Ranked D for Desperation by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Anonymous Haruno Sakura's day had not gotten off to a good start. To begin with, her alarm had failed to go off, and by the time her mother had woken her, she had been forced to skip most of her morning ablutions in order to wolf down a bowl of rice and cup of miso before rushing out the door to make it to Team 7's scheduled meeting on time, not eager to repeat her mistake of skipping meals from the day of the bell test. And while that was annoying, it would've been tolerable if Kakashi-sensei wasn't well on his way to proving that him being late on the day of team assignments wasn't a fluke and him being late on the day of the bell test wasn't a coincidence. She had skipped a morning shower and taking the time to savor her breakfast and ran halfway accross the village to barely make their 8-o'clock meeting time and it was now 10 and still no sign of the masked jounin or that orange book he seemed so fond of, a pattern of a perpetual lack of punctuality starting to emerge in the pinkette's mind. And to make matters worse, Naruto had spent the last two hours being his loud, obnoxious self while Sasuke-kun had ignored the pink-haired kunoichi's every attempt to start up a conversation, and thanks to it being the middle of summer, she had already gone through nearly a liter of water from her canteen despite the three essentially just standing there as they wait for their team leader and supposed mentor, a liter of water that was starting to trickle into Sakura's bladder, adding to her agitation and making her realize she had also skipped her morning pee in her wasted haste as she feels the first twinge from her tinkle tank. But before Sakura can think of a means of excusing herself without letting the two boys know about something as private as the pinkette's potty needs, Kakashi finally strolls into sight, the silver-haired man not looking the least bit bothered by his tardiness as he greets his students. Even as Naruto chews out their sensei for making them wait, Inner Sakura is torn between agreeing with the knuckleheaded blonde and cursing Kakashi for finally showing up at the most inopportune time, only to be brought back to the present when, after making his excuses, Kakashi instructs, "Okay, Team 7, follow me to The Hokage Tower so we can pick up our mission briefs for our first official day of duty." Pushing the piddle pooling in her bladder out of mind, Sakura follows the rest of her team, trailing behind them ever so slightly as her pelvic floor subconsciously tenses up to hold back the slowly growing tinkle tides. ### "Let's see," comments Kakashi as Team 7 exits the Hokage tower, "First, The Fire Daimyo's Wife's pet cat has wandered off and needs to be found, then one of the merchants in the village needs some help repairing their store's roof, and later, the Inuzuka clan is a bit short-handed on people to walk some of their dogs." Giving the trio of genin one of his patented eye smiles, the rather lackadaisical Jounin comments, "We've got a busy day ahead, but if we work together and stay on task, we should have no trouble completing these before sunset." As Naruto complains about such mundane sounding errands being treated as missions worthy of ninja, Sakura is torn between agreeing with the obnoxious blonde and being grateful they won't have to do anything more taxing as her tinkle tank throbs once more, especially with her sensei's comment about staying on task making it sound unlikely toilet breaks figure into the day's schedule. ### More than an hour later finds the pink-haired kunoichi silently cursing everything feline as she lays flat on her stomach, her thighs pressed tightly together in an effort to keep the pressurized piddle pounding against her precious place, putting her panties in peril contained as roofing tiles cut into her bulging bladder, the pinkette barely able to focus as she scans the nearby streets and alleyways through a pair of binoculars for her team's furry quarry. She had expected retrieving a runaway pet to be a quick and easy task, but the Daimyo's wife's cat had proven to be a master of evasion and rather adept at detecting threats and dodging efforts to capture it, and while Sakura's current position would be uncomfortable even under the best of circumstances, the way it squeezed her uncomfortably full bladder made it nearly unbearable. In fact, it was tempting to interrupt the mission to beg for a chance to find a toilet, but after her rather embarrassing performance during the bell test, Sakura was determined to prove herself an asset to the team, and even if the problem was something less private, the pinkette wasn't sure she could bring herself to admit weakness to her teammates at the moment. And so, Sakura suffered in silence, scanning the streets for that damn cat, trying to keep her mind on the mission despite the continued nagging from her nethers. However, that's easier said than done, and as her desperation grows, so does her level of distraction, and when the furry menace finally waltzes across Sakura's field of view, the pinkette nearly misses the red ear ribbon that distinguishes their target from all the browned furred strays inhabiting Konoha, and she can only hope her voice doesn't give away her need as she relays the cat's location to her teammates. After a pinser maneuver from Naruto and Sasuke finally leads to their target's capture and Kakashi confirms they've got the right cat, Sakura lets out a sigh of relief that she no longer has to lay with her bladder crushed against hard roofing tiles even as she hopes any stiffness of her movement will be attributed to her prolonged time maintaining an uncomfortable position as they return the cat to it's owner, much to the infernal feline's displeasure, not that Sakura has much sympathy for the animal as her waste waters slosh deep within her, the Kunoichi using all of her training as a ninja to resist wincing as her body practically screams for the relief of emptying her bladder. But no sooner has the Hokage congratulated them for completing their first mission does Kakashi lead them from the tower en route to the store in need of a new roof. ### Sakura is initially greatful that their next assignment doesn't have her lying flat on a roof as hard, uneven tiles dig into her distended piddle pot, but the constant movement the job requires proves to be its own challenge, the frequent hauling of materials up ladders repeatedly forcing her thighs apart, the need to bend over to pick up bundles of roof tiles or to place tiles for being nailed in place repeatedly squeezing the sloshing, swollen sack that is Sakura's poor, pounding piddle pot, and every time she raises the hammer, her pelvic floor cramps in anticipation of the thud of hammer atop roofing nail reverberating through her entire body, her tinkle tank throbbing in time with the pounding of the hammer. Expending her current bundle of tiles, Sakura dreads climbing down the ladder to retrieve more, causing her to hesitate just long enough for the idea of simply draping her legs over the edge and jumping down, and too desperate to think things through, the pinkette carries out this action only for it to backfire as she instinctively lands in a squat, thighs parting and knees bending to absorb the impact... an action that's fortunate for her bones, but not so fortunate for her bladder or panties as the sudden jolt lets a spurt slip past her sphincter to dampen her unmentionables, the kunoichi channeling all of her spare chakra to her girlhood to reinforce her muscles just in time to prevent the leak from turning into a full-blown flood. It takes all of Sakura's self control to not let the worry from such a close call show on her face as she slowly stands up, and while she's fairly sure the black shorts she wears under her short dress will conceal any damp spots, the kunoichi is tempted to ask her team's client to use their restroom, but when she notices that there's only a single bundle of tiles left to be carried up, the pinkette's pride reasserts itself, insisting the sooner they finish their missions for the day, the sooner she'll be free to find a toilet on her own time. But that doesn't make climbing the ladder one last time any easier, and Sakura can only sigh in relief as she drives the last nail home and hope their final mission for the day goes by quickly. ### In some ways, Team 7's third and final mission for the day is the easiest, especially with the rivalry between Sasuke and Naruto leading to the boys grabbing the leashes for the most rambunctious of the dogs they have to walk as part of their assignment, leaving Sakura with the most relaxed of the bunch. However, while she could otherwise enjoy what basically amounts to a leisurely stroll and the dog she's walking seems willing to let Sakura move as slowly as her strained muscles insist, the low intensity leaves her with nothing to distract her from the persistent pounding and pulsing of her poised to pop piddle pot, the prodigious pool of pee contained within pressing painfully against her urethra, and she's sure she'd be sporting a visible bladder bulge if her dress was any more form fitting. And then the dog she's partnered with decides to add insult to injury, stopping to sniff at the base of a tree before cocking a leg and letting go with her own golden stream, leaving the pink-haired kunoichi torn between envying the little bitch for being able to just go without caring if anyone sees, punting the dog for tormenting her in such a manner, and simply breaking down in tears. ### Sakura isn't sure how she managed it, but Team 7 finished their last mission for the day and made it back to The Hokage Tower without the pinkette's panties coming under fire any further, but she can barely take in any of the debriefing, her focus having shrunk to the throbbing, rock-hard mass weighing heavy deep in her belly, the pinkette biting the inside of her cheek hard enough to draw blood in an effort to not tell the Hokage to shut up so she can go take a piss, her every muscle so tense with the effort of preventing explosive decompression of her waste waters that she doubt she could followed through if told to stand at ease. In fact, so lost in her own desperation is the kunoichi that she doesn't hear Kakashi's dismissal the first time around or notice Sasuke and Naruto departing, prompting her Jounin mentor to call out, "Sakura-chan!" "Huh?" utters Sakura, pulled back to reality by Kakashi's shout, "Ye-Yes, Kakashi-sensei?" "I said you're dismissed for the day, and I daresay you look like you could use a relaxing evening." "Of-Of course, Thank you, Sensei." replies Sakura, Kakashi leaving her alone in the briefing room, the Hokage having already left while she was zoned out. Walking stiffly, thighs presssed so tightly together a senbon held between her knees would break before it could be pulled free, Sakura hobbles out of the briefing room and into the corridor, the only coherent thought in her mind being, 'There must be a restroom somewhere in this tower.' And so, the pinkette searches the halls of the tallest building in the village hidden in the leaves, seeking her much needed and long overdue salvation from what surely must be one of the more insidious methods employed by the Torture and Interrogation Force. However, behind every unlocked door she checks, all the pinkette finds are conference rooms and the occasional supply closet, and more than once, she curses her lack of preparation that she didn't bother to memorize a map of the parts of the tower accessible to Genin, or even just the few parts open to civilians, and more than once, she's tempted to jam a hand against her crotch, never mind that balling her dress up in such a manner would only make an accident all the more obvious. After checking what feels like the thousandth room to discover yet another not a bathroom, Sakura nearly hits the ceiling at the sound of an elderly gentleman calling, "Sakura-chan." Turning around, Sakura comes face-to-face with the wrinkled features of Sarutobi Hiruzen, "Ho-hokage-sama!" the only response the pinkette can muster at the sudden presence of the village's commander-in-chief. "Good evening, Sakura-chan," greets the old man in a grandfatherly tone, "Did you need something? Not many genin stick around the tower so long after being dismissed for the day and you seemed troubled during your team's final debriefing for the day." As inner Sakura screams, 'Crap! He knows!', Sakura tries to deny her condition, telling the Sandaime, "It-it's nothing." before turning on her heel and trying to make a hasty retreat. However, that sudden movement proves to be Sakura's undoing as another spurt escapes into her panties, and between physical exhaustion, depleted chakra reserves that aren't very impressive to begin with, and the fact it was going on 20 hours since her last trip to the toilet, the rookie kunoichi simply has nothing left with which to stop the flow. A panty dampening spurt soon turns to a trickle that quickly grows to a short soaking stream and before long, pee is pouring from the pinkette's precious place like a golden waterfall, running down her legs and pooling upon the hardwood floor of the Hokage Tower. And if wetting herself after holding it all day wasn't embarrassing enough, the fact that the Hokage is right there, mouth hanging open, pipe in hand as he's unable to look away from the shameful display playing out before him makes it all the more humiliating as Sakura's face skips matching her hair to go straight for matching her dress and she wishes she knew a Doton with which to make the very grounn she's christening with her own golden liquid open up to swallow her and the evidence of her shame. As she finally empties her overfull bladder, her shorts completely soaked and the puddle at her feet more than a meter across, Sakura's entire body sags, the tension draining away with the contents of her bladder, but she can't bring herself to enjoy the relief, so overwhelmed with shame from wetting herself like a little girl and in front of the leader of all the Ninja in the Fire Country, falling to her knees and letting tears fall from her eyes. After a minute or so of sobbing, kneeling in her personal pool of pee, Sakura tenses up as she feels the Hokage place his seemingly frail hand upon her upper back, the kunoichi expecting to be scolded for behavior unbecoming of a shinobi of the leaf,but instead of any kind of reprimand, the sandaime speaks with the same grandfatherly tone as he finally breaks his stunned silence from witnessing one of the most promising young kunoichi of the current generation as he says, "Now, now, Sakura-chan, a little accident isn't the end of the world." Glancing up at the old man, her eyes puffy and pink from crying, she retorts, "But...but..." "No buts, Sakura-chan, just because Ninja are suppose to be strong doesn't mean we have to deny our bodily needs to prove it." Giving her a mirthful smile, he adds, "Don't go spreading this about, and definitely don't mention you heard it from me, but you aren't the first kunoichi I've seen wet themselves... and Tsunade wasn't fortunate enough to have only an audience of one having had both Jiraiya and Orochimaru bare witness as well." By the time Hiruzen has finished his little speech, Sakura's eyes are as big as saucers and her tears have stopped as she exclaims in disbelief, "Lady Tsunade of the Sannin... did she really pee herself in front of her whole team!?" With a nod, Hiruzen replies, "She sure did. Now, how about we get you cleaned up?" With that, Hiruzen helps the pinkette to her feet before using a low power katon to dry both her clothes and the floor, a futon to disperse the smell of pee, and a genjutsu to conceal any visible stains on Sakura's clothes as he leads the young Kunoichi to a bathroom on the floor of the tower that doubles as backup lodging for those nights the Hokage hasn't the luxury of leaving the tower to go home, offering to wash the pinkette's clothes while she enjoys a well deserved bath after the stellar performance her team put in on their first day of duty.