How I became a Diaper Girl by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Night Rain Chapter 1: New World, New Gender, New Sister As the morning sun streams in through the window to bathe a twin bed in the warmth of a new day, the bed's occupant starts to stir, drowsiness soon giving way to disorientation. The bed seems far too long and the room is unfamiliar and even the occupant's body seems off as they look around, trying to figure out where they are. However, it's when their eyes meet that of their reflection in a nearby wall mirror that disorientation gives way to shock and panic, as instead of the middle-aged face framed by brown hair and glasses they're used to seeing every morning, a much younger, softer, and more feminine face is staring back at them, a face framed by long, black hair and with pink eyes where glasses use to be. Taking a closer look at themselves, the bed's occupant soon realizes that rather than the bed being too big as if built for someone unusually tall,, it's them that is shorter. Patting themselves down with hands far daintier than the ones they went to sleep with the night before, they can feel budding breasts and gently curving hips beneath the fluffy pink pajamas that are a far cry from the t-shirt and boxers they wore to bed, and reaching a hand down the front of their bottoms, they confirm their suspicion. "HOLY SHIT! I've been turned into a girl!" cries the teenaged girl in shock, nearly forgetting she's in a strange place as her outburst causes a stirring from a second bed on the side of the room the morning sun fails to illuminate. "What's going on?" can be heard as a redhead about the same age as the raven-haired girl in matching pajamas sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Recognizing the redhead, the dark-haired girl is surprised once more, perhaps even more than by her changed appearance, "Ma-Mayl?!" Fully waking up, the thus identified Mayl takes in her unfamiliar surroundings and the equally unfamiliar girl who is apparently her new roommate briefly before asking, "Okay, who are you, how do you know my name, and where are we?" Pinching herself to make sure this isn't a dream, the raven-haired girl ignores the first question, deciding her old name would sound too odd given her new appearance, starting with the third, "I'm as lost as you are... and would you believe your a video game and anime character where I'm from?" "I know Lan is kind of famous for his exploits, and I was there for many of his adventures, but I'm sure I would've heard of it if they made video games or an anime based on them." replies Mayl skeptically, tossing off her covers and throwing her legs over the side of her bed. Before the pink eyed girl can reply, Roll.exe pipes up from the PET on Mayl's night stand, "She might be telling the truth." "What are you talking about, Roll?" Asks the net op, picking up her PET to look her Navi in the eye. "I tried going on the net to figure out where we were," starts the pink navi, "And not only are we no longer in Electopia, I can find no reference to it, Netopia, or any of the other places we've been. There's some similar landmasses, but it's like we've been transported to a parallel universe where the technology is just similar enough to let me function." "Ho-How is that possible!" cries the redhead, seeming to forget the raven-haired girl is there as she stands up and practically yells at the handheld device. "No idea," declares Roll with a shrug, "But best I can tell, as far as this world is concerned, you and mystery girl there are sisters, and her name is apparently Amaya." "Well, that solves that mystery," the thus identified Amaya declares, "Not only am I apparently in a new world, I'm in a new body." Holding a hand out, the raven-haired girl continues, "Hello, apparently my name is Amaya, and apparently, you're my new sister." Taking the offered hand, Mayl replies, "Uh, okay, this is weird, but I guess it's nice to meet you." "Unfortunately," cuts in Roll from the PET in Mayl's still free hand, "You two don't have time to leisurely get to know each other or try and solve the mystery of how we ended up in a different world." "Why not?" Asks Amaya, a bit worried. "I got your name and the fact that this world thinks the two of you are sisters from finding Mayl's school registration... and the two of you have less than 30 minutes to get to your first class of the day." "What!?" cry the two flesh-and-blood girls as they scan the room for a dresser or closet, both girls starting to unbutton their pajama tops as Mayl spots the closet and Amaya spots a dresser, the pair making beelines for their respective targets. Amaya only finds drawers full of training bras, socks, and panties, letting out a frustrated cry of "Just underwear over here..." even as she blushes as she realizes that she's never seen so many bras and pairs of panties in one place before. Meanwhile, Mayl finds the closet full of skirts and blouses, calling out, "Apparently, all the outerwear is hanging in the closet!" and spotting nothing resembling a school uniform, the redhead grabs a familiar combo of pink skirt and light-blue shirt with dark blue vest as Amaya approaches the closet. "Um..." starts the raven-haired girl as she notices a complete lack of any boyish clothing hanging in the closet, "I've never worn a skirt before... so I'm not sure... what would look good on me." Laying her usual outfit on her bed, Mayl steps back towards the closet, offering, "Let me help you out then." before holding various combinations of tops and skirts in front of her new sister, before deciding on a white t-shirt and a blue pleated skirt, commenting, "Here, Amaya, I think this will look cute on you." The comment causes Amaya to blush, but that's nothing as Mayl discards her pajama top, causing Amaya to freeze in place as she gets a good look at Mayl's barely budding but perfectly perky preteen breasts, the only thing that manages to break Amaya away from staring at her new sister's delicious-looking flat chest is Mayl dropping her pajama pants to reveal underwear that look way too bulky to be normal panties. Reaching a hand down the front of her underwear, Mayl lets out a sigh of relief, Amaya's ears barely hearing her say, "At least I woke up dry for once..." "Is-is that really a diaper?" blurts out Amaya before Mayl can finish voicing her thought. Her face turning as red as her hair, Mayl replies, "Pl-please don't tell anyone, but...I have some...incontinence issues..." "Uh... It's okay...besides, it's kind of cute." replies Amaya, her own face turning crimson to match her 'sister'. As an awkward silence falls over the room, Mayl pulls on her skirt and heads to the dresser for a training bra, smiling internally that she finally has enough bust to justify the slightly mature garment. Meanwhile, Amaya sheds her own pajamas to reveal a pair of blue-striped cotton panties and pulls on her skirt and starts to pull on her top just as Mayl finishes fastening her bra and asks, "Are you really going to go to school without a training bra?" "Um..." Starts Amaya, her blush returning, "I've never worn one before." Pullling her own shirt on, Mayl retrieves a second training bra from the drawer and walks up behind Amaya, "Here, let me help you." Cupping the dark-haired girl's a-cups, the action innocent yet still causing a heat to shoot up Amaya's spine to turn her face as red as a tomato and down to dampen her panties, Mayl commenting, "I think yours are slightly bigger than mine, you definitely need a bra." With that, Mayl lifts the support garment up Amaya's arms, positions it over the pink-eyed girl's chest and fastens the hooks before allowing Amaya to put on her t-shirt as Mayl dons her vest. Quickly pulling on some knee socks, the pair exit their room to be surprised that they live in a mansion, Roll apologizing for neglecting to mention that detail and providing directions to the foyer where a pair of maids present the girls with their outdoor shoes and a mild chastisement of, "Hurry, young mistresses, or you'll be late for school." as the pair put on their shoes before running out the door, grabbing their school satchels from the maids as they go. ### With Roll providing directions via GPS, Mayl leads the cross town dash as the pair of girls hurry to school, Amaya not far behind the redhead and unable to resist admiring her new sister's creamy thighs and the occasional glimpse of the diaper she's wearing as her skirt flutters in the breeze the two kick up as they move. Even as her cheeks turn pink as much from the unintentionally inticing display as from the exertion of trying to make it to school on time, amaya can't help a stray thought of 'I wish the wind would grant me a full view of Mayl's diapered butt.' As if it was a conscious being able to read the raven-haired girl's thoughts, the air, having been calm except where the two schoolgirls were disturbing it, suddenly whips up into a vortex around the pair, inverting both their skirts as they both come to a halt, Mayl letting out a squeal of surprise as she tries to force her skirt back down as the wind tries to hold it up, Amaya staring in shocked silence as she gets a much better look at her sister's babyish underwear now that they're in broad daylight instead of a bedroom dimly lit by sun slipping through the blinds, seemingly oblivious that she's showing off her own panties. With a blush to match her hair, Mayl turns to Amaya to see the other girl standing there, skirt blown up and seemingly unbothered before asking, "Aren't you going to try and push your skirt down?" This breaks Amaya from her trance as she grabs her hem and yanks it down, her face turning as red as Mayl's as the wind stills as quickly as it twirled up. The rest of their run to school is uneventful, but that freak gust of wind proves their undoing, the bell marking the beginning of first period just as the pair step foot into the empty halls of their new school. "Ugh," groans Mayl, "I can't believe we're actually late. Maybe if we walk quietly, we can sneak into our first class without anyone noticing we're late." Nodding in agreement with Mayl's plan, Amaya follows the redhead as the pair tip toe through the hallways, Roll whispering directions to their classroom along the way. "Okay," whispers the Navi, "Take the next right and it should be the first door on the left." Thinking they're home free, the pair let out a sigh of relief before turning the final corner, only to come face-to-face with a very stern looking teacher. "And what, pray tell," starts the older woman, "Are you two young ladies doing in the hallways? First period started nearly 10 minutes ago." "Uh," Starts Mayl, unfamiliar with the experience of being on the recieving end of a teacher's displeasure, "Our classroom is right there." Pointing a finger to the door right past the woman staring her down like a mouse before a hawk. "That doesn't matter," replies the teacher, "What does matter is that you are out here instead of in there where you belong. You two will be serving detention with me at the end of the day." "Bu-but..." starts Mayl only to be cut off. "No buts, now get in there before I make it a whole week of detention!" Thoroughly cowed by the overbearing woman, the two scamper into the classroom as the disciplinarian from hell continues her rounds in search for errant students wandering the halls instead of sitting in class. ### Fortunately for Amaya and Mayl, their teachers for their morning classes had been much nicer than the one they had run into in the hallways, and while their first period teacher had questioned their tardiness, she hadn't made much fuss about it and had seemed sympathetic after being informed of what had happened right outside her door. The teachers were, however, quite aware of Mayl's diapered status and their teacher checking Mayl for accidents at the end of each class was quickly becoming part of the sisters' routine for the few minutes between one class and the next, and while Amaya found it a bit surreal for her new sister to answer questions that stumped the rest of the class only to need to be changed like a toddler at the end, the raven-haired girl couldn't help taking a peek during at least one of Mayl's changes, not that she got to see much beyond a bit of side-butt. It wasn't until lunch that the pair had a chance to resume their conversation from earlier that morning, though Amaya's curiosity got the better of her as she asks, "Was...was that normal in your original world? Teachers checking and changing your diapers I mean." "Blushing, Mayl replies, "Yeah, please tell me the video games you mentioned left out that detail." "Never would've guessed it from the games or the anime," replies Amaya, "Though there were a couple episodes where Yai had close calls...and your crush on Lan was pretty obvious." Dropping her head to the table, Mayl replies, "So my life really is a work of fiction where you come from? This world is so different from mine, almost nothing is networked!" "Yeah, I think there was about 6 games and 4 seasons of the anime and a manga as well." answers Amaya, "This world is pretty similar to my own, me being much younger and a girl is a much bigger change for me." "So, what are we going to do?" Asks Mayl. "I'm not sure, but I did notice a few familiar faces in some of our classes, all of them from other works of fiction from my home. Perhaps we should ask if they too have been brought here from their original worlds." Replies Amaya. "As good an idea as any," replies Mayl, "If nothing else, it at least means we're not alone in this new world." "Hey," pipes up Roll from Mayl's PET, "you two better hurry up and finish your lunch if you don't want to be late for your first class of the afternoon... and don't either of you forget to drink your milk and juice." With that, the pair of dimensionally displaced girls fall into companionable silence as they finish their lunch and head off to their afternoon classes. ### Most of the afternoon goes by as smoothly as the morning had, Mayl taking to the class work like a fish to water, teachers checking the redhead's diaper at the end of each class, and the teachers changing Mayl as needed while Amaya lingers just far enough away to give her new sister some sense of privacy. However, as she's sitting down for the last class of the day, Amaya becomes aware of something that's been gently nagging her all day and slowly growing more insistent since lunch... Amaya needed to pee, and while adjusting to her new life had distracted her so far, now that her bladder had gotten her attention, the presistent pressure from piddle pooling in her personal reservoir was proving impossible to ignore. Just as she is regretting spending most of the last between class break trying to peep on Mayl during the net op's latest diaper change instead of searching for a toilet, never mind that Amaya had no idea where the restrooms were in the school and taking a tinkle as a girl would be yet another new experience for the dimensionally displaced and genderbent girl, and one Mayl might not be able to help with due to her incontinence, Amaya realizes another problem: the teacher standing at the front of the class is none other than the overbearingly stern woman who had given the sisters detention that morning. Realizing that a teacher who gave them detention for being caught right outside their assigned classroom was unlikely to hand out bathroom passes, Amaya bites the inside of her cheek and tries to ignore the growing bladder bulge pushing out against her panties and focus on the lecture. Unfortunately, this proves harder than Amaya expected, the milk and juice Roll had insisted she and Mayl drink at lunch quickly working through the teen's petite frame, and by fifteen minutes into class, Amaya is starting to worry she'll end up like Mayl did in the last class... without the benefit of a diaper to contain the flood and keep an accident discreet. No longer able to focus on the lesson, Amaya is reduced to squirming in her seat, tapping afoot as she presses her thighs together, sending up a silent prayer to whatever power tore her from her home reality and turned her into a girl that she'll be able to hold back her tinkle tides until the end of class. So lost in her efforts to not wet herself in front of the whole class, Amaya doesn't register the call of "Miss Akamatsu, do you have something to share with the class?" and it is only when the stern, overbearing woman in charge of the lesson is standing over her with a disapproving stare that Amaya realizes she's been address. "Um... Yes, Ma'am?" Asks the girl, quivering as much in fear of the older woman as from her need to pee. "Miss Akamatsu, you seem distracted, and it's interrupting my class. Would you mind explaining yourself?" "Um..." starts Amaya nervously before deciding there's no point trying to hide her predicament, "Ma'am, I...I need to pee. I didn't say anything because I thought you wouldn't grant me permission to leave class to visit the ladies' room." "Quite right, I wouldn't have granted such a childish request. A proper, young lady should have no trouble using the facilities during scheduled breaks and holding her waters at all other times. I don't know, nor do I care what you thought was more important than taking care of your bodily needs during the last break, but I won't tolerate your irresponsibility leading to you distracting your peers during my lectures. Do I make myself clear?" "Ye-Yes ma'am!" cries Amaya, sitting up straighter, hands dropping to her lap where her legs are crossed. "Good." replies the teacher, "Now, since you already have detention with me after this class, I won't assign you another." "Thank you, Ma'am." replies Amaya with a nod of her head as the stern woman returns to the black board, Amaya's focus returning to her bursting bladder and the added challenge of holding without showing outer signs of her desperation. Amaya isn't sure how she manages it, but she manages to reach the final bell with dry panties and without drawing the wrath of the teacher from hell once more. With her every muscle straining with the action, Amaya stands up and heads for the classroom door, most of the students having already departed by the time she reaches for the door handle, her other hand firmly buried in the pleats of her skirt. "And where do you think you are going, Miss Akamatsu?" Asks the teacher just as Amaya's fingers brush the polished metal. "Um, I was headed to the ladies' room." replies the raven-haired girl, fearful that any movement will lead to her standing in a puddle of her own creation. "Tut-tut, young lady, did you forget about your detention?" Asks the older lady in a scolding tone. "No, but-" lets out Amaya in a near whisper. "No buts, little lady!" retorts the teacher, "I refrained from giving you another day of detention for your lack of proper decorum during my class, but part of your punishment is no relief from the consequences of your shortsightedness until after your detention!" Turning to Mayl, she adds, "Now stand there while I check if your partner in crime has made progress towards being a proper young lady or continues to be a pathetic, pampered problem child." As Amaya stares, her thoughts swirling, The teacher roughly grabs Mayl from behind, pinning the redhead's arms to her sides before yanking up the net op's pink skirt to expose a matching diaper, Mayl blushing as the teacher's hand goes down the front of her padded undies, not even trying to block Amaya's view like the other teachers did. "Hmmm... you're actually dry for a change, Miss Sakurai." comments the teacher, but making no move to withdraw her hand as she replies, "let's see if you can maintain the proper poise appropriate to a young lady as I do this." "Ah!" cries Mayl under the older woman's ministrations, "Please, not there..." The diaper is too thick to allow Amaya to see an outline of the stern disciplinarian's fingers, but from the flushed expression on her sister's face and the way her thighs tremble, the raven-haired girl can make a rather good educated guess of the naughty things the teacher is doing to Mayl's tender girlhood at that very moment, and the genderbent girl can feel her panties growing damp for reasons unrelated to the powerful pounding in her prodigiously protruding piddle pot. After several minutes, Mayl lets out a cry and her knees buckle, the redhead having clearly climaxed under the teacher's touches. Not long afterward, the older woman yanks the offending hand back as if burned with a look of disgust, Mayl falling to her knees, the crotch of her diaper visibly swelling as the older woman wipes her hand with a hankerchief. "Pathetic," scolds their teacher, "You manage to stay dry throughout my class, but a little orgasm and you're back to disgracing yourself like a preschooler. I keep saying my co-workers are too soft on our so-called pampered princesses. Perhaps sitting in your own waste waters until you get home will be incentive to do better." Turning her attention to Amaya, she adds, "I hope you can do better, Miss Akamatsu, especially since you're wearing proper panties." "Uh." is all Amaya can mutter before she finds herself in a position very similar to Mayl mere minutes earlier, her head nestled between the older woman's breasts, her arms pinned to her sides, and her teacher's hand hovering over her crotch. As Amaya's skirt is lifted, she feels a cool hand come to rest upon the bulge of her bursting bladder as the teacher whispers in her ear, "My, my, you are holding quite a lot, aren't you, little lady?" But she doesn't give Amaya a chance to reply, "But still, you've shown a lack of responsibility letting it get this bad, and a complete lack of proper poise in letting others notice. I hope you can show more self control as I punish you." With that, amaya feels a hand slide down the front of her own panties, a bolt of lightning both somewhat familiar yet completely alien shooting up her spine as the older woman's fingers graze her feminine petals. Unable to focus between her overfull bladder and the first truely intimate touches she's experienced as a female, Amaya is soon a mewling mess in the teacher's arms, unable to even verbalize a token protest as Mayl did as fingers tease her teenaged twatty. All too soon, Amaya is trembling from head-to-toe as her first climax in her new body crashes over her, her entire pelvis pulsing powerfully with pleasure. However, as quickly as the euphoria of climax came over her, Amaya is brought back to reality as she falls to her hands and knees as the older woman releases her, and it's only at this point that Amaya realizes that the prodigious pond of piddle she had been holding mere minutes earlier is now a torrential tinkle cascade gushing from her still overly sensitive girlhood, and unlike Mayl's diaper, her blue-and-white striped panties do nothing to contain the waste water waterfall as a golden lake spreds out beneath Amaya's prone form. "tut, tut, how disgraceful." scolds the teacher, looking down upon Amaya as the raven-haired girl continues to pour plentiful pints of piddle into her overflowing panties. "Bad enough when one of the pampered princesses piddle in their pants, but to think one of the girls we trust with regular panties would be so shameful. Here's hoping the walk of shame home in your pissy panties and soaked skirt will teach you a thing or two about self-control and being responsible. Both of you are dismissed." As the teacher departs the classroom, Mayl, her diaper sagging a bit from her latest accident helps Amaya to her feet, commenting, "I don't like that lady." Blushing as she realizes Mayl saw the whole scene, Amaya replies, "Neither do I... let's just get home as quick as possible and get cleaned up." Nodding in agreement, Mayl leads the way with Roll providing directions as the pair return home, both wearing pissy undergarments and feeling rather subdued as a result. ### As soon as the dimensionally displaced girls turned sisters arrive home, the same pair of maids that saw them off that morning descend upon them, drawn to the scent of quickly cooling pee like a shark to blood. "Welcome home, Young Mistresses," Greets one of the maids. "Did you have a good day of school?" asks the other. "Ugh, can we just not talk about that?" Asks Mayl, "I just want to take a bath before dinner." "But of course, Mistress Mayl." replies the first Maid, "It's clear to anyone with a well trained nose that a teacher sent you home in a drenched diaper." "And if I'm not mistaken, it smells like Mistress Amaya had an accident as well." Replies the second maid, "We must get you out of those soiled garments as soon as possible!" Before either girl knows what's happening, they are being escorted to a changing room, the maids being a bit pushy in the process. Once there, the two proceed to strip their charges, ignoring stereo protests of, "I can undress myself." Before stripping themselves. The two sisters and their maids now fully naked, the servants lead their charges into an adjacent room with a walk-in pool too big to be called a bathtub, but not quite big enough for swimming. Blushing fiercely at being naked in the presence of three other naked girls, but finally managing to find her voice, Amaya asks, "Um, wouldn't it be better if we bathed separately?" Practically dragging the raven-haired girl into the water and wading until the water is washing over their shoulders, one of the maids replies, "That wouldn't do at all! Your parents ordered us to ensure the young mistresses would always bathe together." Without another word, the two maids retrieve body wash and wash cloths, starting to massage the cleanser into the sisters' skin. "Um," starts Mayl, her face turning as red as her hair even as she relaxes from the combination of the warm water and the maid servicing her massaging tension the net op hadn't realized was there from her shoulders and upper back, "I can bathe myself." "Nonsense!" replies the maid washing Mayl, "Your parents ordered us to ensure the young mistresses are properly cleaned." Though neither is truly comfortable with the situation, neither Mayl or Amaya put up much further protest as the maids work their way down their charges' backs, spending more time than strickly necesary kneading the young girls' perky posteriors before the maids take a deep breath to plunge under the surface to wash Mayl and Amaya's thighs and legs. When the maids come up to breathe, they mold themselves to the backs of their respective charges before reaching around to cup budding breasts. "Mistress Mayl is starting to develop quite nicely." Comments the maid washing the redhead. "And Mistress Amaya is a bit further along if I'm not mistaken." adds the other maid. Neither sister is quite sure if the heat spreading throughout their being is just from the warm water, the maids' wandering caresses, or a combination of the two, but as they're being fondled, their eyes meet, both their faces turning crimson as they realize the maids have manipulated them into faceing each other and that despite the nearly neck deep water, both sisters can see each other in their full glory and could easily reach out and touch each other if they so desired. However, both girls are pulled away from admiring each other as the maids gently pinch their nipples, both sisters letting out squeaks of surprise at the action. "Oh, are Mistress Amaya's nipples sensitive?" Asks one of the maids, her partner asking Mayl the same question, but before either girl can reply, the maids have started working down their trim tummies and are soon approaching their respective charge's nethers. As her personal maid starts to wash her between the legs, Mayl lets out a soft moan as she protests, "Not there..." Only to get a reply of, "You walked home in a pissy pull-up, I have to make sure you're nice and clean." "And the same goes for you, Mistress Amaya." adds the other maid. Though still new to the pleasures of a woman, Amaya is pretty sure that the maids, in addition to being far more gentle than the teacher from hell that molested them during detention, are far more skilled at pleasing a girl, and being able to see as the other maid glides her fingers in and out of Mayl's girlhood only seem to increase Amaya's own enjoyment even as knowing that Mayl can see everything as well makes Amaya's cheeks burn with an incandescence to match the sun. Eventually, the maids bring their young charges to climax, the pair of servants continueing to hold the sisters to ensure they don't drown as they bask in afterglow. By the time Mayl and Amaya are fully coherent once more, the maids have pulled them out of the bath and thoroughly dried them and both sisters find themselves laid upon an over-sized changing table. Though Mayl is used to such and puts up no resistence as a fresh, pink diaper is put on her, Amaya can't help blurting out, "I don't need a diaper!" as her mind catches up to the situation. "That you arrived home with piddled panties says otherwise." retorts the maid seeing to Amaya's care as she pulls out a diaper, this one a powder blue. Trying to sit up and jump off the table, Amaya replies, "But I only wet myself because a bitchy teacher practically forced me to!" Pushing Amaya back down, the maid replies, "Watch your language, young lady, or you'll be sent to bed with an empty stomach and a soapy mouth. Besides, rules are rules, if you can't stay dry all day, you have to wear a diaper to bed." With that, Amaya stops fighting it, and after the sisters are both diapered, the maids help them into matching sets of fluffy pajamas, Mayl in pink and Amaya in blue, the pants just tight enough to show off the bulky diaper underneath before the sisters are escorted to the dining room for supper. The meal is quite good, and if they had the time to discuss their day, the sisters would likely have agreed the food the maids served them was the highlight since they woke up in an unfamiliar world, but despite it not being that late, both sisters are quite drowsy by the time they finish their meal, requiring the maids to practically carry them back to their shared bedroom, both sisters sound asleep by the time the maids have finished putting them to bed.