exercise clothing and into a similar pair of pajamas, the pinkette wrapped in pink to complement Candice's blue. The martial artist remains barefoot, however, her feet dangling over the armrest and her soles turning pink from proximity to the fire. Across from the couple who is always together for these get togethers, sits the pair of grass-type gym leaders, sitting side-by-side on a second loveseat. The two are wearing matching green, flannel nightgowns with a heavy blanket draped over both their laps and sipping from teacups, Erika's filled with herbal tea spiked with a bit of fermented tropius fruit juice Gardenia had talked the more reserved grass-type trainer into trying and Gardenia's filled almost entirely with the fermented juice with just a splash of herbal tea. Directly across from the fire, sitting in the only single chair in the room, Cynthia, in black silk pajamas sits with Dawn on her lap, the younger girl in a frilly, pink silk nightie. Dawn enjoys a large mug of hot chocolate, spiked with a shot of spiced rum while the blonde, with the highest tolerance in the room, pulls straight from the rum bottle, the blush on the younger girl's face not entirely due to the alcohol as the hand Cynthia isn't using to hold her drink shamelessly fondles the blunette's plump, little rump, not that Dawn really minds as she snuggles against the champion's chest and suppresses the urge to moan in front of the other girls. As the evening drags on and the sun gives up on its futile attempts to break through the snow clouds over the northern most of Sinnoh's settlements, all of the girls quite inebriated, Maylene pipes up with a crazy idea, "Hey," calls out the pinkette, her cheeks as bright as her hair from the cider as a hiccup interrupts her slurred speech, "how 'bout we make naked snow angels!?" Though Candice has never managed to break the martial artist of the bad habit of walking barefoot through the snow without so much as a windbreaker every time the pinkette visits the ice-type trainer's home, a sober Maylene would at least know better than to suggest something so reckless. Unfortunately, the other five are likewise too intoxicated to wrangle in the antics of their smallest member, and even Erika, who usually plays the voice of reason when she joins these gatherings is too far gone to object thanks to Gardenia having been unusually successful in her attempts to get the more reserved grass-type trainer drunk. Finishing off her spiced rum, Cynthia declares, "That sounds like a lot of fun!" as she starts unbuttoning her pajama top and helps Dawn to less than steady feet. Before long, Candice's living room is strewn with the girls' various sleepwear and undergarments, and the six girls, all as naked as the day they were born, are gathered in the entrance way. Cynthia and Candice would be comfortable naked in front of the other girls even sober, but thanks to the liquid courage running through their veins at the moment, even the shyest of the group, Dawn and Erika are barely fazed by the sight of their fellow trainer's naked bodies or the appreciative gazes from not only their girlfriends, but the rest of the group. Also, with the discarding of clothing, another effect of the alcohol becomes apparent as everyone is sporting a bladder bulge of one size or another, all of them having enjoyed themselves too much to excuse themselves before now and too excited to play in the snow to think about relieving themselves before heading out. The champion's is the largest, looking like a baby bump more than a bladder bulge, but even Candice, used to needing the least hydration thanks to living somewhere where sweating is almost unheard of looks like she has an expanded pokeball under her skin. As the ice-type trainer opens her front door, letting the frigid air of a snowpoint summer's night in, the cold cuts through Gardenia, Erika, and Dawn, the two grass-type trainers having little more resistence than most of their pokemon to the cold and the coordinator being native to the warmest part of Sinnoh, the three shivering subconsciously even as the alcohol makes them feel warmer than they really are. Having grown up in this kind of weather, Candice is the first out the door followed quickly by Cynthia and Maylene, easily the physically toughest of the group. Erika is the last out, pulling the door close and making a mistake they'll all regret before too long. Having made the original suggestion, it isn't long before Maylene finds an undisturbed snow drift and lets herself fall backwards to land face up, giggling in-between drunken hiccups even as the top layer of powder melts as it seeps heat from her backside as she drags her slim, muscular arms up-and-down and her equally slim, muscular legs side-to-side through the snow. The other girls soon join her,, and before long, the six are lying in a ring of snow angels of various stature as the clouds part to reveal the crescent moon and the star field. As they lay there, transfixed by the night sky, Erika comments, "It's really quite beautiful. The stars are never this clear back in Celadon." "Yeah," replies Candice, "One of the best things about living in such a remote place is how little light pollution there is." None of the drunken, naked girls is sure how long they lie there, the snow and the cold air slowly stealing their body heat as they admire the night sky, but eventually Dawn breaks the silence by suggesting, "Let's build a snowman!" "yeah!" cries Maylene, proving to be as quick as she is strong, hopping to her feet and starting to roll snow into a large ball. Following the pinkette's example, the other girls start rolling large balls of snow at a more leisurely rate, and by the time they've each made something about the size of a human head, Maylene is pushing around something bigger than her, leading Gardenia to comment, "Perhaps a Snow Snorlax would be more appropriate." to which Erika starts shaping her ball of snow into a Snorlax head. After getting the hyperactive martial artist to halt in her attempts to roll up all the snow in the field, the smaller lumps the others built up are used to add arms and feet, and with not even Cynthia tall enough to place the head Erika sculpted atop the massive body Maylene rolled, the Champion lifts Dawn atop her shoulders to let the blunette put the head in place. As the sextet stands back to admire their handiwork, none of them are quite sure who starts it, or who is first to get hit, but a snow ball fight breaks out with no warning. Having not drank as much as the others, Erika is the first to start sobering up as the alcohol runs its course, starting to feel just how much body heat she's lost as the false warmth from the alcohol fades and she becomes painfully aware of just how full her bladder has gotten. Starting to shiver in earnest and hugging herself, Erika doesn't see the snowball coming as it hits her squarely in the bladder, the Kantonian Gym Leader barely maintaining her poise and preventing a leak as her piddle pot spasms from the application of snow. "Please excuse me," declares the grass-type trainer as she heads back towards Candice's house, intending to not only relieve her achingly full bladder, but to drink a pot of unspiked tea to both help clear the remaining fog from the alcohol and to help warm her up from the inside out. Reaching the door, she tries turning the knob only for her blood to run cold figuratively in addition to almost literally as she discovers it to be locked. As the other girls catch up to Erika, Candice asks, "Is something wrong?" "The door is locked." replies the Celadon Gym Leader, her already pale skin going nearly as white as the snow. Even in their drunken state, most of the girls realize this is bad, and Cynthia succinctly sums up their thoughts with a shout of, "Fuck!" Candice declares, "Don't worry, several of my pokemon are trained to pick locks with ice just for such an emergency." As she reaches for her Pokeball belt only to realize that she left it inside around the same time the others realize they did the same. Banging her forehead against the cold metal of her front door, Candice mumbles, "Just great, and everything in Snowpoint is built to double as a bunker in case of avalanche, I doubt even Maylene would be strong enough to break in." Hearing her girlfriend's words, Maylene gets a running start before performing a jump kick towards the window next to the door, only to end up in the snow, clutching her foot, proving the ice-type trainer right as the pinkette lets out a hiss of, "Damn, that hurt!" Starting to shiver visibly and feeling her own waste water reservoir starting to swell uncomfortably, Dawn starts rubbing her arms and shifting from foot-to-foot as she whines, "What are we going to do? I don't see any trees around here we could harvest firewood from, and as spread out as Snowpoint is, we could end up lost and wandering in the snow until morning if we go looking for help." A lecherous smile crossing her face, Cynthia walks up to the shivering coordinator and pulls the shorter girl off the ground as the champion embraces her girlfriend. The blunette instinctually wraps her legs around the blonde's waste as her girlhood comes to rest atop the older woman's titanic tinkle tank, Dawn's much punier piddle pot pressed firmly between them as Cynthia gropes the much younger girl's plump rump. "We could always play with each other a bit to help keep us warm." Declares the champion, practically kissing Dawn's ear but far too drunk to lower her voice to a whisper, her husky tone carrying to the entire group as one of her hands trails down to let a dainty finger tease at the coordinator's preteen pussy. Blushing head-to-toe for reasons that have nothing to do with the alcohol, Dawn stifles a moan as she replies, "But...But the others are right there...and...and" before the blonde cuts off the blunette's protests with a kiss on the lips. Growing aroused from the display and emboldened by the alcohol, Gardenia and Candice sneak up on their respective girlfriends. Draping her arms over Erika's shoulders and nuzzling against the Celadon Gym Leader's neck, Gardenia comments, "Cynthia has a good idea." Struggling to maintain her poise despite her pounding piddle pot and the chills running up and down her spine and limbs that have nothing to do with her drunken lover's roaming hands, Erika replies scoldingly, "I hardly think this is the time for such behav-" Only to be cut off by a gasp of pleasure as the Eterna Gym Leader pinches the Kantonian lady's clit and starts rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves between thumb and forefinger. For all her strength, Maylene becomes as weak as a newborn kitten as soon as Candice captures the pinkette in her arms and starts caressing the mosquito bites on the martial artist's boyish chest, the tiny nipples quickly becoming hard as pebbles as the taller girl whispers, "As sweaty as we get after one of our bedroom workouts as you like to call them, Cynthia is probably right that it'll help keep us warm." Lowering a hand to Maylene's bloated bladder bulge and finding it to be rock hard, Candice adds, "But since it was your crazy idea that got us into this predicament... I think some punishment is in order." Unable to muster any of her strength, not even to twist around in her girlfriend's embrace, Maylene begs, "Pplease, have mercy!" "Wasn't it you who told me mercy is for the weak?" Asks Candice as she tightens her grip on the pinkette, one arm encircling the petite pugilist's arms and upper torso as her other arm extends, the ice-type gym leader's hand coming away from the fighting-type trainer's protruding piddle pot only to bring her hand down with a resounding smack followed by the pinkette yelping in pain from having her bladder spanked. As Maylene catches her breath, trembling from the combination of her full bladder, the cold, and her girlfriend's more ample bust pressing into the pinkette's shoulders, the fighting-type gym leader begs, "Please, Candi-" only to be cut off as the ice-type trainer's palm impacts the pinkette's protruding piddle pot once more. "Sorry, my little plum blossom, but you aren't wriggling out of this one." Dropping to a husky whisper, the Snowpoint native adds, "Be glad my strap-on collection is locked inside." Giving her girlfriend a devilish smile, Candice continues, "Other. wise. I'd. be. pummeling. your. poor. piddle. pot. from. the. inside. as. well!" Punctuating each word of this last sentence with another thwack to the tiny trainer's throbbing tinkle tank By the time Candice is done spanking Maylene's bladder, the martial artist's bulge is as pink as her hair and her face is covered in minute ice crystals from where Maylene's tears froze in the frigid, night air. Licking the salty ice from Maylene's cheek, Candice lifts one of her girlfriend's legs off the ground, leaving the pinkette's tender girlhood completely exposed before the hand that was spanking the Veilstone Gym Leader's bladder strikes at the shorter girl's core, Candice's dainty ring and middle fingers sinking into Maylene's depths as the heel of the taller girl's palm presses upon the pinkette's pounding piddle pot. As Candice's fingers slide in and out of her passage in alternation, Maylene is powerless to fight the pleasure wracking her small frame, unable to say anything through her moans and unable to do anything to Candice aside from grind her tight, little tush against the taller girls own bulging bladder. meanwhile, the drunken champion has gone from kissing her underaged lover to trying to give the coordinator a hicky that will take weeks to fade as her skilled fingers explore Dawn's insides, caressing all of the young girl's sensitive spots in an unpredictable pattern that leaves the blunette screaming her pleasure to Spear Pillar and beyond as she writhes in Cynthia's embrace, bouncing boisterously atop the blonde's bursting, overburdened bladder, though the champion seems too distracted by her girlfriend to pay attention to the ocean churning deep in her belly. Gardenia also has multiple fingers in her partner's pussy as she gently suckles at the more reserved grass-type trainer's neck, the usually hyper composed and perfectly poised lady too overwhelmed by her overbearing need to peeand the pleasure her more shameful half is subjecting her to to put up even a token resistence to having been dragged into such a public and shameless display of debauchery. Without warning, Gardenia spins Erika around in her arms, capturing the Kantonian's lips in a kiss, their bulging bladders squeezed between them as the more outgoing half of the duo hugs the other's thigh to her crotch, starting to grind pussy against thigh and thigh against pussy to their mutual pleasure. Before long, the two grass-type trainers reach a mutual climax, swallowing each other's scream of pleasure as they drench each others' thigh in their love juices only to be quickly followed by golden liquid as their bladders give out. Holding each other tightly as they ride out their orgasms and the nearly orgasmic relief of emptying their pounding piddle pots of pent-up pee, their knees give out as they collapse to the frozen ground, their combined puddle quickly freezing around their bare legs. About the same time, Candice gives Maylene's clit a hard pinch and twist just as Cynthia pushes hard against Dawn's g-spot, the local gym leader and the champion bringing their respective lovers to climax in near unison, both petite girls losing control of their throbbing tinkle tanks. The sight of Maylene's stream is more than Candice can take, especially with the pinkette's plump, little rump pressed against the ice type trainer's waste water reservoir, and Candice decides to force her legs apart and just let go, the pair forming another patch of yellow snow in the process. As Dawn's pee takes much of the blunette's remaining body heat with it, Cynthia is quite pleased by the warm wetness spreading over her titanic tinkle tank, but this only makes the chill cut even deeper as it passes, the remnant's of Dawn's accident crystalizing on the Champion's skin. This catches Cynthia off guard just enough for her knees to give out, and as the champion's ample ass lands in the snow, Dawn lands harder than from any previous bounce, the double impact finally cracking the champion's control as her own golden liquid gushes forth to expand the frozen puddle Dawn made. Starting to sober up, and having been the only one to deliberately pee instead of reaching her limit, Candice is the first to recover, and finally recalling some of the cold survival training she grew up with, makes the suggestion, "Since it looks like we'll be stuck out here all night, we should probably build some small igloos. The ice-type trainer gives her guests a crash course in how to pack snow into bricks and how to stack the bricks to build small dwellings, but between most of them already feeling the effects of hypothermia, most of them still being quite drunk, and every touch of bare skin against snow leeching even more heat from numb hands, most of their snow bricks are subpar, and more than once, one of their igloos partially collapses. Eventually, however, each couple has built a small, lopsided snow hut just large enough for them to cuddle up inside, and after crawling inside and sealing themselves in best they can, each pair of lovers curl up around each other, shivering violently against each other as they fall into an uneasy sleep. ### When the girls emerge in the morening, all six of them still shivering, the pale sunlight feels warm on their skin despite doing little to make the air less frigid. Realizing they're still stuck outside, Cynthia is about to suggest they go looking for help when one of the Ace Trainers from the Snowpoint Gym comes jogging up in full winter gear. Maylene, Dawn, and Erika shift from trying to rub themselves warm to trying to cover their nudity when they realize their potential savor is male, but Candice is too relieved to worry about modesty as she recognizes her second in command, "Hi-Hideki, yo-you're a si-sight for-for so-sore eyes!" Nearly incoherent from her chattering teeth. Realizing that not only is his leader not alone, but that she and the other females are all completely naked, he tries not to stare at Candice's breasts or any of the other forbidden fruits on full display at the moment as he asks in the most professional tone he can muster, "I came looking for you, Leader Candice when you didn't show up to open the gym for the day..." Trailing off as he can't bring himself to ask why most of the female half of the Sinnoh League's Leadership is standing naked in the snow. Answering his unspoken question, Candice explaines, "My-my kn-knuckle-headed gi-girlfriend had the br-bright idea to pl-play naked in the sn-snow, and we got lo-locked out. Pl-please te-tell me that you've got a po-pokemon trained in lock picking on you." "Of course, Leader Candice!" replies Hideki, walking up to Candice's front door and summoning a Sneasel to pick the lock. As soon as the door is open, Hideki is nearly bowled over as four gym leaders, a Grand Champion, and a coordinator rush into the warm house and huddle around the fireplace, all of them grateful the gas logs didn't go out in the night. As the feeling starts to return to her hands and her teeth stop chattering, Candice informs her second-in-command, "I don't think I'll be coming into the Gym today or holding classes at the trainer school. I think my friends and I will need most of the day to warm up after our ordeal." "Yes Ma'am," replies the Ace Trainer, "is there anything I can get you ladies before I leave to inform the rest of the gym trainers and the trainer school students of Leader Candice's absence?" "Scalding hot tea..." Mumbles Erika even as Gardenia wraps her arms around the Kantonian gym leader. "Bl-Blanket!" stammers Dawn. "To-toss me my pa-pajamas." cries Maylene, "They're the fl-fluffy pi-pink ones." "Hot Tea does sound nice, and perhaps turn the thermostat up as high as it'll go." Spotting the pile of discarded sleepwear in his Leader's entrance way, Hideki hans the garments over to the girls, both trying to ignore the naked, female bodies arranged before him and trying to not think about the underwear mixed in with the pile. Knowing his way around the house, or at least where emergency supplies for such situations are kept, the Ace Trainer retrieves a few emergency blankets from a linen closet and turns up the central heat as the girls sort out whose clothes are whose and get dressed. Handing over the blankets, he heads to the kitchen to start a kettle boiling for tea before heading to the door and declaring, "I'll send one of the other trainers to check on y'all later today." as each couple resumes their positions from the night before, cuddling up close and cocooning themselves in the insulated blankets. "Thank you, Hideki," declares Candice, "I think we'll be fine, but I'll be sure to give the gym or the hospital a call if any of us show signs of coming down with something on account of exposure." "Yall take care of each other." Says Hideki as he opens the door and steps out into the cold, doing his best to minimize how much cold air he's letting in, leaving the girls to try and warm up.