Diapered Mayl by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Night Rain As the dawn streams in through her window blinds, Mayl Sakurai rolls over in her sleep to put her back to the sun, not yet ready to wake from the sweet dreams she's having of her crush, Lan Hikari and face the day. However, sleeping in is not in the chips on account of it being a school day, and it isn't long before Roll.exe's cries of "Good Morning, Mayl!" coming from the girl's PET drag her from Dreamland and into the real world. Tossing off her covers to reveal the fluffy pink pajamas she slept in, Mayl answers her Navi, "Good Morning, Roll." as she stretches and rubs the sleep from her eyes before getting out of bed and walking barefooted to the bathroom to prepare for the day. Unbuttoning her pajama top and letting it slide off her shoulders into the hamper, Mayl examines her barely budding chest in her bathroom mirror as she wonders, not for the first time, when she'll need to start wearing a training bra and what Lan would think if he were to see her tiny titties before reaching for the waistband of her pajama bottoms. Pulling down her pajama pants, Mayl reveals an equally pink diaper underneath, the crotch obviously swollen and sagging from holding a full night's worth of piddle, her face turning color to match her hair at being reminded that despite being the most mature and second smartest girl in the fifth grade at ACDC Elementary, she has absolutely no say in when her body expels its waste waters. As her pajama pants join their other half in the hamper and Mayl untapes her sodden diaper, she is at least grateful that she didn't have any nocturnal leaks get through to her pajamas or sheets to complicate doing her laundry. Rolling up the discarded diaper and dropping it in her diaper pail, the girl steps into the shower, letting the hot spray finish waking her up and rinsing away the slight ickiness left behind from waking up wet. As she shampoos her hair and lathers up her body, Mayl doesn't notice as the hot water also relaxes her pitiful piddle pot, leftover tinkle trickling down her thigh only to be washed away by the shower. Once she's cleaned and has rinsed away all the soap, she turns off the shower and uses a fluffy, pink towel to dry off before retrieving a fresh diaper from her bathroom cabinet and taping it in place around her pelvis. Naked except for her new diaper, Mayl returns to her bedroom where Roll teasingly asks, "Did my pampered princess enjoy her shower?" Blushing to match her hair once more, the girl replies, "Yeah." before putting on her usual ensemble of light blue shirt, dark blue vest, and Pink skirt. Ready to face the day, Mayl grabs her PET, schoolbag, and a protein bar for breakfast befor starting on the walk to school. As the pampered preteen navigates the sidewalks of her hometown, she's grateful that there isn't much wind today. Though she knows intellectually that an updraft blowing her skirt up to reveal her underwear is an occupational hazard of wearing a skirt, Mayl can't help feeling that exposing her diaper would be at least ten times as embarrassing as it would be if she could wear ordinary panties and fell victim to an updraft or a skirt flipper. Its enough to make her wish she could wear pants to school, but that's even less of an option since her bulky diaper would form an obvious bulge in any properly fitting pair of pants, and if she wore something baggy enough to conceal the only thing that stands between her and leaving puddles of piddle in her wake, she'd look like a delinquent. Still ruminating over the catch-22 of clothing choices that have plagued her since she was first old enough to be self-conscious about her total inability to control the discharge of her tinkle, Mayl has severely let her guard down as she enters the main building of ACDC Elementary and doesn't notice the security cameras lining the halls seeming to follow her path through the school. In the hall that houses the homerooms for the Fifth Grade Classes, Dex is casually leaning against the wall, looking at the screen of his PET. With the help of Gutsman.exe, the rotund boy has hacked into the school's security cameras and is taking advantage to admire Mayl's beauty as she makes her way through the halls, tracking her position as she approaches. "Get ready, Gutsman." Whispers the net op to his navi as Mayl turns on to the adjacent hallway. As Mayl steps over an air vent in the floor, Dex signals Gutsman, and as the burly navi smashes something within the computer that controls the school's HVAC system, a powerful gust of air is expelled from the vent, surprising Mayl and blowing her skirt up with enough force the hem reaches her chest and her diaper is completely exposed. Before Mayl can regain her composure and force her skirt back into its proper position, Dex steps around the corner, getting both a frontal view of his crush's pampered pelvis in person and a rear view on his PET thanks to the camera at the far end of the hall. As the HVAC Computer compensates for the damage Gutsman did and the artificial updraft dies down, Mayl manages to get her skirt back down, her face matching her hair as the one responsible for her humiliation comments, "Pink with little butterflies, very cute." "DEX!" cries the girl, anger joining her embarrassment at realizing she had an audience, "I should've known you were responsible." "You can't prove anything." replies the boy, before adding, "You're really cute when your all embarrassed. Would you like me to check if you need a change?" "As if!" cries the girl, stomping up to the much larger boy, "I'd rather get the worse case of diaper rash in history than let a perv like you check if I'm wet, much less change me!" With that Mayl, with more strength than one would expect from the petite preteen, slaps Dex, leaving a bright red hand print on his face. As Mayl stomps off to homeroom, Dex mumbles to himself, "I love how feisty she gets when she's embarrassed." Mayl is still fuming as she takes her seat for homeroom, 'I can't believe that Dex!' she screams mentally, wishing she had kneed him in the groin instead of slapping him across the face. Her anger soon gives way to a different emotion, however, as her thoughts turn to the other boy in her circle of friends, 'Now Lan, well he's not the brightest or most observant, but he's a perfect gentleman compared to Dex. He would never try to flip my skirt in the middle of the school's hallway.' Heart thumping and her cheeks turning to match her hair, she can't help thinking, 'Not that I'd mind if Lan got a good look at my diaper.' Lost in daydreams of her crush, Mayl misses all of the daily announcements during homeroom, and if not for Roll snapping her Net Op out of it with a call of "Earth to Mayl, Class is starting.", the pampered preteen might have stayed lovestruck through the entirety of first period. Pushing thoughts of Lan, Dex, and her incontinence out of mind, Mayl settles into her favorite part of school, the actual learning as she lets the teacher's words and the act of taking notes drive away all of her worries. In fact, class does such a good job of distracting Mayl from her problems that by the time the bell rings, she's completely forgotten about her diaper and her complete lack of bladder control as she stands up and prepares to leave the classroom en route to her next class only to be stopped by her homeroom teacher calling out, "Miss Sakurai, aren't you forgetting something?" "Did I, Ms. Mari?" replies the girl, somewhat confused. "How is it that my second brightest student so often forgets that she's supposed to have her diaper checked after every class?" Sighs Ms. Mari, more to herself than to Mayl. It is only now that Mayl notices her closest human female friend, Yai is already laying on their teacher's desk as the elder woman changes the blonde's own soaked diaper. Blushing profusely at the reminder of what her teachers are supposed to do at the end of each class, Mayl hangs her head as she replies, "SorryMs. Mari." and approaches the teacher's desk. Though Yai is one of the few students who both know about Mayl's bladder issues and never gives her grief over them, Mayl is actually quite jealous of the younger girl, and not just because Mayl was knocked to second place in the class rankings when the child genius transferred to ACDC Elementary. For one thing, while Mayl had little option but to wear standard diapers that are quite bulky and very noticeable under most clothing, as the heiress to one of the two biggest electronics conglomerates in Electopia, Yai's father ensures that the school is kept well-stocked with ultra-thin, high-tech pull-ups in the blonde's size. As a result, not only did Yai never have to worry about leaks, but she could actually pass for wearing regular panties, not that the younger girl ever had to worry about updrafts or skirt flippers since the skirt of that red dress the rich girl wore was made of a smart fabric that rendered it completely rigid if there was any risk of it being flipped, which much like Yai's pull-ups, were well out of the price range of those Yai would call commoners when she's in one of her bratty moods. Mayl is torn from her ruminations as Ms. Mari sets Yai on the floor and tells the 8-year-old, "Get going to class, Miss Ayanokoji." and gives the short girl a playful swat on her diapered butt. "Thanks for the change, Ms. Mari!" calls Yai as she retrieves her bag and heads off to her next class. Watching one student departing, Ms. mari turns her attention to Mayl and declares, "Your turn, Miss Sakurai." Still blushing, Mayl lifts the front of her skirt as Ms. Mari walks up behind her and slides a hand down the front of the preteen's diaper. Mercifully, in Mayl's opinion at least, Ms. Mari is one of the more professional of her teachers when it comes to doing diaper checks, and it only takes a few seconds before the older woman withdraws her hand and announces, "You're soaked, Miss Sakurai. Hop up on my desk so I can change you." Doing as she's told, Mayl gets on the large desk, laying down on the changing mat where Yai had been a minute earlier, trying to tune out her surroundings as Ms. Mari removes her soaked diaper, cleans her girlhood and thighs with baby wipes, and massages ointment designed to prevent diaper rash into Mayl's delicate bits before taping a fresh diaper in place. Once Ms. Mari is done putting a fresh diaper on Mayl, the preteen, being much taller and weighing a lot more has to climb off the desk herself, her teacher unable to lift her the way she did for Yai. As she grabs her bag and heads for gym, Mayl barely hears Ms. Mari's parting words, mortified by having her diaper changed by a teacher despite such having been a daily occurance for what seems like as long as she can remember. ### Entering the girl's locker room, Mayl quickly claims a locker and removes her vest and shirt to put on the white t-shirt of her gym uniform before pulling the red buruma from her bag. The skimpy shorts are several sizes larger than what she would wear naturally, but such is needed to accomodate her diaper. She pulls the buruma up under her skirt, covering her diaper before removing the skirt, but the way her diaper causes them to bulge is rather noticeable, and once again, she feels a jab of jealousy towards Yai when she sees the blonde in her own gym uniform, her expensive, ultra thin pull-ups non-obvious even under the skintight, legless shorts. "I hope today's activity doesn't require too much lower body movement.' Thinks Mayl as she takes her place in the line-up for gym class, fearful that too much moving around will cause her diaper to leak. Unfortunately for Mayl's peace of mind, today's class is boys versus girls basketball, and for not the first time, she wishes her incontinence was deemed a valid excuse for getting out of gym class. Mayl is nervous for most of the game, afraid that any sudden move she makes will lead to her dribbling on the hardwood, and not in the way that involves bouncing the ball. This distraction leads to her making several careless fumbles and earns her more than a few verbal jabs from the other girls. As its nearing the end of the game, Mayl is torn from her thoughts that she'll soon be out of the rather embarrassing gym uniform by Dex blocking her way to the basket. Noticing Lan out of the corner of her eye and remembering what Dex did that morning, Mayl forgets her embarrassment for a moment, her desire to show off to the boy she likes and show up the boy who harasses her taking over in her mind. Instead of trying to get around the massive boy, Mayl runs directly at Dex, and just as he's about to steal the ball from her, she jumps with all her might and throws the ball over Dexes head. This inadvertantly gives Dex a good look at her thighs, but she manages to sink the three-point shot that gives the girls the win by a single point just as the clock hits zero and the buzzer sounds the end of the game. ### As Mayl is stripping in the locker room about to hit the showers and feeling rather proud of her game winning throw, she discovers her diaper to be absolutely soaked, but lets out a sigh of relief upon noticing that none leaked out to stain her buruma or run down the inside of her thighs. As she steps into the shower with the other girls in her class, Mayl is grateful that this is the one class she doesn't have to endure the embarrassment of a teacher checking her diaper since even if she remained dry, she'd have to discard it for showering at the end of class. ### When lunch rolls around, Mayl tries to skip out on having any juice or milk with her food only for Roll to scold her, "Mayl, you need to stay well-hydrated." "I know but," replies the diapered net op, her face turning to match her hair, "But I have Higsby right after lunch, and I really don't want to have my diaper changed by him." Adopting the look of a mother chastizing an unruly toddler, Roll replies, "Dehydrating yourself just to avoid wetting your diaper could make you seriously sick, and refusing your regular diaper checks, and when needed, changes and sitting in stale urine for hours could give you a nasty rash." "I know that," pleads Mayl, "But Higsby always gets a bit too touchy feely when he changes my diaper. I swear, if there's anything that man likes more than rare battle chips, its getting to molest girls like Yai and myself in situations where he has an iron clad excuse. It's enough to make me wish he stuck to selling chips as a full-time job or that his teaching credentials from when he was working for WWW were completely faked." "No excuses, young lady," demands Roll. "You're going to drink at least one carton each of juice and milk with your lunch, or I'm reporting you to the school nurse and your parents." Reluctantly, Mayl does as her Navi insists, knowing Roll only has her best interest in mind even if that leads to potentially uncomfortable situations. ### As Mayl sits in Higsby's class, she barely hears a word of his lecture, her attention mostly focused on the vain hope of staying dry through the current class. When the bell rings, Mayl tries to escape the classroom, this time deliberately rather than due to forgetfulness when Higsby calls out to her, "Where do you think you're going, Miss Sakurai? Numberman said he recieved a message from Roll claiming you might try to skip your diaper check, but I thought my Navi was just trying to prank me." Mayl wants to say something very unlady-like at the news that her Navi sold her out, but she instead bites her tongue and braces herself for Higsby's ministrations. Unlike Ms. Mari, Higsby gives Mayl no time to lift her skirt, choosing to thrust his hand down the waistband of both her skirt and diaper, and instead of keeping his hand there just long enough to tell if she's wet, the Battle Chip Maniac and part-time teacher lingers far longer than necessary, his long fingers caressing her feminine folds, and even grazing her young clit. She tries to imagine it's Lan touching her in such an intimate manner, but the grown man pressed against her back makes it impossible for her to forget the reality and slip completely into her fantasy. When he finally comes up, he delivers the verdict she feared, "Looks like you need to be changed, Miss Sakurai." As she lays on Higsby's desk, Mayl tries her hardest to tune out her surroundings as she has her Diaper changed once more, trying not to think about how overly thorough he is in first cleaning her and then in applying the rash cream, his fingers sinking far deeper into her than needed more than once. Once her new diaper is finally taped in place, Mayl beats a hasty exit on the way to her next class, feeling more than a bit violated and quite a bit dirtier than she did before the change. ### The rest of the day goes by uneventfully, and as Mayl is preparing to head home, Lan catches her in the entrance hall of ACDC Elementary, asking, "Hey, Mayl, would you mind coming by my house to help me with homework?" Her heart thumping at the thought of being alone with Lan, even if its just her doing some unofficial tutoring, Mayl barely restrains her excitement as she declares, "I'd love to!" and glomps onto his arm. As the pair of preteens walk to Lan's house in Companionable silence, the boy makes no complaint about the way Mayl is all but hanging off his arm. Once Lan and Mayl are sequestered in his room, and their PETs have been set aside to allow Roll and Megaman to entertain each other while their Net Ops focus, Mayl shifts into tutor mode, enjoying the act of helping her crush understand the material even more than she's in a near zen-like state of learning herself. By the time Lan has finished his homework, the sky is already turning orange with the approaching dusk, signalling that she needs to get home soon, but finally able to let her affections rise to the top instead of setting them aside to tutor her crush, she can't help wanting to try something to entice the boy. Only partially feigning her nervousness, Mayl asks, "Umm Lan, its been a while since my last change. Would you... would you mind checking my diaper?" "Uh, sure." replies the boy, and before he can regain his equilibrium, Mayl plops down in his lap and guides his hand to her waistband. Lan's touch is hesitant, almost clumsy, so unlike both Ms. Mari's professionalism and Higsby's thinly veiled molestation, but Mayl finds it so much more enjoyable than when either teacher checks her diaper. Lan needs at least half a minute to recover from having a girl all but force his hand down her underwear, but when he finally regains his voice, he comments, "Mayl, you seem... really wet." His face matching the color of her hair as he says this. "Well, then..." starts Mayl, "would you mind changing my diaper?" and not giving the boy time to answer, she retrieves a small travel changing kit from her bag, and rolling out a changing mat on Lan's bedroom floor, lays down, spreading her legs to give Lan a good view up her skirt to see that she's still a wearing a pink diaper, but that this one is adorn with images of the various members of the Bunny family of viruses. Kneeling at the edge of the changing mat, Lan confesses, "I've never done this before... What do I do?" Her entire face going the color of her hair at the thought of teaching her crush how to change her, Mayl replies, relying on her totor mode to get through it, "Well, you start by untaping the old diaper and rolling it into a ball." Once Lan has done this, tossing the discarded diaper in his trash can, she continues, "You clean me with the wipes and then apply the ointment so I don't get a rash." As Lan completes these two steps, using far more wipes and ointment than necessary, Mayl has to repress several shivers of pleasure at the inexperienced, yet delightful way he touches her, and more than once, she has to bite the inside of her cheek to avoid letting out a moan of pleasure. "What's next?" Asks Lan, done applying the anti-rash cream. Taking several deep breaths to regain her composure, Mayl replies, "Now you tape the fresh diaper in place." As Lan does so, Mayl can tell he's a bit clueless about how to properly position the diaper and didn't quite tape it tight enough, so she's sure she's going to leak if her bladder decides to let out any before she can get home to take her evening bath and prepare for bed, but even with his inexperience, having Lan change her was the most enjoyment she's gotten out of a diaper change for as long as she can remember. In fact, she's almost not disappointed that Lan didn't try to take advantage as she packs her things and gets ready to head home. However, as she's about to give him a good bye peck on the cheek, she notices a bulge in the crotch of his black shorts and can't help asking in a mock scold, "Lan Hikari, did you get turned on by changing my diaper?" "Wh-What?" cries the boy, caught off guard by the sudden accusation, "Of-Of course not." "Then how do you explain this?" continues Mayl grabbing his boyhood through his shorts, her voice still tinged with false anger before leaning towards his ear and dropping to a sultry whisper. "Don't worry, I got turned on by letting you change my diaper. Too bad I need to be getting home soon, or I'd help you take care of your little problem." With that, Mayl gives him a quick peck, on the lips instead of on the cheek as originally planned before pulling away and declaring in her usual cheerful tone, "Sweet Dreams, Lan, I know I'll be having them." Before leaving his room to head home, leaving the boy speechless at what just happened.