How I became a Diaper Girl by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Night Rain Chapter 2: A Day in Diapers The next morning, Amaya's slumber is interrupted by a loud cry of, "Mayl-chan, Amaya-chan, time to wake up!" accompanied by a digitized alarm sound coming from Roll's PET, the chipper navi having taken it upon herself to ensure her operator and her new sister don't oversleep like the day before. Sitting up in bed, the room still dark from the sun not yet being high enough to shine through the window, Amaya rubs the sleep from her eyes as she tries to fully wake up, only to notice a cold, clammy sensation around her privates. Suddenly fully awake and fearful of what she'll find, Amaya tosses off her covers and glances down, spotting an obvious wet spot on the crotch of her blue pajama pants and on the sheets beneath her. Reaching a trembling hand, she squeezes the diaper she was forced into the evening before through her pajamas, the absorbent padding squishing under her dainty fingers. Amaya is mortified as the realization of what happen sinks in. Not only had she wet the bed, something that she hadn't done in decades in her previous life, but she had done so badly enough to completely drench her diaper and soak through her pajamas and into her sheets, the darkened fabric beneath her rump clear evidence of her latest accident. As tears start to roll down Amaya's cheeks, Mayl's voice breaks through the silence that fell when Roll had noticed her charges starting to stir, "You too?" Turning to her new sister, Amaya can see Mayl standing from her bed, her pink pajama pants just as soaked as Amaya's blue ones, Mayl's sheets discolored as well, the Net Op's face showing a mixture of shame and resignation. "You too?" Asks Amaya, echoing her sister's words as she realizes they both wet the bed. "Yeah," replies Mayl, "I'm kind of used to it, but it's still kind of embarrassing. I take it this is your first time?" "Yeah," replies Amaya, throwing her legs over the side of her bed so she can face Mayl, "It sounds like this happens often for you?" Her face turning to match her hair, Mayl replies in an almost whisper, "Almost every night for the last few years... yesterday was actually kind of unusual for me... though it was really mortifying the first time I woke up wet..." Mayl trails off,, and while Amaya can feel her own embarrassment giving way to curiosity, the raven-haired girl isn't sure how to brooch the subject further. And so, an awkward silence falls between the pair for several minutes before a knock at their door draws their attention, "Mistress Amaya, Mistress Mayl, are you awake yet?" "Yes!" call the pair in unison, both girls momentarily greatful for a distraction from talking about their respective bedwetting accidents as their personal maids enter the room. "Good morning, Young mistresses!" the pair of maids greet their young charges. "Nice to see our worries that the two of you would oversleep again were unfounded." adds Mayl's personal maid. "But it looks like Mistress Amaya's boasts that she didn't need a diaper were quite empty." comments the other maid, secretly pleased with the situation as she scolds the teen, "You should really be more honest about your own limits, young mistress. "Yes," replies the other maid, "Mistress Mayl is much more honest in this regard." Glancing at her charge's bed, she adds, "And it looks like Mayl had quite the flood last night... Of course, I still need to do a more, hands on, examination." "Yes," replies the first maid, "Can't leave anything to chance on a mere visual exam." With that, the two maids sidle up behind Amaya and Mayl and after subtlely nudging the sisters to face each other, the two servants unceremoniously yank their respective charge's pajama pants to their knees, revealing Mayl's pink diaper and Amaya's blue diaper, both girls going crimson and averting their gazes. "Both of you are displaying quite a bit of sagging." comments Mayl's maid as she reaches for the redhead's waistband, sliding a hand into the front of the swollen, druping pair of disposable underwear, "Just as I suspected,, Mistress Mayl is completely soaked!" "As is mistress Amaya." comments the other maid, mirroring her coworker's actions as Amaya, unused to such diaper checks, squirms in her embrace. "Is this really necessary?" Asks the raven-haired girl, the blush on her face looking like it would like to continue into her ebony locks. "Of course, young mistress," replies Amaya's maid, "We have to be thorough in taking care of our charges, especially after yesterday proved it was a grave mistake to extend you and your sister as much trust as we did." Of course, neither maid is satisfied with merely confirming that their young charges both flooded their nappies in the night, their hands lingering within the warm, wet depths of drenched diapers, practiced fingers teasing preteen pussy and teenaged twat, drawing low moaning from both Mayl and Amaya, and though this only adds to the girls' mutual embarrassment, Amaya can't help glancing towards the girl this strange new world is convinced is her sister, the genderbent teen's blush as much from excitement at the strange but sensual situation as from embarrassment, and though she might have imagined it, Amaya thinks she spotted Mayl giving her a sideways glance in return. Eventually, the maids' hands retreat, leaving both girls flushed and flustered as they each sweep their respective charge off her feet, carrying them in a princess carry as easily as they would a young child. Neither girl is all that surprised when they find themselves being brought to the changing room from the night before, though Amaya does put up a protest, "I don't need a clean diaper!" As she lays the dark-haired girl on the teen-sized changing table, Amaya's maid scolds, "You really shouldn't lie, young lady. Besides, do you really think you deserve to be trusted with big girl panties after coming home wet yesterday and then wetting the bed after boasting you didn't need a diaper?" Blushing at the reminder of everything that's happened over the last 24 hours and secretly kind of enjoying the sensation of being padded even if she's yet to admit it to herself, the defeated teen replies barely above a whisper, "I guess not..." before saying in a more normal tone, "but can I at least clean myself and put a clean diaper on myself?" "Nonsense," replies the maid, "I'd be remiss in my duties to let you handle such important tasks." as she starts to wipe down Amaya's thighs, crotch, and butt. Grabbing a bottle of lotion, Amaya's maid squeezes a liberal amount into her palms as she claims, "This will make sure Mistress Amaya doesn't develop a rash." This alone is enough to make Amaya's face redouble its efforts to discover new shades of red, but the maid doesn't settle for simply massaging the lotion into the teen's thighs, over her butt, and along the puffy, pink outer lips of her girlhood, the maid parting Amaya's folds, the girl turning crimson all over even as she moans under the maid's ministrations, the foreign finger smearing lotion all along Amaya's slit, twirling around clit, flicking across, and prodding at virgin opening. "Need to be thorough." comments Amaya's personal maid as she sinks her finger to the third knuckle in Amaya's passage, careful not to tear the teen's hymen in the process. As the maid works her finger in and out of Amaya under the guise of applying the lotion to every part of the raven-haired girl that might come in contact with pee when Amaya has another accident, the dimensionally displaced teen bites the inside of her cheek to avoid crying out as her body trembles from the still unfamiliar pleasure, and when Amaya turns her head to see Mayl in a similar state, she can only deduce that the other maid is being just as thorough. Once done molesting her charge under the guise of cleaning her, the maid places an extra thick Diaper under the panting and quite flustered girl, commenting, "You clearly produce a rather prodigious amount of piddle, we wouldn't want you springing a leak in the middle of class." before taping it in place, revealing a constellation of little stars printed on the crotch of the blue diaper. "Though, if you can prove us wrong and stay dry all day, maybe you can go to bed with big girl panties tonight." "I don't think I'll have a problem doing just that." comments Amaya as her maid helps her hop off the changing table just in time to spot Mayl in a similarly thick Diaper, this one pink with little butterflies. With the sister's bare except for their padded posteriors, the maids lead their charges back to their room where they insist on dressing their young mistresses. After helping the girls into training bras that match their respective diapers, Mayl's maid helps her into her usual outfit while Amaya's maid picks out a black t-shirt and pink pleated skirt combo, commenting, "They match Mistress Amaya's hair and eyes so well." Once dressed, the maids lead the sisters to the kitchen where the girls are sat upon barstools at the high bar that serves as a breakfast nook, the stools baring more than a slight resemblance to high chairs if not for the lack of trays. As one of the maids starts preparing a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and turkey bacon, the other pulls up on the girl's waistbands, claiming, "Proper young ladies shouldn't sit on their skirts." as an excuse to leave their padded bottoms on full display, the maid responsible smiling at their matching blushes as she sets to work making some fresh squeezed orange juice, taking advantage that her charges can't see her working to add a bit of diuretic powder to each glass. As the young pair are presented with their breakfast,, they say, "Thank you." in unison before digging in, neither even suspecting that their juice has been spiked. Breakfast would have gone without further incident except for one of the maids mentioning, "Of course, Mistress Amaya, as you are wearing a diaper, I'll need to inform the school that you'll need to share in Mistress Mayl's hourly diaper checks." causing the young girl to splutter, but for any pleas to keep the state of her underwear between the four of them falling on deaf ears. As Mayl and Amaya head off to school after finishing their meal, the maids speak among themselves as they wash the dishes, "I think things are going well." "Yes, Mistress Amaya is well on her way to joining Mistress Mayl in cronic incontinence." "And Mistress Amaya clearly finds Mistress Mayl attractive even if she's too shy to admit it." "Master and Mistress will have the couple of leaky lesbian, diapered daughters they desire quite soon I think." As the maids continue their more mundane work, they continue plotting, their charges completely unaware of their plans. ### "This is so mortifying." comments Amaya gloomily as she and Mayl walk to school. "Bad enough I have to wear one of these things, but to have the teachers check me after every class?" Laying a free hand on Amaya's shoulder, Mayl replies, "It's not so bad, at least most of the teachers we have here are rather professional about it." Shuddering a bit, the redhead continues, "Not like Higsby back in Dentech. I swear that man only went back to teaching part-time after he got off probation so he could take advantage of Yai and me needing regular diaper checks." Despite her misgivings, this manages to get a giggle out of Amaya, the genderbentand age-regressed girl commenting, "Yeah, I could imagine him being a lolicon if he could ever pull himself away from the battle chips." "Speaking of battle chips," comments Roll from Mayl's PET, "I've been doing what I can to map out the local part of the primitive Internet this world has." "Anything interesting?" Asks Mayl. "Well, I've gotten some strange readings that remind me of a dementional area, but that might just be a side affect of whatever brought us to this world, especially if Amaya is correct that some of those familiar faces she saw yesterday are other stranded dimentional travellers, but the strangest part is that about half of your school seems to be completely devoid of any kind of network. This world isn't nearly as well networked as back home and what devices do have AI controllers are definitely sub-sentient, many could even be outsmarted by a Metool, but as primitive as this world is, your school being partially off the grid so completely is an anomally." "That does sound suspicious." comments Mayl, "Perhaps we should investigate that further when we have some free time." As the pair reach the school, thankfully with plenty of time to spare instead of being tardy for the second day in a row, Amaya pipes up, "Think we should try to make contact with one of the people I suspect to be in a similar situation to ours?" "As good a plan of action as any." replies Mayl as Amaya starts scanning the school's courtyard, trying to pick out a familiar face in the crowd of students milling about prior to the first bell of the day. Eventually, the raven-haired girl spots a blonde dressed mostly in pale purple, her golden tresses flowing down her back over a vest, stopping not much above a matching skirt, a matching twin-peaked hat covering her scalp. Pointing the girl out to Mayl, Amaya comments, "If that's who I think it is, this isn't her first time finding herself in a new world and she has experience with digital lifeforms like Roll as well." Running towards the blonde, Amaya calls out, "Izumi, Zoey!" not sure which, if either of the names the girl will respond to. As the pair come to a halt, the blonde turning to face them, revealing a blue and white-striped shirt under her vest, she asks, "Do I know you?" Before Amaya can catch her breath to make an introduction or start an explanation, some of the dust she kicked up running towards the girl tickles the dark-haired girl's nose, and as she lets out a sneeze, a powerful gust of wind appears out of nowhere, immediately inverting all three of their skirts. "Not again!" cries Mayl, trying to push her skirt down over her pink diaper as the equally indignant blonde tries to hide the blue panties that match the stripes of her shirt. As the blonde and redhead fight against the unnatural wind, Amaya recovers from her bout of allergies only to be struck dumb by the sight of not one, but two cute girls struggling to hide their underwear, oblivious to her own diaper being on display as she goes wall-eyed in an attempt to stare at both Mayl's diaper and the blonde's panties, a warmth that has nothing to do with loss of bladder control growing in her loins at the sight. Eventually, the wind dies down and Mayl reminds her new sister, "Amaya, fix your skirt before even more people notice your diaper. Despite a furious blush, Amaya can't help thinking, 'Mayl looks really cute when her skirt flies up and exposes her diaper... wonder if I can make it happen more often.' as she yanks down her skirt before turning to the blonde and trying to change the topic, "Would your name happen to be Izumi Orimoto, or perhaps Zoey Orimoto?" "I'm Zoey, but how did you know-" introduces the blonde, but before she can finish her question, the bell rings, causing the blonde to rush off, calling back, "We'll talk about this at lunch!" As the pair of diaper girls are left behind, they realize the time and start heading for their own first class of the day. As Amaya sits down at her desk she feels a twinge from her bladder, but decides to ignore it at first, figuring that she might be expected to use the diaper if she asks to be excused, her cheeks burning at the thought of being potentially outed in front of the whole class. However, as the lecture drags on, the tension in the teen's tinkle tank trends ever higher, and Amaya can't help wondering why her need has grown so quickly, especially since she hadn't drank more than usual with her breakfast that morning, and to make matters worse, the lesson isn't very stimulating to the de-aged dimensional traveller. In an effort to distract herself from her growing swell of golden liquid threatening to gush forth to soak the diaper she was forced into that morning, Amaya glances around the classroom, hoping to spot additional candidates for sharing what happened to her and mayl with, only for her roaming gaze to almost immediately fall upon her sister. Though clearly paying more attention to theteacher than Amaya is, the Net Op is sitting rather stiffly, her thighs presssed together as tightly as her thick diaper will allow, the redhead leaning forward as much in a desperate hunch as from being an attentive pupil. Clearly, Amaya's new sister is experiencing just as much urinary urgency as Amaya herself, and despite a history of daily diapering that predates whatever uprooted them from their old lives and brought them to this world, Mayl is clearly doing her best to delay any accidents that would lead to her needing to be changed by one of the teachers. Amaya has completely loss track both of how long she's stared admiringly at her sister and of her own growing need when the bell rings. As reality hits, her piddle pot pulsing painfully from the prodigious pool of pee contained within, Amaya stands with every intention of tracking down a bathroom when the teacher calls out, "Where are you going, Miss Akamatsu?" Turning towards the questioning voice and realizing the classroom is empty except for the teacher, Mayl, and herself, Amaya catches sight of Mayl, her face as red as her hair as the teacher holds the preteen's pink skirt up with one hand and slides the other into the pink diaper, a soft moan reaching Amaya's ears as the butterflies seem to flutter from the gentle movements of the teacher's hand, the sight causing Amaya to get out little more than an "Uh..." before being shocked into silence. "Well, Miss Sakurai, you seem to be dry for a change." comments the teacher as she withdraws her hand and gives Mayl a gentle pat on her padded posterior before turning to Amaya, "I know this isn't normal for you Miss Akamatsu, but the maids at your family's estate did inform the school of your changed circumstances and I would be remiss in my duties if I let you waltz off to your next class without checking." Realizing she's about to be in the same situation her sister was in just moments earlier, Amaya takes her turn to turn red as she stammers, "I-is that re-really necessary?" "I'm afraid so, young lady." replies the teacher gesturing for Amaya to approach. "Come on, Amaya, it's not so bad." Says Mayl, taking Amaya's hand as the raven-haired girl closes the distance before the redhead whispers in her sister's ear, "Besides, she's one of the gentlest teachers I've ever had." Returning the comforting squeeze Mayl gives her hand, Amaya stares into her sister's eyes, barely aware of the teacher lifting her skirt and reaching a hand within her blue diaper., so lost in the moment of sisterly bonding. However, as the teacher's gentle hands brush against Amaya's feminine folds, the teen can't help letting out a low moan... For the second time that day, Amaya finds herself being fondled by a female in a position of authority over her, though the teacher is quite a bit more gentle in her ministrations compared to the maid, though she does linger far longer than is strictly necessary. Glancing at Mayl, Amaya notices the redhead's gaze has wandered south, and the raven haired girl can't help but wonder if Mayl enjoys the sight of Amaya's diaper as much as Amaya enjoys the sight of Mayl's diaper and whether the stars on her own diaper seem to twinkle from the teacher's touch. "Hmm... I feel some moisture, but I think it's just sweat, not any leaks." comments the teacher, snapping Amaya out of her latest trance just in time for the warning bell to ring., the pair of diapered, dimensionally displaced girls once more having to make a mad dash to their next class. It isn't until Amaya has taken her seat for the next class that she realizes just how aroused the sight of Mayl's diaper check made her, her cheeks flaming as she realises the teacher was probably feeling something other than sweat secreting from her feminine folds and the realization of just how much she actually enjoyed having her diaper checked. After another hour-and-a-half of holding in a whirlpool of waste waters, watching Mayl do the same, and a second diaper check with both girls somehow still dry, the sisters find themselves being sought out by a familiar blonde and dragged to a table as they finish going through the lunch line. "Okay, spill," demands Zoey, "How do you know who I am when we've never met prior to this morning?" "Um," Starts Amaya, "Would you believe me if I said your adventures in the digital world were made into an anime in the world I came from?" "Wait, your also from another world? And you know about the digital world?" "Yeah, you were the Legendary Warrior of wind, able to transform into Kazemon and Zephermon... or was it Fairymon? That anime and the other Digimon anime all had a lot of name changes between Japanese and English." Turning to Mayl, Zoey asks, "Did you see this anime of my adventures too?" "No, but Amaya claims I was from another anime" replies Mayl. "Mayl, maybe you should show Zoey your PET," suggests Amaya before turning to Zoey and asking, "Did your D-tector come with you?" "Yeah," comments Zoey, and it even seems to have my spirits in it again despite the fact we left the Legendary Spirits behind to protect the Digital world after defeating Lucemon." At that moment, Mayl places her PET on the table in front of Zoey, Roll appearing on the screen and declaring in a chipper voice, "Hello, Zoey!" "Huh? Is that a digimon?" asks Zoey, studying the humanoid figure on the Personal Terminal's screen. "I'm not sure what a digimon is," replies Roll, "but I'm a Network Navigator or Net Navi for short. My name is Roll.exe, but you can just call me Roll." "Mayl's home reality is a bit more technologically advance then mine or the Real World attached to your Digital World," comments Amaya, "but Net Navis are her world's native form of digital life... well, Navis and viruses." The three girls spend the rest of lunch talking about the differences between their respective homes and the new world they find themselves in, Amaya trying not to blush as she recalls just how skimpy the armor Zoey's spirit evolved forms wore was, not to mention memories of the beach episode where Zoey had spent quite some time imagining herself in different swimsuits, especially the red bikini that had been cut from the English dub... the raven-haired girl hoping for an opportunity to see Zoey in such attire close up. Zoey eventually notices how fidgety the two girls have become, asking, "Why are you two squirming in your seats so much?" Turning red, the pair whisper, "We're trying not to use the diapers." in unison, the trio barely managing to finish their lunches before the bell signalling the end of the break rings out. Amaya and Mayl's afternoon mirrors their morning for the most part until the last period rolls around and they once again find themselves within the domain of the teacher from hell. However, there's a silver lining as the pair realize they share their last class with Zoey, and the trio spend much of the lesson passing notes between themselves, continuing their conversation from lunch and being careful not to be noticed by the teacher as she lectures with the severity of a drill sargent. Unfortunately, the trio aren't careful enough, and the infuriated teacher calls them out, "Miss Sakurai, Miss Akamatsu, Miss Orimoto! I will not tolerate students gossiping in my classroom!" As she marches down the aisle and confiscates the latest note the trio were passing around, crumpling it up and tossing it in the waste basket as she declares, "You three will stay after class." The trio are in a rather somber mood as their classmates file out of the classroom, leaving them the focus of the hell teacher's undivided attention as she commands, "Front and center, Young Ladies!" As the three girls line-up like military cadets preparing for inspection, the strict disciplinarian wastes no time in yanking all three of the girl's skirts to their ankles, exposing two extra thick diapers and one pair of panties, all three girls turning crimson in humiliation. "I see Miss Akamatsu has been given undergarments more appropriate to her disgraceful conduct yesterday." comments the teacher, a sadistic leer in her eye as she looks her prisoners up and down before turning to Zoey, "Miss Orimoto, as this is only your first offense, you seem to actually be worthy of wearing unmentionables suitable to a proper young lady, and I suspect merely went along with these delinquents, I shall be merciful if you assist me in punishing these troublemakers." "Ye-Yes, Mam!" replies Zoey, unwilling to have the full wrath of this woman directed her way as the teacher grabs Mayl. "Follow my lead with Miss Akamatsu." comments the teacher as she thrusts a hand down the front of the redhead's pink diaper. "Sorry, Amaya." whispers Zoey too quietly to be over heard as she embraces the raven-haired girl from behind, the blonde's hand vanishing into the powder blue diaper. As Mayl starts squirming and moaning under her tormentor's ministrations, Zoey is sure the older woman is doing far more than a simple diaper check, and while she doesn't want too, the blonde is fearful of meeting a similar fate as she starts rubbing against Amaya's most precious place, girl juice quickly coating Zoey's fingers as she plays with the genderbent girl, Amaya squirming and moaning to match her sister. As the sister's moan from being molested, the teacher from hell comments, "Don't forget to press on their bladder bulges, as she presses the heel of her palm hard against the protrusion of Mayl's piddle pot, the net op letting out a sharp gasp in response, Amaya matching the sound shortly after as Zoey continues to be a compliant if unwilling accomplice in the Teacher's twisted game. Eventually, both sisters cry out in climax, the intense, all consuming pleasure too much for their tired tinkle tanks as the teacher and Zoey yank their hands back, the one in triumph, the other in disgust and self-loathing as Mayl and Amaya both fall to their knees, the butterflies and stars vanishing as their respective diapers swell and sag. Wiping her hand dry of Mayl's tinkle with a hankerchief, the teacher declares, "I think that's enough for today. Now get dressed and head home." The trio put their skirts back in place and head towards the school's front gates, Mayl and Amaya's sagging, soaked diapers growing clammy as their piddle cools, the pair mortified that they were forced to wet themselves like that two days in a row and with a witness aside from their tormentor this time around. "I'm sorry I had to do that." Zoey tries to apologize, feeling dirty from being involved in such a display. "It's okay," replies Amaya, "She probably would've made one of us do that to you had you refused... or even worse." "I just want to go home and take a bath." adds Mayl. "Ugh, the maids are going to send me to bed in diapers again..." grumbles Amaya. "Well," comments Zoey, trying to cheer up her new friends, "Wetting yourself isn't too bad... I've had a few accidents of my own." "Really?" asks the sisters in near unison. As the trio exit through the school gates and walk towards the setting sun, a figure steps out from the shadows atop the school's roof, a three pointed jester's cap atop her alburn-haired scalp and a matching body suit with a checkerboard pattern of cherry blossom pink and lavender diamonds showing off the young girl's athletic curves, the cuffs of her white gloves and pointed boots adorned with stylized wing-shaped cufflinks. "I sense someone with great magic potential nearby." comments the young girl as she twirls a star-headed staff like a cheerleader's baton. Pulling a Tarot-like card from seemingly nowhere, the green-eyed girl continues her musings, "With a little training, this new magic user might be able to challenge Windy head-on." as she looks upon the pale, yellow skinned woman depicted on the pink-backed card. "I wonder if Tomoyo-chan will want to make costumes for my potential apprentice as well." With a snap of her fingers, the card is replaced with one showing a majestic bird, a banner along the bottom reading 'The Fly" as Card Mistress Sakura tosses it into the air and brings her staff down upon it, calling out, "RELEASE!" the card disintegrating into sparkles as angelic wings sprout from the girl's back and she flies off into the approaching evening. Meanwhile, as 4 young girls head home, three unaware of the fourth, the teacher from hell washes her hands in the faculty restroom as she plots, "Those brats are rather delectable... I look forward to breaking The Sakurai and Akamatsu girls and making them my pissy, little fucktoys... and I need to figure out a way of getting the orimoto girl in diapers as well." Shaking excess water from her hands, the hell teacher laughs maniacally as she reaches for the paper towels to dry her hands. "Yes, my pampered pretties, I look forward to breaking your spirits."