18's New Boytoy by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by BraveVesper Universe 7's Team, minus Frieza, along with their friends and families had all gathered at Capsule Corp. to celebrate their victory in the Tournament of Power, and for once, it's not Goku or Vegeta taking the center of attention as everyone congratulates Android 17 for being the last being standing and praising his decision to wish for all the erased universes to be restored. Android 18 was happy for her brother, but was otherwise in a less than stellar mood. While fighting alongside her husband in the Tournament had been the most fun she and Krillin had had together since they first started dating, returning to Earth after the fact had only reminded her just how much their marriage was in shambles. Krillin had never been all that fond of the extra bit of anatomy Dr. Gero had given her when he abducted her and her brother for his experiments in cybernetically enhancing humans, but it had been months since they last slept in the same bed. Krillin claimed it was because he was working long nights keeping the streets safe from petty criminals, but 18 had her suspicions that her husband wasn't being honest. At best, she felt, he was overworking himself to avoid spending time with his family. At worst, he was having an affair and using work as an alibi. When Krillin's cell phone rings and he announces, "Got a call from work." It only further sours 18's mood and she steps away from the dwarf before she decides to use him for ki blast target practice. As 18 circles around the outer edge of the party, she spots a short, brown-haired human she doesn't recall seeing around Capsule Corp. before. Locating Bulma in the crowd, 18 points out the person she saw and asks, "Who's that, she's kind of cute." "His name is Josh Maxwell." replies Bulma. "Wait, that's a guy?" asks 18 in surprise. "Yeah, I thought he was a girl too when I first interviewed him." answers Bulma, "Anyways, he's the lab assistant I hired to help me out now that I've got Bra to take care of and since Vegeta is pretty much useless in the lab for anything aside from moving multi-ton equipment when I can drag him away from training." Deciding she has nothing better to do, 18 walks over to the boy and Introduces herself, "Hello, my name is Android 18, Bulma tells me you're her new lab assistant, Josh." "Yes, that's me." replies the boy, even his voice sounding quite feminine. Now that she's up close, 18 can see that Josh has hazel eyes and an hour glass figure under his Capsule Corp. issued lab coat. She is interrupted from checking out the boy when he speaks once more, "I take it your a friend of Dr. Briefs the Younger?" It takes a while for 18 to figure out who he's talking about, having never heard anyone refer to Bulma in such a formal manner, "I guess you could say that." "You said your name was Android 18, are you per chance related to Android 17?" "He's my twin brother, why do you ask?" replies 18. "I've been studying the schematic of him from the archives, trying to help Dr. Briefs the Younger reverse engineer some of the cybernetic implants he had." "Really?" Asks 18, surprised by just how much she finds herself interested in the technology that went into making her and her brother the two strongest humans alive. The two end up talking for hours on end before Josh exclaims, "Oh, will you look at the time, I need to get back to work." Realizing how much time has passed herself, 18 replies, "And I should probably be getting home, but I've really enjoyed talking to you." "As have I." replies Josh, "Feel free to seek me out whenever you're at Capsule Corp." "I will." replies 18 before heading to find Marron. When she finds her daughter, 18 can't help smiling at how much the younger blonde has worn herself out playing big sister to Pan and Bra and picks up the little girl before trying to find Krillin. Not spotting the midget man anywhere, 18 finds the party's hostess and asks, "Hey, Bulma, have you seen Krillin?" "He flew off over an hour ago, said something about being needed at a hostage situation." replies the blue-haired scientist. Suppressing her annoyance, 18 holds her sleeping daughter tightly as she flies off to her home. Arriving home, 18 can hear moaning coming from her and Krillin's bedroom, and using her lack of detectable ki, creeps up to the door and peeks inside. There she finds Maron, her husband's blue-haired bimbo of an ex-girlfriend spread eagle on the bed she once shared with Krillin and her Husband between her legs, giving the other woman the fucking of her life. Rage fills 18 at the confirmation of her worst fears, and it takes all her will power not to vaporize her cheating husband and his bimbo right then and there. Instead, she heads to Marron's room, packs some clothes and other essentials for her daughter, and flies back to Capsule Corp., deciding she'll make due with the clothes on her back until she can go through the house she shared with Krillin when he's not in the middle of violating her trust and his marital vows. When 18 lands once more in the courtyard of Capsule Corp., Bulma is surprised to see her fellow Z Warrior Wife back so soon, but before Bulma can ask the blonde what's wrong, the cyborg declares, "Marron and I need a place to stay for afew days, and noticing the sleeping girl still curled up in her mother's arms, Bulma quickly leads her guests to one of the many spare suites in the building that houses the Briefs Home and serves as dormitories for employees living on Capsule Corp's Corporate Campus. With little Marron safely tucked into bed in the smaller of the suite's two bedrooms, Bulma prepares some tea in the suite's kitchenette before sitting across from her fellow mother in the suite's living room. "So, what's bothering you, 18?" asks Bulma, curious as to why the other woman is in need of the blunette scientist's hospitality. Sipping from the teacup her hostess placed in front of her, letting the hot liquid calm her nerves as she gathers her thoughts, 18 finally answers, "I got home to find Krillinin the middle of fucking his ex-girlfriend." Had Bulma possessed any ability with ki, her teacup would have shattered at the fury she felt upon hearing 18's announcement, long buried memories of her own experiences with cheating boyfriends surfacing, barely keeping her voice down to not wake Marron as she exclaims, "That midget manwhore! How dare he betray you like this! Yamcha at least had the decency to cheat on me before marriage and a child came into the picture. What are you planning on doing?" "I haven't decided yet, but I'm probably going to file for divorce." replies 18. "Well, you've got the backing of Capsule Corp's lawyers to make sure he gets everything he deserves in the proceedings." declares Bulma, a slightly evil smile on her face. "Thank you," replies 18, finishing off her tea, "Well, I should try to get some sleep myself." "Feel free to buzz me on the intercom if you need anything." replies Bulma as she finishes her own tea and prepares to leave the blonde alone to rest and prepare for breaking the news of Krillin's betrayal to the younger blonde already fast asleep in the suite's second bedroom. ### Fortunately, when 18 informs her daughter of Krillin's affair the next morning, the younger blonde is quick to side with her mother and 18 is glad to see little indication of Marron blaming herself for her parent's failed marriage and the two head back to their house to pack the rest of their things to take to Capsule Corp. As days turn into weeks and a lawyer Bulma recommended starts working on 18's divorce and custody cases, 18 is happy to learn that Josh is among the Capsule Corp. Employees staying in the corporate dormitories, and that his suite isn't very far from the one Bulma let 18 and Marron stay in. As time passes, the two grow closer, and as weeks turn into months, 18 develops a habit of showing up at the end of Josh's shifts to drag him out of the lab so he doesn't work himself to exhaustion and fall asleep at his workstation. 18 is also happy to see Josh getting along not just with Marron, but also Bra, Trunks, and when Videl stops by, little Pan as well, and soon comes to the conclusion that Josh is as good with children as he is with technology. However, it's not until Marron asks her mother, "Is Josh going to become my new daddy?" That 18 starts to realize that she's falling for the effeminate scientist. ### When her divorce is finallized, Leaving 18 with full and exclusive custody of Marron and ownership of pretty much everything she and Krillin owned in common, 18 decides to celebrate by asking Josh out on a date with Bulma more than happy to babysit Marron for the evening. After a wonderful dinner and seeing a great movie, the two return to Capsule Corp. in a near euphoric mood. Josh walks arm and arm with 18, the pair in matching dresses of the little black variety, the cyborg because she seldom has the opportunity to dress up, the scientist because his figure makes more typical mens' formal wear look odd on him. They reach the door to her suite, but as Josh is about to leave for his own quarters, 18 pulls the rather short man against her and leans down, whispering, "I think I'm falling in love with you." before capturing his lips in a kiss. Neither is quite sure how long the kiss lasts, but when they finally break for air, a blushing and out of breath Josh replies, "I think I'm falling in love as well." Remembering that Bulma said she was fine keeping Marron until morning, 18 unlocks her door, and wordlessly leads Josh into her living room and to her couch. As 18 sits down, Josh climbs in her lap as the pair start to make out, and before long, 18 can feel her extra bit of anatomy starting to stir. Reluctantly, 18 breaks the latest kiss to declare, "Josh, before we go any further, there's something I need to tell you." "What is it, 18?" asks Josh, eager to continue, but attentive to what the blonde has to say. "As I've told you," starts 18, "A little over a decade ago, my brother and I were abducted by Dr. Gero, the once head scientist of the Red Ribbon Army to be test subjects for his experiments in creating cyborg super soldiers." "Yes," replies Josh, his inner scientist coming out, "Quite fascinating technology." Tilting his head, he adds, "If you're worried about me rejecting you over being a cyborg, I assure you, you're cybernetic implants don't bother me, and if anything, you being a literal one woman army only makes you all the more appealing." "I'm glad you think that," replies 18 with a smile that soon falters, "But my cybernetics aren't the only modifications the old bastard made, and this is one that my ex-husband had issues with from the very beginning and I suspect is a big part of why he eventually cheated on me." "Surely, it can't be that bad." replies Josh. Nudging the shorter man off her lap, 18 replies, "Perhaps it would be easier if I just showed you. Standing up, 18 reaches behind her to unzip the form fitting black dress she wore on their date, letting the silken garment slide off her body to pool around her ankles. Her slender, well-toned legs and arms had been on display all evening, but are now joined by her well-toned thighs and midsection, a matching set of black silk bra and panties accentuating the athletic curves even an Olympic Gold Medalist would be envious of. But perhaps the most notable thing about 18 in her near nudity is the rather prominent member poking up out of the waistband of her underwear. Instead of revulsion, 18 is surprised when all Josh can say as he takes in the sight of her in only her lingerie is a husky whisper of, "Beautiful..." "You're not bothered by me being..." 18 gestures at her futahood, unable to finish her sentence. "You being a hermaphrodite?" replies Josh, his tone a mixture of scientific curiosity and affection, none of the revulsion the android had expected, "Not at all. So what if you're a bit different from other girls, it just makes you all the more unique." "So you're really not bothered?" asks 18, making it clear to the effeminate scientist that her ex-husband's rejection of this part of the cyborg's nature had hurt the usually confident and self-assured woman's self-esteem quite a bit when it comes to matters of sex. Closing the distance between them, Josh replies, "Here, I'll prove it to you." Before dropping to his knees and without even being asked doing something 18 had never managed to persuade Krillin to even consider. Without hesitation, Josh brings the tip of 18's futahood to his lips, and after giving the tip a kiss, the short man sticks out his tongue, making 18 moan as the pink appendage swirls around the head of her futahood. As Josh opens his mouth to take 18's tip into his mouth, sealing his lips around the collar of her girlcock and continueing to swirl his tongue around the modified human's sensitive flesh, he starts to trail his hands up the inside of her thighs, leaving featherlight caresses on her toned muscles. Reaching the gusset of her black silk panties, he ignores her feminine parts for the time being, tracing along the legholes to her hips and then crossing the narrowest part of the garment to the waistband, and hooking his index fingers under the fabric, pulls the garment down those sexy, slender legs to 18's ankles. It's at this point that Josh starts bobbing his head, taking 18's shaft in his mouth bit-by-bit and her tip down his throat. At the same time, his delicate hands trail their way back up her legs, again ignoring her pussy, instead following the now imaginary panty line around back to cup the android's perfectly round and incredibly firm buttocks. Eventually, Josh's nose finds itself buried in 18's downy pubic hair, the incredibly soft peach fuzz so light in color it nearly blends in with her creamy skin. With her shaft now fully encased in his mouth and throat, Josh holds still, swallowing around her several times, humming in contentment at the moans this draws from her. And as if recieving her first blowjob wasn't enough to make this one of the best nights of her life and make this one of the rare times the android felt gratitude for what Gero did to her and her brother, Josh makes first contact with her original hardware as his tongue slides between his lower lip and the base of her futahood to lap at her twat. Feeling her knees go weak for the first time since she awoke after her alterations, 18 collapses on to the couch, her new lover still performing fellatio and cunnilingus simultaneously as she buries her hand in his hair and exclaims, "Oh Kami! Josh, I'm gonna cum!" her declaration only seeming to make Josh redouble his efforts, and even as she starts shooting her load down his throat, he doesn't slow down his sucking, hell bent on milking her for all she's worth. When she's finally done cumming, Josh pulls off her futahood to admire her sprawled on the couch in afterglow before asking, "did you enjoy that?" Catching her breath, 18 replies, "That was amazing!" "Glad you liked it." says the scientist before noticing that her futahood is still standing at attention. "looks like you haven't gotten your fill yet." Standing up and turning his back to 18, he lifts the hem of his dress to reveal white cotton panties underneath, and sticking out his rear and glancing over his shoulder with a coy smile, asks, "Would you like to try my other hole?" With a seductive purr, 18 replies, "Tempting, but don't you think you should show me yours since you've seen mine?" "Uh... sure..." replies Josh, it now being his own turn to be self-conscious about what's in his pants. He pulls his panties down as he lets his dress fall down over his rear before turning to face 18, a blush on his face as he slowly lifts the front of his dress to reveal his own erection standing proud, and it's immediately obvious to 18 why Josh has gotten so shy all of a sudden. Though proportional to his short stature and petite frame, Josh's manhood isn't very big in absolute terms, and looks downright tiny compared to 18's artificially enhanced anatomy, less than half the length and thickness of the android's futahood. Pouring as much affection into her words as possible, wanting to reassure Josh about his own equipment as he did for her, 18 comments, "That's a very cute little cock and balls you have there. Come here so I can play with them." As he shyly approaches, 18 asks, "Do you mind if the dress you're wearing gets destroyed?" and at the shake of his head, she uses a surgical application of ki to slice through the black fabric, leaving Josh naked before her. Before he can recover from being suddenly without any clothing, 18 has grabbed his little stiffy and guided it to her opening and practically smothered him in her cleavage. Reaching around to fondle his butt, 18 slips a finger into his anus at the same time she pushes him forward to enter her pussy, making him moan into her bosom. Channeling ki to the finger in Josh's rear, 18 heats up the digit just shy of being uncomfortably hot, and between this and the way her internal muscles massage his member, Josh shoots his load almost immediately. Pulling his head back, Josh apologizes, "Sorry for cumming so quickly and not warning you." "It's okay," replies 18, "I look forward to training you to withstand my superhuman cunt, and in case you're wondering, I had a contraceptive implant installed after Marron was born, and never bothered having it removed, so no need to worry about getting me pregnant." With that, 18 starts finger fucking Josh's asshole in earnest, causing him to bury his face in her breasts once more. Locating his prostate, 18 starts to work over the sensitive gland, causing Josh to squirm in her embrace, his moans loud enough to disturbbb other Capsule Corp. residents if not for them being muffled against her breasts. When she feels him shooting a second load within her, she suggests, "How about we relocate to the bedroom?" "That sounds good." replies Josh, pulling out of 18 and walking towards the room 18 sleeps in, a seductive sway to his hips. The sight nearly drives 18 wild, and it's all she can do not to use her superhuman speed to get there faster. Entering the bedroom, Josh climbs on the bed, shaking his butt as he does so in silent invitation, and this time, 18 accepts, discarding her bra before climbing on the bed to kneel behind him. Spreading his rather cute half-moons, 18 hilts her futahood in a hot, tight ass for the first time. Molding herself to his back, 18 simply savors the sensation of Josh wrapped around her, reaching around to play with his nipples as she gives him time to adjust. However,, it isn't long before 18 can no longer hold back, and with a whisper of, "I hope you like it rough..." her only warning to her new lover, she starts to relentlessly pound his perfectly plump little rump. As 18 fucks Josh's asshole, it takes all of her willpower to keep to a pace that won't tear the ordinary human apart, and even as she manages this, she can't help fisting a hand in his brown hair, yanking just shy of hard enough to pull it out by the roots as she drives her futahood over and over into his bowels. Despite the rough fucking 18 is giving him, Josh offers up no complaints, howling from the mixture of pain and pleasure his cyborg lover is giving him. Before long, 18 is throwing her head back in orgasm, her hot seed nearly searing Josh's insides as she floods his bowels with her potent futa jizz. This sends Josh over the edge as well, his own little stiffy spraying a much smaller load onto the sheets. When she's done shooting her load and has come down from the high of one of the most satisfying orgasms she can remember, 18 pulls out of Josh's ass to admire her handiwork as her seed seeps from his well-fucked anus to drip over his balls. When 18 comments, "That was amazing!", she realizes that Josh has passed out from the experience, making her muse aloud, "Well, he certainly lacks Krillin's superhuman stamina, but he's a far more accepting and attentive lover than my cheating ex-husband ever was." With that, 18 decides she should get some sleep as well and cuddles up behind her new lover. ### Josh had been more than a bit sore the next morning, but fortunately for the diminutive man, Bulma, having been the mate of the Saiyan Prince for more than a decade, was an old hand at treating the kinds of aches and pains baseline humans sometimes fell victim to when their superhuman lovers got a bit rough in the sack and had been happy to adapt the super stamina serum she uses to keep up with Vegeta at his most demanding for Josh's use. ### It's several weeks after their first night together that 18 wakes up next to Josh, something that has been becoming a regular occurance. She wakes him with a ki-infused nuzzle to the neck, but instead of the usual sleepy smile she gets in return, Josh's face turns green and the short man dashes from the bed to deposit what's left of last night's supper in the toilet. Worry overwhelming her, 18 cradles her lover to her chest, and with speed surpassed only by Instant Transmission, rushes her clearly sick boyfriend to Capsule Corp.'s infirmary. The doctor on shift is baffled by Josh's condition, all tests for the usual causes of nausea turning up negative. Soon, Bulma, her hair still messy from bed has been called in to tend to her top lab assistant, and finding the test results as baffling as the regular infirmary staff, orders a complete molecular breakdown of Josh's blood, and upon noticing a rather odd inclusion in the results, asks for a sample of 18's semen to test. ### Some time later finds 18 and Josh, the latter seeming to have recovered from his bout of vomiting, but still seeming a bit out of it, sitting across from Bulma in the Blunette's private office. "Okay, the good news," starts Bulma, "Is that Josh is going to be just fine." The couple visibly relaxing at this announcement. "The bad news is that what happened this morning might be a recurring ailment for the next few weeks to months." The couple's worried expressions return at this, but Bulma's next words completely floor them, "The weird news is that I believe Josh is pregnant." After what might have been an eternity or just a few minutes, 18 is the first to break the silence, "How is that possible!?" "As the infirmary doctor probably told you, Josh tested negative for all common causes of vomiting, and when I decided to run a complete molecular breakdown on his blood, I found things no doctor would think to look for in a man. Namely, hormones in a combination and concentration normally found only in women who have just recently gotten pregnant. Realizing that everything about Josh was consistant with morning sickness, I decided to check your semen to verify my hunch." Leaning back in her seat, Bulma continues, "Turns out making you a hermaphrodite wasn't the full extent of the alterations Dr. Gero made to your reproductive organs. I found some rather sophisticated nanobots in the sample you provided, and while I can't be 100% sure at this point, best I can tell, those nanobots altered Josh's insides to provide the biological machinery to allow your sperm to impregnate Josh." "So I'm really going to be a mother?" asks Josh, still processing Bulma's words. "That's my best hypothesis at the moment." Replies Bulma, "I hope you'll agree to letting me monitor the pregnancy if my hunch proves correct." "Of course," replies Josh, "I can think of no one better equipped to monitor the world's first male pregnancy." "I'm glad you have such confidence in my abilities. Anyways, you have the rest of the day off to come to terms with the news, and I'll probably offer you the same maternity leave package I give the actual women on my staff." With that, the couple leave, with much they need to discuss and come to terms with.