Kunoko by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Anonymous Peace had come to the Elemental Nations and their respective ninja villages since the defeat of Madara and Kaguya at the hands of Naruto and Sasuke brought the Fourth Great Shinobi War to an end, but life wasn't all sunshine and cheer for one Haruno Sakura. Although Naruto had stood up for Sasuke in the aftermath of the war and had convinced Konoha's Shinobi council to pardon the last scion of the Uchiha Clan for his crimes prior to and during the war, the pinkette had thoroughly shot down the former rogue's attempts to woo her into becoming the next Lady Uchiha, unwilling to forgive how much of a jackass he had become on his quest for vengeance, and had shortly afterward come out that not only was she a futanari thanks to an undocumented bloodline with no combat application, but that she was exclusively into other girls. But what had the now 20year-old kunoichi most frustrated was a secret desire that would be frowned upon even among ninja completely desensitized to the fact that the shinobi villages all employed child soldiers in times of crisis or that kunoichi learned the basics of seduction starting as early as their academy days. Namely, Sakura's preference for girls was a bit more literal than simply being attracted to females... she liked them young, really young, too young to attend the ninja academy under normal circumstances. At first, it had just been the occasional inconvenient erection upon seeing young children playing in the village street or seeing young girls accompanying their mothers at the bathhouse, but there had been one incident that had really cemented in the pinkette's mind that, given the choice between the mothers and daughters, it would be the little girls she'd bend over the side of the public baths and fuck silly if she could get away with it. ### "The Incident" as Sakura had come to think of it, had started innocently enough. Although the 4th Great Shinobi War had been considered a victory for the Allied Shinobi Forces, it had extracted a high cost, and part of that was that Konoha currently had the highest number of orphans since the Kyuubi had been freed from Kushina, and while Tsunade had stepped down as Hokage, Kakashi had upheld her policy that Ninja of the Medical Corps. not needed for field work be put on rotation to perform routine preventive care for orphans and other villagers unable to afoord treatment from civilian doctors. It had been during one of her shifts at the orphanage that Sakura had met a little blue-eyed brunette named Haruka, her light brown tresses done up in twin tails that trail down to the girl's plump, little rump. Sakura's heart had nearly melted when the girl had greeted the kunoichi with an exclamation of "Wow, onee-chan is the cutest nurse ever!" and had already started to tent her scrubs even before the examination begun. Haruka had seemed a bit disappointed at first when Sakura told the orphan the pinkette would be her doctor for the day, but as the exam progresses, the little girl warms up to the pinkette and starts making comments, that while innocent on their own, add up to making Sakura think the child is trying to flirt with her doctor. And while Sakura tries to ignore her body's reactions and is sure she's just imagining it, when Haruka makes comments like "Nee-chan's hands are so soft." as she brushes the child's chest and upper back while listening to Haruka's heart and lungs, or "Nee-chan's touch is so gentle." as Sakura searches for signs of soft tissue damage just beneath the skin, Sakura can't help growing a bit harder with each innocent, yet flirty word that falls from those angelic lips. By the time Sakura has finished the exam and is patting Haruka on the head, praising the child, "Thank you for being such a good girl, Haruka-chan, You've been a perfect princess among patients.", the kunoichi's futahood is at full mast and the pinkette is certain she'll need a genjutsu to exfiltrate without any awkward conversations. But before Sakura can fully plan her escape, little Haruka completely derails the medic-nin's train of thought by placing a tiny hand upon the tent in Sakura's scrubs and asks innocently, "Do I get a lollipop for being a good girl?" Sakura's heart races in a mixture of arousal and panic at the situation she finds herself, knowing she should put a stop to this and report Haruka as a potential child sexual abuse victim yet wanting to see how this plays out. Deciding she needs to be the adult in the situation, Sakura replies with more than a bit of reluctance, "Haruka-chan, I don't think you should be touching that." "It's okay, Nee-chan," replies the child, gently stroking Sakura through her scrubs and underwear, "I love playing with boy's lollipops, especially the big ones the nice old men who usually do doctor stuff with me have." Pulling back her hand, Haruka lays back on the exam table, and interleaving fingers with toes, the preschooler spreads her limbs wide, the hospital gown she changed into before Sakura entered the room bunching up on her trim tummy, showing off pale, pink panties, the gusset glistening with girl juice and clinging to the child's kiddie cunny in the cutest little cameltoe Sakura has ever seen. "I didn't know girls could have lollipops, but nee-chan's is the biggest I've ever seen!" Sakura is sure her throbbing, diamond hard futa fuckmeat would've torn straighth through her panties or at least stretched them irreparably out of shape if they weren't made of the same fabric that let the Akimichi use their size-enhancing jutsu without constantly reducing their clothes to rags, but Sakura's common sense still tries to salvage the situation, "Haruka-chan, I really don't think this is a good idea... what if someone overhears us?" "But your a ninja," replies the child in confusion, "don't you have a gen-jut-tsu for that?" the little girl nearly tripping over the, to such a young child, big word. And while the child's logic is rather naive, Sakura can't really fault it. Not all ninja could use genjutsu, a certain blond-headed teammate of hers being a prime example of someone who's only defense against the illusionary arts was a brute force application of either literal brute force or overwhelming raw chakra, but rare was the medical ninja who couldn't wield genjutsu... Hell, being skilled at creating or dispelling illusions was one of the most common reasons for being recruited to the medical corps. for training in the healing arts. Telling her common sense to take a hike and locking the door, Sakura's hands go through a flurry of hand signs as she places a seal on the door, casts an illusion to make the outside look like an unremarkable stretch of wall and the hallway seem too short for this room to exist, and finishing with one to prevent any sound in the room from leaking out. Turning back to Haruka, Sakura makes quick work of discarding her scrub pants and underwear, exposing her full 9 inches of hard, futa fuckmeat to the little girl, a pair of golf ball sized nuts hanging beneath it. "Wow! Nee-chan's lollipop is even bigger than I imagined!" cries Haruka as she gets her first good look at Sakura's tool, "and it looks really yummy!" As Sakura approaches the examination table, Haruka wastes no time wrapping little hands around Sakura's shaft and pulling the tip to her tiny mouth, the child's lips barely able to stretch around the pinkette's cock head, but what the girl lacks in the ability to deep throat, she makes up for with the way her tiny tongue flitters all about the futanari's glands while eager, little hands slide up and down the shaft and tiny feet come up to join their siblings in stimulating the grown woman's extra bit of anatomy. The sudden assault of pleasure nearly has Sakura's legs folding up beneath her and she braces her arms to either side of Haruka's head, nearly rending the steel frame under the table's padding as she cries out, "Oh fuck! You're way better at this than any little girl has any business being!" and while Haruka is unable to smile around the mouthful of girlcock she's savering like a gourmet lollipop, her big, blue eyes form into little eye smiles, the brief reminder of her old sensei doing little to distract the futanari as the little girl redoubles her efforts. It isn't long before Sakura can feel her balls tightening up, much faster than she can remember from any other occasion when a girl had gone down on her, too quickly for Sakura to give Haruka any warning before the pinkette's prick erupts, the child's cheeks bulging like a chipmunks as the kunoichi throws back her head with a roar of ecstacy and pumps plentiful pints of potent futa seed into her patient turned lover's small mouth. And yet, Haruka seems to have no trouble swallowing it all down, not letting a single drop escape, and by the time Haruka pulls her mouth off of Sakura's cockhead with an audible pop, licking away the last dribbles of what the pinkette suspecs is her largest load to date, she can see a slight bulge under the gown where the little girl's stomach should be. "Wow! Nee-chan sure gave me a lot of milk!" cries Haruka, rubbing her belly through the thin fabric, "But I hope Nee-chan has enough left to give my lower mouth some as well." With that, Haruka sits up just enough to undo the ties on the back of the gown before laying back down, reaching under her butt, and pulling her panties over a round, little butt and up chubby, squeezeable thighs to her knees, exposing her tiny twatty to the futanari's gaze, Sakura's girlcock ready for round two almost immediately. Taking the bait, Sakura makes quick work of stripping Haruka the rest of the way and having a little girl sprawled before her in all the little cutie's preschool glory, Sakura can't help but roam her eyes all over the naked, little angel, searing every detail into her memory, from the tiny, mosquito bite nipples on a delicious flat chest, to chubby little arms and legs with the perfect amount of residual baby fat, to the firm bulge of a cum-filled stomach just beneath the child's sternum giving Haruka the look of having somehow swallowed a large grapefruit whole, and yes, the tiny, perfectly smooth, bald little kiddie cunny where those chubby thighs meet. Licking her lips, Sakura can't help but comment, "What a yummy and juicy looking peach!" before peppering kisses all up and down the insides of Haruka's thighs before opening her mouth wide to engulf the whole of the child's small mound, the kunoichi's tongue tracing along the little girl's slit and flicking across a tiny, well-hidden clit before diving straight for the source of nectar. "Oh, that feels really good, Nee-chan!" cries Haruka as Sakura eats her preschooler pussy, "But please! stuff my lower mouth with your lollipop!" Pulling her mouth away from the child's crotch, Sakura asks, "Are you sure? You said it yourself, I have the biggest lollipop you've ever seen." "YES!" cries Haruka, "Stuff that big lollipop in my lower mouth and give it to me as hard as Nee-chan can! Fill my lower tummy with so much milk it bulges even more than my upper tummy! If you break me, you can just fix me with your me-dee-cal nin-jut-tsu!" If even possible, the little girl's words make Sakura's cock grow even harder and throb even stronger as she pulls her face away from Haruka's kiddie cunny and stands up, holding the child's legs up and apart by the ankles as she rests her member atop that trim, little tummy, noticing that the head rests atop the bulge formed by the load the little sweetheart swallowed even with the futa's balls resting against the little girl's cute, little butt. Had it still been present, Sakura's common sense might have protested there was no way she would fit inside the little girl, but as Sakura had already vanquished that part of her psyche, she wasted little time sliding her length down the little girl's belly until the tip was lined up with the opening of the tot's tiny twatty, and shifting her grip from ankles to hips, Sakura slammed balls deep in one, smooth thrust. Haruka's little girl hole was easily the hottest, tightest, most exquisite place Sakura had ever stuck her girlcock, and it was all she could do not to cum immediately from sticking it in like an overeager, virgin boy, especially with how Haruka's sheath seemed to ripple along her length, with two particularly tight rings around the base and near mid-shaft along Sakura's length, a fact she would later realize was evidence she had not only filled the little girl's cunny, but her immature womb as well. Glancing down, Sakura can see the outline of her cock bulging just under the skin before vanishing under the girl's bulging stomach, seeming to push that already cum-filled organ forward to make room. Sakura simply savors the snug snatch stretched around her girth until Haruka pipes up, "Nee-chan, aren't you going to slide in and out?" "Of course," replies Sakura with a lecherous smile, "I just didn't want to spill my milk too soon." With that, Sakura tightens her grip on Haruka's hips and starts pistoning the little girl on her long, thick shaft, practically using the child like a living onnahole as both girls are reduced to a panting, moaning mess as they rut like wild animals, Sakura forgetting about every reason she ever had for resisting Haruka's advances and no longer caring if she hurt the child... after all, as the most accomplished apprentice of one of the best healers in the elemental nations, Sakura was more than capable of repairing just about any kind of physical trauma. At some point in their mutual haze of lust, Sakura flips Haruka over and sits down in the wheeled chair normally used by the doctor as she continues to piston the preschooler upon her prodigious prick, the little girl going limp as a ragdoll as Sakura hugs her tightly and shifts her hands to tease at a nipple and the child's kiddy clitty, turning to watch the little girl's reaction in a wall mounted mirror as sakura rests her head atop that of her new cock sleeve. Feeling her balls tighten up once more, Sakura slows down, trying to prolong the experience, only for Haruka to cry out in protest, "Don't slow down, Nee-chan! Do it to me as hard and fast as possible! Make me big and round with Nee-chan's man milk!" Unable to deny the little girl's request, Sakura speeds up, going even faster than before and before long, she is slamming the little girl balls deep upon her prick one last time, watching in the mirror as Haruka's eyes roll up, her mouth forming a circle as she cries out in an orgasm that leaves the child trembling head to toe, and the little girl's belly bulges out as Sakura unleashes an even larger load deep within Haruka's young womb, the little girl looking like the world's youngest mother on the morning of her child's zeroth birthday by the time Sakura is done emptying her balls within the child. The two sit there, basking in afterglow for several minutes before Haruka tilts her head up and exclaims, "Wow, Nee-chan is so much better than any of the boys at the orphanage or even any of the male doctors." With that, Haruka does a forward tumble into a handstand, pulling off Sakura's member without letting a drop of the futa's seed escape, her cumflated belly doing nothing to hamper the child's balance. Switching to a one handed handstand, Haruka pinches her nether lips together, trapping the massive cum load as she rights herself and waddles over to what Sakura soon realizes is the girl's street clothes, and retrieving a thick wad of cotton fluff, holds it to her crotch. Turning her big, blue eyes to Sakura, Haruka asks, "Would nee-chan like to help me dress?" "Su-sure," replies Sakura, retrieving the soaked panties she left on the exam table. "You can keep those." replies Haruka pushing the hand holding her panties away and handing over a pair of black, spandex shorts. By the time Haruka is presentable, she's wearing black shorts under a red dress in a style very familiar to the medic nin, a dye job and a different hair style all the little girl needs to look like a miniature version of Sakura from her genin days. "Do I have a little fangirl?" Asks Sakura as she dresses herself, making Haruka blush. "I think you're the coolest of the young heroes of the 4th Ninja War." replies haruka, accepting Sakura's hand, "I didn't know you had a lollipop, but I only lick the lollipops of the boys at the orphanage that don't go on about that blonde idiot and that emo fag." Sakura wonders where the little girl had learned such language, but as the genjutsu are dispelled and the pair exit the exam room, Sakura reverts to acting like the professional, if good with children, medical practitioner she's supposed to be. #### That encounter with Haruka had changed Sakura's life, but unfortunately, medic nin seldom got to see the same patient more than once, a practice that served as a precaution against civilian patients growing too attached to their doctors in case the ninja failed to return from a mission. The thought of adopting Haruka had crossed her mind, but ninja had a hard time adopting orphans they didn't have a blood relation to thanks to the higher than average risk of reorphaning the child, and that went double for ninja who were unmarried or without the backing of an extant clan and Sakura was both single and clanless. She thought of visiting Haruka at the orphanage or trying to arrange to be alone with another little girl, but the fear of getting caught always made her stop before doing anything too risky without the presence of a little girl actively battering at her self-control. Sure, she tried to keep her urges under control with frequent masturbation, often fantasizing about Haruka or some girl she had met in passing that day, and had occasional dalliances with her fellow leaf kunoichi, after all, at nine inches and being one of the strongest Ninja in terms of raw muscle, she was rather popular among the ladies of the village and had left her best friend Ino too sore to walk the next morning on more occasions than Sakura wished to count, usually after fucking the Yamanaka heir while conjuring memories from when the two had first met on their first day at the academy. But still, what the former apprentice of the Slug Sannin most desired was to bend over some half-pint preschooler and stuff her shaft balls deep in a snug snatch way too small to accomodate her emence endowment, to watch as her every thrust makes her baby bitch's belly bulge, to unload a week's worth of pent up futa jizz in some toddler's tiny, immature womb until the cumflated child looks ready to burst. ### The sexually frustrated futanari's luck takes a turn as she walks home from the bar one evening, for once having failed to pick up a woman her own age for a little stress relief when she overhears a drunken slob of a forever genin mouthing off to his buddies as he stumbles down the street. Normally, this wouldn't be worth noting, but some of his words catch her attention. "I tell ya, this place is just jam packed with little cuties! Tightest twatties in the elemental nations, and all of them eager to take a grown man's cock up their kiddie cunts!" Growing hard just imagining the kind of paradise the drunkard is describing and hoping the guy isn't on something stronger than cheap whiskey, she steps into an alley and waits for the blabber mouth to walk past before yanking him into the alley and slamming the older man, a head taller than her and his gut as big as her whole torso, up against the wall as she asks in a low whisper, a slasher smile on her face, "If you don't want me reporting you to the council on suspicions of child molestation, you better tell me where the place you were talking about is." A few minutes later, Sakura waltzes out of the alley, the scent of fresh urine having joined the scent of strong but cheap booze clinging to the drunkard, the pinkette all but walking on air as she makes her way back to her apartment, eager to take advantage of what she just learned and wishing it wasn't already well past midnight. That night, Sakura had some of the most vivid wet dreams she's ever had, but instead of fuelled by frustration, they arise from anticipation. ### The next evening, wearing an old dress that would be too short for modesty if not for the skin tight shorts underneath, Sakura follows the directions she had persuaded out of the drunken ninja who never managed promotion to chunin, finding herself in a warehouse district of Konoha about as far away from the village's red light district as was possible without crossing the outer wall and ending up in a narrow alleyway nearly indistinguishable from all the others for several blocks. But Sakura can feel it almost immediately as she arrives at the location the drunk had indicated, a strong genjutsu blanketing the alley, possibly the strongest she's encountered that wasn't cast with the sharingan or performed by Kurenai, so strong that Sakura has to wonder how the washed up ninja she had gotten the location from had managed to deal with it. Dispelling the Genjutsu, a nearby area of non-descript wall turns into a door, a small, neon sign reading 'Kunoko' replacing the kanji for "one" from kunoichi with the kanji for child flicking over it. Walking over, Sakura finds the door unlocked and steps through, the genjutsu rendering the entrance invisible once more as she closes the door behind her. Inside, Sakura can feel her heart beating in time with the deep bass of the music that was inaudible from the outside and it only takes a few glances to realize that it's a strip club. Most of the patrons are older men, but what catches Sakura's attention is that most of the staff are little girls, their attire ranging from skanty versions of typical ninja attire to fully naked except for maybe a kunai holster strapped around a chubby thigh or a shuriken worn like a nipple ring on a flat chest. Looking around, Sakura sees waitresses not even as tall as the tables weaving through patron's legs, diminutive dancers showing off ninja-worthy flexibility and agility using table tops as dance floors, too young for elementary escorts snuggled up to either side of men easily old enough to be their fathers or even sitting on their laps with the man's erection visibly poking up through her thighs, and girls in booster seats at the bar being talked up by nervous-looking young men about Sakura's age. The sight before her is so arousing that it takes a while for Sakura to notice the tug on her skirt, but when she looks down, she's greeted by a sight that would have her throbbing under her dress all by itself. Fore standing in front of her and barely reaching past her knee is a little, raven-haired girl with an adorable bob cut topped with a pair of snowy white, realistic looking rabbit ears and big, blue eyes that shimmer like sapphires and wearing nothing but a fish net bodysuit that does nothing to hide the tiny pink nipples on her delicious flat chest or the perfectly smooth, bald little cunny between her irresistibly chubby, little thighs. Having gotten the older woman's attention, the little girl cups both hands over her tiny twatty and bows, "Greetings, Onee-chama, and welcome to Kunoko. We don't get nearly as many nee-chans as nii-chans, papas, and jijis, but rest-assured, me and most of my fellow Imouto are just as eager to please and be pleased by Onee-chama as with any boy or man." Straightening up, the girl asks, "So, did Onee-chama have a particular type of imouto in mind?" The display from the little greeter had Sakura the hardest she's been since that time with Haruka, and wearing a dress that isn't very good at concealing erections, it isn't long before that little girl notices the tent. "Oh my, I didn't know girls could have lollipops, but Onee-chama's is the biggest I've ever seen!" Hearing the greeter echo the words spoken by Haruka what seems like an eternity ago is more than Sakura can take as she scoops up the practically naked, little girl and gives the bunny-eared child a passionate kiss and discovering the girl has a fluffy, cotton ball tail to match the ears as a hand goes for the child's cunny, rubbing her through the netting. When the pair break for air, the little bunny is blushing as she comments, "Oh my, but Onee-chama is quite forward for a first time visitor! Shouldn't you at least ask my name and buy me a juice box first?" "I suppose your right." replies Sakura, carrying the little girl over to the bar, and finding an empty pair of stools, one normal, one with a built-in booster seat, deposits the girl in the latter before sitting atop the former, asking, "So what's your name, honey bunny?" as she waves to get the attention of the little girl scampering back and forth behind the bar. "You can call me Usagi." replies the bunny, "And what may I call Onee-chama?" "My name is Sakura." replies the older girl, "and you don't need to be so formal, Usagi-chan." "Okay, Sakura-neechan!" replies Usagi, bouncing in her seat. At that moment, the barmaid stops in front of the pair, and Sakura gets a good look at the girl, her features nearly identical to Usagi, except for sporting a pair of triangular cat ears and a long, furry tail swaying like a snake behind her and dressed only in a frilly apron as she bows and asks, "Is there anything Neko-chan can get for Sakura-neechan and Usagi-chan?" "Well, aren't you an adorable, little kitty?" Asks Sakura, scratching the catgirl between the ears, the barmaid purring loudly as her tongue lulls out of her mouth. "Neko-chan!" Cries Usagi, "I saw Sakura-neechan first!" Shaking her head, the catgirl interjects, "Sorry, Sakura-neechan, but Neko-chan is too busy serving drinks to play right now, but Neko-chan sure Sakura-neechan will have lots of fun with Usagi-chan!" Scratching the bunny under the chin, Sakura replies, "I'm sure I will, anyways, I'll take some cherry wine." "And I'll have honey carrot juice!" adds Usagi. "Neko-chan will get it right away!" replies the catgirl before scammpering off, only to return shortly with a bottle of the requested wine and a carrot orange sippy cup with a carrot top green lid. Sitting the sippy cup in front of Usagi, Neko uses a corkscrew to open the bottle and pour out a generous amount into a wine glass before asking, "Would Sakura-neechan like Neko-chan to leave the bottle?" "Yes, please, but you two seem to know each other well." "Neko-chan is Usagi-chan's litter mate!" cries the catgirl as someone calls from the far end of the bar, "But Neko-chan too busy to talk." and scampering off once more. "Hmmm..." hums Sakura thoughtfully before taking a sip of her drink, eyeing Usagi as the bunny girl grips her sippy cup with both hands and sucks on the mouth piece, Sakura throbbing at the thought of having those lips on her cock head instead as she comments, "Twins, huh? Bet you and Neko-chan make for quite the tag team when she isn't busy tending the bar." "Triplets, actually!" replies Usagi, pulling her lips away from her drink, "Our third sister is named Kitsu." "Would she happen to be an adorable, little fox?" "Yep!" replies Usagi, her ears flopping a bit as she nods, "Though she's a carrot top to match the reddish orange of her fur!" As Sakura continues chatting up the little bunny, going through most of her wine, the alcohol a cut or two above what the bars on Konoha's main streets serve, Sakura can't help wishing she could take Usagi home and keep her as her personal pet, and is quite tempted to take the little girl right there at the bar, and if the way Usagi grows ever more bubbly and giggly everytime they flag Neko down to refill the bunny's sippy cup, the pinkette is certain the little girl is high enough on sugar to say yes to just about anything that sounds remotely fun. "Hey, Usagi," Sakura asks the over sugared bunny, "would you like to see a trick?" "I'd love to!" replies Usagi, her head bobbing back and forth so rapidly Sakura has to wonder how the child doesn't give herself whiplash and how those floppy ears stay in place. "Okay, here goes." comments Sakura as her hands go through a series of hand signs before her already tight clothing starts to stretch as her breasts and the bulge under her skirt start to grow. And while she had taken to getting her clothing from the same tailors that cater to the needs of the Akimichi clan's signature style of combat, Sakura had deliberately worn clothing made of ordinary fabric that evening, and an outfit that was already a size or two too small, so it isn't long before the pinkette's enhanced endowments reach the limits of their cloth confines, and with a rip that's audible even over the thumping music, Sakura's dress splits down the middle, effectively turning it into a long vest incapable of covering her now Triple-D breasts and her shorts are likewise ruined, her now footlong futa fuck meat pointing straight at Usagi, the bunny girl looking more like a deer in the headlights as she stares at it. "Wow, that's the biggest thingy I've ever seen!" cries a very young voice, and turning to the source, Sakura discovers she's drawn a few of the other girls away from their clients as the speaker, a little girl wearing nothing but a pair of leather panties secured with a studded and pad locked belt, excess bulk suggesting she might be diapered under the chastity device and a senbon needle pierced through both of her tiny nipples adds, "Would Nee-chan like to tear my tiny, toddler twatty to tatters with that thing? "Oh, and those marshmallows are big as my head!" cries another girl, this one proudly showing off a pink diaper and forgoing the more ninja-like theming of most of the girls in favor of a belly button exposing top that reads "Mommy's slutty little angel" a pair of little, feathery wings on her back and a gold-tone circlet upon her tousled lockes. "I bet those could give enough milk to keep my belly full for a month!" "Forget the milk," cries a third girl in a black body suit with cutouts over her nipples and pussy, "With coconuts like those, I bet her creampies are so massive she leaves your belly looking like you have a baby in there!" Regaining her senses, Usagi rises to a kneel in her booster seat to glare at the other girls, declaring, "Hey, I saw Sakura-neechan first! I get dibs!" before shaking her bunny butt at Sakura and asking, "Would Sakura-neechan like to rent a private room and stuff that big, juicy carrot in my cozy, little warren?" Throbbing at the impending playground squabble and hatching a plan that just might lure in even more little cuties, Sakura scoops up Usagi as she replies, "Why bother with a private room, Usagi-chan? What do you say we give the other girls a show?" Squirming in Sakura's arms, Usagi replies, "Oh my, that sounds so naughty!" as Sakura looks around the club's main room, and spotting a comfy looking couch with plenty of room for the kunoichi and her fledging fanclub, walks over and shrugs off the tattered remains of her outfit before taking a seat upon the plush, fleece upholstery. Sitting Usagi on shakey legs, the little girl standing just tall enough for her eyes to be level with Sakura's tip, the pinkette suggests, "Since you like carrots so much, why don't you suck on mine, Usagi-chan?" The bunny looking a bit intimidated by the futa's sheer girth as she tries to wrap her hands around it and pulls the head down to her mouth. Sticking out her tiny tongue, the bunny licks away a bead of precum that has welled up at the opening of Sakura's urethra before stretching her jaws as wide as they'll go and starting to suckle at the older girl's peehole. Though Usagi's hands are way too small to encircle Sakura's shaft and her mouth too small to even get the whole cock head in, what little the bunny can manage is more than enough to have the pinkette moaning and patting the little girl between her ears as she praises, "You're off to a great start, Usagi-chan!" before her other hand starts glowing with the green of medical ninjutsu and Sakura encourages, "But I know you can take more." and pushing the bunny's head down upon her cock. Usagi's eyes widen as the head of Sakura's girl cock is forced into her mouth, but as the pinkette runs her glowing hand along the edge of the bunny's jaw, it stretches further than Usagi thought possible to accomodate the intrusion. Trusting Sakura to not go too far, too fast, Usagi increases her sucking as she tongue fucks the futa's peehole, and as the ridge of the pinkette's glands slips pass the bunny's lips, she comments, "That's a good girl... will you continue being a good girl and swallow my carrot?" the girl nodding furiously best she can with a mouthful of cock head. Smiling, Sakura runs her chakra down Usagi's neck and along her sternum as the hand petting the bunny tilts the girl's head back before Sakura slides her shaft down Usagi's throat, the medical ninjutsu letting the tight, muscular tube stretch to accomodate the girth that should've choked the child by now. Once Sakura is balls deep in the little bunny, the little girl forced into the posture of a sword swallower and Sakura's cock head just shy of entering the child's stomach, the kunoichi praises her little lover, "Very good, Usagi-chan! Your throat feels amazing!" and for a while, Sakura simply savors having her girthy member so far down a little girl's gullet before turning the girl over and turning her upside down. As Sakura starts to use the change in position to facilitate using Usagi's throat like a living onnahole, she holds the child's chubby thighs apart and lowers her mouth to Usagi's bunny cunny, the fishnets glistening with girl juice and starts licking, making the child moan around Sakura's shaft like a vibrating onnahole. Between how tight Usagi's throat and esophagus are, the way the little girl hums in pleasure under Sakura's own oral ministrations, and how long Sakura has waited for an opportunity like this, it isn't long before Sakura feels her first climax of the evening coming on, and lowering the girl to a horizontal position so both Sakura and the girls watching can get a good look at Usagi's tummy, Sakura announces, "Here comes the carrot cream!" right before her cock erupts directly into the little girl's belly, quickly forming a bulge right below the girl's ribs, and as Usagi reaches the point of looking like she swallowed a cantaloupe, Sakura starts to withdraw, flooding the girl's throat and mouth before splattering the last few spurts on the girl's delicious, flat chest. Sakura watches with pride as Usagi swallows the massive mouthful of futa jizz and, after catching her breath, scoops up as much of the seed clinging to her skin and licking it out of her palms. When she's done enjoying her snack, Usagi rubs her bloated belly as she comments, "WOW! Sakura-neechan really let out lots of sweet cream! I kind of have a tummy ache now." Scooping up the bunny girl, Sakura gives her a searing kiss as her glowing hand rubs Usagi's cumflated stomach, letting the tissues stretch a bit more easily, and as she breaks the kiss, Sakura asks, "Is that better, Usagi-chan?" "Much better, Sakura-neechan!" replies the girl. "That's good... I hope you're ready to take me in your lower mouth." replies Sakura with a lecherous smile, the bunny going crimson at the implication as Sakura repositions the girl so she's standing on the sofa, straddling Sakura's lap and with the futanari's massive cock brushing against the fishnet covering the bunny's cunny. "But I've never taken such a big carrot up my warren before..." comments Usagi, her attitude seeming to take a 180-turn from when she thought Sakura would abandon her for one of the other girls. "And I'm sure you've never swallowed such a big carrot before tonight either, have you?" replies Sakura, her still glowing hand rubbing briefly at Usagi's bunny cunny and then sliding up the middle of the girl's abdomen. "No, but..." replies Usagi. "Do you trust me?" Asks the pinkette. "Yes, but-" "Then believe me when I say it'll fit and you'll love it." declares Sakura as she grabs Usagi's hips and starts to slowly impale the little girl on her massive member, the crotch of the fishnet bodysuit tearing like wet tissue paper as Sakura's tip parts the bunny's cunny lips, the other girls looking on in amazement as first the head and then the shaft of Sakura's futahood vanishes within Usagi's depths, the bunny's tummy bulging out with the outline of the cock stretching her wide. As her super snug snatch is stretched out by Sakura's shaft, Usagi's eyes roll back and her mouth opens in a circle, the little girl surprised by just how much she's being filled up. Once her little lover is seated balls deep upon her girl cock, Sakura gives the bunny a head pat, giggling as her fuzzy ears twitch, tickling the kunoichi under her large breasts, "So, how do you like it, Usagi-chan?" Finding her voice, the bunny girl replies, "Oh kami! Your carrot is so big! I love it!" "And we're just getting started." comments Sakura as she firmly grips Usagi's hips and starts pistoning the bunny upon her shaft, once more using the little rabbit like an onnahole, Usagi's leg starting to thump in time with Sakura's thrusts, the bunny completely losing herself in the pleasure of being used by the pinkette. As Sakura fucks Usagi, the show is having the desired effect on the girls who had followed the pair from the bar, chastity girl pressing her thighs as close together as her leather panties will allow while crushing her tiny nipples between thumb and forefinger with enough force to roll the senbon skewering them, the slut angel having climbed up on one of the couch's armrests and started to grind her pampered pussy against it while sucking her thumb, and the girl in leather simply standing transfixed as she diddles her own exposed kiddy cunt. Between being buried in her sweet, little honey bunny's sweet, little bunny cunny and watching the other three girls playing with themselves, it isn't long before Sakura's balls are tightening up once more, the pinkette commenting, "Usagi-chan, are you ready for more cream?" "Oh yes!" cries the bunny girl, "Do it nee-chan! Flood my warren! Fill my belly with baby bunnies!" Sakura's rational mind might have pointed out that the child was probably far too young to get pregnant, but considering that part of the Pinkette's psyche had called it quits hours ago, that comment is enough to push Sakura over the edge, and slamming the rabbit balls deep upon her shaft one last time, the kunoichi erupts inside the little girl, baby batter ballooning the bunny's immature womb even more than it had her stomach, her ears standing up straight as kunai as she lets out a scream of pleasure as Usagi's own climax washes over her like a tsunami, her bunny cunny milking the older woman for all she's worth. As their shared climax subsides, Usagi collapses against Sakura's stomach, panting heavily at first but her breathing levelling out shortly, the little bunny having tuckered herself out to the point of falling asleep as soon as the high had passed. Turning her attention to the other three girls, Sakura spots unbridled lust in all three of their eyes as well as the addition of two more girls. "Aren't you supposed to be working the bar, Neko-chan?" "Neko-chan's shift is over, so Neko-chan can play with Sakura-neechan now." And pulling the other newcomer closer, she adds, "and this is Neko-chan's and Usagi-chan's triplet, Kitsu-chan!" Kitsu's only contribution to the conversation is a vulpine yip, the Fox girl sporting a head of fiery red hair to make Kurama's fur look dull, matching fox ears sticking up from the wild locks and the child completely naked, the overly long, bushy tail curled around her waist and concealing her hidden treasure the girl's only accomodation to modesty. "Kitsu-chan is the shy sister." comments Neko, the fox girl merely nodding in agreement. Deciding Sakura is paying too much attention to the sisters, the other girls pipe up, "No fair! It's my turn!" and upon realizing they all said the same thing, adding in unison, "JINX!" Careful not to jostle the sleeping girl in her lap, Sakura giggles at the way her new found fanclub squabbles over her before speaking up, "Come now, girls, there's plenty of me to go around." Before making a handsign. She couldn't spam it the way her hyperactive teammate was famous for, and even with her near perfect chakra control, it was too draining for her to use effectively in combat, but kage bunshin were perfect in situations like this, and in a puff of smoke, one Sakura became six, the original leaning back , hugging Usagi close with one arm and laying the other along the back of the couch as her five clones each eye a different little girl. "And now, I can give all of you the attention you crave while also enjoying the show." declare the five clones in unison. Spotting a pair of clones approaching them, Usagi's sisters let their animal instincts take over, both of them dropping to all fours, nearly kissing the floor as their butts go in the air, presenting their toddler twats to the pair of clones... or at least Neko presents her kiddy kitty to Sakura, Kitsu's status as the shy triplet on full display as her tail continues to act like a convenient censor. The pair of Sakura perform a minor henge as their cocks shift in shape, both taking on a more tapered profile, one growing a knot at its base, deflated but ready to swell up in a tiny toddler twat to trap a tiny toddler thot upon the thick shaft attached to it, the other developing a ring of barbs eager to stimulate a cute, little kitty's hot, little pussy. Kneeling behind the catgirl and foxgirl, and pulling the latter's tail out of the way, the fluffy appendage wrapping around Sakura's forearm, the pair of clones grip their respective conquest by the hips, line up their pointy tips with tiny openings and slowly press inward, each moving a glowing hand to the little girls' tummies to ease the penetration. Meanwhile, a different clone approaches the girl in the chastity belt, wedging her hands between the girl's non-existent cleavage and the senbon and pulling up, forcing the girl on her tip toes as the pinkette asks harshly. "You got a name, little bitch?" "Only that my master or mistress gives me." replies the girl, her tone a mix of pain and pleasure. "Well then," replies Sakura, lifting the girl clear off the floor and examining the pad lock, "I don't think there's much point to naming my fuck toys... Now, how do I unlock this?" "It reacts to chakra!" the girl nearly screams, "My master or mistress gives it a speck of chakra and it pops open. Anyone else tries to touch me, and the belt is summoned on me until either my master or mistress unlocks it or a new master or mistress overpowers the old master or mistress chakra." Taking the pad lock between thumb and forefinger, the clone channels chakra into it, easily purging the chakra left by the last chump to make a claim to be the girl's master, the lock popping open and the chastity belt dropping to the floor and confirming her suspicions the girl had a diaper on underneath. Wasting no time, Sakura rips away the, thankfully clean, diaper, grabs one of the girl's dangling ankles to yank her chubby, little thighs apart and rams balls deep in a single thrust, certain the girl is too much of a masochist to appreciate the use of medical ninjutsu to ease the process. After letting out a blood curdling scream, the little girl manages to say through pained panting and a deluge of tears, "Th-thank you, Mistress... Th-thank you for tearing my tiny, toddler twatty to tatters... Pl-please Mistress, Pl-please punish my pathetic, puny, preschooler pussy anyway you see fit." With that, Sakura shifts her fucktoy so her legs can try to wrap around her waist, and lowers the girl to a nearly horizontal position as she starts fucking the child in earnest, continuing to use the senbon like a handle. The demeanor of the clone that sits on the end of the couch and pulls the little angel from the armrest on to her lap couldn't be any different as she asks, "What's your name sweetie?" Suddenly shy, the little girl buries her face in Sakura's ample cleavage before replying, "I'm Chiaki, Mama." Deciding to play along with this girl favoring a mommy-daughter dynamic instead of the sisterly one Usagi had, Sakura places a finger under the child's chin to tilt her head up to meet Sakura's eyes, "That's a beautiful name, Chiaki-chan." Before leaning down to give the girl a kiss on the forehead, right below her circlet. "So, you want to drink Mama's milk?" Asks the kunoichi as soon as her lips leave Chiaki's skin, the little girl nodding in reply. Placing a hand over one of her breasts, Sakura uses a jutsu normally performed on new mothers with insufficient milk production, but occasionally used on women who have never had a child who wished to volunteer as wet nurses, and smiles at the sight of Chiaki licking her lips as the first dribble of milk leaks from Sakura's nipple. "If Mama lets Chiaki-chan have her fill of Mama's breast milk, will Chiaki-chan do mama a favor?" "Wh-what does Mama want?" asks the girl, clearly struggling not to latch on to the lactating nipple and guzzle greedily of Sakura's sweet, sweet mama milk. "Will you let Mama feed her cock milk to your lower mouth?" placing a hand between Chiaki's thighs, the girl's diaper squishing a bit. "Bu-but... I...I've never had man milk in my lower tummy before." replies the little angel even as she squirms at Sakura's touch. "Bu-but if I get to fill my upper tummy with Mama milk... I...I guess it's okay, but please Mama, don't stuff your man thingy inside me! I've never had anything in me down there!" That's exactly what Sakura wants to do, but considering how much toddler twat she's already gotten tonight and knowing the combined might of the Gokage and all their predecessors couldn't stop her from returning to this club, Sakura decides to honor the girl's request and that she can work on claiming her virginity during future visits. "I promise, I'll only rub my tip against your outer lips." and when Chiaki holds up her tiny fist with her pinkie extended, Sakura hooks her own pinkie over the tiny digit, sealing the deal. Sakura is much gentler about removing Chiaki's diaper, and is this time met with the odor of stale urine and pussy juice, asking teasingly, "Did Chiaki-chan have a little accident?" Blushing and averting her gaze, Chiaki replies, "I sorry, Mama." "It's okay, nothing that can't be cleaned in no time." replies Sakura, patting the girl on the head with one hand while the other lights up with what little fire jutsu Sakura can manage, incinerating the diaper, not even leaving ash or smoke before shifting to water, which Sakura uses to wash Chiaki's crotch, the little girl giggling from the sensation. Done with that, Sakura shifts the little girl so she's kneeling in Sakura's lap, her tiny twatty kissing the tip of the kunoichi's futahood as Sakura places one hand on the back of the girl's head to guide it to her nipple and lowers her other hand to start stroking her shaft as she runs her tip along the angel's slit. The final clone looks down at the girl in the bodysuit, now noticing it to be made of latex as she asks, "So, you want your trim tummy blown up into a big, beautiful beach ball belly bloated, bulging, and bursting with buckets of baby batter?" "Yes, Sakura-nee!" declares the little girl, "Make my belly so big I can lay atop it and neither my hands nor feet can reach the floor! Immobilize me with nut butter!" "Be happy to." replies Sakura, leading the latex clad girl to the opposite end of the couch, "What's your name, by the way?" "My name is Rin." replies the girl as Sakura takes her seat, Rin quickly climbing on Sakura's lap before sinking down on the pinkette's prick unexpectedly, taking the massiv futa fuck meat like a pro ten times her age. "Well, isn't someone eager." replies Sakura as she reaches between their knees, at first seemingly reaching for Rin's clit only to cup her own balls, her hand glowing with a jutsu normally used for helping men with fertility issues to father children, it's ability to multiply the target's cum production greatly amplified by the fact that Sakura already has copious output. Her balls super charged in preparation for the extreme cumflation Rin had requested, the kunoichi throws rin's legs over her arms and starts pistoning the little girl on her shaft as she reaches up to play with her exposed nipples. Back with the first two clones, they had been fucking the adorable pair of sisters like animals in heat, Neko reduced to a mewling mess and Kitsu letting out the cutest mix of yips and pleasured yelps, having yet to say a proper word, but definitely not shy about announcing to the world "I'm being fucked and I love it!" through her imitations of vulpine vocalizations. "I think this little kitty might be even more of a slut than our little honey bunney." comments one clone. "And she may be shyer than Hinata, but this girl is a vixen in more ways than one." replies the other. Glancing down, the two Sakura notice their pets turning their heads to look at each other, the sister's lust glazed eyes meeting before the two suddenly contort their upper bodies to interleave their fingers and lock lips, the sisters starting to make out as they are fucked. "Damn that's hot!" the clones declare in unison, increasing pace as they jack hammer pussy pussy and fox twat. "Hey," asks one clone, "Wanna try what our little sweethearts are doing with each other?" "Why not?" replies the other before the pair of clones start kissing as well, though it isn't long before they break and the clone adds, "I think we might be too much of a lolicon for that to work." "I think you're right." replies the first, "Though maybe we should try making a clone and having her henge into our younger self." Shelving that idea for the original to consider after they dispel, the two focus back on breeding the two sisters, and before long, Kitsu is breaking the kiss to let out a yelp of surprise as her womb is flooded and the base of the cock plugging her vulpine vagina swells into a softball-sized knot. Neko isn't in much better shape as, while it's not a feature of actual feline cocks, the barbs that have been scraping her insides stiffen and elongate, trapping her on the cock erupting great gooey gouts of potent futajizz deep in her belly. The mean clone has reduced her unnamed fucktoy to a whimpering, incoherent mess, but that only encourages her to be even rougher in her fucking of the girl, even as her eyes go glassy as she loses consciousness and her nipples are made red and raw from being yanked every which way by the senbon before the clone finally dumps her load in the little girl's ruined womb. Chiaki has gobbled down more than a liter of milk from the first of Sakura's breasts and is well on her way to repeating the feat with the other boob, the angel's stomach severely swollen as it sloshes from all of the breast milk. Just as Chiaki pops her mouth off Sakura's nipple, patting her tummy as she lets out a burp and comments, "Thank you for the meal, Mama!", This clone reaches her limit, pressing her tip firmly to Chiaki's opening, nearly forgetting her promise to not pop the sweetheart's cherry on this night as her cum erupts with enough force to spray all the way up the girl's virgin cunny to splash against her womb, and as Sakura pumps rope after rope in the little angel, maintaining a tight seal between her tip and the child's cunny, it's eventually enough to overfill her pussy and ooze into her immature womb. Rin proves to have a hair trigger pussy, seeming to have a gushing climax with every other thrust from the last of Sakura's clones, it taking every bit of said clone's self control to give her virility jutsu the time to reach full potency, but as soon as it does, Sakura stops holding back, slamming Rin balls deep on her shaft, piercing the little girl's cervix as her cock explodes like a volcano in Rin's womb, almost instantly inflating the hollow organ to first the size of a cantaloupe, then a basketball, and then a watermelon. As Sakura bloats the girl's belly, the latex body suit stretches,, growing increasingly shiny in the process. As Rin's belly passes the size of a beach ball, Sakura lowers her to the floor, continuing to pump the girl full of ever greater amounts of semen. By the time Sakura's flow trickles to a halt, there is a flesh, latex coated cum balloon nearly as tall as herself before her, the little girl attached to it little more than a speck on its surface as Sakura uses one last jutsu to ensure all that cum doesn't come rushing out when she unplugs her cock from the now sleeping Rin's pussy. One-by-one, the clones lay their exhausted little lovers down, even Chiaki sound asleep, albeit from a milk-induced food coma rather than from being fucked silly. Once all of the clones are sure their sleeping girls are secure, they all dispel themselves in unison, and as the original, who had been watching everything recieves the memories of actually fucking the other girls not to mention that all of her clones were still experiencing some post-orgasm euphoria, it's enough to make her cum once more in the adorable, little bunny girl sleeping in her lap. Smiling widely at the night's events, Sakura wishes she could take all six girls home with her and use them to breed herself an army of lovely, little lolis to fuck.