Molly's New Mama by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Anonymous As young Molly Hale sat on her bed in the highest room of the tallest tower of the crystal castle that had once been the Hale Mansion, awaiting for Entei to return with her new Mama, the little girl thought back to one of her earliest memories. She had been barely old enough to walk without trippping over her own feet and talk in full sentences and was still getting use to sleeping in a big kid bed when a nightmare had sent the tiny girl padding as fast as her little legs would carry her in her footed pajamas to her parent's room. She had been about to knock when she heard strange moans from within, and fearing the monsters from her dreams had gotten her parents, she instead opened the door quietly as possible, not wanting to draw the monsters' attention to her, but instead of any of the horrors a young child's imagination might conjure, what met her wide-eyed gaze when she peered through the crack was something beyond the little girl's comprehension of what was possible. Her mom was lying on her back and her father was on top of her, both of them naked, and from Molly's vantage point, it looked like Papa was repeatedly stabbing his thingy into Mama's peepee. She knew boys and girls were different down there, having taken baths with Papa many times, but the idea that a boy's thingy could fit in a girl's peepee had never crossed her mind, and from what the little girl knew of her own body, the prospect sounded incredibly painful for the girl, for surely something as big as Papa's thingy should rip a girl's peepee to shreds, and yet her parents seemed to be enjoying what they were doing, and her mama even more than her papa. Molly wanted to join the game her parents so clearly enjoyed, but she quickly realized it wasn't meant for more than two players, so, nightmares forgotten, Molly pulls the door shut and quietly returns to her own bed, intending to ask her parents about it later. However, her mother went missing before Molly could ask her mama about the game, and while she wanted to play it with her papa, the now only child of a single-father was perceptive enough to realize that bringing it up might only make her papa miss mama even more. But, now that she would be getting a new mama, she wanted to welcome her new mama by showing her the secret game her old mama and papa had enjoyed so much. At that moment, the young girl is broken from her reminiscing as Entei bursts into the room, depositing an unconscious Delia Ketchum on Molly's bed. "Is that my new Mama?" asks Molly excitedly, "She's so pretty!" 'Yes,' replies Entei telepathically, 'She's asleep at the moment, but she will be Molly's Mama from now on.' "Thank you, Papa!" cries the little girl, hugging the legendary pokemon's massive foreleg. 'Seeing Molly happy makes me happy.' replies the beast of flame, nuzzling his young charge's scalp, 'Would you like me to wake her?' "Um... before you do that,' starts Molly, nervously. 'What is it Molly?' asks Entei, his telepathy radiating reassurance to the professor's daughter. "There's this game I once saw Papa playing with my old Mama, and I'd like to play it with my new Mama." Replies the girl, the lightest dusting of pink crossing her cheeks as she says it aloud. 'If that's what you wish, than feel free to play that game with your new Mama.' replies the illusionary pokemon encouragingly. "But I don't know if two girls can play this game." objects Molly, "It involved Papa's boy thingy." 'If you wish it, you can do anything.' replies Entei, nuzzling the little girl once more. "Then, if I want a boy's thingy, I just have to wish for it?" asks Molly, eyes sparkling with excitement. 'If that is what you wish, then it will be so.' declares the legendary beast. "Then I wish I had a boy's thingy!" cries the girl with conviction. With the same glow as the crystal encroaching upon the land surrounding the Hale mansion, Molly's dress disintegrates, leaving her as naked as the day she was born before the glow concentrates on the child's girlhood, the tiny nub of her immature clit starting to swell and elongate. At the same time, the folds of her labia, already quite plump swell up, a firm ellipsoid forming either side of her vaginal opening and moving forward as her growing clit engulfs her pee hole. When the glow fades, Molly is sporting a cock any grown man would be proud of, every bit as long and thick as her forearm, and dangling at it's base is a fleshy sack containing a pair of egg-sized balls hiding her pussy from view. "Wow, it worked!" cries the girl, marveling at her brand new futahood and balls before reaching down to stroke her erection, and collapsing to her knees as a jolt of pleasure shoots up her spine. 'Are you okay, Molly?' asks Entei, concerned for Molly's well-being. Waving the gigantic beast off, she replies, "I'm fine, it just surprised me... but if it feels that good when I touch it, sticking it in a girl's pee pee must be the best feeling ever!" 'Would you like me to wake your Mama now?' asks the Pokemon, padding alongside Molly as she approaches the bed. "Nah, I'll wake her myself, Papa! But you should make sure no one disturbs us while we play." replies the girl, a bounce in her step as she crawls up on the bed. 'As you wish.' replies the legendary as he exits the room, leaving the recently minted futanari with the unconscious woman the illusionary beast hypnotized into believing she was Molly's mother. Crawling next to Delia's sleeping form, Molly shakes the older female by the shoulder, calling out, "Wake up, Mama!" Slowly, Delia stirs from her unnatural slumber, her eyes fluttering open but remaining glazed over from the trance Entei put her in. Locking eyes with Molly, the young mother's lips move jerkily into a less than natural smile as she greets the girl in a monotone, "Good morning, Molly dear." Too excited to notice anything amiss, Molly replies, "Good morning, Mama! I want to show you this really great game." "What game is that, dear?" replies the hypnotized woman. "I don't know what it's called," replies Molly, grabbing hold of Delia's jacket, "but Mama needs to remove her clothes to play!" "Okay, Dear." intones the mother, letting Molly remove her jacket before pulling her blouse over her head and tossing it to the floor. While Delia mechanically moves to unfasten her bra, Molly grabs for her waist band, yanking the older woman's skirt and underwear down in one quick pull. Now sitting completely nude before the little girl, Delia asks through her trance, "Now what, dear?" "Now, lay back and spread your legs, and I'll stick my boy thingy in Mama's pee pee!" Announces the enthusiastic child, her futahood bobbing as she bounces with excitement. "Okay, dear." replies Delia, laying on her back and parting her thighs to allow Molly to kneel between them. Molly points her tip at Delia's crotch, and the little girl thrusts her hips forward in emulation of what she saw her father doing to her mother on that night so long ago, but between Molly not really knowing what she's doing and Delia's trance rendering her incapable of guiding Molly's cock to its goal, it takes several misses before Molly hits the bull's eye, burying her tip in Delia's opening. Though not very deep, this initial penetration sets Molly's nerves ablaze, and the little girl has to pause to catch her breath before stepping forward on her knees, sinking another couple of inches into Delia's depths, sending another jolt of pleasure up the child's spine as she gasps from the unfamiliar and overwhelming sensations. Once Molly has bottomed out in the older woman's depths, the futa's testicles resting upon Delia's ass and the mother's clit pressed between their pubic bones, the little girl simply sits there on all fours, savoring having her newly acquired bit of anatomy wrapped in the warm, velvety confines of a mature pussy. Growing accustomed to being inside the older woman, Molly's eyes, full of love and affection lock on to Delia's glazed, empty eyes as the child declares, "Being in Mama's pee pee feels really good! Does it feel good for mama as well?" "Yes, Dear," replies Delia, the spell of the Unown compelling her to say what Molly wants to hear, "So, what's next for the game?" "Now," replies Molly, slowly pulling out, "I slide it in and out, and we both moan from how good it feels!" Molly's first few thrusts are slow, Delia's passage tight from lack of use and initially dry from lack of arousal on the older woman's part, but before long, the stimulation from Molly's girlcock has coaxed the mother's passage into producing lubrication and Molly's girth has stretched Delia's walls to an extent surpassed only when Ash was born. As the resistence decreases, Molly picks up speed, and before long, the little girl is pounding the Pallet woman's pussy as hard and fast as her muscles will allow, her balls repeatedly smacking the mother's ass with a resounding thwack as Molly moans her new found pleasure to the heavens, no longer caring if anyone overhears them. Delia moans as well, but in an eery monotone and with a unnaturally regular rhythm, not that Molly notices, too lost in her own ecstacy to realize her partner isn't displaying the same euphoria. Feeling a new sensation rising up in her boy parts, Molly cries out, "Mama, I don't know what, but it feels like something is about to happen." As her thrusts grow more erratic before, with her strongest thrust yet, Molly slams balls deep in the older woman, her tiny body trembling from head-to-toe as jet after jet of hot, fresh futa seed erupts from her tip, shooting straight through the mother's cervix to flood her womb. Though still in a trance, Delia's body reacts to being inseminated for the first time in over a decade by going into orgasm as well, her passage clenching and reclenching around Molly's futahood to milk the little girl for all she's worth. Exhausted from the exertion of fucking her new mama, Molly collapses upon Delia's belly as the futa's first climax subsides, the child's afterglow soon giving way to slumber. ### After a brief nap, Molly, still tingling from the afterglow of her first sexual experience, instead of a second round, decides to watch some television, summoning matching robes of a shimmering, crystalline fabric to cover their naked bodies before cuddling up in Delia's lap and inviting Entei to come in and rest on the floor in front of the bed. Molly finds a news report recapping Delia's abduction by Entei and Ash subsequently giving chase, and curious to see what happens next, Molly wills the Unown to continue showing Ash and his friends as they try to infiltrate the Crystal Castle. The shock of seeing Ash nearly plummeting to his death only to be saved at the last second by his pokemon is enough to break Delia from the trance Entei put her in, and her thoughts and actions once again her own rather than an extension of the Unown's influence, Delia blushes ferociously as she remembers what happened while she was hypnotized. As Molly stares transfixed at the screen, Delia stares at the young girl, the child of one of her dearest friends, a child whose diapers the pallet woman had changed more than once, a child who was the closest thing she had to a niece or daughter... barely believing that childhood innocence coupled with loneliness, curiosity, and whatever was behind Spencer's disappearance and the creation of this Crystal Castle had lead to this little girl willing Delia's kidnapping and then raping her. And yet, as her blush deepens, Delia can't help thinking that, despite being trapped in her own mind and body at the time, and Molly's obvious inexperience, and how weird it is to think that the little girl had grown a cock and balls, it had been the best sex Delia had ever had, or at least, satisfied a longing the mother hadn't realized had grown so much in the years since Ash's father departed on his journey, and as Delia thought these thoughts, she couldn't help the way her body heated up, craving for Molly to make love to her again, wanting to teach the little girl how to properly please a woman. "Molly dear?" Starts Delia, her voice now filled with the affection of a mother concerned for a child not her own, but who she could love as her own if circumstances called for it. "Yes, Mama?" replies Molly, more cheerful than Delia had expected. "It must have been lonely after your mom vanished and with your father away on work so much." says the mother, making it a statement rather than a question. "Yes," says the little girl sadly, before regaining her cheer and declaring, "But Mama and Papa are here with me now, so everything will be alright!" Delia wants to ask Molly if she'd like to play that game again, but before Delia can muster the nerve to ask, Molly is distracted by the prospect of having a pokemon battle and skips off with Entei, leaving Delia alone with her thoughts. ### It took several grueling battles between Ash's friends and Molly's illusionary pokemon, Culminating in an epic showdown between Ash's Charizard and Entei, but the trainer from pallet finally managed to get through to the orphaned girl, and through Molly's wish for Entei to win, the illusionary legendary managed to break the Unown's spell before vanishing along with the Crystal palace, neither able to exist without the Unown to sustain them. Molly now stood in the ruin's of her family's mansion, Ash, Misty, Brock, and Delia standing around the small child as she takes in the devastation left in the wake of the Unown corrupting her childish fantasies. As Molly begins to sob at the realization that vanquishing the Unown isn't going to bring her father back, Delia drops to one knee and places a hand on the little girl's shoulder as she says, "I know I can never replace your real parents, but would you like to come live with me in Pallet and have me as your new Mama?" Turning to face the older woman, Molly asks through her tears, "Would you really have me, even after what I've done?" "Of course, none of this was your fault." Says Delia reassuringly, patting Molly on the head. Smiling, Molly cries out "Thank You!" before tossing herself into Delia's arms. As the pair embrace, Delia can feel a bulge under Molly's dress and the older woman knows the Unown left Molly with one good thing as she starts planning what to do as soon as Molly has settled into her new home. ### It took several days to siff through the remains of Hale Manor and pack up everything worth salvaging that Molly wished to keep from her old life and transport it to the Ketchem residence in Pallet Town, but Delia now stood in the guest room Molly had claimed for herself and had transformed into a paradise fit for a princess. The mother stood in nothing but a silk nightie that hugged her matronly curves and was perhaps a bit too short for modesty's sake as she waited for her new charge to finish her evening bath, the older woman having made no protest to Molly's claims that she was old enough to bathe herself out of fear she'd lack the self control not to jump the little girl's bones without warning or consent. Hearing Molly's footsteps in the hallway, Delia steps into the doorway of her soon to be adopted daughter's bedroom to meet the excited child with a smile as she declares, "Hey, Mama!" Kneeling down, Delia catches the small girl in a hug, returning the greeting with, "Did you have a good bath, sweetie?" "Sure did!" cries Molly before Delia plants a kiss on the little girl's forehead, followed by one on each cheek, and to the Johtonian's surprise, one on the lips. And its a pleasant surprise by all indications as Molly leans into the kiss, puts up no resistence as Delia slips her tongue between the little girl's lips, and the older woman can feel the one good thing the Unown left her daughter with growing hard between them. When Delia breaks the kiss, she smiles at the way Molly struggles to catch her breath before asking, "What was that about, Mama?" "That was your first lesson in sex, Molly sweetie." replies Delia, maintaining her grip on Molly as she stands up, the little girl wrapping her legs around the older woman's midriff and only two thin layers of silk separating Molly's magnificent member from Delia's breasts. "What's sex?" Asks Molly with all the innocence of a curious child. "It's the name of that game we played when you first woke me up after Entei brought me to you." "There's more to the game than what I did to you?" Asks Molly, squirming a bit in Delia's arms. "Oh yes, lots more, sweetie!" declares Delia, rubbing her cheek against Molly's, "and don't worry, I may have been hypnotized at the time, but I really enjoyed it." "Realy?" asks Molly, clearly feeling guilty for what she had done. "Oh, yes, sweetie, I haven't felt that good since before Ash was born. So what do you say, would you like Mama to teach you all about sex?" "I'd love to play sex with Mama again and learn as much as I can!" cries the little girl as Delia starts carrying her to the house's master bedroom. "For starters," replies Delia, "you say, "let's have sex, not play sex. You can also say, let's make love, or if you want to sound naughty, let's fuck." Locking the door behind them, Delia sits Molly down on the bed and pulls the little girl's nightie off to leave her in just a pair of bright blue panties, Molly's member already sticking up through the waist band and quite hard. Sliding the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders, Delia lets the garment pool around her ankles before gently pushing her daughter to lay on her back, and kneeling over her young charge as she speaks, "Okay, I'm sure you already know about kissing and that it means something extra to kiss someone on the lips. That said, when two people kiss each other on the lips and then open their mouths to let their tongues tangle together, that's called French kissing." To illustrate her point, Delia gives Molly another kiss on the lips, this time giving the girl the opportunity to slip her tongue into the older woman's mouth, and when she breaks the kiss, leaving Molly breathless once more, she trails kisses along the child's neck and down to the mosquito bites on her flat chest before resuming the lesson, "It'll be years yet before you grow any breasts, but it generally feels good for a woman to have her breasts played with, and the nipple is usually particularly sensitive." Delia licks first Molly's left nipple and then the right, eliciting gasps of pleasure from the little girl's throat as she adds, "When a woman becomes a mother and has a baby to take care of, her breasts fill with milk for the baby to drink, and unlike miltank milk, human milk is naturally sweet." Whimpering a bit, Molly cuts Delia off with a cry of, "Mama, my boy thing is feeling really achey!" "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie," apologizes Delia, "I guess I've gotten you a bit too worked up without giving you any stimulation where you need it most." Touching the tip of her index finger to Molly's pee hole, Delia explains, "For starters, its proper name is a penis, but even grown-ups seldom call it that, usually calling it things like cock, dic, or member. Secondly, when a man's cock gets all hard in anticipation of going inside a woman, it can start hurting if left alone too long." With this, Delia starts stroking Molly's member, the little futa letting out a sigh of relief followed by a moan of pleasure. "Boys sometimes stroke themselves to relieve the urge to stick it in a woman when they don't have access to one. Stroking a cock like this is called masturbation if done to one's own cock, giving a handjob if done by someone else like I'm doing for you right now, and jacking off in either case." Delia just spends a minute or so admiring Molly's reactions to recieving her first handjob before suddenly stopping, making the little girl whine, "Mamaaaaaa! Wh-why did you stop!?" "I didn't want you getting too lost in the experience before I showed you the next part." Replies Delia with a mischievious smile. "What's that?" Asks Molly. "This!" declares Delia before opening her mouth wide and engulfing more than half of Molly's futahood in one go, much to the little girl's surprise and delight. "Th-This feels much better than using your hand, Mama!" exclaims the child between moans, "Wh-what is this called?" Pulling off Molly's girlcock briefly, Delia replies, "The formal term is fellatio, but its also called a blowjob, giving head, or just sucking cock." and then resuming doing just that, now bobbing her head and swallowing hard with each downward motion, slowly taking the impressive member down her throat inch-by-inch. Feeling that amazing feeling from the other day starting to build again, Molly cries out, "Mama, that thing is about to happen again." Pulling off her daughter's member once more, Delia all but orders, "It's okay, sweetie, let it all out." before resuming the blowjob once more, now taking Molly balls deep down her throat and reaching a hand to fondle the futa's family jewels through her panties. As Molly approaches the second orgasm of her short life, she balls her fists in the sheets and starts bucking her hips in time with the bobbing of Delia's head as she cries out, "Mama, it's gonna happen!" Moments later, Molly thrusts her hips skyward as hard as her little legs can manage as she shoots her load in Delia's throat, the older woman swallowing around her daughter's prick to milk every last drop. Finished with draining the little girl's futahood, Delia pulls off Molly's member to admire her handiwork, the child lying limp upon the sheets and panting heavily in afterglow. "Did you enjoy that, sweetie?" Catching her breath, Molly replies, "That was amazing, Mama!" I'm glad you liked it." answers the mother with a warm smile. "Hey, Mama, can you make my girl parts feel that good?" Asks Molly, pushing herself up on to her elbows. "Your girl parts?" Asks Delia, slightly confused, "You still have those?" "Yeah," replies Molly, reaching down to pull her panties out from under her rear and down her legs before lifting her balls to reveal her tiny twatty, "See, Mama?" "So, my little sweetie does still have a pussy, and a rather cute one at that." comments Delia, staring at the puffy lips that conceal the child's cunny even with her balls out of the way. "Pussy?" asks Molly, tilting her head in curiosity. "That's what grown-ups call a girl's private parts." replies Delia, "They're also called things like cunt, cunny, twat, twatty, and if you want to get technical, the outside parts are called labia or vulva and the inside is a girl's vagina." "But can Mama make my pussy feel good like Mama made my cock feel good?" "Of course," replies Delia, laying down next to Molly and inviting, "Why don't you come sit on Mama's mouth while resting your cock between Mama's breasts." "Okay," says Molly, straddling the older woman's neck, "Like this?" "That's perfect, sweetie!" Exclaims Delia as she reaches up to fondle Molly's half-moons and buries her tongue in Molly's virgin hole, Making the little girl squeal in delight. After a minute or so of licking Molly's pussy, Delia pulls away to explain, "This is formally called cunnilingus, but is also known as eating a girl out or simply licking pussy. You can also pleasure a girl by fingering her." At this, the older woman slides one of her fingers inside Molly's tight twatty, careful not to damage the little girl's hymen and seeking out her G-spot. Finding it, Molly lets out another squeal of pleasure as Delia explains, "The g-spot, located a few inches up the front wall of a girl's passage, is one of her most sensitive spots. Cupping the little girl's balls with her other hand, Delia adds, "And before I forget, this sack is called a scrotum, and the proper term for those orbs inside it are testes or testicles, though most just call them balls or nuts." Done with her explanations for the moment, Delia resumes eating out Molly's girlhood, the tiny futa trembling from head-to-toe under her mama's ministrations. Glancing down, Molly notices how her prick is nestled between Delia's breasts, and remembering what the older woman said about most women enjoying having their breasts fondled and feeling her cock starting to ache from her pussy getting all the attention, she reaches down, her small hands sinking into the mother's supple flesh as the futa starts to knead the older woman's boobs. At the same time, Molly pulls them together, enveloping her futahood in her new mama's soft, supple, and warm flesh, her moans growing louder not only from having both her boy and girl parts stimulated at the same time, but from Delia moaning into the little girl's pussy from having her boobs played with. "Mama," cries Molly, "It's going to happen again! And I feel it in both my cock and pussy!" Pausing in her cunnilingus, Delia informs, "Molly, sweetie, it's called having an orgasm, climaxing, or simply cumming." Moments later, Molly cries, "MAMA! I'm cumming! I'm cumming with both my cock and pussy!" As her entire body seizes up, her tiny twatty tightening to trap the tongue that teased and tantalized her folds and her girlcock gushes great, gooey gobs of cum, splashing Delia's belly with a bounty of baby batter. When she recovers from her third male orgasm and her very first female climax, Molly's eyes flutter open and an expression of confusion crosses her face as she spots her seed spilled on her mama's trim tummy, having not noticed her ejaculation when she had planted a load in the enspelled Delia's womb or had shot a load down Delia's throat. "What's that?" asks the curious girl, running her finger through the mess. "It doesn't look or smell like pee, and its creamy instead of watery." "It's proper name is semen, but it's also called cum, seed, or jizz, among many, many other things." replies Delia, "When a cock climaxes, it ejaculates, or expels that sticky, white stuff, which is full of sperm." "Sperm?" asks Molly, still staring at the dab of semen on her fingertips. "Sperm are tiny, tadpole-like things that a daddy puts in a mama's belly where they join with the mama's eggs to make a baby grow in the mama's belly." explains Delia, giving the little girl time for her words to sink in. After several long moments of silence, Molly's look of confusion gives way to one of realization as the intelligent child asks confirmation of her deductions, "So, when I stuck my cock up mama's pussy and had my first climax, was I squirting mama's belly full of my cum? And that's how babies are made... so does that mean me and mama are going to have a baby with me as the papa?" "You sure did squirt a lot in me, sweetie, and I may inddeed have a baby. That wouldn't bother you, would it?" replies the older woman, nudging the young girl off her so she can sit up and look her adopted daughter in the eye." "I'd love to have a baby with mama!" replies Molly eagerly, her girlcock returning to full mast at the prospect. With a smile, Delia wraps a hand around Molly's girlcock as she asks, "Would my little girl like to slide this in and out of her mama's pussy until she shoots more sperm in her mama's belly?" The child nods, moaning softly as the older woman starts to stroke her. "Would my little girl like to shoot her load inside mama until mama's belly grows big and round with my little girl's baby?" "YES, MAMA!" cries the little futa, starting to buck her hips against Delia's hand. Stroking faster, the older woman asks, "Would you like to fuck me every day until our baby is born?" At another, even more eager nod, the little girl moaning too loudly to speak, Delia removes her hand from Molly's member and laying on her back and spreading her legs declares, "Then feel free to go ahead and stuff me with that big, beautiful girlcock, though maybe you'd like to show me how well you've learned to eat pussy?" "Su-Sure." replies the little girl, resisting the urge to ram herself balls deep to get on all fours between the older woman's thighs, bringing her face within a few centimeters of her new mama's twat. Inhaling deeply of Delia's scent, Molly tentatively sticks out her tongue, and surprised by how good the older woman's pussy tastes, buries the muscular appendage deep in Delia's folds. "Oh my," lets out Delia with a gasp, "You're quite a quick study, aren't you, sweetie?" the praise causing Molly to smile with her eyes as she redoubles her efforts to make her new Mama feel as good as the older woman made her feel just minutes earlier. As she continues her ministrations, Molly discovers a little nub at the front most extent of Delia's slit, and gripping it between thumb and forefinger, Asks, "Mama, what's this?" Gasping at Molly's touch, Delia replies, "That's mama's clitoris, or clit for short. It's the most sensitive spot on a woman's body." "Really?" asks Mollly, massaging the tiny bundle of nerves with her fingertips, enjoying the way the older woman squirms at the touch. Feeling her futahood starting to throb once more in need, Molly declares, "Mama, my cock is getting all achey again, can I go ahead and stick it in?" "Sure, go ahead, sweetie." replies Delia, barely getting the words out before Molly sinks herself to the root in Delia's passage. At first, Molly simply savors being balls deep in the older woman once more, but even this proves much better than the time in the Crystal Castle, as Delia, now fully in control of her own body, rhythmically clenches and unclenches her internal muscles, massaging Molly's shaft and causing the little girl to collapse in the puddle of semen she left on the older woman's belly. Delia runs her fingers through Molly's hair as she savors being filled for only the second time in over a decade, but it isn't long before the desire to feel Molly moving in and out grows overwhelming. "Come on, sweetie," declares Delia, bucking her hips slightly as she trails a hand down Molly's spine to cup the girl's half-moons, "Please pound mama's pussy like you did the other day." Needing no further encouragement, Molly pulls most of the way out of Delia's passage before sliding back in, and before long, the little girl is setting a rather swift pace. "YES!" cries Delia as she's fucked for the second time since Ash was born, this time able to enjoy it properly without the Unown's influence dulling her awareness. "Fuck mama nice and hard with that big, fat girlcock!" "Mama, it feels a lot better than when we did it before! Does it feel good for Mama as well?" cries Molly, alternating between thrusting as fast as her slender thighs will allow and grinding her pubic bone against Delia's clit. "It feels wonderful, sweetie, much better than while I was under the Unown's spell." Replies the young mother, "And your cock is so much bigger than Ash's father was!" Smiling at the praise, Molly redoubles her efforts, only to let out a gasp as, in reward, the hand on Molly's butt snakes further south to let Delia slide a finger up Molly's pussy. "Oh mama! That feels nice!" cries Molly as Delia starts to finger her cunny once more. Giggling a bit, Delia replies, "Maybe you should try to find a nice boy to stuff you with his cock as well? Or maybe talk your big brother into doing it when he returns home." Though she's already shot her load twice that evening, between having Delia's pussy squeezing her futahood and Delia's finger tickling her cervix, coupled with the young girl's general lack of experience, it isn't long before Molly is crying out, "Mama, I'm gonna cum again!" "Do it sweetie," coos Delia, "Shoot mama full of your hot, sticky seed!" before contorting her spine so she can capture her adopted daughter's lips in a passionate kiss despite the rather drastic height difference. As their tongues meet, Delia wraps her legs as tightly as she can around Molly's waist, pulling the little futa as deep inside her as she can and ensuring the little girl can't get away, not that Molly would want to. Neither is sure who climaxes first as Molly erupts right against her new mama's cervix, flooding the older woman's womb for the second time as the mother's cunt convulses around the futa's member, trying to milk the little thing for all she's worth. When the pair finally come down from the high of orgasm, Delia collapses to the sheets, Molly lying on top of her, still balls deep in the older woman as they both pant in afterglow. Delia is the first to catch her breath as she comments, "That was wonderful, sweeti! Possibly the best sex I've ever had." A tired smile on her face, Molly replies, "That was amazing, Mama!" Smiling at Molly's reaction, Delia asks, "Does my little girl think she's up to one last bit of fun before we go to bed?" "What's that, Mama?" Gently extricating the little girl from between her legs, Delia rolls over and pushes up on to all fours before reaching back, and cupping her own half-moons pulls them apart to expose her puckered anus as she asks, "Would my little girl like to give this hole a try?" Molly shows hesitance for the first time that evening as she asks, "But isn't that hole, really, really dirty?" "Normally, yes," replies Delia, adding a seductive sway to her hips, "But I did a really, really good job of cleaning it earlier this evening." "I don't know..." continues Molly, still not sure about this. "Come on, sweetie, if you don't like it, I won't ask again, and besides, this hole should be a lot tighter than my pussy. Come on, please do it for mama." "Okay, I guess it couldn't hurt to try." Says Molly, kneeling behind Delia and placing her own hands on Delia's butt. The older Woman has to part her thighs a bit more than what's natural to put her rear passage at the right height for the little girl, but Molly is soon buried in her mama's butt. "Oh my, mama's butt is so hot and tight!" cries Molly, and despite the girl's earlier reservations, she's soon fucking the older woman's ass with as much vigor as when she fucked her pussy, the little futa's balls slapping repeatedly against Delia's recently fucked pussy. When Molly announces her impending climax once more, Delia reaches back to fondle the child's balls, telling her to "Come on, sweetie, empty these in Mama." Her thrusts grow more erratic, but just before she finishes, Molly yanks out of Delia's butt to bury herself in the older woman's cunt just in time to seed the mother's womb once more. Exhausted from the evening's events, Molly collapses to the sheets, her futahood finally going fully limp as she smiles up at Delia. "I guess my little girl needs some rest." Replies Delia, deciding not to question her as to why she didn't shoot in the older woman's ass as she retrieves a tub of wet wipes from her night stand drawer and uses a few to clean away where Molly's seed has been spilt on their skin. Discarding the used wipes, Delia asks, "Would you like to sleep with Mama tonight?" Stifling a yawn, Molly replies, "That sounds nice, mama." Standing up to turn down the sheets, Delia scoops the tiny futa up in her arms, hugging Molly tightly to her chest as she lays down. As Molly says, "Good night, mama." Delia offers a nipple to the little girl. "Here, sweetie, how about you suck on mama's boob tonight?" As the small girl latches on, the mother adds, "It'll be months before I start making milk to feed the baby, but you're welcome to suckle until the baby arrives, and you're welcome to any leftover milk the baby doesn't drink." Noticing that Molly is already fast asleep, Delia whispers, "Good night sweetie." before turning out her bedside light and joining the little girl in slumber. ### Ash wasn't sure what would greet him when he returns home after the Silver Conference, Knowing little about what his mom and his new, little sister had gotten up to while he was gone. As such, to say he was surprised by the scene that greeted him as he entered the ketchum residence would be an understatement. His mom sat there on the couch, but that wasn't what shocked the young trainer. Her belly had ballooned to an enormous size, the mother now nine months pregnant with her second child, due to give birth any day now, and in Dlia's arms was Molly, the little girl nearly sitting atop the older woman's baby bump as the pair kissed each other. Ash couldn't see it from where he was standing, but he would've been even more shocked to know that, though both females are fully clothed, Molly's erect girlcock is out and slid up under Delia's top to nestle between the mother's breasts, the flesh orbs now heavy with milk for the soon to arrive child. Spotting her son out of the corner of her eye, Delia breaks the kiss to greet him, "Welcome home, dear. I was just bonding with your new step-mama a bit. Oh, and in case it isn't obvious, you'll soon have a new baby brother or sister." As the situation finally catches up with Ash, the nearly teenaged boy faints from the strain of the multiple revelations.