Diapered Striker by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Anonymous The Goliaths lived up to their name, the team's starting line up featuring 10 young men who, despite averaging a mere 16 years of age were all quite tall and muscular, most having a build more typical of Rugby or American Football players than soccer players, easily the heaviest, bulkiest team in their highschool league. The one exception was David, or as he was known by his team mates, Davy. Though quite muscular himself, compared to the rest of the starting line-up, The Goliath's captain and star striker was rather svelt, and at a mere 5' 3", a head shorter than any of his teammates, a fact that lead to many first time opponents mistaking him for the little brother of one of the other guys and to under estimate the baby-faced little boy on the field upon learning that not only was he part of the team, he was the heart of their starting offensive line. However, what most didn't know, not even his own teammates, was that Davy had a secret that made him a "little boy" in a more literal way than simply being the lone boy small for his age on a soccer team of boys who are all big for their age. However, that was about to change... ### The Goliaths had been running a stellar season, not only qualifying for the State Playoffs, but having won every game they've been in, not that Davy was about to let his team mates slack off heading into the Round of 16. As Davy was exiting the shower following the team's latest practice, his lean muscles glistening with residual moisture, Joseph, "Joey", his best friend and unofficial second-in-command of the team notices something odd peaking out of the duffel Davy had left on one of the locker room benches. "Hey, Davy, what's that." asks the taller blonde, pointing at something white with a plastic luster half visible through the bag's fly. "Huh?" replies the dark-haired boy, glancing where his friend is pointing and going white and cursing himself for growing careless as he realizes what his teammate has spotted. "Hey, man, you okay?" Asks Joey, "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad." and before Davy can stop him, the blonde has reached down and pulled the mystery object from the raven-haired boy's bag, revealing it to be a white diaper, and one clearly sized for the short striker. Recovering from his initial shock, Davy's face goes red as a tomato as he tries to grab the diaper, fearful that he's about to lose all respect from his team, shouting, "Hey, give that back!" as Joey holds the absorbent garment just out of the shorter boy's reach. The commotion draws the attention of the other players, who turn just in time for their vice-captain to tease their captain, "I knew you had the looks of a boy still in grade school, but I didn't think you wore undies fit for a preschooler." "Hey!" shouts Davy, trying but failing to make up the height difference, "give those back before I bench you for the rest of the season!" "Hey, calm down," says Joey, finally letting his best friend grab the diaper from his grip, "besides, it just means those enemy goalies have another reason to feel humiliated at being unable to block your kicks." As the other guys nod in agreement with Joey's declaration, Davy clutches the diaper to his chest and mumbles, "It's not like I need them, I just like wearing them every now and then." "No biggie, Davy." replies Steve, the biggest of the Goliaths and the heart of their defensive line, "so what if you're a diaper boy, you're still our secret weapon." Noticing that his captain is still blushing and has begun tenting the towel tied around his waist, Joey asks, "Hey, Davy, do ya like being teased like this?" "Uh... maybe a little..." replies the boy, trying to discover brand new shades of red as he adds, "As long as my biggest secret is out, I might as well confess that I... kinda like boys..." Instead of jeers, Davy soon recieves around of slaps on the back from his teammates before Steve declares, "Davy the Gay Diaper boy, Smallest but mightiest of the Goliaths, Bane to Goalies everywhere." With the pressure of keeping a secret from his nearest and dearest friends lifted off his shoulders and the realization that they all accept him even knowing his secret, Davy sleeps soundly that evening and feels far more confident as he departs for practice the next day, this time with a diaper on instead of in his bag. Despite his team accepting him despite learning his secret, Davy is merciless during the practice, and by the time the Goliaths file into the locker room after the greuling workout Davy put them through, their soccer jerseys have all darkened several shades and their muscles are glistening with residual sweat. Pulling off his shirt, Joey pats his face dry with the slightly moist garment before commenting, "Dude, we wreak!" Before striking a pose that seems more appropriate for a body builder than a soccer player, "But I guess it's worth it for having a bod like this." "Not bad man," replies Steve before pulling off his own jersey and flexing, but check out these pecs!" With that, the rest of the team fall into a familiar ritual of testosterone-fuelled one upmenship, comparing muscles... except for one baby-faced striker, Davy trying to sneak off to the showers, very much in need of a cold drenching at the display his teammates are putting on. "Hey, where do ya think you're going, Davy?" asks Joey, grabbing his diminutive captain by the arm and pulling him into the center of the ring of jocks forming in the middle of the locker room. "I know yer the pipsqueak of the team, but that's no reason not to show off what ya got." "Yeah, let's see if that small frame is hiding any hidden power." Surrounded by a dozen or so muscle-bound jocks towering over him and put on the spot so suddenly, Davy can feel his cock starting to stiffen in his diaper even as his face burns from a combination of shyness and embarrassment... sure the guys know his secret now, but he's not sure he's ready to be seen in his diapers by others yet. But despite his reservations, Davy eventually gives into peer pressure, removing his shirt and exposing his slender, but still muscular upper torso to his teammates, the crimson on his face trailing down to his collar bone despite the others having seen his bare chest many times. "Wow," comments Joey, giving Davy a nuggie, "better hide yer little sisters, boys, this little heart throb just might convince them to hand over their undies!" "Yeah, is that a four-pack you've got there, Davy?" asks Steve teasingly, "Bet every girl on the playground wants some of your cooties." "Hey, cut it out guys." retorts Davy, his blush extending halfway down his chest as he backs away from the rest of his team. However, he doesn't notice the locker room bench behind him, and as the back of his knees collide with the wood plank, Davy loses his balance and lands hard on the bench, his diaper softening his landing, but a loud crinkling sound echoing in the suddenly quiet locker room. "Hey, what's that?" Asks Joey, noticing something sticking up from the waistband of Davy's soccer shorts that is definitely not the waistband of boxers or briefs. "What's what?" replies Davy nervously. "Before Davy can weave out of the way, Joey has grabbed his arms and yanked his captain's shorts down, leaving his diaper, and the rather prominent tent therein on full display. "Oh my," comments Steve, breaking the awkward silence, "Bet all the girls want to play doctor or house with baby boy here, but if that protrusion in his pampers is any indicator, little Davy has a thing for older boys rather than all the girls trying to get in his shorts." With this, the taller boy slides his hand along the bulge in Davy's diaper, the ace striker letting out a moan of pleasure as his svelt frame shudders and his hips hump against Steve's hand. "Whoa!" comments Joey, the blonde still holding his captains arms over the shorter boy's head, "I think little Davy is getting turned on by all our teasing." At this, Davy's whole body goes crimson, the white, plastic of his diaper standing out in sharp contrast against his flushed skin. "Well, if baby boy likes having his dick rubbed through his nappy," comments Steve, giving his captain another stroke, "How 'bout we see if the lil diapered striker can properly bust a nut." As steve continues fondling the bulge in Davy's diaper, the short boy's cock growing harder and longer under the taller boy's ministrations, the absorbent garment straining to contain the one part of the baby boy's body that actually makes the rest of the team look small by comparison, the other boys close in, and before Davy realizes what's happening, he's laid out on one of the locker room benches, stripped to just his diaper as his team mates caress his small, but muscular body from head to toe, Joey and the third member of their offensive line massaging the boy's arms, a pair of mid-fielders teasing his nipples and his four-pack abs, and the team's goalie, Jason, massaging his feet as steve continues caressing his diaper-covered cock, Davy trying to resist the primal urge to moan his head off and hump against the hand on his hardon. "It's okay, baby boy," comments Steve, "Go ahead and let out all that sticky boy goo you must have built up watching us get all sweaty out on the field. "Yeah, not like you have to worry about getting it everywhere with that diaper on." Comments one of the guys watching from the sidelines. Despite how excited Davy is from the situation he finds himself in, his cock harder than he can ever remember,and the near public locale only adding to his arousal despite his embarrassment of being nearly naked in front of his whole team except for the babyish underwear, Davy's sexual endurance proves to be on par with his endurance on the soccer pitch, and eventually, the guys trying to make him make a mess in his diaper step back to give the onlookers a turn teasing their captain, and they eventually give up on their group molestation, instead taking turns bouncing Davy on their knees even as they continue to fondle their diapered ace. Having been passed around to most of the guys on the team, Davy has given up on resisting his primal urges, humping against the hands placed on his crotch and sometimes even grinding against one of the larger boy's thighs on his own accord when they choose to neglect the bulge in his diaper in favor of caressing his muscles or teasing his nipples. Eventually, Davy cries out, "Guys... I'm not sure how much more of this I can take!" "Oh, is Baby boy about to make a mess in his nappy?" Asks Steve, handing his captain off to Joey, the blonde hugging Davy tightly and furiously stroking the smaller boy's large cock through the nearly bursting diaper. "Just let it out," cooes Joey in his friend's ear, sounding more like he's trying to comfort a younger sibling than talking to his team captain. When Davy finally erupts, his ejaculation is explosive, his entire body shaking as his hips jerk with every jet of cum he squirts into his diaper. At first, the absorbent padding manages to do it's job, seeping moisture from Davy's release even as the sticky paste left behind practically glues the diaper to his crotch, but eventually, the short boy's copious cum proves too much, leaking out through both the waistband and legholes, and by the time Davy is done having the best cum of his life, both his stomach and inner thighs are caked with his jizz in addition to the entire front of his diaper having swelled to capacity. As Joey sits Davy on to shakey feet, Steve comments, "Looks like baby boy made a big mess in his diaper. Guess one of us should take him into the shower and help the lil guy get cleaned up." Coming down from the high of climax, Davy develops a whole body blush once more, and works to discover new shades of red as Joey adds, "I'll check if our diapered striker packed any spare diapers in his duffel." as Steve leads the young looking boy, his diaper now sagging with Davy's cum load towards the showers.