Sakura's Pack by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Anonymous Haruno Sakura jammed a pair of kunai into a soaked timber and held on for dear life with all of her chakra-enhanced strength as the latest in a series of massive waves rocked her client's Yacht. This was supposed to be a simple escort mission for the young apprentice of the Godaime Hokage, the recently promoted chuunin just needed to protect the princess of one of the minor, outlying countries of the elemental continent along with her ship, its crew, and the cargo it was carrying from being boarded as they sailed through waters plagued by pirates. Unfortunately, they had sailed straight into a hurricane, and it was all Sakura could do to not be thrown overboard as the storm surge tossed the ship around like a particularly energetic toddler playing with a toy boat in the bath. Suddenly, the ship recieves a strong jolt that makes Sakura stumble despite being braced with the Kunai she had lodged into part of the boat's frame, and as a lightning strike lights up the darkened sky, Sakura barely has time to register the mast, sails tattered by the extreme winds, starting to creak, then splinter, then fall before her world is engulfed in pain and darkness. ### When Sakura comes to, her head is throbbing, though fortunately for the kunoichi, her medical training kicks in as she self-administers first-aid for a possible concussion before examining her surroundings. The storm has given way to a sunny day, but Sakura's clothes are still soaked, not that it really matters, as they've been reduced to little more than Rags. She's washed up on the shore, fortunately having come to rest on a sandy beach, though it soon becomes clear just how lucky she is when she soon spots the remains of the ship, it's hull split in two upon a nearby outcropping of jagged rocks. Realizing that all of her storage scrolls have been ruined by sea water and that the mission isn't yet a complete failure if there are other survivors and that salvaging any supplies she can would be a good idea even if she is the sole survivor, the pinkette tears away the most heavily damaged bits of her clothes as she wades into the surf heading for the wreck. Unfortunately, what awaits Sakura aboard the wreck is far from pleasant. A drowned, but intact body is probably the least disturbing of what she finds as she confirms the status of each member of the crew, many of them having clearly been broken by the impact against the rocks or impaled by sharp bits of debris, and most of the supplies aren't in much better condition, much of the cargo shattered by the crash or water logged. Just as Sakura is about ready to give up the wreck as a near total loss, concluding that she survived only because, despite Tsunade focusing on evasion during their training, the same techniques that enhanced the strength of her punches and kicks, by necessity, also made her much tougher for those cases when she fails to dodge, a faint whimpering reaches her ears. Following the sound to its source, Sakura is surprised to find that a trio of her deceased client's prized huskies had managed to survive the wreck, likely due to being shielded by metal kennels that had been bolted directly to the heavy timbers of the ship's frame. Using her chakra to help her break the locks on the surviving dogs' kennels, Sakura notes that all three are bitches, all three looking as regal as one might expect of a princess's pets despite their sea soaked coats. As she leads her new, canine companions off of the wreck and back to shore, Sakura reflects that the storm might have rendered her mission a complete and utter failure and left her stranded sage knows where with next to no supplies, that at least she won't be completely alone. ### Several weeks have passed and Sakura has adapted nicely to life on the island, and it is indeed an island and quite a ways from the mainland as she had followed the coast all the way around back to the remains of the wreck and had seen nothing but open ocean and the few times she had tried to run across the sea, she had gone out as far as she dared without spotting any other landmasses. Fortunately, her ninja training was useful for wilderness survival and the island was bountiful with edible plants and small game, and while she could hear howling at night, she had yet to encounter any of the island's native predators. Another boon had come in the form of the dogs she had rescued from the shipwreck, for while they had been pets of nobility used to being pampered, their instincts had asserted themselves with the change in circumstances and they had proved capable hunting dogs, which was a good thing as nearly all of the food stores on the ship had been rendered inedible from comtamination with sea water or spoiling from the heat of the sun because their ice-packed containers had been broken in the crash. Sakura stood atop an out cropping of rock, a crude spear fashioned from a kunai wedged into the split end of what had once been a railing on the boat held in one hand, her ninja garb having been reduced to little more than a crude bra and loincloth, showing off svelt muscles built up during her training under Tsunade and a prominent tan from the near constant exposure to the sun when one of her husky companions, coat still fairly clean and smelling of the sea walks up next to her and lets out a low whimper as it nuzzles her exposed thigh. Kneeling down to scratch the dog under the chin, Sakura asks, "What's wrong girl?" Letting out another low whimper, the canine nuzzles Sakura's hand and takes a deep breath before turning her rear to the kunoichi and lifting her tail. Feeling the heat coming off her companion's hind quarters, and glancing down to see bright red where black and white fur gives way to bare skin around the bitch's pussy, and having some training as a vet, and particularly with dogs just in case she ever has to treat one of the Inuzuka's canine companions or another animal trained to fight along side its ninja master, Sakura quickly realizes that the husky is in heat, a revelation that causes something to stir in Sakura, something primal, and before long, the kunoichi is tenting her loincloth. As her rational mind catches up with how the presenting bitch is affecting her, Sakura jumps back, more than a bit freaked out by the way her body is reacting to one of her canine companions being in heat. Neither Sakura nor Tsunade were entirely sure of the cause of the pinkette's transformation, perhaps a bloodline limit that had gone overlooked due to it's lack of combat application or a side effect of abnormally high testosterone production as a result of the strength enhancing jutsu that were the backbone of the Slug Sannin's fighting style, but shortly after Sakura had begun her tutelage under the Godaime Hokage, she had grown a rather impressive looking penis and a pair of balls to match, and at the moment, the kunoichi had nine inches of rock hard, throbbing futacock threatening to tear through what little remained of her skirt. Naturally, she had gotten erections at inopportune times before, after all, roughly a third of Konoha's ninja were kunoichi, and very few of them were completely unattractive, but this was the first time Sakura had ever gotten hard in reaction to an animal, and the civilized part of her that remained was just a bit disgusted at such, and the pinkette quickly makes a resolution to keep her distance from her new companions until their heat has passed. ### However, that proves harder than Sakura expected. As she had feared, all three of the huskies turned out to be in synch with their heat cycles, and with Sakura the closest thing to a male the bitch brigade had access to, Sakura found herself having to deal with a bitch in heat presenting several times a day and the erections that result. In fact, Sakura was dealing with the latest in a long line of unwanted erections at that very moment, hands furiously pumping her throbbing futa fuckmeat as she stands under a small, freshwater waterfall that feeds into a small lagoon she had found in a cove that was just far enough inland to prevent backflow of seawater and which made for a decent bathing spot in the absence of modern plumbing. Despite the subtropical climate, the water was cold, but did little to quail the pinkette's arousal as she tries to forget the cause of her current predicament and instead focus on fantasies of fucking the female ninja she used to interact with on a daily or near daily basis. First, she imagined bending her once best friend turned romantic rival, Ino over a fallen log on some remote training ground ramming balls deep in the Yamanaka heiress's pussy and pounding the blonde into the ground until she forgets all about Sasuke and can only think about worshipping her pink-haired princess's magnificent girlcock. Shy Hinata is next in sakura's daydreams, the timid Hyuuga stammering incoherently and blushing furiously as the pinkette imagines stripping the pale-eyed girl bare so she can admire the pair of breasts that recently started growing on Hinata's chest, kneading them as though working dough for manju as she slides her shaft between them, spraying the quietest of the former rookie nine's face with her seed before claiming her cherry and insisting the dark-haired girl watches with her Byakugan as Sakura floods her womb. Tenten is next, and though Sakura doesn't know the older girl as well as her former academy classmates, she can't help fantasizing about the weapons expert in a panda-themed skin-tight body suit as Sakura slices open the crotch with a kunai, rolls the girl on her side, and adds the older girl to her list of knocked up kunoichi. Sakura is sure Anko would be a dominatrix type in the bedroom, a fact that only makes the thought of chaining the former apprentice of the Snake Sannin to a stone slab with chakra-suppressing manicles and thrashing the older woman's twat as she curses up a storm, creaming that cunt over and over while using a medical jutsu to induce ovulation all the hotter for the sexually frustrated futanari. Next on Sakura's fantasy tour of the notable kunoichi of Konoha is her elder apprentice, Shizune, Sakura revelling in the thought of reducing the Hokage's usually calm and collected assistant to a moaning mess and making the older woman squeal like a pig as the futa floods yet another womb. And then comes the Godaime Hokage herself. Adding power fantasy, Sakura imagines surpassing her sensei, forcibly bending the Shodaime's granddaughter over the very desk once used by her grandfather and granduncle, the pinkette using her enhanced strength to deliver a chakra infused slap to that legendary ass as Sakura calls Tsunade the hottest granny in the elemental nations before acting upon intentions to work on making her a literal granny. However, before Sakura can get to imagining what it would be like to inseminate her teacher, she feels something warm and wet swirling around her tip, and opening her eyes, she finds one of the Huskies has managed to follow her to her hidden oasis and is in the process of fellating her throbbing futahood's engorged cockhead. Though this was exactly the kind of situation she had tried to avoid by masturbating under the waterfall, the sensation of dog tongue upon her glands is more than she can take, the last of her self control crumbling as she fists a hand in the fur of the bitch's scruff and rams her girlcock down the husky's throat. Despite Sakura's rough treatment, her canine companion is unperturbed, continuing to lavish her mistress's shaft, making no attempt to break the grip the kunoichi has upon the bitch's nape, not even when Sakura starts pumping her hips back and forth, literally throat fucking the husky. Having already worked herself up quite a bit fantasizing about her fellow Konoha kunoichi and after days of resisting the urge to mount her bitches everytime one of them presents themselves to their mistress, it isn't long before Sakura can feel her balls tightening up in impending climax, and with her strongest thrust yet, she shoves as much of her nine inches of futa fuck meat down the dog's throat as she can manage before flooding the she-beast's stomach with what feels like gallons of searing, shemale seed, Sakura throwing her head back and letting out a feral cry of ecstacy as she does so. After what feels like hours of pumping gob after great, gooey gob of thick, creamy futa spunk down the dog's gullet, Sakura finally releases the bitch's scruff as her release trickles to a halt, the husky sliding off the kunoichi's shaft as the pinkette closes her eyes and takes a moment to catch her breath. When Sakura opens her eyes, she notices that the bitch who just swallowed the futa's most massive load to date has plunged into the shallows of the lagoon and is now laying half-submerged on her back, her enflamed bitch pussy the bloodiest red Sakura has ever seen, and two lines of rock hard nipples poking out of snow white belly fur. Realizing that her futahood is as erect as ever, what little of Sakura's rational mind remains decides, 'fuck it!' as a feral look comes over the futanari's face and she drops to all fours, adopting a rather canine posture before the pinkette pounces, landing on the prone animal in a single bound and slamming her throbbing futahood balls deep in the bitch's hot, horny hole in the same motion. "Oh Sage!" cries out the kunoichi as her shaft is enveloped within a velvet vice, "So damn tight!" But despite how snuggly the bitch's snatch tries to strangle Sakura's girlcock, the beast's internal muscles are no match for the kunoichi's chakra-enhanced strength, and within seconds, the pinkette is pounding puppy pussy, rutting her new mate like the bitch in heat she is. As her balls repeatedly bounce off the husky's tail with a series of resounding smacks, Sakura hugs her canine lover closely, the white fur of the bitch's belly soft and silky against Sakura's muscular amazonian body, the dog's hardened nipples like pearls pressing into the futa's flesh. Soon, both bitch and her human mistress are panting loudly between growls of passion, both of them lost in the primal pleasure of the rut. As Sakura approaches her second climax, a whimpering catches her attention, and looking up, she finds that the sounds of her mating with the one bitch has attracted the other two huskies. With a lecherous smile on her face, Sakura assures her other canine companions, "Don't worry, you'll get your turns soon enough." With that, Sakura picks up speed, and within a dozen more thrusts, she hilts herself balls deep in the bitch's pussy, her tip pressed directly against the canine's cervix as the futa unleashes another massive load directly into the animal's waiting womb, the hollow organ ballooning out slightly from the sheer volume of the kunoichi's release. When Sakura withdraws from her first conquest's well-fucked bitch cunt, The other two bitches are eager to lick away the mixture of their mistress's leftover seed and their sister's natural lubricants, and have soon licked Sakura's shaft completely clean. As the pair present themselves, Sakura comtemplates how to pick which bitch to fuck next, before retrieving a kunai from the tiny bundle of personal possessions she left on the lagoon bank and declaring, "I'm going to spin this kunai high in the air. If it lands point in the ground, I'll fuck the one on the left, if it lands flat on the ground, the one on the right." With a flick of the wrist, Sakura sends the Kunai flying, and at the other end of it's parabolic arc, the blade is embedded in the lagoon's sandy bed, and Sakura pounces on the bitch to her left, mounting the bitch in the style named for her species, the Kunoichi draping herself over the canine's furry body as she starts to rut her second bitch. Although she's already came twice, Sakura's strokes as she gives the second of the bitch brigade what they've been begging for for days are every bit as hard and fast as the rutting she gave the bitch's sister, and when Sakura hears the third husky whimpering, the pinkette glances over just in time to see the dog she already serviced climb to her feet and lavishly lick the third bitch's inflamed nethers. Deciding the other two can entertain themselves, Sakura decides to focus on the hot, tight bitch cunt she's currently buried within, using every bit of her chakra-enhanced strength to give the bitch beneath the kunoichi the fucking she's been begging for. After inseminating her second bitch, sakura wastes no time in turning her attentions to the third to repeat the process, any revulsion to the idea of fucking her canine companions a distant memory of a former life as Sakura embraces her new role as pack alpha for the bitch brigade she rescued from that shipwreck what seems like years ago but was just over a month ago. Hours have passed by the time Sakura has finally worn herself out, losing count of how many times she has cum in each of her new mates, and on them as well, as the splotches of white staining the black parts of their fur is testament to. As the full moon rises over the lagoon and a distant howling rips through the otherwise tranquil night, Sakura vows that her next mission is to track down the island's native predators and add them to her pack. ### Though tracking isn't her specialty, now that she's decided to track down the source of the howling, it only takes her a few days to not only locate the den the native predators call home, but to determine that they are a pack of wolves with a total of 8 adults, and that if there are any pups among the pack, they must be kept hidden within the den. Being outnumbered even with her husky companions to back her up and having been unable to salvage a telescope or pair of binoculars from the shipwreck, the kunoichi hasn't gotten close enough to determine the packs gender ratio, but the thought that she has a better than fifty-fifty chance of more than doubling her number of harem hounds has the futa throbbing in impatience to make her move to bring the wild animals to heel. Crouching in the underbrush down wind of the clearing where the entrance to the wolves' den is located, Sakura addresses her bitch brigade as she outlines her plan of attack. "Okay, girls," Starts Sakura, "As far as I know, none of you have any prior combat experience, and I don't want any of you getting hurt. As such, your job will be to split the pack and lead them on a short chase while I run in and immobilize them by cutting their tendons. Don't try to fight them unless they manage to trick you into a corner." Turning back towards her quarry, her hands glowing green as she forges a pair of chakra scalpels, Sakura raises a hand and announces, "On my mark, three... two... one, go!" Bringing her hand down as the three huskies dash to the clearing's edge and start barking to catch the wolves' attention. The wild beasts soon perk up at the intrusion upon their territory, and as the trio of interlopers dash into the forest, most of the pack gives chase. A lecherous smile crosses Sakura's features as the wolves do exactly what she had hoped, a pair chasing after each of her canine companions as they break off on to three separate paths, leaving the final pair to guard the den. Channeling chakra to her legs, the pinkette bursts forth with a speed a cheetah would be proud of, the pair of sentries too slow to react as with a series of lightning fast swipes, Sakura severs the main tendons in all four legs of both wolves with her chakra scalpels, leaving her victims growling impotently, unable to stand, much less pounce upon their assailent or run away. Glancing between their hind legs, Sakura notices that both of the guard wolves are bitches, but while her futahood throbs at the thought of having two new canine cunts to conquer, she knows it's too early to celebrate just yet, as the first of her teammates should soon be finishing their lap through the surrounding woodland. And indeed, not half a minute after she downs the sentries, a Husky comes barreling into the clearing, the next pair of unwilling patiants for tendonectomy hot on her tail. Downing the second pair of wolves and letting the husky watch over the growing pile of growling, lame animals, Sakura stands poised to take down the third and fourth pair as the other two huskies lead them back to where the chase started. With all 8 of the wolves subdued, Sakura lets her scalpels dissipate and kneels down as the trio of huskies run up to her, licking her face as she pets them and praises them for a good job, "You did great girls! Mission accomplished and without any injuries to anyone on the team. Now, I want you to search their den. Take your pick of any prey they've stored away, but bring out any pups you find." Standing up and turning to the disabled wolves, the pinkette adds, "While you three do that, I'll see about culling any potential competition." As the bitch brigade vanish into the den, Sakura goes one-by-one, lifting the tails of her captives, ignoring their futile attempts to intimidate her with growling, unable to do much with the injuries she inflicted as long as she stays clear of their snarling muzzles. Everytime she identifies one of the wolves as a bitch, the smile on Sakura's face grows wider, and when she's done checking the last one, she has a full-on slasher smile. She had planned on castrating any males among the pack, hoping she might be able to make use of them as guard dogs once she didn't have to worry about them mounting her bitches, but such proves unnecessary as it turns out the whole pack is all bitches, not a single male to challenge her for mating rights With all the adults being female, it doesn't surprise Sakura in the least when the huskies return empty toothed from their assignment to retrieve any pups hidden in the den. Sakura is a bit disappointed she won't get to raise a wolve pup to be her perfect, little breeding bitch, but she decides to make the most of what she has as she picks out the largest, strongest of the wolves, assuming it to be the pack's matriarch as she looms over the helpless animal. The matriarch growls up at the one responsible for crippling her and her sistters, but the kunoichi is unimpressed as she unties the knots holding her loincloth and makeshift bra in place, tossing the ragged remains of her attire to the ground, her 9 inches of futa bitch breaker standing proud as she towers over her conquered prey. As the she-beast's eyes gaze upon Sakura's mighty member, her defiant growls give way to needy whimpers as, despite her cut tendons, the packs former leader manages to wriggle on to her back, exposing both her throat and pussy in supplication to the new alpha. Smiling down at the defeated animal, Sakura comments, "That's more like it." as she drops to her knees, lines up her tip with the former alpha's entrance and slowly sinks balls deep into her latest conquest. Unlike when she claimed her huskies for the first time, Sakura doesn't feel the same urgency that had come about from days of declining the invitation to mount the bitch brigade, instead simply savoring the sensation of a strange, new snatch stretched tightly around her erection for quite some time, only pulling back to deliver a second thrusst when her lupine lover whimpers pathetically in need. Sakura keeps up her sedate pace for quite some time, making the crippled bitch beneath her beg for every stroke, savoring her victory over the clearly cock-starved beast for as long as she can. However, though the bitch brigade have been far from slacking in their duties to keep their mistress's massive member satisfied, the nearly feral kunoichi can only take but so much of having her futa fuck meat massaged by her new bitch before the urge to rut grows overwhelming and she starts to pound the wolf's pusssy like an angry kami claiming a virgin sacrifice. As Sakura shoots her seed in the pack's former alpha, the bitch howls in it's own climax, the lame creature's internal muscles doing their best to milk the futa's member dry. One down and seven to go, Sakura withdraws and looks over the other wolves, picking the weakest looking one and rolling it on it's stomach. Fisting a hand in it's scruff and staring into one of its amber eyes, Sakura asks the prone bitch, "If I fix your legs, will you be an obedient breeder and let me mount you?" Though not sure if the wild animal can even understand her, but hoping her displays of dominance have been thorough enough to discourage any rebellion, she makes quick work of repairing the tendons she severed, the pinkette smiling as the bitch repays her kindness by immediately presenting to the kunoichi. Reaching a hand forward to stroke the majestic hunter's back, Sakura praises her newest pet, "That's a good bitch." Before hilting herself in the animal's passage and taking it roughly in the position named for the creature's domesticated cousins. For the rest of the day and well into the night, things go much in the same way, Sakura taking each wolf on her back if they show any sign of aggression while healing and mounting the ones that have submitted to her as the island's new alpha. ### Over the next few days, Sakura brings the whole pack to heel thoroughly enough that none dare attack her after having their mobility restored, though having nearly a dozen bitches all seemingly in heat at the same time proves to be almost too much even for Sakura's stamina, some days seeming to be one marathon fuckfest, the first bitch in the rotation ready for another round by the time she's gone through all eleven, leaving little time for foraging or hunting. But then Sakura remembers a technique Tsunade had taught her shortly before the disasterous mission that had left her stranded on this island with only a trio of huskies and a pack of wolves for company. Though usually a Jounin-class Jutsu due to it's high chakra cost, and one even Kage-class shinobi could normally only use two or three times simultaneously, Tsunade had opted to teach the Kage Bunshin to Sakura early thanks to the pinkette's near perfect chakra control letting her overcome some of the technique's usual drawbacks. She couldn't spam it the way the Kyuubi's chakra let her former, knuckleheaded teammate do so, and she couldn't use them effectively in battle, but it was the perfect technique for recon missions where the clone could just dispell itself with the technique's release seal thus eliminating the need to exfiltrate after memorizing the vital information. She suspected her sensei would give her an earful for even thinking of using the technique like this, but Sakura couldn't resist giving it a try once the idea had occurred to her. And so, shortly after being woken one morning by one of her many bitches slavering the kunoichi's morning wood in what had become part of the pack's daily routine, Sakura retreated from her horny bitches to take up a meditative pose atop a boulder that was just a bit too tall, steep, and well-smoothed from the waves and wind for the canines to climb. Centering her chakra, Sakura crossed her hands in the seal for the kage bunshin, and diverting just enough chakra from her reserves, a chorus of pops accompanied by smoke herald the formation of 11 solid copies of the pinkette. They weren't the strongest clones she had ever created, barely as strong as a typical civilian of her age and gender back home, but creating so many at once still left her feeling a bit winded. As the trio of huskies and octet of wolves gather round the boulder, the clones look down with lust in their green eyes while the original sits cross legged in the middle. Sliding down the sides of the boulder, the clones each pick a bitch and pounce, none of the canines putting up any resistence as they are mounted and the Sakura-clones start to relentlessly rut their chosen bitch. Catching her breath from the exertion of creating so many bunshin all at once, Sakura looks down upon the orgy of beastiality she's orchestrated and is surprised by just how hard the sight makes her. Wrapping both hands around her hardened girlcock, Sakura starts to stroke herself as she watches her clones rutting her bitches, enjoying the show immensely and briefly wondering if the creator of this jutsu realized it's potential for perversion. However, it isn't until the first of her clones pops that Sakura starts to comprehend the true power perversion potential of the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. She had been leisurely stroking her member and was far off from a climax, but apparently, one of her clones was a real quickshot and wasn't durable enough to survive an orgasm, and as it fell apart and the memory of fucking one of her bitches slams into her mind, it comes with the sensation of the orgasm that had undone the clone, and suddenly, Sakura goes from warming up to climaxing in an instant, her member erupting like a geyser and painting the side of the boulder in pearly white as the pinkette is knocked on her back by the sudden, yet intensely pleasurable, backlash of her first clone popping. When she recovers from her clone-induced climax, Sakura glances down, realizing it was the tightest of her huskies that had made her clone pop, and deciding to join in instead of making a new clone to replace the one that pop, she slides down the side of the boulder as she announces to her other clones, "Hey, girls, orgasms are included in the memory transmission! Let's try to spunk all of our bitches together!" Taking up the pussy vacated by her dissipated clone, Sakura and her remaining clones start crying out in a mix of euphoric exclamations as they try to do just that, and while Sakura hasn't trained to act in synchronization with her clones, her tight control over her chakra and body that her clones inherited make it come naturally. And so, mere moments after Sakura hilts herself in the tightest husky one last time as she starts to cum in the bitch's hot, canine cunt, a series of pops announces the collapse of the clones, Sakura's mind blanking out as her orgasm is joined by the combined force of nearly a dozen simultaneous climaxes. ### Sakura wakes up several hours later, the position of the sun telling her she's lost most of the morning as she realizes she must have blacked out from the intensity of having so many clones pop in climax all at once. As she climbs to shakey feet, she silently vows to herself to train until she can manage to repeat that feat without passing out. Glancing around, she finds most of her bitches napping in piles of twos and threes, apparently having interpreted their alpha's passing out as a signal to sleep the morning away. But One of the wolves is awake, pacing around the perimeter of the pack's impromptu campsite, and noticing Sakura up and about, the bitch abandons her post to greet her mistress. As the wolf drops in front of Sakura and rolls over to expose it's belly to the Pinkette, Sakura realizes it to be the former alpha and getting an idea, creates a pair of clones, using more chakra to make them more durable and pounces. As soon as Sakura has pinned and penetrated the prone she wolf, she rolls over so the bitch is resting atop her, but before the former alpha can get any ideas about trying to reclaim her position, Sakura has grabbed the beast's haunches and made room for one of her clones to claim the bitch's ass. As Sakura drives up into the bitch's pussy and her clone rams into the bitch's rear, the pair of rock hard futa cocks grinding against each other through the wolf's inner walls, the wolf starts to howl in pleasure, but not for long as the other clone takes advantage to grab the beast by the scruff and plunge her prick down the animal's throat, the former alpha unable to do any thing but take it as she's fucked in all three holes by the one who dethroned her and claimed her pack as her own. It isn't long before Sakura and her clones can feel their balls tightening up, and without hesitation, the trio unleash their loads nearly simultaneously into the former alpha's stomach, bowels, and womb, the combined volume of three jizz loads causing the beast's belly to bulge, but Sakura isn't quite done, her more durable clones able to ride out their orgasms and the trio continuing to give the she wolf the fucking of her life. Naturally, the sounds of sex don't go unnotice by the rest of the canines, and before long, the gang bang is encircled by a ring of ten horny, whimpering bitches. Giving the rest of her pack a lecherous smile, Sakura and her clones announce in unison, "Don't worry girls, you'll all get your turn!" As the trio cums in the former alpha once more, Sakura can't help thinking that she might be stranded here and perhaps assumed KIA, but at least her exile won't be dull as she and her clones pull out of the now fucked silly wolf and turn their attention to the bitches waiting their turns.