Motherhood by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by BraveVesper It had been a strange several months for Josh Maxwell, Lab Assistent to Doctor Bulma Briefs and new boyfriend to Android 18, not that the short, effeminate man had expected life to be dull working for the world's richest and smartest woman while dating the world's strongest woman, and he had entered into a relationship with said world's strongest woman knowing full well that her strength was the result of having been cybernetically enhanced by one of the few scientists that could challenge his employer's intellect. But things had gotten downright surreal since he and 18 had first gotten intimate. He had taken that her enhancements by the mad scientist that had modified her and her twin brother had included the addition of a penis, and one much larger than his own, in stride, and 18 had been rather appreciative that he had accepted the one thing that had caused the most friction between her and her ex-husband without hesitation. Where things had gotten weird had been when he had woken up one morning vomiting his guts out with no obvious cause, and after an in-depth analysis of his blood and 18's semen, his employer had hypothesized that his body had been altered to allow him to get pregnant... a hypothesis that had been proven true as he was now sporting a rather pronounced baby bump, though with how many people mistook him for a girl even before he met 18, no one suspected just how strange his circumstances were whenever he went out in public. Though, perhaps the most amusing part of the situation was the way 18 was acting like a doting father to be, constantly hovering around Josh and doing everything in her power to ensure he and their unborn child are as comfortable as possible. Even now, the cyborg was flitting around their shared suite in the Capsule Corp doremitories, waiting on him hand and foot as he lounges on the couch in their living room, a hand resting on his swollen stomach. Watching the nearly amazonian blonde being so domestic is so amusing that Josh can't help but let out a girlish giggle as he comments, "Is all of this really necessary? I mean, both Doctors Briefs and the obstetricians they brought in for consulting said me and the baby are as healthy as any normal mother and child would be at this point in the pregnancy." "I know," replies 18, the usually unflappable cyborg showing a nervous side she only ever lets her guard down enough to be noticed when the couple are alone, "But even Bulma isn't entirely sure how the changes my nanites made to your insides will play out or even if you'll be able to give birth or will need a ceasarian, and while the old bastard used much of the same tech modifying both me and my brother, it's not like the schematics for 17 that were salvaged from his lab document any of the features exclusive to myself." "That's true, but- Oh!" Whatever Josh was about to say is cut off as he clutches his baby bump, 18 nearly panicking at the sudden disturbance. "Are you okay!?" cries 18, barely resisting the urge to scoop up her lover and fly for Bulma's lab. "It's okay," replies Josh, rubbing his belly, "I think the baby just kicked." Reaching for 18's hand, he places it upon the swell of his stomach as he adds, "It just startled me a bit... OH!" 18 feels a thump against her palm under the layers of skin and muscle separating her from her unborn child, Josh letting out a giggle as the look of wonder on the cyborg's face as he resumes, "I think this little one has his or her daddy's strength." The couple spend several minutes in companionable silence, 18 running her hands over Josh's baby bump, engrossed in simply feeling the unborn child trying to punch and kick at its sire's palm, the experience so different from when she was pregnant with Marron and on the other side of this interaction. Eventually, Josh breaks the silence, "You know, we met at that party Dr. Briefs threw for your brother and the other warriors, but I've never really gotten to know any of your friends... maybe we should throw a baby shower and invite them." "That sounds like a great idea!" replies 18 before giving Josh a kiss. ### It took a while to organize, even with Bulma and both of the Son women helping out with the planning, but a few weeks later found Capsule Corp once more playing host to some of the strongest beings in the Universe and their respective families, and while several had heard about 18 having a new boy toy from a certain cheating midget, most of them were surprised that it was the new boyfriend and not the cybernetically enhanced woman who was carrying the not yet born guest of honor, and naturally, Chichi had had to pull a confused Goku away from the expectant couple when he started asking awkward questions. Overall, everyone was having a nice time, and having heard of the many zany adventures these people had had that would be hard to believe except for how public King Piccolo and Cell had been in their bids for world domination and indiscriminate genocide respectively, Josh took the gifts for their unborn child that would only prove useful if their little one took an interest in the martial arts in stride. "I have one final gift," comments 18 after Josh opens the last of the presents the guests brought for the baby an the expectant parents, "And it's for you rather than the Baby." "Oh, you didn't need to get me anything." comments Josh, the effeminate man blushing. "Sorry dear, but your wrong on that point." replies 18 before displaying an outpouring of emotion none of the Dragon Team can remember seeing from the usually stoic cyborg. "Josh, before I met you, I was near the lowest point in my life, feeling unloved, unappreciated, and with little sense of satisfaction or self-worth. But then you came into my life like a ray of sunshine piercing the darkness and gave me joy and happiness the likes I've never known." Dropping to one knee, 18 pulls a jewelry box from her pocket and holding it out to Josh opens it to reveal a ring, the band a brilliant gold, the setting holding a large, deep red garnet in a rectangular cut, flanked on either side by a trio of accent lapis lazuli. "Josh maxwell, will you marry me?" Tears rolling down his cheeks, Josh takes in the beautiful ring for several seconds before answering, "Yes, I'd love to!" and presenting his hand, fingers splayed. Smiling widely, 18 slides the ring onto Josh's dainty finger before embracing her fiance and kissing him senseless as the onlookers applaud the happy couple. But as Bulma makes a call to have the staff bring champagne to celebrate and some sparkling grape juice for the expectant mother, and 17 gives his soon to be brother-in-law a noogie and jokes, "I'd give you the usual threats about not hurting my little sister, but clearly, if anyone took advantage of anyone, it was her doing the deed.", the joyous atmosphere is shattered with a sound of breaking glass and the wreak of alcohol. Turning their heads to the disturbance, the gathered people spot the one member of their usual number who had been excluded from the guest list. Krillin's hair was an absolute mess, making Goku's spikey mop look tame by comparison and his clothes were stained and torn and long overdue for a wash, and even without the broken beer bottle at his feet, the midget was clearly drunk to the point that it was a wonder he wasn't passed out in a gutter somewhere. "There you are, you bitch!" spits the enraged drunk, "Living it up while my life is falling apart. Maron wants nothing to do with me after you took everything in the divorce, and then I lost my police job for being too rough on perps!" Seeing the way 18 and Josh are embracing, Krillin's ki flares up as he yells even louder, "And you left me for this pansy assed, namby pamby loser?" and lunges for the expectant mother. Fortunately, even sober, her ex-husband has never been a match for her, and 18 meets Krillin halfway to Josh, snatching the drunk midget out of the air and catching him in a one-handed choke hold." Bringing him close so her nose is all but stabbing his face where his is missing, she concentrates her ki, all but squeezing the life out of him as she says in a low, menacing voice, "First of all, little man, I only started dating Josh after I walked in on you in the middle of plowing that bimbo, it's not my fault if you decided to drown yourself in booze when karma finally caught up with you. Furthermore, Josh might be the one who usually wears the skirts in our relationship, and the one carrying my second child, but he's ten, no a thousand times the man you'll ever be, and if you come near him or my unborn child again, I won't hesitate to squeeze your little dicklet until it pops off, cut open your sack with my fingernails, crush your balls like a couple of grapes, and strangle you with your own vas deferens!" With that, she tosses Krillin to the ground, and self-preservation winning out over stupidity, the disgraced martial artist flees the scene, the scent of fresh urine joining that of stale alcohol as he retreats. Turning back to the group, 18 addresses their hostess, "Sorry about that, Bulma. I thought I had gotten rid of that trash months ago... Where's that champagne? Need something to clear my sinuses of the wreak of that garbage." "Should be here shortly." replies Bulma as the celebration of the newly engaged couple and their unborn child resumes. ### A few months later saw the Earth's strongest warriors gathered once more, this time at a little chapel in West City, 18 standing at the alter in a white tux, her twin brother standing at her side as her best man in matching black. Though this wasn't her first wedding, and although she outwardly looked calm, 18 was far more nervous than she let on, fearful a certain former monk might show up and force her to get her tux bloody as she makes good on her promise to make him a eunuch or that her husband to be might suffer complications with the pregnancy in the middle of the ceremony. But all of her worries are driven from her mind as the wedding march begins to play and the doors at the far end of the aisle open to reveal Josh, the petite man now eight months pregnant, the voluminous folds of the snow white wedding gown he's wearing doing little to conceal the expecting mother's massive baby bump. Watching her bride walk down the aisle, exuding two-thirds the radiance of the sun between the glow of impending motherhood and the glow of a bride on their wedding day, 18 is unable to do anything but stare as Josh closes the distance to the alter. "Beautiful." is all 18 can think to say when Josh stops in front of her, blushing furiously under the cyborg's compliment. Neither really pay attention to the minister as he conducts the ceremony, the couple too lost in each other's eyes to care about the rest of the world, though 18 certainly doesn't miss her cue as the minister declares, "You may now kiss the bride." and leans down to give the short man a searing kiss before scooping him up in an effortless bridal carry and marching out of the chapel. Though a reception had been planned, 18 decides she's not interested in waiting any longer to start the honeymoon, and once outside, she ignores the limo that was rented to carry the wedding party to the reception venue, calling out to the gathered guests, "Catch you later!" before taking to the sky. Instead of flying towards the venue for the reception or even back to the suite the pair share at Capsule Corp., 18 heads for one of the nicer West City suburbs, maintaining a protective bubble of ki around her new husband and their unborn child. When 18 finally lands at the front door of a nice looking house, Josh asks, "Whose house is this?" "Ours." replies 18, "I never told the midget about the money I took for throwing the 25th World Tournament Final, and with Bulma's help, I made some rather profitable investments... along with what I got from selling the midget's junk, I thought a nice house to raise our new family would make a good wedding present." "It's lovely." replies Josh as 18 unlocks the door and carries him across the threshold. "Glad you like it." comments 18 before giving her new husband a saucy smile and adding, "Because my brother agreed to watch Marron for the next two weeks, and I intend to take the opportunity to christen as much of our new home as possible." Josh blushing fiercely at the implications. ### Two weeks later, on the last day of their planned honeymoon, 18 found herself pacing back and forth in the waiting room of the makeshift maternity ward Bulma and her father had converted one of Capsule Corp's spare labs into for handling Josh and 18's unusual situation. Although both of the scientists and the team of obstetricians they had consulted with had assured the worried father to be that the late stages of the pregnancy had altered Josh's body to allow for a natural birth, the labor had lasted for 18 hours already, and the blonde cyborg was in no mood to see the humor in that fact. When Doctor briefs exits the delivery room, the android barely keeps her strength in check as she lifts the elderly man by the lapels of his lab coat and demands, "How is my husband and unborn child?" "Josh is tired and more than a bit sore, but no worse for ware than a woman who just gave birth would be." replies the scientist, no stranger to being manhandled by beings who could effortlessly snap his neck, "As for the child... Congratulations, you're the parent of a healthy, baby girl." Relaxing at the good news, 18 sits the elderly scientist down and asks, "Really, a little girl?" "Yep," replies Dr. briefs, "Would you like to see your family now?" "Of course." replies 18, following Dr. Briefs into the lab turned Maternity ward, the medical doctors busy with various readings on various equipment but paying no mind to the pair as they make their way to a bed in the back, Bulma at Josh's bedside. "Hey, 18." greets Bulma spotting the other woman approaching, "Josh and the baby are as healthy as can be expected for a newborn and a new mother, though some of the doctors me and my father called in are still going over some of the scans we took from the time you arrived until now. I'm going to say no intimacy for the usual six weeks, but so far, I don't think there's going to be any complications." But 18 isn't really listening as she gets her first look at her new daughter curled up in her mother's arms, Josh giving the cyborg a tired, but contented smile as 18 kneels next to the bed, the couple failing to notice as the father-daughter team of scientists leave to give the family some privacy. "She's as beautiful as her mother." Comments 18, reaching a hand out to gently stroke a lock of wispy blonde upon the sleeping child's head. "And as beautiful as her father." replies Josh, gently rocking the tiny tot nestled in his arms. "Any idea what we should name her?" asks 18. "You said you and your brother were originally named for lapis lazuli before Gero experimented on you and gave you numbers, so I was thinking a gemstone name would be appropriate... what do you think of Garnet?" Repeating the name under her breath a few times, 18 smiles at Josh as she declares, "It's perfect!" ### 18 and Josh sit snuggled up next to each other on a swing on the back porch of their home as Marron plays with her little sister in the yard, the now two-year-old Garnet almost too energetic for the older girl to keep up with. As the parents bask in the domestic bliss of a lazy afternoon with family, Josh speaks up, "I'm really glad at how effective the anti-nanites Dr. Briefs the younger developed, but I was thinking... maybe it's time we gave Garnet a chance to be a big sister." "Are you ever going to just call her Bulma like the rest of us?" Asks 18 teasingly at how formal the petite man is about his employer despite the blunette practically being family before answering, "Though, the thought of having another child does sound appealing... and like a lot of fun." before giving Josh a kiss, the cyborg smiling to herself at how she can still effortlessly fluster her husband.