Paris Desperation by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Anonymous The sun was barely rising over the Paris skyline when Hannah and Susan, both girls still wearing silken nightgowns of a cut just modest enough to be worn in mixed company barge into the hotel room shared by their mothers, trying to wake the older ladies and behaving more like children on Christmas morning than young adults who recently got the results of their A-levels and would be starting Uni in the fall. As their mothers stir from their slumber and rub the sleep from their eyes, they can't really blame their daughters for being excited and wanting to get an early start. After all, the younger girls have long admired, nearly obsessed, over the various magazines highlighting the latest fashions to come out of the Parisian Boutiques almost as long as the younger pair have been friends, and now they would finally get to visit those boutiques in person. Andrea is the first of the mothers to get out of bed, her golden blonde ringlets cascading off her shoulders as she smoothes out her own, rather conservative nightgown and turns her Sapphire eyes upon Hannah, her daughter being the splitting image of Andrea at that age. "Well, you two seem quite eager for our tour of the fashion district." Comments the elder blonde. "I would've liked another hour or two of sleep," grumbles Mary, Susan's mother as she runs her hands through her chestnut hair to remove the worst of her bedhead, her emerald green eyes locking with her daughters as she adds, "But clearly, my daughter and niece in all but blood don't want to waste any of our brief time south of the channel." Like their friends, Mary and Susan are practically mirror images of each other despite the roughly quarter century difference in age. Andrea and Mary had been friends for as long as they could remember and were closer than most actual sisters they knew, and had even fallen in love, gotten married, gotten pregnant, and gave birth on nearly identical timelines, and Hannah and Susan, only a day apart in age had followed in their footsteps. As the suite they were renting for the weekend only had two showers, Andrea offered to prepare breakfast and Susan volunteered to help her while Mary and Hannah got ready to head out. The aroma of freshly brewed French Roast coffee is soon filling the luxury hotel suite, and as the quartet sit down to a hearty breakfast, all partake not only of the coffee, but also of the freshly squeezed orange juice Andrea prepared. As Mary and Hannah take care of cleaning up after breakfast, Andrea and Susan take their turn to freshen up for the day ahead. As the quartet get ready to hit the boutiques, the daughters wearing coordinating designer blouses and skirts over summer leggings, and the mothers in simple form fitting tops and yoga pants, Mary asks, "Did the two of you remember to use the loo?" "Mo-ooom!" cries Susan at her mothers question, "I'm not a little kid anymore." "That may be true," comments Andrea, but you two will always be our babies, and besides, we've got a busy day ahead." "We're good to go!" Insistes Hannah, her friend nodding in agreement as they head towards the exit to their suite, their mothers only a few steps behind their daughters. ### Despite their insistance that they were fine when they left the hotel, the quartet are only an hour into their tour of the Parisian Fashion Houses when both Hannah an Susan feel the first twinge of what a mistake it was to drink so much coffee and juice at breakfast and then skip the loo before setting out. Truth be told, both of the recent highschool graduates had a history of bladder issues, both having been in pull-ups when they started kindergarten, and having been nearly ten before they could consistently have sleepovers without one, or more often, both of them wetting the bed. It had been years since either had had a full blown accident, but they still had below average holding capacity, and both of them knew it. But neither of the younger pair of ladies bring up their growing need, not wanting to admit that their mothers were right, and besides, they're having too much fun trying on various designer dresses, comparing the myriad of fashion accessories on offer, and generally indulging their shared passion for fashion the way a kid in a candyshop with an infinite allowance would indulge their sweet tooth. Unbeknownst to the daughters, however, the mothers are facing a similar predicament. Though neither Andrea nor Mary have ever admitted such to their not-so-little girls, Susan and Hannah undoubtedly inherited their small bladders from their mothers, and now both of the elder pair of ladies are regretting allowing themselves to get caught up in their daughters' excitement to the point they too skipped the loo before leaving the hotel, and to insist on a pit stop at this point would both make them look like hypocrites for not following their own advice not to mention would likely put a damper on their daughters enjoying themselves when the whole point of this trip was to reward the younger pair for doing well on an important milestone in their education. So all four of the lovely ladies, mothers and daughters, blondes and brunettes try to put their tiny tinkle tanks out of mind as they continue their journey from one boutique to the next. This is easier said than done, however as their kidneys all continue to process the liquids they had with breakfast, more pee pouring into their puny piddle pots with every store visited and all the bending over, leg lifting, strutting and twirling involved with every outfit change as they all try on dozens of different ensembles, modeling each for the others' opinion of how each one looks on each girl only serving to agitate their bursting bladders. On more than one occasion, Hannah and Susan freeze midstep as a bit of pee slips past their dwindling control to dampen their knickers, both girls hoping their mothers didn't notice and worrying that the next leak will soak through to their leggings, or worse, be the leak that shatters the dam, and as humiliating as it would be for either of them to wet at their age, the thought of having an accident while trying on a designer dress is absolutely mortifying. The mothers, with a couple decades extra practice under their belts do a better job of maintaining their composure whenever a leak gets out, and both are glad they decided to wear piddle pads to help absorb their minor accidents. As lunchtime rolls around, the quartet find themselves at the base of the Eiffel Tower, and they take the lifts up to the lower observation deck. As they step out of the lifts, all four of their tiny tinkle tanks throbbing terribly, threatening total containment failure, they all decide to make a beeline for the toilets before hitting up the restaurants for lunch. Fortunately, the lines are mercifully short, and all four girls barge into their respective stalls, Hannah and Susan hiking up their skirts and yanking down their leggings and knickers while Andrea and Mary yank down their yoga pants and underwear, none of them fully seated before their trapped tinkle thrusts through their tired tinkle tubes to torrent into the toilet bowls beneath each of them, each letting out a sigh of relief as their overburdened bladders can finally relax. As their streams slow to mere trickles, each girl examines the damage caused by their various leaks throughout the morning, both Hannah and Susan noticing the rather obvious yellow stains in the gussets of their knickers, both worried that the smell might become strong enough to be a dead giveaway to their piddle problems, and though neither girl has any idea what is going on in the other's stall, they come to the same solution, digging out a small bottle of perfume from their shopping and giving their knickers a small spritz in hopes of masking the scent of their pee. Meanwhile, both Andrea and Mary decide their pads have taken as much of a soaking as they can handle without swelling to the point they would be obvious under their tight trousers, discarding them in the toilet as they retrieve clean pads from their purses. After wiping and flushing, the quartet wash their hands in mutual silence, none willing to admit just how close they came to completely wetting themselves. ### As the quartet enjoy a leisurely lunch at one of the Eiffel Tower's restaurants, Andrea peruses the fashion section of a tourist brochure, and coming across a schedule of local events, announces, "There are quite a few runway shows scheduled for this afternoon." Turning to her daughter and honorary niece, she asks, "Would the two of you like to attend one?" "Sounds Awesome!" cry Hannah and Susan in near unison. Smiling at the younger ladies' enthusiasm, Mary comments, "You know, Andrea and I were once offered jobs as runway models." "Really?" Asks Susan, skeptically. Sure her mother was pretty, but the younger brunette can't imagine her mother on the runway. "Oh yes," replies Andrea, "Though we ultimately turned down the offer." "Why would you do that?" asks Hannah. "Because we wanted to start families with your fathers instead of being famous." replies Mary. After finishing their lunch and deciding their plans for the afternoon, the quartet leave the Eiffel tower, the morning's minor mishaps forgotten. ### Hannah and Susan are practically bouncing as the quartet take their seats for the fashion show they chose to attend, and it is with much impatience that the two teenagers wait for the auditorium lights to dim and the runway spotlights to ignite. However, the show has barely started when Hannah and Susan's petite piddle pots start to scold them for how quickly they forgot the lesson of that very morning. They had gotten a lot of exercise going from boutique to boutique that morning and the summer heat was already starting to be annoying, so they had drank a lot at lunch, and in their excitement to be attending a runway show, they had neglected to visit the toilets before finding their seats. At first, the two soon-to-be uni students simply cross their legs and thank their lucky stars they don't have all the movement from that morning to agitate their bladders, neither wanting to miss even a minute of the show to take care of their problem, but as time goes on, model after model taking their turn on the runway to show off the latest fashions, the two girls grow more and more desperate. Hannah subconsciously grips her chair's armrests until her knuckles turn white as her first leak of the afternoon dampens her knickers, not noticing Susan shoving a hand between her thighs as she experiences the same, both girls hoping no one notices their condition in the dark auditorium. Their mothers aren't doing much better, both scolding themselves for getting caught up in their daughter's excitement once again, and though the older ladies wouldn't be too bothered by missing part of the show, the auditorium is nearly packed, and they're near the middle of the row. Given how many strangers, some of whom likely don't speak English they'd have to disturb to get out, they decide to try and wait until the show is over, both hoping their piddle pads are up to the task of catching their leaks in the meantime. When the last model exits the runway and the spotlights cut out as the rest of the auditorium returns to normal illumination, the quartet let out a sigh of relief before realizing the next hurdle that stands between them and relief. Since the show was nearly sold out, there are a lot of people trying to file out of the auditorium, and between being near the middle of the row, needing to move slower than usual with their thighs pressed together, and not wanting their bursting bladders to be jostled by others in the crowd, they end up among the last to complete the journey out into the lobby. Just as they think they're home free, they look for the signs identifying the restrooms and all four get a feeling that the waste waters in their lower abdomens just turned to lead when they see a line at least three dozen long waiting to get into the Ladies' room. All four barely resisting the urge to break into a potty dance then and there, they silently agree it would be quicker to return to their hotel than try to last long enough to make it through that long a line. ### The walk back to their hotel doesn't take long, but feels like it took forever with their full bladders demanding they be emptied, and as they stand outside the door to their luxury suite, Andrea is barely maintaining her outward composure as she pulls the key from her purse. As her mother nearly fumbles the key in the attempt to get it into the lock, Hannah, hand bunching her skirt against her crotch as she shamelessly dances in place like a girl a third her age, cries out, "Hurry Mom, I need the loo!" and Susan, in no better shape can only nod her agreement. After a few more tries, Andrea gets the key into the lock, but she freezes in the middle of turning the key as an unusually long spurt escapes into her piddle pad. Cursing under her breath, she tries in vain to halt the flow, the crotch of her yoga pants bulging noticeably as the pad tries to absorb all of Andrea's accident, but even as the pad reaches saturation, the blonde's pee continues to flow, darkening first the crotch of her yoga pants and then her inner thigh by several shades. Mary's bladder begs her to follow the example of her sister in all but blood, but she instead pushes Andrea aside to finish unlocking and oepn the door, dashing inside, quickly followed by Hannah and Susan. Unfortunately for the brunette matriarch, she only makes it a few steps into the suite's common room before she meets the same fate as Andrea, her own yoga pants darkening several shades as her piddle pad overflows. Too concerned with their own throbbing tinkle tanks to pay attention to the fact both their mothers just wet themselves like little girls, Hannah and Susan continue their mad dash for the toilet. Unfortunately, while the suite has two bathrooms, they both head for the one in the bedroom the daughters are sharing for this mini-holiday, and just as their salvation is within sight, the pair get into a shoving match over who gets to use the toilet. The fight is over in a matter of seconds, Hannah pushing Susan to the floor as she nearly rips her leggings in her haste to get her garments down to sit upon the porcelain throne. As Hannah's tinkle torrents into a toilet bowl for the second time that day, the jolt as Susan's butt slams into the tiled floor spells doom for the brunette's bloated bladder as a pint of pent-up piddle pours forth in a powerful stream gushing through her gusset to stain her once pristine white leggings an obvious yellow. The two friends, sisters in all but blood just like their mothers lock eyes before their gazes trail downward, Hannah getting a good look at Susan wetting her leggings and Susan catching the slightest glimpse of Hannah's stream pouring from her girlhood. Blushing furiously, the two girls avert their gazes and an awkward silence falls over the bathroom as they finish emptying their bladders, the slight hiss of susan's stream and the melodic tinkle of Hannah's fading away as they slow to a trickle and then halt. The silence is broken when Mary steps into the bathroom and says teasingly, "Looks like my little girl didn't make it either." "Mo-ooom!" cries Susan, vainly trying to pull her skirt down over her knees to hide that she's sitting in a puddle of her own piddle. Before Mary can embarrass her daughter further, Andrea joins the group, commenting, "And if that yellow stain I spy is any indicator, it was only a coin flip that kept my daughter from being the one sitting in a puddle of her own making." Though Hannah has more success hiding said stain. "Since at least three of us need a bath and I suspect Hannah is feeling a little less than fresh as well," starts Mary, having mercy on the younger girls, "How about we take advantage of the fact this suite came equipped with a hot tub and then order room service for supper?" "That sounds like a good idea." Says Hannah, standing up and pulling up her knickers and leggings, not bothering to wipe before reaching her hand out to help Susan to her feet, "Sorry about shoving you out of the way like that." "It's okay," replies Susan, "besides, I was trying to do the same." Having made up, the young ladies follow their mothers into the suite's other bathroom, where there's a family sized hot tub. The quartet strip out of their clothes, forming two piles, one for wet and one for dry, and while the girls notice their mothers removing the now pee-soaked piddle pads from their knickers, neither comment on it as they climb into the hot water, their muscles relaxing and making them realize just how tiring their day has been. As the mothers join their daughters in the oversized tub, all for ladies let out a sigh of contentment.