How I became a Diaper Girl by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Night Rain Chapter 3: Tinkled Tutoring As Roll's overly chipper wake up cry breaks the silence in the bedroom she shares with Mayl, marking the beginning of another day in the dimensionally displaced former man's new life as a teenaged girl surrounded by cute girls from all the anime and video games she enjoyed as a child in her old life, Amaya feels a cold, clammy sensation around her crotch, a dreadful sense of deja vu settling in the pit of her stomach. Bolting upright in bed and tossing off the covers, Amaya's fears are immediately confirmed as her eyes meet the sight of yellow-stained sheets and soaked pajama pants for the second morning in a row, the soggy diaper wrapped around the feminine bits the genderbent youth is still getting used to squishing under her rear. She just couldn't understand it. In her old life, before whatever power had uprooted her, turned her into a teenaged girl, and dumped her in this world for reasons she couldn't fathom, be they for some greater destiny or merely as a cosmic joke for the amusement of the ones responsible, she had never had continence issues, and yet here she was, just starting her third day as a girl, sitting in a puddle of her own creation, and already starting to lose count of how many accident's she's had in the last 48 hours. It was just too humiliating and she was starting to fear this would be a daily occurance from now on, and as she started a downward spiral of shame and self-loathing, a tear slid down her cheek, soon followed by another and before long, the flood gates had opened fully and Amaya was well on her way to leaving her face as soaked as her crotch and bottom. As her sister's tears are joined by audible sobs and whimpers, Mayl, her own diaper, pajamas, and bedding every bit as thoroughly tinkled as Amaya's, though far more used to such awakenings, throws off her own covers to pad over, her bottoms sagging with the weight of last night's output. Sitting on Amaya's bed, Mayl pulls the other girl into a hug, putting up no protest as Amaya buries her face against Mayl's shoulder, the red head unphased by the tears soaking through her top as Amaya mumbles something incoherent, Mayl replying in a soothing tone, "It'll be okay, Amaya." while gently rubbing circles on the distraught girl's back. "No it won't." replies Amaya resolutely, pulling away from Mayl to be understood. "Sure it will," replies Mayl, pulling away and gesturing to herself,, "If nothing else, we're in this together, and it does get easier to deal with over time." Wiping her face on her, thankfully dry, sleeve, Amaya replies, "But hic it's so hic embarrassing." "I know, I thought I was going to die the first time I flooded my diaper to the point of leaking in the middle of class," comments Mayl with a giggle, "But I've learned to just let it be and move on with my life." Hearing Mayl's confession does cheer Amaya up a bit, though probably not for the reason the red head expects, the mental image of her new sister having such an accident during class causing a tingle to start in Amaya's nethers, soon building in to a warmth that runs all the way up to Amaya's cheeks, nearly making her forget the cold, clammy diaper clinging to her pelvis. In her old life, Amaya had been intrigued, no obsessed with classroom desperation, especially when it lead to girls peeing themselves in front of all their peers and their teacher, and though she had never had the privilege to witness such a scene unfold, she had scrounged the internet for stories of such, collecting hundreds, perhaps even thousands of stories where girls have a classroom wetting, and as much as she wouldn't wish the embarrassment she was feeling just moments ago on anyone, she couldn't help but hope she would get a chance to see Mayl in just such a situation. Amaya wants to ask her sister for details on the aforementioned incident, but before she can gather her thoughts and figure out how to ask without sounding lewd in the process, there's a knock at the door accompanied by a call of, "Mistress Amaya, Mistress Mayl, are you awake?" Followed by the pair of maids entering without acknowledgement from their charges to perform their morning checks. "Good, both of you are awake." says one of the maids before turning a judgmental eye upon Amaya's bed, taking in the sight of the soaked sisters and the equally soaked bed, "It seems Mistress Amaya's prideful boasts of potty competency remain just that, empty boasts born of misplaced pride. Why, at this rate, we'll need to invest in extra thick diapers just to keep you from ruining all the sheets with your uncontrollable accidents." "And Mistress Mayl is proving no better." adds the other maid, examining the puddle the redhead left upon her own bed, "Perhaps we should start escorting our young charges to the toilets before bed and sitting them on the potty until they tinkle." Both girls go crimson at this suggestion, but if anything, their reactions only encourage their caretakers as the first maid adds, "Or maybe we should get rid of these twin beds and make them share a full." "Would certainly cut down on the number of sheets we need to launder." adds the second maid as she comes over, and reaching under Mayl's armpits as if about to pick up a toddler, gently, but firmly pulls the girl to her feet, the first maid doing the same to Amaya soon after. As the sisters are forced to face each other in their soaked pajamas, the maids kneel behind their respective charges and yank their pajama pants to their ankles, the incandescent blushes on their faces going full nuclear as their soggy, sagging diapers are put on full display for the other girl to see. But then the maids stand up and reach a hand down both girls' diapers, the sisters letting out twin squeaks of surprise and shame as the fingers of the older women brush their wet girlhoods. "Is this really necessary?" asks Amaya. "Yeah, isn't it obvious we wet ourselves from the condition of our beds?" adds Mayl. "Obvious or not, your parents were quite clear in their instructions." replies one maid as her fingers run across Amaya's damp folds. ""Quite clear indeed." adds the other maid, her own digits just as eager to molest her charge under pretense of checking for accidents, "All diaper checks are to include direct, hands-on examination of the young ladies' privates." "And speaking of your parents' instructions," add the first maid, "As of this afternoon, both of you are to have your diapers exposed at all times when at home." "Wh-what?!" cry both girls in unison. "In order to cut down on the laundry from day time accidents," comments one maid. "Neither of you will be permitted to wear skirts, dresses, pants, or shorts that cover your diapers while at home." finishes the other maid. "But...but-" starts Mayl, struggling to speak as her face tries to invent new shades of red. "No buts, young lady." replies the maid as she withdraws her hand from Mayl's diaper, "Your parents were quite clear on this new rule." "Besides," concludes the other maid, finishing her examination, "It'll make noticing when either of you needs a change that much easier." Though she had been just as shocked at first by the announcement, the more Amaya thinks about it, the more excited she gets, and while a small part of her is embarrassed at the idea of treipsing around the house with nothing but a diaper to cover her lower half, a much larger part of her can't wait to see Mayl forced to show off her diapered derriere for hours on end. And while Mayl is too embarrassed to notice the way Amaya's eyes go unfocused at the thought of watching Mayl in all her diapered glory, the Maids are not so oblivious to their charge's reaction, both of them quite pleased as they snap both girls out of their internal monologues with one more bombshell. "Oh, and even if there is company, you'll be required to keep your pampered posteriors on full display." Before either girl can react to that last statement, the pair are ushered into the changing room, their piddled pajama pants left behind for the maids to take care of later. Both girls find themselves laying atop padded tables as the maids remove their pajama tops and diapers before thoroughly wiping both girls down from the waist to the knees with baby wipes. Both maids then coat their fingers in ointment, which they proceed to massage into the girls' privates, both maids being rather thorough, even parting their charges' nether lips and sliding a finger all the way inside the girls. "Ah... is this really necessary?" comments Mayl, struggling to stay calm under her maid's ministrations. "Of course, Mistress Mayl." replies the maid, "Your parents were quite clear that we are to take good care of their daughters, and I would be remiss in my duties if I let you develop a rash on account of less than thorough application of the ointment." Finishing with the application of the ointment, Mayl's maid powders her bottom before taping a pink diaper adorned with little, white hearts in place, "Now, let's get you dressed." With that, the maid helps the redhead to her feet and leads her over to a large closet and a trio of floor-to-ceiling mirrors. The maid retrieves a copy of Mayl's usual outfit, but instead of letting Mayl dress herself, the maid insists on dressing the girl. Meanwhile, Amaya's own diapering has concluded, and she's made to stand in only said diaper, a powder blue affair adorned with little pokeball symbols in a darker, royal blue as she watches her new sister being dressed like a life-sized doll, the trio of mirrors behind Mayl giving the teen a good look at the preteen's body from several angles, the raven-haired girl unable to resist rubbing her thighs together as the heat between her legs threatens to engulf her heart, body, and soul. Once Mayl is fully dressed, one of the maids comments, "Mistress Mayl, why don't you pick out what Mistress Amaya will wear today?" "O-okay," comments Mayl as Amaya takes her place in front of the mirrors, the reflections letting Amaya get a look at her own diapered bottom as she allows the maids to hold her arms out to the sides and to part her feet shoulder's width, the maids smiling to themselves as Mayl's eyes roam over Amaya's form, even if it's the gaze of a girl eager to use another girl as a living doll for dress up rather than one of poorly concealed lust. Mayl doesn't recognize the symbols on Amaya's diaper, but she immediately decides on a royal blue, pleated skirt to match the little, bifurcated circles with the smaller circle in the middle, and she then proceeds to hold up several tops from those hanging in the closet before deciding on a close fitting, spaghetti-strap top that'll play peek-a-boo with Amaya's navel if she stretches, and deciding bare shoulders might not go over well at school, especially with the teacher from hell, Mayl decides to add an open jacket over it in a darker, cobalt blue. Standing back to admire her handiwork, Mayl declares, "Perfect!" and examining her reflections in the mirrors, Amaya can only agree that Mayl did a great job picking her clothing. "quite nice, Mistress Mayl." comments one of the maids. "Yes, I think we might have a future fashion designer in our care." agrees the other maid. The sisters are then escorted to the kitchen for breakfast, and while allowed to keep their skirts on since the new rule doesn't go into effect until that afternoon, they are required to tuck the hems into their waistbands, leaving their diapers exposed as they sit on their barstools, the resemblance to high chairs seeming even stronger than the day before As the pair enjoy their breakfast, this time consisting of freshly made pancakes made with real buttermilk and whole, multi-grain flour, topped with cinnamon-flavored slices of baked apple, and a mixture of fresh, sliced strawberries and whole blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries and generous helpings of milk to wash them down, the milk having naturally been spiked with diuretic when the girls weren't watching, the maids give their charges one last announcement. "Since it's Friday, one of your teachers will be stopping by this afternoon for some tutoring." says one of the maids as an opener. "And today, the daughter of one of your father's associates will be joining you." adds the other maid. "I believe her name is Dawn Berlitz." adds the first maid. Amaya nearly drops her fork at the name of their new, for lack of a better term, classmate, while Mayl is preoccupied with hoping the hell teacher won't be in charge of their tutoring. Amaya is certain Dawn will be another of her fellow dimensionally displaced girls, this time from the very series the symbols decorating her diaper comes from. The Diamond and Pearl seasons of the Pokemon anime were among Amaya's favorites, and Dawn was the reason. Sure, Misty and May from the earlier seasons, and Iris from the seasons that came after were cute, but Dawn had always been Amaya's favorite from that franchise and she would spend hours pouring over episodes in search of a peek at Dawn's panties or striking a cute pose in that pink skirt and black shirt combo or one of her contest costumes, saving screen shots of those perfect frames, not to mention scouring the internet for fanart ranging from the innocent to the suggestive to the explicit. Amaya's pretty sure Berlitz was only from the manga where all the characters where named after the game versions, but that only reinforces her conviction that the Dawn the maids mentioned is the Dawn she's harbored a crush on for years. So lost in thinking about Dawn, Amaya barely notices as she finishes her pancakes and milk and the maids usher her and Mayl out the door to school. ### The school day went past in a blur, Amaya's thoughts distracted by the prospect of getting to meet Dawn, and while the sisters had once more sat with Zoey at lunch, Amaya couldn't remember much of what the trio had discussed beyond some vague plans about exploring the school the next day since they didn't have classes on Saturday, Roll having ensured her Net Op that the primitive technology of this world would be trivial to hack if needed and Zoey revealing her D-scanner and Spirits had made the jump with her. Amaya also couldn't tell you what any of that day's classes had been about, though fortunately, most of her teachers failed to notice, or at least didn't make a fuss if they did. Sadly, the hell teacher wasn't most teachers, and wasn't about to cut the raven-haired teen any slack just because it was the last class of the last day of school for the week. "Miss Akamatsu!" yells the teacher with a glare worthy of a demon, yanking Amaya from her daydreams of Dawn, "I expect my students to pay attention in my class!" "Sorry, Sen-" Amaya tries to reply. "Sorry doesn't cut it!" only to be cut off by the teacher. "I'd keep you after class, but I know you and Miss Sakurai have afterschool tutoring today, so I think a Saturday detention is in order. Be here tomorrow at Eight o'clock sharp, or so help me, you'll be spending every afternoon with me for the rest of the semester!" "Yes, Ma'am." replies Amaya. ### On the way home, Mayl notices a spring in her sister's step despite the dressing down she recieved, and comments, "You seem to be in a much better mood this afternoon... even with getting that detention... I'm glad you're over this morning and whatever had you zoning out all day." "Um, well..." replies Amaya, not sure how to respond, "The two are kind of related... the good mood and me zoning out I mean, I think the girl who'll be joining us for tutoring is like us." "Another dimensionally displaced girl?" ask Mayl as the pair make their way up the front walk of their new home, "Why didn't you mention her at lunch?" "Yea-" Amaya starts to reply when she spots a girl waiting for them on the front porch, Amaya's suspicions confirmed as she spots the white beanie atop a head of blue hair, and matching eyes. "Hello, you must be Dawn!" greets Mayl while Amaya is silent, finding the coordinator even cuter in person than the former man expected. "And you must be Mayl and Amaya." replies Dawn, her pink boots clacking on the stone steps as Dawn skips down to meet the sisters, offering a hand to shake to both girls. Before either Mayl or Amaya can think to ask Dawn if she really was plucked from her home and brought to this world, a car pulls up right behind the sisters, the kind teacher who does her best to put the girls at ease when she checks their diapers stepping out of the vehicle to greet her students, "Ah good, I see you've already met each other, Miss Berlitz, Miss Sakurai, Miss Akamatsu. Let's head on in and hit the books!" "Yes, sensei!" the three girls reply in unison, but as they head up the steps to the front door, Amaya's nose twitches, and as she sneezes, an updraft inverts all three of the girl's skirts, the teacher spared only by the fact she's wearing pants. And thanks to the other two girls being a few steps higher, Amaya gets an even better than usual view of both girl's underwear, the teen's heart skipping several beats at the sight of Mayl's pink with white hearts diaper and Dawn's nearly matching white with pink hearts diaper, both pampered posteriors at roughly eye level leaving Amaya like the proverbial deer in the headlights. "KYAA!" cry both of the girls with behearted bottoms as they try to push their skirts down against the unnatural wind while Amaya stares, just shy of a nosebleed and oblivious to her own pokeball-print diaper being on full display. As the wind finally dies down, the teacher tugs down Amaya's skirt as Dawn and Mayl manage to right their own skirts before with a giggle, the older woman explains, "Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag, or should I say, the kitten is out of the diaper bag. As you can see, Miss Sakurai, Miss Akamatsu, Miss Berlitz also has some continence issues and needs to wear diapers." Clapping her hands and passing the girls on the steps, the teacher adds, "Now, come girls, we've got a lot of work to do!" As the quartet cross the manor's threshold, the maids are there to greet them, "Welcome home, young mistresses! And welcome to your guests!" before each maid approaches their respective charges and taking a firm hold of the hems of Amaya and Mayl's skirts. A stereo declaration of "Now, remember the new rule, no concealing your diapers at home." is the only warning the sisters get before the maids mercilessly yank the skirts to their owners' ankles, Both girls blushing to match Mayl's hair as their diapers are exposed for the second time in less than five minutes, the experience all the more embarrassing for Dawn, as a guest, being exempted from the deskirting. Taking the maids' antics in stride, the teacher asks, "Is the study already setup for this afternoon's session?" "Of course, Madam." replies one of the maids. "I trust you remember the way?" adds the other. "Of course," replies the teacher before turning to the trio of schoolgirls, "Come now, girls." "Let us know if you need anything." calls one of the maids as they depart to their own duties while the teacher leads the trio to an old-fashioned study, what of the walls aren't covered by bookcases filled with leather bound volumes covered in wood panelling. In the middle of the large room, well-lit with sunlight from a floor to ceiling window, is a trio of sturdy, wooden student desks, each with an assortment of writing implements and stationary already laid out, and a recess in one corner of each that holds a crystal inkwell. Behind each desk sits a simple, but comfortable looking student's chair, the seats and back rests padded with leather cushions. Amaya ends up sitting at the middle desk, and it isn't long before she realizes that, if she goes wall-eyed, she can admire both Mayl and Dawn at the same time, and while Dawn is still wearing her skirt, the way she sits in her seat causes the short garment to ride up, showing off the diaper beneath. As the teacher starts tutoring the trio, Amaya is only half listening, the young teen more interested in voyeuristically observing the other two girls than in absorbing the lesson the teacher is trying to impart, though, if the woman instructing the girls in their studies notices the raven-haired girl's lack of focus, or rather that her focus is on a pair of pretty, pampered posteriors instead of the notebook in front of her, she doesn't call the teen out. As the session drags on, Amaya isn't sure she can trust her eyes, but it isn't long before she notices Mayl starting to squirm in her seat. Once certain the slight shifting of her new sister's posture isn't just her imagination, Amaya's heart starts to race. She never did get the details of the incident Mayl had hinted at that morning, but classroom desperation had always been one of Amaya's favorite scenarios to read about in her previous life, and doubly so if the story involved a test where leaving the room was strictly prohibited as an anti-cheating measure. Sure, they weren't taking a test, but still, if the subtle movements Mayl was making every minute or so meant what Amaya thought they meant... well, the prospect of getting to watch the net op flood her diaper, possibly to the point of overflowing, of getting to see the redhead's thighs glistening with fresh, liquid gold as it cascades over the leather upholstery and falls to the hardwood flooring... well, it was almost more than the genderbent girl could take. And Amaya's excitement only grows when she next glances in Dawn's direction, as the coordinator is showing the same telltale signs of being on the verge of an accident, the blunette's too short for modesty's sake skirt riding up even more as she squirms in her seat. The sight of two diapered girls both showing signs of needing to use their diapers is almost more than Amaya can take, arousal nearly setting the raven-haired girl on fire as she struggles to stare at both girls without being obvious. Soon, Amaya is squirming in her own seat, though she's pretty sure it's from arousal rather than needing to pee, and when she leads forward and turns her face down towards the notebook she's scribbling incoherent scrawl into in an effort to conceal the blush crossing her cheeks, she feels it. Her own diaper squishes from where watching Mayl and Dawn's shared predicament has caused her to soak her diaper in her own juices. Needing to address her new body's primal urges, Amaya glances up, and confident the teacher isn't looking at her, she slides the hand not holding her pencil down the front of her diaper, delving straight into the sticky mess her love juices have made of her padded bottoms. The first stroke of a dainty finger along her slit, grazing her virgin clit in the process nearly has the teen collapsing atop her desk, failing to let out a moan only because she instinctively bit down on the inside of her cheek to avoid any sudden outbursts. Amaya continues scribbling in her notebook, not taking in a word of the teacher's lesson, one eye locked on Mayl and the other on Dawn as the pair of pampered, pretty as princesses girls squirm in their seats, waves of bliss washing over the former man as she explores every nook and cranny of her new anatomy, the only coherent thought in her lust addled mind being the question of which girl will be the first to flood her diaper. As it turns out, Amaya doesn't have long to wait and the answer to the one question she cares about at the moment happens to be both as Mayl and Dawn suddenly stiffen in their seats, both girls dropping their pencils, looks of mortification on their faces when Amya glances up briefly before glancing back down just in time to see twin trickles of tinkle leak from both Dawn and Mayl's diapers, wetting the leather cushions they're sitting on and quickly growing into golden cascades streaming to the floor. The sight is more than Amaya can take, and as her vision goes white, her entire body trembles in climax, the girl burning the image of two of her biggest crushes from her old life overflowing their diapers into her mind as her connection to the rest of the world is drowned out by sheer ecstacy. However, Amaya's moment of bliss is soon shattered as she feels something warm and wet pouring into her palm, and in far too great a volume to merely be the release of her girl cum. Yanking her hand from her diaper and glancing down, Amaya is just in time to witness her own accident as it starts to overflow her diaper, a golden pool forming between her thighs before pouring off the front of her chair. Unbeknownst to the three girls, the two maids saw everything, having taken up residence in a hidden room adjacent to the study, one wall of the hidden command center covered with monitors displaying live feeds of numerous cameras hidden within the study itself. "We managed to capture some very nice footage today." comments one of the maids. "Yes, indeed." replies the other, "Master and Mistress should be quite pleased with the young mistresses' progress." "Perhaps we should arrange for a sleepover with the Berlitz girl." adds the first, "Mistress Amaya seems to be rather infatuated with both her and Mistress Mayl." "Good idea, though I think we should take care of the more visible part of our duties for now." "Right you are." With that, the maids each take a silver platter, one holding an assortment of snacks, the other a pitcher of diuretic spiked lemonade and several glasses, and slipping out the hidden door into the hallway, make their way to the study. Just as the teacher notices the soggy state of her students, giggling as she comments, "Oops, looks like all three of my little ladies need a change." the Maids knock on the door, and the teacher responds, "Come in." Entering with the trays of snacks and lemonade, the maids comment, "We thought the young mistresses and their guests might like refreshments..." before trailing off as if just noticing the soggy state of the trio. "Or perhaps some clean up is in order first." "I was just about to change their diapers." replies the teacher. "Nonsense." replies the maid with the snacks, sitting the tray down, "With all three of these young ladies making such a big mess, I think it's clear that a bath is in order." And before any of the girls can get over their embarrassment enough to protest, the maids are marching them through the halls of the manor, Mayl and Amaya's soaked, saggy diapers on full display and Dawn's skirt doing little to hide hers as it droops below her too short hem, the teacher bringing up the rear. Upon reaching the bathroom with the walk-in pool, the maids make quick work of stripping their charges to nothing but their drooping diapers, the sisters blushing as a result. "Oh my, but the young mistresses really flooded their diapers!" exclaims one maid. "Indeed, perhaps we should start sending them to school in the extra thick ones" adds the other, the blushes growing deeper at the commentary. Meanwhile, the teacher helps Dawn out of her own clothes, but refrains from joining the maids in their teasing. And then the three women rip open the tapes on each girl's diaper, a trio of splats echoing in the spacious room as soggy diapers hit mosaic tile. Hampering the clothing and binning the diapers, the maids and the teacher proceed to strip as well before, ignoring a chorus of "I can wash myself!" from the three girls, leading their charges into the water and starting to scrub the young ladies. While the teacher remains rather professional as she glides soapy hands up and down the coordinator's gentle curves, the maids are much less subtle, practically fondling their young charges and all but fingering their pussies under the guise of being thorough, and with the three women each hugging a girl from behind and holding them so they are facing each other, it was difficult for any of the trio to look at anything other than the other two being molested. Amaya's head in particular was swimming... On the one hand, being naked in front of two of her biggest crushes from her old life was embarrassing, especially with the maid fondling her budding breasts and rubbing her pussy, the latter still tingling with aftershocks from the climax that had brought on her own accident. On the other, Watching Dawn and Mayl in a similar predicament was hot as hell, and she couldn't decide which show was better, the two squirming in their seats prior to wetting their diapers or the two being molested in the bath by older women. Of course, the maid holding Amaya could tell that the teen's juices were flowing profusely into the bath water, the raven-haired girl's arousal not quite as hidden as she thinks. And while mortification dominated Mayl and Dawn's thoughts at the moment, the other two women could tell their charges were aroused as well, even if the pair of preteens weren't quite aware of the fact. Once done bathing the girls, one of the maids suggests, "Why don't you three relax in the tub and get to know each other a bit better?" "We'll let you know when dinner is ready." adds the other. "Today's tutoring was just about done when the three of you sprung your leaks, so I guess I'll take my leave." comments the teacher, and with that, the three women exit the water, dry off, and get dressed. But before the girls are left alone, one of the maids sits the platter of snacks and pitcher of lemonade upon a shelf at the water's edge, commenting, Help yourselves girls, no point letting these treats go to waste on account of a few leaks." Once the trio are alone, they dig into the snacks and each pour themselves a glass of lemonade, none suspecting the beverage to be spiked to prepare them for an encore of that afternoon's ensemble accident. Sipping lemonade and nibbling on a cookie, Amaya turns to Dawn and asks nervously, "Hey, Dawn, does the expression 'pokemon coordinator mean anything to you?" "You know about pokemon?!" cries Dawn, all but tackling the raven-haired girl, "I thought I was going crazy! I was camping in the woods one night, and the next morning, I woke up in a posh bedroom and no one around me knew what Pokemon were!" "Well," replies Amaya, torn between pushing the naked blunette away and pulling her into a hug, "Where I'm from, Pokemon is just a series of video games and a popular kids' show, but I recognized you as your a major character in both the games and show, and you aren't the only one who just woke up one morning in a different world." "I'm from a world where pretty much everything is computerized, and most people have sentient, digital assistants called Net Navis." comments Mayl. "Greetings, Dawn!" calls Roll from where the girls' non-clothing belongings were put for safe keeping, "I'm Mayl's navi, Roll.exe... I'd join you in the bath, but I don't think my PET is waterproof." "And we met a girl named Zoey at school who's from a world similar to my own, but who was previously transported to a different world inhabited by creatures called digimon where she gained the ability to turn into one." adds Amaya. "and you make the fourth dimensionally displaced girl we're aware of." "So, I got to keep my PET and Roll, Zoey got to keep the device that lets her transform into a digimon, and Amaya didn't really get to keep any special powers or equipment, but from what she's told me, that might be due to her being from a world that's kind of boring and where the rest of us are just characters from a video game or television show." comments Mayl before asking, "So, did you get to bring anything with you?" "I did get to bring my active team with me and my pokedex and poketch,,,,, but most of my other stuff is gone." replies Dawn. After that the trio start chatting about less important things as they work their way through the rest of the snacks and lemonade, but eventually the two maids return. "Dinner is almost ready, girls." comments one of the maids as the pair start ushering the trio out of the water. "And miss Berlitz, we called your mother to inform her of your accident," adds the other maid, "and she suggested you spend the night since your clothes need laundering. Once the trio are dried off, they are marched into the changing room, where the sisters are made to hop up on the changing tables while Dawn waits her turn to be put in a fresh diaper, and as usual, the maids use applying powder and lotion as a pretense to play with the sister's privates before taping them into extra thick diapers that make their pampered posteriors look twice their actual size before forcing them into the sleepwear the maids picked out for them and repeating the process with Dawn. As the diapered teen and the pair of pampered preteens get a good look at each other, they all blush at the matching outfits they've been put in. In keeping with the new diapers on display rule, instead of the fluffy pajamas they've worn previously, the sisters have been put in sleeveless nighties with ruffled hems that just barely reach their hips, and apparently, a sleepover was enough of an excuse for Dawn to end up matching, the trio almost looking like fraternal triplets, their way too short nighties differing only in color, Amaya's black, Mayl's dark magenta, and Dawn's blue to match their respective hair colors. Naturally, their only bottoms are the prodigiously puffy pampers, Mayl's pink with hearts of a darker shade, Dawn's blue with stars of a darker shade, and Amaya's lavender with crescent moons of a darker shade, but what really completes the baby look is how the thick diapers prevent them from closing their thighs, forcing them to walk a bit bow-legged and the pastel colored ankle socks with rolled cuffs that match their diapers. "Well, time for dinner." announces one of the maids, pulling the girls from their examination of what they're wearing, their blushes deepening as they are lead to the dining room, non relishing the idea of sitting at the table looking this way.